On June 03 2014 09:15 Alaric wrote: I felt miserable because even without turn rate and > 1.5 AS, as Ashe it was stupidly hard to run, auto, run a Lee Sin and actually gain any ground on him (initial range too low to let W spam help with that). It's so punishing when your "mechanics" (I know it's not supposed to mean that but gimme an alternative then) aren't on point. Maybe I should just run 5 defense for the auto damage reduction and 4 util for the MS buff, as little as it is. She doesn't even reach 400 MS with PD (need 307 MS, so 332 now I guess, rounded to 335, to do that, she has 325). :<
Ahaha, Rush Hour lane swapping in soloQ, so DL is typing in chat instructions on what to do, how to jungle, when Zac should tp, etc. before minions spawn so they know what to do. Then Corki+Nidalee kill Lulu at level 1 top. x')
Auto canceling(and the associated kite) is mechanics.
You can't outrun lee if he gets his e on you. But before that, its still pretty hard due to the weakness of Ashe's slow and low base move speed. If lee doesn't have slow reduction, or any move speed items besides boots 2, rank 1 Q on Ashe will bring him to 335 move speed. With boots 2 on Ashe she has to get an auto attack animation off in ~.1 seconds in order outrun Lee Sin. Which I feel like is shorter than Ashe's auto attack animation time even with PD and a decent number of levels.
Fake edit: the only thing i really like about DotA is documented animation(both wind up and cancelable) times
On June 03 2014 08:53 obesechicken13 wrote:Show nested quote +On June 03 2014 08:50 Goumindong wrote:On June 03 2014 07:52 obesechicken13 wrote: This lucian talk. I thought his ult was still for scratching your enemy's back when they're itchy His ult does about as much DPS as auto attacking (Slightly Better than auto attacking if you have triforce due to the AP scaling). So its not ever "low damage" unless 3 seconds of auto attacks is "low damage". Since you tend to use your ult in situations where you won't be dealing DPS without it its very useful in keeping Lucian relevant at all points in a team fight. I'm just saying Lucian was considered one of the weakest AD carries in the game on release because of that ult. https://www.google.ca/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=buff lucian ult
Yup, but we did not understand then
So many good streams on now, I'm never leaving my house again
On June 03 2014 11:03 13JackaL wrote: Are there any good resources for league videos, similar to day9's dailies? I'm looking for a quality speaker to learn from that is mildly interesting also. any suggestions? Not really. I know Studio tried something in the past, but I don't know if it ever stuck.
I think the secret (for me) into getting out of Bronze/elo Hell is to pick a champ with a guaranteed engage. Like even if you're wrong with the engage, unless your team is 10k gold down you should be able to get at least a couple kills out of it.
On June 03 2014 11:12 Gahlo wrote:Show nested quote +On June 03 2014 11:03 13JackaL wrote: Are there any good resources for league videos, similar to day9's dailies? I'm looking for a quality speaker to learn from that is mildly interesting also. any suggestions? Not really. I know Studio tried something in the past, but I don't know if it ever stuck.
It didn't. He still does some stuff every once and a while but its not particularly good. Primarily its unfocused and sloppy(in that he goes off on too many irrelevant tangents)
I don't think that there exists any really good comprehensive "how to play league" tutorial or video series
On June 03 2014 11:18 Kinie wrote: I think the secret (for me) into getting out of Bronze/elo Hell is to pick a champ with a guaranteed engage. Like even if you're wrong with the engage, unless your team is 10k gold down you should be able to get at least a couple kills out of it. The secret is to be not bad.
On June 03 2014 11:57 wei2coolman wrote:Show nested quote +On June 03 2014 11:18 Kinie wrote: I think the secret (for me) into getting out of Bronze/elo Hell is to pick a champ with a guaranteed engage. Like even if you're wrong with the engage, unless your team is 10k gold down you should be able to get at least a couple kills out of it. The secret is to be not bad. Agreed. Why bother with engage when you can be 10/0 by the 10 minute mark simply by outplaying people, and watch the enemy team implode.
On June 03 2014 12:04 Amui wrote:Show nested quote +On June 03 2014 11:57 wei2coolman wrote:On June 03 2014 11:18 Kinie wrote: I think the secret (for me) into getting out of Bronze/elo Hell is to pick a champ with a guaranteed engage. Like even if you're wrong with the engage, unless your team is 10k gold down you should be able to get at least a couple kills out of it. The secret is to be not bad. Agreed. Why bother with engage when you can be 10/0 by the 10 minute mark simply by outplaying people, and watch the enemy team implode. I always feel that people who keep asking for tips to get out of woodleague are the same suckers who click on the male enhancement ads that go like 'learn this 1 trick to get massive gainz'
On June 03 2014 12:04 Amui wrote:Show nested quote +On June 03 2014 11:57 wei2coolman wrote:On June 03 2014 11:18 Kinie wrote: I think the secret (for me) into getting out of Bronze/elo Hell is to pick a champ with a guaranteed engage. Like even if you're wrong with the engage, unless your team is 10k gold down you should be able to get at least a couple kills out of it. The secret is to be not bad. Agreed. Why bother with engage when you can be 10/0 by the 10 minute mark simply by outplaying people, and watch the enemy team implode. Because the people down there can't, otherwise they wouldn't be there in the first place.
Seraph's English is weirdly good
On June 03 2014 10:47 Gahlo wrote:Show nested quote +On June 03 2014 10:34 cLutZ wrote: My issue with the Olaf rework is that I don't think Riot knows what they want him to be (or at least cannot convey it). He has a huge Lifesteal and AS steroids in his kit (plus the AA CD reduction on E), which would be awesome if he was supposed to be a beastly Splitpusher+Duelist, but he isn't really, because his ult is really about diving, his Q has too high of a mana cost, and overall he just doesn't deserve the farm you get from being a dedicated splitpusher. So maybe he should be a teamfighter? Well, not really, because he is bad at peeling, and bad at poking, and is pretty easy to kill as far as divers are concerned. Also, without a dash, he isn't even that threatening without a massive speed differential.
So I think they took a kit that made sense (DIVE DIVE DIVE), and replaced it with one that didnt (Dive? Hide?). Right after a few (quickly reverted/lowered) buffs Post-Rework, he had a brief period where he was really strong in speed comps but because his jungle farming and ganks were so good he was getting ahead in the jungle, which is really what his kit is kinda meant to do now: Powerfarm, duel squishies, and snowball leads. However, that proved to be an unsustainable niche, so we are back at a weak (not terrible), and confusing Olaf. Or, you could think about it this way... Q will hit people who are chasing after you but can't immediately get to you, and ult stops people from locking you down while you try to escape(catch ya later gold card). Tada, everything you harped on for not fitting a splitpusher put into a splitpush context. He can dive all he wants with ghostblade. Show nested quote +On June 03 2014 10:41 Ketara wrote:On June 03 2014 10:34 Amui wrote:On June 03 2014 10:31 Ketara wrote: What recent champions were considered bad at release and then months later nerfed to be worse than their release state? I am wondering. Elise. Got buffed first couple patches into a train of consecutive nerfs. I guess, if a 20 month old champion is considered recent.She and Zed may be the best examples, and they're both nearly 2 years old. I feel like champions released in the last year people have picked up on pretty quickly. Not to mention new champions are now more than 2 months apart these days. Maybe you could say that when they were putting out 26 champions a year. Currently she's still in the most recent 15. For another example, Yasuo(3rd most recent.)
Nobody thought Yasuo was bad on release.
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
Well actually I think they did. At least most of the people, that didn't know hwo to play him properly, dash, etc., etc. Later on he became a slaughter machine but I agree, on the release he was considered bad.
Yasuo was both picked and banned in LCS the very first day he was available.
Who thought he was bad, exactly?
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
I believe it was a bit of time since he was released and he was available in LCS or not? People figured out how to play him before he got into competetive scene.
On June 03 2014 13:07 Ketara wrote: Yasuo was both picked and banned in LCS literally the very first day he was available.
Who thought he was bad, exactly? The people on TL who insisted he should be built full tank for the first month he was out? Did you miss the part where competitive is like... a month behind live? The time between his buffs and nerfs was small enough that he probably wasn't even available until after he got nerfed. By that time he was a known quantity as super strong.
-Season 3 Off-Season Starts- 3.15: Yasuo released December 13, 2013
-Season 4 Begins- 4.1 Yasuo buffed January 15, 2014
-Spring Split starts January 17, 2014- 4.2 Yasuo gets nerfed February 10, 2014
On June 03 2014 11:18 Kinie wrote: I think the secret (for me) into getting out of Bronze/elo Hell is to pick a champ with a guaranteed engage. Like even if you're wrong with the engage, unless your team is 10k gold down you should be able to get at least a couple kills out of it.
The real secret to getting out of Bronze is twofold
1) Critique every game (even if you win) for your bad plays and your bad plays only. Find at least 10 mechanical mistakes and 10 decision making mistakes every game. If you can't find 10 then either a) you're not trying hard enough or b) you've peaked and can legitimately cannot improve(on your own). Don't let the "find at least" limit you to 10, find more.
Bonus points if you record the game (well leaguereplay is bad, so you can wait till riot replays are live but that will probably take a while) and have someone who is better than you, and mains the position that you're playing. do the same thing you did. The better the player the more mistakes they will find. And they will find a lot.
2) Over the next games/days focus on those errors and fixing them. Make a conscious effort to fix the problems. If you're consistently making specific mechanical errors (poor kiting, poor CS, bad animation canceling, bad ability weaving, miss clicking, missing flashes, getting tower aggro when you don't want it) go into a custom game and practice that shit. If you're making purchase mistakes make a list and check it before you leave base(Do you have wards and pots? No? Why don't you have wards and pots?). Drill decision making reminders so that when situations occur the proper response is second nature (don't chase, focus objectives, ward everything, get sweeper or CV lategame, reset waves when the enemy leaves lane, if needed elsewhere only kill enough creeps to get the wave pushing on its own, always have a pink ward placed, invade when your lanes are pushed not when you're pushed in, ping where you're going)
Despite it being this way for the last 5 months, my brain is still wired for NA starting first from S3. People were screaming OP because nobody knew how to play against him and Shiv/IE roflstomped awful players.
On June 03 2014 13:16 Goumindong wrote: Bonus points if you record the game (well leaguereplay is bad, so you can wait till riot replays are live but that will probably take a while) and have someone who is better than you, and mains the position that you're playing. do the same thing you did. The better the player the more mistakes they will find. And they will find a lot.
Use BaronReplays, I have yet to have any problems with it.
On June 03 2014 13:13 Gahlo wrote:Show nested quote +On June 03 2014 13:07 Ketara wrote: Yasuo was both picked and banned in LCS literally the very first day he was available.
Who thought he was bad, exactly? The people on TL who insisted he should be built full tank for the first month he was out? Did you miss the part where competitive is like... a month behind live? The time between his buffs and nerfs was small enough that he probably wasn't even available until after he got nerfed. By that time he was a known quantity as super strong. -Season 3 Off-Season Starts- 3.15: Yasuo released December 13, 2013 -Season 4 Begins- 4.1 Yasuo buffed January 15, 2014 -Spring Split starts January 17, 2014- 4.2 Yasuo gets nerfed February 10, 2014
Yasuo's buff at 4.1 cannot be compared to the nerfs. Let's see what were changed:
Way of the Wanderer The 10% damage penalty now applies to Statikk Shiv. Steel Tempest Third cast is now automatically smart cast (as with the first and second cast). Improved reliability of the Sweeping Blade combo. Wind Wall No longer blocks friendly Dark Spheres. Last Breath Now grants maximum Flow on cast. Spell animation shortened by 0.1 seconds. Now less likely to follow target's using Flash. Bug fix: The cooldown is now appropriate tracked for the purposes of spectator mode and the interface.
His R was improved for sure, but the biggest nerfs for him that patch was the Statikk Shiv fix and his damage penalty on Statikk Shiv fix. All of a sudden he was NOT critting almost every single Shiv proc and the extra -10% damage hurted him quite a bit.