On April 15 2014 06:34 dae wrote:Show nested quote +On April 15 2014 06:26 Nemireck wrote:On April 14 2014 19:18 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Are lifesteal quints on ADC still worth it? Should I be running 3 now? I switched mine out for 2 ArPen Quints (5%). Lets me 2-shot caster creeps with Dorans+BF+LS/Scepter I'm a fan. I think most pros are using 2 AS quints 1 AD quint or something like that right now, I could be wrong though. They basically advise to just get the extra auto in every trade and force trade vs people using lifesteal quints, the all in potential more then makes up for the loss of sustain.
I'll try that out too. I think I'm running with a similar philosophy, in that I want more all-in power/extra damage in trades over 3% Lifesteal.
One thing I've definitely noticed, right off the hop, is that tankier supports like Ali and Leona take a substantial amount of extra damage when I poke at them now. I'll need to see if 2 AS Quints provide as much benefit. Also, I main MF, who isn't as much of an AS whore as other AD's. Q combos for days.
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On April 15 2014 06:44 Roffles wrote:Show nested quote +On April 15 2014 06:34 dae wrote:On April 15 2014 06:26 Nemireck wrote:On April 14 2014 19:18 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Are lifesteal quints on ADC still worth it? Should I be running 3 now? I switched mine out for 2 ArPen Quints (5%). Lets me 2-shot caster creeps with Dorans+BF+LS/Scepter I'm a fan. I think most pros are using 2 AS quints 1 AD quint or something like that right now, I could be wrong though. They basically advise to just get the extra auto in every trade and force trade vs people using lifesteal quints, the all in potential more then makes up for the loss of sustain. Why 2 AS 1 AD and not 3 AD like it used to be before lifesteal got popular? Helps amp auto and spell damage, and helps with last hitting under turret as well.
AS got buffed and it lets you push a bit faster so you don't need to be in a situation to last hit under tower as often.
i still use 2 ad 1 ls for quints on ad, i tried attack speed but didnt like it. i like the extra AD i get for spells like cait/graves/ez/lucian q's
So, in today's featured bug, I hit my E on someone as Leona, right as Sona ults me. It's a stun, not a displacement, so it doesn't change these effects. I don't move. I stand there, dancing from Sona's ult, instead of moving to Tristana.
Thx based Riot. o/ Then again today's been luck-sponsored "no lubricant for you" day, so I get experiencing a new guy is par for the course. I'm not even gonna bother reporting it considering how efficient it's been for those that even have LCS VoDs to display them.
Mid is definitely 'shit' (still my favourite lane to play though) because of the junglers. You kill can those long range fuckers with Flash if you have to. There is nothing inherently wrong with guys like Malzahar, Cass and Brand. Brand's AoE damage is still out of this world (Seriously I've never dominated a teamfight harder than when a good Brand ult goes off), and Malz still snipes tanks. The problem is, when every solo queue (and competitive I guess) Jungler plays some variation of Vi, Kha, Panth etc. Vi especially just ass fucks you at 6 with no remorse.
Now of course their weakness is gap closers, but christ the amount of shit that comes at you. Then all your priority targets in team fights have dashes to get out of anything. Then the next game you might play vs Ziggs who makes it an AFK farm lane at like 5 minutes.
On the other hand, Support is in a pretty good spot, save for a few select champs (*cough* Janna)
On April 15 2014 04:06 nafta wrote:Show nested quote +On April 15 2014 03:51 cLutZ wrote: I said that because I knew I would not convince you, but stated why I liked certain parts more. I think the jungle was certainly bad in s2, but in trying to make it better, IMO they made it worse. Junglers are stronger, but at the expense of diversity, and still without (before ff which will obviously be changed), a proper incentive to farm early game. This patch has a really big champ pool wtf?You can literally ban 6 champs and still have strong 2 left lol.....Say vi/kha/pant/eve/yi/noct you can pick xin/lee/elise.Not gonna talk about other champs who are playable ofc but when in s2 have there been more viable champs? Not only that but everyone in s2 went gold item into some tanks items.That was so trash compared to now.Jungle is the MOST improved role.
On April 15 2014 06:32 JimmiC wrote:
FF is the end of all jungling. It was one patch ago that people were complaining about how few jungler's there was and how stale the bans were. Now that's all changed and people are mad about it. Is FF over tuned probably, is it the end of anything, no, its the beginning of more variety. It's not like riot doesn't patch, it will get adjusted.
Just a few thoughts about jungle in particular:
First, you can't point to 4.5 and say "look at this jungler diversity", because 4.5 is an inherently unstable patch for LOL, and jungle in particular by design. Rune changes changed powercurves slightly, and Feral Flare threw a total wrench into the works, again on purpose, but its effect may or may not be long lived. It MAY be the beginning of new diversity, or it MAY be nerfed back into obscurity because it actually may be a really difficult item to balance properly. Additionally, it MAY end up decreasing diversity by becoming mandatory, we simply dont know. Saying 4.5 is a good patch for jungle and saying that season 3/4 is good for jungle are totally different things. Taking this one patch and extrapolating would be like saying Season 3 was good for Corki because he had one patch during worlds where he was OP.
Second, on the topic of diversity in general, you can't simply ljudge it by the number of strong champions, you should also incorporate the types of strong champs. Ill take 4.4 jungle and it was basically: Lee, Elise, Panth, Khazix, Eve. Basically you could easily group those into 1 group (single target with good ganks early, limited AOE/CC lategame).+ Eve. That is less diversity than merely having 3 strong champions if those 3 were Shyvana, Lee Sin, and Amumu, or Yi,Maokai, and Olaf.
Third/Last, IMO Feral Flare is the kind of thing that is more likely to cause a new type of champions to be strong, but also is the type of item that Riot will have to constantly monitor otherwise we will get patch 4.5 all over again (with weird champs like Yi and Xin becoming FOTM) every few patches in the future (assuming its fixed in 4.6) just based on how the item works (kinda like how Rengar always seems to pop his head out every once in a while as an OP splitpushing asshole in the toplane).
On April 15 2014 05:58 Alaric wrote:Show nested quote +On April 15 2014 05:45 jcarlsoniv wrote:On April 15 2014 05:44 Alaric wrote: Eh, calling Swain an "afk farming mid". Cheep pls, you love cancer Ziggs, so you should know how boring and shutdown this kind of lane is for champs like him. Also fuck Anivia. Never again. Yeah, I'm totally ok with Anivia not being a thing. Shaddup you don't play anymore. Also a Nocturne rushing Flare+BotRk had his ult up quicker than me on Vi with lizard+bruta, the fuck? My ult's cd is lower on base, how the fuck could he have it faster, he diddn't even keep the blue. Oo He probably took advantage of the cheap CDR runes.
On April 15 2014 07:16 Ghost-z wrote:Show nested quote +On April 15 2014 05:58 Alaric wrote:On April 15 2014 05:45 jcarlsoniv wrote:On April 15 2014 05:44 Alaric wrote: Eh, calling Swain an "afk farming mid". Cheep pls, you love cancer Ziggs, so you should know how boring and shutdown this kind of lane is for champs like him. Also fuck Anivia. Never again. Yeah, I'm totally ok with Anivia not being a thing. Shaddup you don't play anymore. Also a Nocturne rushing Flare+BotRk had his ult up quicker than me on Vi with lizard+bruta, the fuck? My ult's cd is lower on base, how the fuck could he have it faster, he diddn't even keep the blue. Oo He probably took advantage of the cheap CDR runes. Na, around 5%, that's nowhere near my 20% from items, even including his own blue buff if he kept it, and that wouldn't explain a 20s+ difference.
I'm kind hating on some spells now. Like Lee's ult. It works as an ranged instant-root on the target, and a bit later it kicks. It's not interruptible. So Lee cc's you immediatly, and then even if you suppress him or whatever, he'll kick you. Lissandra ult him? Nope, you get kicked during the stun. Makes sense. Well, mechanics are this way, so gotta deal with it (even though that's a pretty dumb way to code the spell, as I assume it's to make sure the target doesn't leave range while Lee does his kicking animation), but the ability to still hit people when cc'd makes it really dumb when you catch people and cc them to, well, lock them down, but they keep taking action during that time.
i dont get where people thinkg Urgot is bad, he requires a different playstyle/mindset but he's farm from bad imo.
On April 15 2014 07:27 Alaric wrote:Show nested quote +On April 15 2014 07:16 Ghost-z wrote:On April 15 2014 05:58 Alaric wrote:On April 15 2014 05:45 jcarlsoniv wrote:On April 15 2014 05:44 Alaric wrote: Eh, calling Swain an "afk farming mid". Cheep pls, you love cancer Ziggs, so you should know how boring and shutdown this kind of lane is for champs like him. Also fuck Anivia. Never again. Yeah, I'm totally ok with Anivia not being a thing. Shaddup you don't play anymore. Also a Nocturne rushing Flare+BotRk had his ult up quicker than me on Vi with lizard+bruta, the fuck? My ult's cd is lower on base, how the fuck could he have it faster, he diddn't even keep the blue. Oo He probably took advantage of the cheap CDR runes. Na, around 5%, that's nowhere near my 20% from items, even including his own blue buff if he kept it, and that wouldn't explain a 20s+ difference. I'm kind hating on some spells now. Like Lee's ult. It works as an ranged instant-root on the target, and a bit later it kicks. It's not interruptible. So Lee cc's you immediatly, and then even if you suppress him or whatever, he'll kick you. Lissandra ult him? Nope, you get kicked during the stun. Makes sense. Well, mechanics are this way, so gotta deal with it (even though that's a pretty dumb way to code the spell, as I assume it's to make sure the target doesn't leave range while Lee does his kicking animation), but the ability to still hit people when cc'd makes it really dumb when you catch people and cc them to, well, lock them down, but they keep taking action during that time. You can get up to 35% CDR with scaling runes and masteries.
I was saying that because according to LoLking he only had 5% flat from runes, didn't check the masteries other than 21-9 (although it's rare that they'd take CDR over AS) but even then that'd only be 10%, 20% top if he kept blue buff, which would be equal to my CDR so still longer cd.
On April 15 2014 07:29 arb wrote:i dont get where people thinkg Urgot is bad, he requires a different playstyle/mindset but he's farm from bad imo.
Maybe because he has the lowest winrate out of all 118 champions, and has for about a year. That might be why.
On April 15 2014 07:42 Ketara wrote:Show nested quote +On April 15 2014 07:29 arb wrote:i dont get where people thinkg Urgot is bad, he requires a different playstyle/mindset but he's farm from bad imo. Maybe because he has the lowest winrate out of all 118 champions, and has for about a year. That might be why. it's okay, gragas lowest winrate now.
According to lolking, Urgot still lower than Gragas by .5%
On April 15 2014 07:48 Ketara wrote: According to lolking, Urgot still lower than Gragas by .5% i don't know your setting, but in ranked solo, weekly, gragas has lower winrate than urgot.
also in diamond only, urgot isn't even bot 10. gragas still worst winrate.
On April 15 2014 07:48 Ketara wrote: According to lolking, Urgot still lower than Gragas by .5%
Ya but Lolking is fucked up right now. Don't trust it. Yi lowest winrate by far.
+ Show Spoiler +Base on my own anecdotal studies of games where Yi loses... Take THAT Sufficiency!
Wow, I just realized what gragas rework means for Veigar.
Basically as Veigar, there were 2 unplayable matchups mid, zed and gragas. Gragas being the more common one since more people play Gragas then Zed.
This means that with only a Zed ban I can blind pick Veigar.
ooooooo Yaaaaaaaah
On April 15 2014 06:57 Alaric wrote: So, in today's featured bug, I hit my E on someone as Leona, right as Sona ults me. It's a stun, not a displacement, so it doesn't change these effects. I don't move. I stand there, dancing from Sona's ult, instead of moving to Tristana.
Thx based Riot. o/ Then again today's been luck-sponsored "no lubricant for you" day, so I get experiencing a new guy is par for the course. I'm not even gonna bother reporting it considering how efficient it's been for those that even have LCS VoDs to display them.
Or maybe you tried to E her, but her R hits you first.
On April 15 2014 06:34 dae wrote:Show nested quote +On April 15 2014 06:26 Nemireck wrote:On April 14 2014 19:18 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Are lifesteal quints on ADC still worth it? Should I be running 3 now? I switched mine out for 2 ArPen Quints (5%). Lets me 2-shot caster creeps with Dorans+BF+LS/Scepter I'm a fan. I think most pros are using 2 AS quints 1 AD quint or something like that right now, I could be wrong though. They basically advise to just get the extra auto in every trade and force trade vs people using lifesteal quints, the all in potential more then makes up for the loss of sustain. Phreak did a whole thing about runes because Reddit was crying for it. He said that the main pages he is seeing is 2xAS 1xLS for ADs that want to push like Caitlyn, and 3xLS for ADs that want to just get through lane like Vayne.
On April 15 2014 02:05 Alzadar wrote:Show nested quote +On April 15 2014 01:30 Gahlo wrote:On April 15 2014 01:07 Alaric wrote: Doesn't do much when the root's duration is only 0.75s at level 1. You'd think Garen is easy as pie for Ryze since all he can do is run to you and get rooted... till he just keeps running an reaches you anyway because half of the root duration is taken by the casting time.
Now imagine Riven with 3 dashes, 4 once she skills E. If you WQ the root is over before you've turned away after your Q and you get shat on. Rune Prison stops Riven from shielding. If she can shield before your root goes off, it'll be back up around the same time Broken Wings is. If she can't shield in time, it's free Overload damage. How many dashes Riven has is an erroneous quantity used to hyperbolize situations, as people hear "dash" and think of the standard ~600 range dashes, when the distance covered by Broken Wings is roughly 270. By the time she's out of Rune Prison she's used up at least a Q and is at somewhere between 500-600ish range away. Oh look at that, the remaining distance on her gap closing is 505. 260+260+325 = 845 260 iirc is the entire damage range, with the AOE of it being 112.5/112.5/150. This makes the actual dash range ~140/140/110 and I derped because simple math in the morning is hard. So roughly 140 + 110 + 325 = 595. So now she's blown everything to get to you, hurray.
On April 15 2014 02:06 wei2coolman wrote:Show nested quote +On April 15 2014 02:03 Alzadar wrote:On April 15 2014 02:00 wei2coolman wrote:On April 14 2014 16:54 739 wrote:
WOOT I wish Riot would just release a super high crit chance item with no AS. Like 60% crit chance with 10% lifesteal, make it cost like 3k, and it'd be a pretty interesting new item. Well they killed Executioner's Calling right as it was becoming popular as a Lifesteal + Crit item, so for some reason they don't want that. I wish they would fix atma's as well... Just fucking remove the crit chance off it, and make it useful. Like christ that item is so shit. I posted back and forth about this with Xypherous and he said they don't want a good AD/Armor item in the game because it make "heavy bruisers" too good. I also fucking hate that term.