[Patch 4.9] RIP Kha'Zix General Discussion - Page 68
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Alright, we're going to call it a day with all the Thorin drama, guys. I figured if it was about SI, onGamers, TSM, etc, it had some relevance to League but somehow you guys managed to devolve the discussion into an issue about race of all things. Enough is enough. Let's move along now. -NeoIllusions | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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United States3106 Posts
On June 10 2014 16:11 IMoperator wrote: banning leblanc in solo queue is stupid because she has a 45% winrate anyway and nobody knows how to play her well. People just find her annoying which is why she's banned i guess No, we ban her more-so that the ally doesn't insta-lcok her then go 0-6 in lane and feed the enemy mid who picked a safer mid laner (or Nidalee) and blames the jungler for not ganking in her lane. Jax probably also falls under the same category of, "ban to stop team mate from feeding" than anything else, seeing as LB and Jax require some skill to be good at. It's basically like Kass pre-rework back in s2 and s3 where you banned him more-so to stop your team from picking him because they think he's freelo. Rengar atm is basically freelo, probably Kayle too if she gets enough early kills. | ||
Canada11044 Posts
On June 10 2014 16:11 IMoperator wrote: banning leblanc in solo queue is stupid because she has a 45% winrate anyway and nobody knows how to play her well. People just find her annoying which is why she's banned i guess Yes, literally nobody knows how to play her well. Good point. | ||
United States60033 Posts
are my go to bans. Even though I say Rengar isn't overly silly in my elo. I've been playing a lot of support, and there's no good way as support to shut him down, and It's rather hard to keep telling my ADC not to farm past river post lane phase. Thresh is a ban, mostly because I like playing Blitz. Jax, Kayle and Braum are obvious bans. | ||
United States10467 Posts
Right after I say this, 4 person fap session in bot lane for 5 minutes. Enemy team needs some frozen mallets. | ||
United States37500 Posts
On June 10 2014 16:11 IMoperator wrote: banning leblanc in solo queue is stupid because she has a 45% winrate anyway and nobody knows how to play her well. People just find her annoying which is why she's banned i guess Is that the concept of bans though? Getting rid of champions you don't want to play against. No one needs to play LeBonk like Shiphtur, even average ones can be annoying to lane against. | ||
Canada12499 Posts
On June 10 2014 16:24 obesechicken13 wrote: Trick2G is playing a lot different from what he used to play. He used to tax every lane but now he leaves them when the enemy top has teleport and he gives kills to his top laners. What? probably because he's actually a good player and knows what it takes to win | ||
Czech Republic11293 Posts
On June 10 2014 16:24 obesechicken13 wrote: Trick2G is playing a lot different from what he used to play. He used to tax every lane but now he leaves them when the enemy top has teleport and he gives kills to his top laners. What? I donť know who Trick2G is but what you are describing here is the taming process of a jungler. Before a jungler gets a 5s team he is a mustang, a beast, a stud who wrecks face by himself, a based god. But once a jungler gets a serious team, laners whip him into shape, even though junglers generally understand the game better, the pressure is oftentimes too much. Eventually the jungler tames, becoming nothing more than the shadow of his former self, with hollow eyes and a hollow heart where you can find nothing but the smallest of regrets over becoming what he has. | ||
Canada11044 Posts
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United States10467 Posts
On June 10 2014 16:38 GolemMadness wrote: Ok, but you don't know who Trick is...? I thought I did... | ||
Czech Republic11293 Posts
On June 10 2014 16:38 GolemMadness wrote: Ok, but you don't know who Trick is...? At this point he is nothing more than part of a sad statistic I'm afraid | ||
Netherlands4119 Posts
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United States60033 Posts
On June 10 2014 16:34 Scip wrote: I donť know who Trick2G is but what you are describing here is the taming process of a jungler. Before a jungler gets a 5s team he is a mustang, a beast, a stud who wrecks face by himself, a based god. But once a jungler gets a serious team, laners whip him into shape, even though junglers generally understand the game better, the pressure is oftentimes too much. Eventually the jungler tames, becoming nothing more than the shadow of his former self, with hollow eyes and a hollow heart where you can find nothing but the smallest of regrets over becoming what he has. or end up like like xj9, and banned. | ||
Austria1389 Posts
On June 10 2014 16:34 Scip wrote: I donť know who Trick2G is but what you are describing here is the taming process of a jungler. Before a jungler gets a 5s team he is a mustang, a beast, a stud who wrecks face by himself, a based god. But once a jungler gets a serious team, laners whip him into shape, even though junglers generally understand the game better, the pressure is oftentimes too much. Eventually the jungler tames, becoming nothing more than the shadow of his former self, with hollow eyes and a hollow heart where you can find nothing but the smallest of regrets over becoming what he has. What a cheap excuse for being bad. | ||
South Africa35471 Posts
On June 10 2014 16:34 Scip wrote: I donť know who Trick2G is but what you are describing here is the taming process of a jungler. Before a jungler gets a 5s team he is a mustang, a beast, a stud who wrecks face by himself, a based god. But once a jungler gets a serious team, laners whip him into shape, even though junglers generally understand the game better, the pressure is oftentimes too much. Eventually the jungler tames, becoming nothing more than the shadow of his former self, with hollow eyes and a hollow heart where you can find nothing but the smallest of regrets over becoming what he has. Sounds like the beginning of Django Unchained. What's next the jungler meets a player who lets him express his inner desires and becomes a beast like no other? | ||
United States4236 Posts
On June 10 2014 17:37 Numy wrote: Sounds like the beginning of Django Unchained. What's next the jungler meets a player who lets him express his inner desires and becomes a beast like no other? He becomes meteos. | ||
France45622 Posts
Ryze's mostly because he's a real dick to play against (I can beat a bad one if I get an early gank to give me some farm as Jax and reach 6 and/or cutlass faster, but no way I beat an average one without help, too faceroll). Things I'd ban but are mostly banned by the enemy team: Rengar/Kayle/Braum/Kassadin. People ban LeBlanc, Lee Sin, Jax (I'd personally ban Ziggs or Nidalee over LB, but there's too much shit flying around atm to have a spare ban for them anyway). Since my Elo sunk to Gold III (don't play on week-ends and public holidays guys), I'm seeing a fair amount of Vi, Evelynn, Nasus bans. Not quite seeing the point but eh, as long as they don't gift the enemy team Braum and Kayle for ultimate retarded-proofness... People around Gold III have absolutely no sense of objectives, I didn't notice it previously but I've always skipped straight to Gold I (either from clamping in s3 or post-placements in s4) so I couldn't be sure which Elo I was at under the hood. They're bloodthirsty and try for plays they don't really know, they are really bad at using TP offensively (the feeding is strong, stronger than simply wasting the cd by TPing too far for example). I've seen a drake take more than 5 minutes to kill just because whenever I ping it an enemy worth 100 gold at that point appears on the map and they make a beeline for him, or try to siege when even if we'd get kills from the dive we wouldn't remain high enough to kill the tower. I think that's my biggest "pet peeve", because of how I mentioned I need to get carried: I put people ahead, then I rely on them to have the execution to convert our lead in crushing teamfights. High Gold/low Plat, they'd let me "force feed" them gold through dragon calls, showing up in lane to push the tower before Ziggs comes back in (or gets his ult cd), roaming, etc. In mid-Gold I pull my hair when I see them run into the enemy jungle and ignore the pings of the splitpusher who left lane and has a direct trajectory to gank them. Not that I never had it earlier, obviously, but after an oblivious play like that they'd say "oops", "my bad" and be more mindful afterwards. Here that mistake is repeated over and over, even when I spend several wards (mostly playing top and jungle atm) to spot flanks. On the other hand, as I mentioned I'm literaly plagued by duoQs with a wide discrepancy, so maybe it's not a mid Gold mentality, but the combo of the higher Elo guy thinking he has to carry/snowball, and his Silver duo buddy who way overestimates his actual skill and keeps faceplanting by being cocky. | ||
England6749 Posts
i dont care if a champ is overpowered or underpowered, i just dont want to play against a champion where i cant fight back. if my team cant dodge spears/binds or rengar/lb gets ahead and starts 1 shotting people theres not a lot i can do to help them. so i just dont want to deal with that. | ||
6318 Posts
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United States137 Posts
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