On April 22 2014 21:27 Brad` wrote: The exact cooldown of their ults is not information that is available to you. LOL.
You can time it the same way you time Baron/Dragon. Don't see why it isn't available to you.
The information on your team's ultimates is revealed to you via a green dot, the enemy's ults aren't displayed to you in such a fashion. Without using a site to calculate based on runes/masteries the timers of said champion's ults there'd be no way for you to deduce it on your own. In my eyes that's where the distinction exists for Riot. You can time things, and you can look up their runes/masteries via lolking, but having a program do more than show in a clearer way what they already show you is against the ToS.
Oh I agree that it's silly to have a program do that kind of thing. I just merely pointed out that the information is there for you to time enemy cooldowns to a reasonable degree in the game.
Does no one time enemy laners flash and ult?
Just me apparently.
I generally time enemy flashes as a jungler for my own benefit, or if I'm playing mid and flashes happen I'll time those to encourage a gank.
Doesn't always work but it never really hurts to take that 2 seconds to type "750midflash" or something when you recall
They should take a leaf out of MtG's rules -- they have a definition of "derived information" which you are entitled to all the information to figure it out but your opponent is under no obligation to help you figure it out. For example, if you want to know if your opponent has any cards that can be cast from his graveyard, your opponent has to show you all the cards in his graveyard but doesn't have to specifically point out any relevant cards in particular. Same with third-party programs in LoL -- I'd be fine with a program that displays your health in large print or something, but it can't help you derive whether that's enough health to survive a full Leblanc combo.
On April 23 2014 00:17 AsnSensation wrote: I'm fine if Curse Voice offers easier voice com for solo Q like Razer comms but all that HUD shit with timers should not be allowed imo. I don't care of people think +6/+7 for dragon and Baron is arbitary but it's still somehting you have to do yourself and distracts you for 2 seconds. From my experience even in Diamond most people don't time shit and it's me most of the time who does the big objective timers regardless of which position I'm currently playing (It might also be because I usually type it really fast directly after taking it though). Consistent blue/red buff timers are throughout the game are very rare.
and yeah having an allied ult timer in seconds is definitely super advantagous. Even if it's only 1 person out of 10 not running Curse voice it's unfair imo. That shit should be implemented in the client.
I think the biggest issue is what potential HUDs it legalizes in the future. There are already scripts around which highlight a minion who is low enough to get the cs, wardhacks, or even enemy cooldown bar for every single spell.
The advantage is you don't have to look through the infinite cursing in chat to find the auto timer that riot included nothing else.I realize that people are scared other shit will be allowed but the crs thingy really doesn't matter much.While riot do have their retarded moments(not that few in fact) I don't think they will randomly let stuff like this get out of control .
On April 23 2014 00:05 Badboyrune wrote: Does "information you already have" include only things visible on your own screen or literally any information that is visible to your team?
Since it's not an official policy from Riot yet, that's unclear.
It doesn't really matter though. Either way there's plenty of abuse potential, just a lot more if you can use teammate vision (global ult trajectory indicators would make Ez/Jinx/Draven snipes a thing of the past).
But even ward timers on wards you saw placed (incredibly common bot lane) would be really powerful.
I imagine it'd be pretty great to jungle though if you didn't have to write any timers down, always knew the exact timings for flashes and big ults and always knew where wards were placed and when they'd run out.
Yeah it'd be pretty great to have the computer play the game for you...
While I don't have opinion about other exploit, I also think that writing down is a hassle. I'd rather have a system that can help you keep track at stuff easier. For example, instead of typing timer, you can just do something like Shift+1+click on the clock for print out dragon time, shift+2+click on the clock for print out baron time, shift+3+click on the clock for ward time,.v.v.v.v That way people still have to remember to time it, but that also make the process easier and smoother.
Yeah Spray and Pray doesn't imply random directions, it just means shooting a lot and hoping you get some hits, not aiming too much. Which is exactly how Twitch ultimate works.
I've played jungle since season 2 and I learned how to time things. However, I'm not opposed to something that helps people manage time and be better players overall. For example, I have a friend who is Diamond I and he doesn't know baron timer.
On April 23 2014 01:05 BlasiuS wrote: Spray and Pray doesn't make sense because it implies that twitch just fires in random directions.
Meanwhile Rat-a-tat-tat more closely resembles the actual functionality of the ability.
continue tipping your rose-colored glasses nostalgists.
PS: Final Spark > Finales Funkeln
"Rat-a-tat-tat" implies a bonus attack speed or continual damage ability. "Spray and Pray" implies area damage which does a whole bunch if you hit multiple people but not much if you only hit a few. "Spray and Pray" resembles the actual functionality much much more closely.
As a mac user (I know...), I find Curse Voice pretty damn distressing.
Even without the timers it's completely unfair that a portion of the player base won't be able to talk to their teammates - being able to communicate is an ENORMOUS advantage in split second engages. There have been so many times in botlane where I've wanted to tell my support or adc to go on a certain target and we end up splitting our damage. Now because I don't own the right computer (even though Riot supports the computer I use) I have a massive disadvantage.
I really don't understand why they're allowing this, it's definitely making me consider dropping league and playing other games. I don't want to have to purchase another computer to be on an even playing field as others, I can't afford it, and even if I did have another computer it'd really suck to see the game devolve into having to download the latest, best 3rd party program so you can be on an even footing with your opponents.
I'm sorry if all this has already been said, but the way they're approaching this really disturbs me.
On April 23 2014 01:05 BlasiuS wrote: Spray and Pray doesn't make sense because it implies that twitch just fires in random directions.
Meanwhile Rat-a-tat-tat more closely resembles the actual functionality of the ability.
continue tipping your rose-colored glasses nostalgists.
PS: Final Spark > Finales Funkeln
"Rat-a-tat-tat" implies a bonus attack speed or continual damage ability. "Spray and Pray" implies area damage which does a whole bunch if you hit multiple people but not much if you only hit a few. "Spray and Pray" resembles the actual functionality much much more closely.
you guys remember when ambush gave you like 80% attack speed, and twitches ult gave you pierce, and like 140% attack speed?