Alright, we're going to call it a day with all the Thorin drama, guys. I figured if it was about SI, onGamers, TSM, etc, it had some relevance to League but somehow you guys managed to devolve the discussion into an issue about race of all things.
On June 11 2014 02:08 wei2coolman wrote: I just played the most fucking unfun game of LoL, and there wasn't even a rager. Playing singed into fucking teemo is cancer. Like what the hell am I supposed to do in that lane?
Boots -> Cowl rush with doran shield. that'd be my guess. with block and unyielding and cowl you should actually heal from poison so all you have to worry about past that is just blind dart and physical damage.
On June 11 2014 02:08 wei2coolman wrote: I just played the most fucking unfun game of LoL, and there wasn't even a rager. Playing singed into fucking teemo is cancer. Like what the hell am I supposed to do in that lane?
Start dshield then rush cowl. With cowl teemos harass is weak if he goes ad or ap because the hp/5 is reset on each tick of poison. Then you farm and become singed.
Ideally your jungler ganks for you a bunch of times too.
On June 11 2014 02:08 wei2coolman wrote: I just played the most fucking unfun game of LoL, and there wasn't even a rager. Playing singed into fucking teemo is cancer. Like what the hell am I supposed to do in that lane?
Start dshield then rush cowl. With cowl teemos harass is weak if he goes ad or ap because the hp/5 is reset on each tick of poison. Then you farm and become singed.
Ideally your jungler ganks for you a bunch of times too.
On June 10 2014 22:09 AsmodeusXI wrote: Jax, Braum, Rengar or something like that.
Silver is not a level where you can trust shutting Jax down early then ending the game before he gets farmed/kills your base. T_T
Oh don't worry High Gold still has little to no idea how to ride momentum to close a game before Ryze gets farmed either. Or Kayle, Shyvana, etc.
v Vi gets outdueled easily if she doesn't get the jump on you (I still can kill a Lee trying to start red then get immediatly to my blue though), and she sucks way harder than Lee when behind. She's also harder to snowball with simply because she's more reliant on her ult, which has a higher cd, she lacks stickiness, she has less burst, and less means of escaping. She provides less utility when behind, and she isn't as tanky. She's got better lockdown for assassinating people but that's about it (maybe faster clear later on? Not even sure since Lee has perma-AS steroid, AoE and his spammable execute too).
Rengar, LB, Braum, Yi. I've played so many games as Kayle/Shyvanna went from silver 3 to plat 5 in like 2 weeks, I find i'm rarely banned out. I was so happy when they reverted the range nerf on the PBE.
Champions OGN junglers wreck solo queue with (not ordered, but all recent games):
Lee Sin Elise Eve Pantheon Wukong Fiddlesticks Olaf Khazix Jarvan
Some play completely random shit though, like Jax/Gangplank/Thresh/Riven jungle. Some don't jungle at all (on the known accounts).
What really stood out to me was Fiddlesticks though. Sure enough, in Korean challenger tier there are three Fiddle mains. Fiddlesticks is the highest winrate jungler in Diamond tear in the west.
Also, kinda segways into my question: How do I know if a champion is actually great? Not just in the hands of a specialist, or exploiting a bug or imbalance? How do I discover true hidden op? The champion in question would be Karthus. I have played about 10 games with it in normals, I am silver but through premade I jungled against Platin level players. I atleast did not fuck up against Lee Sin, Elise and Khazix. So how do I know if Karthus is really a good jungle champion, or just in the hands of specialists like Azingy? There is no precedent of him being used in pro level play or by pro level players to crush... Similar for Yorick, although he has been used by the Chinese in S3. No idea how usable in S4 though.
On June 11 2014 02:40 TheYango wrote: Why is there a distinction there that you care to make?
Why does it matter if you're playing a "good" champion?
In my mind - call me old fashioned - there is an important distinction between being good at the game and being merely successful. If I wanted to reach a high rank on PGT, I would just BBS every single game. Congratz, I now have a high rank but am I good at the game? No I am not. Or just bulldog Terrans all day on Longinus later on iCCup.
I'd prefer to learn and play the game "right".
Yet I am vain enough to want to be a special snowflake. That's the reason I'm searching out unorthodox champions that have been proven to work, but are under the radar. Like literally everything Savior did as IPXzerg that won him games (which was rare enough).
He pulls a shen and his ult becomes global teleporting him to random points on the map.
To be more specific when he ults someone during a dash it can have a funky interaction where zed is randomly placed elsewhere because of a failure to properly register the location during the dash or something idk the technical details.
Singed actually has a quite a good laning phase against Teemo ah ah ah. Just take Ghost/Ignite and all-in the fucker lvl2. If you flip him the lane is over :D If you don't well you screwed up somewhere or at least he burnt flash and will therefore be very easily gankable.
On June 11 2014 02:47 mr_tolkien wrote: Singed actually has a quite a good laning phase against Teemo ah ah ah. Just take Ghost/Ignite and all-in the fucker lvl2. If you flip him the lane is over :D If you don't well you screwed up somewhere or at least he burnt flash and will therefore be very easily gankable.
It was blind pick, so I had flash+teleport. The lane was pretty brutal, I had no idea what to build or what to do. I guess I'll have to try out the dshield into cowl rush.
He pulls a shen and his ult becomes global teleporting him to random points on the map.
To be more specific when he ults someone during a dash it can have a funky interaction where zed is randomly placed elsewhere because of a failure to properly register the location during the dash or something idk the technical details.
He pulls a shen and his ult becomes global teleporting him to random points on the map.
To be more specific when he ults someone during a dash it can have a funky interaction where zed is randomly placed elsewhere because of a failure to properly register the location during the dash or something idk the technical details.
On June 11 2014 02:47 mr_tolkien wrote: Singed actually has a quite a good laning phase against Teemo ah ah ah. Just take Ghost/Ignite and all-in the fucker lvl2. If you flip him the lane is over :D If you don't well you screwed up somewhere or at least he burnt flash and will therefore be very easily gankable.
It was blind pick, so I had flash+teleport. The lane was pretty brutal, I had no idea what to build or what to do. I guess I'll have to try out the dshield into cowl rush.
If you think you'll get wrecked early then cloth +5 or flask might be better than dshield. Dshield heals for 1.2/s and blocks 8 per auto and gives 80 hp, but that's still probably less hp than the other 2.
I tried cloth vs Kayle as Garen yesterday. Seemed to work fairly well. I died once and then won lane 1v1 hard. In a 1v1 Garen's E feels worse than auto attacking when E hasn't been leveled up. It might be better to level Q until laning is over or start leveling it at 5, so you have level 5 E at level 9.
On June 11 2014 02:08 wei2coolman wrote: I just played the most fucking unfun game of LoL, and there wasn't even a rager. Playing singed into fucking teemo is cancer. Like what the hell am I supposed to do in that lane?
Start dshield then rush cowl. With cowl teemos harass is weak if he goes ad or ap because the hp/5 is reset on each tick of poison. Then you farm and become singed.
Ideally your jungler ganks for you a bunch of times too.
I saw that ninja edit copycat!
For some reason I wrote shroud instead of cowl, which would be a terrible idea.