On June 03 2014 08:20 Sufficiency wrote: Man. It just occurred to me that both Samsung teams have great chance of winning WC.
The marketing team of Samsung probably came a little just thinking of the prospects of 5 Samsung skins. Unlike TPA or SKT, Samsung is a global brand. The implications of these skins are far greater than in previous years.
Well dade can play TF and throw galaxy s5 at you.
Oh man every single person at the Samsung marketing team just had an orgasm for thinking about Samsung Twisted Fate throwing Galaxy S5, I am sure.
Consider the following:
Samsung Twisted Fate Samsung Shyvana Samsung Lee Sin / Elise (?... not sure if Korean teams actually play Elise... any OGN experts here?) Samsung Lucian / Kog Samsung Thresh / Braum
On June 03 2014 07:52 obesechicken13 wrote: This lucian talk. I thought his ult was still for scratching your enemy's back when they're itchy
His ult does about as much DPS as auto attacking (Slightly Better than auto attacking if you have triforce due to the AP scaling). So its not ever "low damage" unless 3 seconds of auto attacks is "low damage". Since you tend to use your ult in situations where you won't be dealing DPS without it its very useful in keeping Lucian relevant at all points in a team fight.
I'm just saying Lucian was considered one of the weakest AD carries in the game on release because of that ult.
On June 02 2014 21:10 obesechicken13 wrote: Can anyone beat 5 intermediate bots solo? Like what's the highest number you can do?
I know I'm a few pages late but I've actually been playing around a lot with this lately (don't judge, my net is crap and I have to quit half the solo bot games because of lag, so playing against real people is out of the question). I've found Twitch and Kayle (with the Hurricane build) the easiest to do it with. Stuff like Yi/Tryndamere also work pretty well. The trick is to run teleport and around the time that the bots group up you just go split push a different lane. The bots do a terrible job of pushing the lane (I don't think they use abilities on minions?) so you often can take one of their inhibs before they take yours. Then you can defend a bit and then use teleport to quickly push another lane once it naturally pushes near their base.
Fighting the intermediate bots straight up 1v5 is pretty impossible for me (but I'm bad at this game), especially if they have dive/CC because they tower dive you like crazy (which can be funny to abuse with Teemo: place a bunch of shrooms in your base and flash/run when they dive, and the shrooms plus tower damage will kill a few of them).
I felt miserable because even without turn rate and > 1.5 AS, as Ashe it was stupidly hard to run, auto, run a Lee Sin and actually gain any ground on him (initial range too low to let W spam help with that). It's so punishing when your "mechanics" (I know it's not supposed to mean that but gimme an alternative then) aren't on point. Maybe I should just run 5 defense for the auto damage reduction and 4 util for the MS buff, as little as it is. She doesn't even reach 400 MS with PD (need 307 MS, so 332 now I guess, rounded to 335, to do that, she has 325). :<
Ahaha, Rush Hour lane swapping in soloQ, so DL is typing in chat instructions on what to do, how to jungle, when Zac should tp, etc. before minions spawn so they know what to do. Then Corki+Nidalee kill Lulu at level 1 top. x')
On June 03 2014 07:52 obesechicken13 wrote: This lucian talk. I thought his ult was still for scratching your enemy's back when they're itchy
His ult does about as much DPS as auto attacking (Slightly Better than auto attacking if you have triforce due to the AP scaling). So its not ever "low damage" unless 3 seconds of auto attacks is "low damage". Since you tend to use your ult in situations where you won't be dealing DPS without it its very useful in keeping Lucian relevant at all points in a team fight.
I'm just saying Lucian was considered one of the weakest AD carries in the game on release because of that ult.
We all know how accurate people are at assessing a champion strenght when he's released. Plus Lucian had bugs on release that made him ridiculously mana hungry. Nobody's been making fun of "DA CULLING" for a long time now
Speaking of base stats and lissandra, hers are pretty bad for a short range Mage. Sure she has a lot of cc and can make herself immune from damage, but she has 9th lowest base health (365), middle of the pack health at 18 (1877), sixth lowest base armour (14) and really sucky movement speed (325 - equal lowest).
Her MS means "either you claw over a wall from the fog of war, or an ally locks your target down, or they just casually walk away from the claw and you're not in ult range, let alone Q or W, when you tp to it". It's pretty depressing tbh.
Rengar shitting all over Rush Hour's team. Their Lee was under the tower, TF flash stuns him, Rengar jumps. It took less than 1.5s, the tower didn't have time to acquire a target and start shooting, Lee was dead, from 100 to 0. Bye. o/
On June 03 2014 07:52 obesechicken13 wrote: This lucian talk. I thought his ult was still for scratching your enemy's back when they're itchy
His ult does about as much DPS as auto attacking (Slightly Better than auto attacking if you have triforce due to the AP scaling). So its not ever "low damage" unless 3 seconds of auto attacks is "low damage". Since you tend to use your ult in situations where you won't be dealing DPS without it its very useful in keeping Lucian relevant at all points in a team fight.
I'm just saying Lucian was considered one of the weakest AD carries in the game on release because of that ult.
On June 03 2014 07:52 obesechicken13 wrote: This lucian talk. I thought his ult was still for scratching your enemy's back when they're itchy
His ult does about as much DPS as auto attacking (Slightly Better than auto attacking if you have triforce due to the AP scaling). So its not ever "low damage" unless 3 seconds of auto attacks is "low damage". Since you tend to use your ult in situations where you won't be dealing DPS without it its very useful in keeping Lucian relevant at all points in a team fight.
I'm just saying Lucian was considered one of the weakest AD carries in the game on release because of that ult.
We all know how accurate people are at assessing a champion strenght when he's released. Plus Lucian had bugs on release that made him ridiculously mana hungry. Nobody's been making fun of "DA CULLING" for a long time now
Lucian got a lot of buffs and bug fixes before he became good. Week 1 lucian was shit.
Lag time on pretty much any good-at-release champ that isn't so blatantly OP that you can tell immediately from reading their kit has pretty much always been like 2 months minimum. A lot of those champs that were considered bad at release have since then been nerfed well past their initial release state.
It's why I've always felt that patch cycles any shorter than 2 months have always been meaningless because the community's ability to resolve changes has never been better than that--and Riot can't meaningfully get data about the effect of their changes if the community doesn't respond to them in full yet.
You can only patch the game meaningfully at a rate that corresponds to your ability to assess your previous changes. And you can only assess your previous changes if your community has actually learned to play with them.
On June 03 2014 00:49 zer0das wrote: I think Smash did a pretty bang up job on the Olaf rework, all things considered. His overall play feels much more true to the character, while smoothing out the more abusive parts. It made the extremely oppressive true damage much more manageable in lane (I don't think people remember how obnoxious it was to lane against an Olaf that could put out 340 true damage every 3 seconds with 40% cdr).
That being said, they handled Olaf terribly. They made him unplayable for almost a year because his axe slow decayed so quickly. He's not Lee Sin, he can't deal with that. And Lee Sin's cripple gave 20% more slow than Olaf's axes did. How screwed up is that? And then they slapped him with a 25% cooldown increase on his w, and got rid of a lot of his innate tankiness, while making a lot of items that were good on him cost more at the same time. And this was at a time when assassins made someone like Olaf who could be super tanky and deal lots of damage extremely, extremely good. They essentially destroyed Olaf to ram an assassin meta down our throats (+Renekton... sorry Olaf, no berserkers allowed).
In the meantime the game evolved a lot- mobility became way more important, support mids with massive slow started getting played, etc. There's a lot more champions capable of making Olaf manageable than there used to be.The rework didn't really change a whole hell of a lot about the champion that couldn't have been done incrementally, they just seemed completely fine with "removing" the problem for an extended period of time. And that just sucked.
I think the game could probably cope with an Olaf much closer to his peak strength now. In the meantime, I'm fine with playing him now because I don't really give a shit about how strong he is, he's still fun to play and not irredeemably weak in his current state.
My issue with the Olaf rework is that I don't think Riot knows what they want him to be (or at least cannot convey it). He has a huge Lifesteal and AS steroids in his kit (plus the AA CD reduction on E), which would be awesome if he was supposed to be a beastly Splitpusher+Duelist, but he isn't really, because his ult is really about diving, his Q has too high of a mana cost, and overall he just doesn't deserve the farm you get from being a dedicated splitpusher. So maybe he should be a teamfighter? Well, not really, because he is bad at peeling, and bad at poking, and is pretty easy to kill as far as divers are concerned. Also, without a dash, he isn't even that threatening without a massive speed differential.
So I think they took a kit that made sense (DIVE DIVE DIVE), and replaced it with one that didnt (Dive? Hide?). Right after a few (quickly reverted/lowered) buffs Post-Rework, he had a brief period where he was really strong in speed comps but because his jungle farming and ganks were so good he was getting ahead in the jungle, which is really what his kit is kinda meant to do now: Powerfarm, duel squishies, and snowball leads. However, that proved to be an unsustainable niche, so we are back at a weak (not terrible), and confusing Olaf.
On June 03 2014 10:31 Ketara wrote: What recent champions were considered bad at release and then months later nerfed to be worse than their release state? I am wondering.
Elise. Got buffed first couple patches into a train of consecutive nerfs.
On June 03 2014 10:31 Ketara wrote: What recent champions were considered bad at release and then months later nerfed to be worse than their release state? I am wondering.
Elise. Got buffed first couple patches into a train of consecutive nerfs.
I guess, if a 20 month old champion is considered recent.
She and Zed may be the best examples, and they're both nearly 2 years old. I feel like champions released in the last year people have picked up on pretty quickly.
Not to mention new champions are now more than 2 months apart these days.
On June 03 2014 10:34 cLutZ wrote: My issue with the Olaf rework is that I don't think Riot knows what they want him to be (or at least cannot convey it). He has a huge Lifesteal and AS steroids in his kit (plus the AA CD reduction on E), which would be awesome if he was supposed to be a beastly Splitpusher+Duelist, but he isn't really, because his ult is really about diving, his Q has too high of a mana cost, and overall he just doesn't deserve the farm you get from being a dedicated splitpusher. So maybe he should be a teamfighter? Well, not really, because he is bad at peeling, and bad at poking, and is pretty easy to kill as far as divers are concerned. Also, without a dash, he isn't even that threatening without a massive speed differential.
So I think they took a kit that made sense (DIVE DIVE DIVE), and replaced it with one that didnt (Dive? Hide?). Right after a few (quickly reverted/lowered) buffs Post-Rework, he had a brief period where he was really strong in speed comps but because his jungle farming and ganks were so good he was getting ahead in the jungle, which is really what his kit is kinda meant to do now: Powerfarm, duel squishies, and snowball leads. However, that proved to be an unsustainable niche, so we are back at a weak (not terrible), and confusing Olaf.
Or, you could think about it this way... Q will hit people who are chasing after you but can't immediately get to you, and ult stops people from locking you down while you try to escape(catch ya later gold card). Tada, everything you harped on for not fitting a splitpusher put into a splitpush context.
On June 03 2014 10:31 Ketara wrote: What recent champions were considered bad at release and then months later nerfed to be worse than their release state? I am wondering.
Elise. Got buffed first couple patches into a train of consecutive nerfs.
I guess, if a 20 month old champion is considered recent.
She and Zed may be the best examples, and they're both nearly 2 years old. I feel like champions released in the last year people have picked up on pretty quickly.
Not to mention new champions are now more than 2 months apart these days.
Maybe you could say that when they were putting out 26 champions a year. Currently she's still in the most recent 15.
Are there any good resources for league videos, similar to day9's dailies? I'm looking for a quality speaker to learn from that is mildly interesting also. any suggestions?