Baa?21242 Posts
Faker's going to be playing in the real tournament, so no.
On April 15 2014 11:14 Nemireck wrote:Show nested quote +On April 15 2014 11:06 krndandaman wrote:On April 15 2014 10:42 Sufficiency wrote: Since I got to gold 4 on my smurf, I lost 5 times in a row.
I wonder, if I actually WIN this next game, will I get demoted? Nope, you can't demote on a win. I've once lost 7 in a row till I got demoted. I've lost 7 in a row and not been demoted. I have no idea how the system actually works, to be honest. To Sufficiency, no. But if you're Gold 4 0 LP, dodge a champ select and end up -3 LP, then lose again, you'll gain 3 LP!
I just had this happen to me lol, +3 lp for a loss isn't half bad
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
Guys quick question. The PAX East 2014 codes for Heca/Blitz will work for EUW? I'm gonna buy one on ebay and I'm wondering.
On April 15 2014 15:02 739 wrote: Guys quick question. The PAX East 2014 codes for Heca/Blitz will work for EUW? I'm gonna buy one on ebay and I'm wondering. you can buy the hecarim skin in the store, id just look at the seller, pretty sure they'll tell you iwhere it has/hasnt been used at
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
It is completely amazing when you win hard and the whole time your team was communicating. I've never seen anyone so nice. We all complimented each other, and it didn't even matter when anyone died. Also, I know it's been said before here, but something needs to be done about renekton. He's strong to the point of locking other champions out of play completely.
After playing against it a bunch, I think Soraka top and mid is quite possibly the most obnoxious thing I've played against since Gangplank's heyday (ignoring feral flare completely here).
Things that make her annoying:
1. Can farm/push the lane while trading with you at almost no cost to herself. 2. Has a lot of sustain. 3. Tends to rack up a large gold/level advantage because of the first two points. 4. If you try to all-in her, she does more and more damage the longer the fight goes on. And her heal comes back sooner. 5. The heal summoner makes her almost impossible to kill her 1v1 unless she significantly overestimates herself. 6. Can help her team globally with her ult. 7. Once she gets Rylais, its difficult to even get away from her.
Soraka is hilarious. Honestly I think she's been pretty good for a while now, but people have been pigeonholing her into the passive support role when honestly she's better as the aggressor.
Now remember when Soraka's MR reduction used to scale per level and the debuff lasted something 8 seconds. Melee champions were zoned from level 1 because even Pantheon couldn't outtrade her. x) (Well obv. Riven would probably 100-0 her like in the video vs Ryze but that's a special case.)
On April 15 2014 08:25 Sufficiency wrote:Show nested quote +On April 15 2014 06:57 Alaric wrote: So, in today's featured bug, I hit my E on someone as Leona, right as Sona ults me. It's a stun, not a displacement, so it doesn't change these effects. I don't move. I stand there, dancing from Sona's ult, instead of moving to Tristana.
Thx based Riot. o/ Then again today's been luck-sponsored "no lubricant for you" day, so I get experiencing a new guy is par for the course. I'm not even gonna bother reporting it considering how efficient it's been for those that even have LCS VoDs to display them. Or maybe you tried to E her, but her R hits you first. Yeah I'm blind and imagining things and I saw and heard the Zenith Blade's effects even though I never used it. What.
On April 15 2014 09:10 Gahlo wrote:Show nested quote +On April 15 2014 08:50 wei2coolman wrote:On April 15 2014 08:47 Gahlo wrote:On April 15 2014 02:06 wei2coolman wrote:On April 15 2014 02:03 Alzadar wrote:On April 15 2014 02:00 wei2coolman wrote:On April 14 2014 16:54 739 wrote:
WOOT I wish Riot would just release a super high crit chance item with no AS. Like 60% crit chance with 10% lifesteal, make it cost like 3k, and it'd be a pretty interesting new item. Well they killed Executioner's Calling right as it was becoming popular as a Lifesteal + Crit item, so for some reason they don't want that. I wish they would fix atma's as well... Just fucking remove the crit chance off it, and make it useful. Like christ that item is so shit. I posted back and forth about this with Xypherous and he said they don't want a good AD/Armor item in the game because it make "heavy bruisers" too good. I also fucking hate that term. that's such a bullshit excuse. I responded that a general AD/armor item isn't any more egregious than hex/maw ontop of SV/BV, but he said it isn't the same because armor is more important than MR./ It's true though: you only need enough MR not to get 100-0'd, basically, and HP helps a bunch for that because even if you lack MR you deal with a more or less "set" amount of damage. Against physical dps, if you stack HP you'll still die fast if you have no armour. That's why I hate facing a fed magic damage source as a jungler: my income is limited and I need armour to tank towers, dragons, and generally the enemy frontline that's a lot of physical damage. But I can't stack HP against a fed opponent in the midgame (esp. if he has DFG) and the more MR I have to buy early, the more I delay armour itemisation and that in itself puts me comparatively behind.
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
So I've just read on Surrenderat20 that Riot is planning on Yorick/Sion/Warwick remakes, sounds interesting, because Sion and Yorick needs them badly. Like, really badly.
On April 15 2014 18:35 739 wrote: So I've just read on Surrenderat20 that Riot is planning on Yorick/Sion/Warwick remakes, sounds interesting, because Sion and Yorick needs them badly. Like, really badly. I think they're fine honestly, no one plays Yorick cause his lategame is pretty ass, and Sion needs the ratios on his spells reverted, which riot is gonna do cuz he's a pretty "toxic" hero
On April 15 2014 18:35 739 wrote: So I've just read on Surrenderat20 that Riot is planning on Yorick/Sion/Warwick remakes, sounds interesting, because Sion and Yorick needs them badly. Like, really badly.
Yorick wins top vs everyone cept a few chosen so i think he's fine acutally
Warwick is retardedly annoying in lategame and freaking impossible to kill
Sion needs a VU and a rework, WW needs a VU, other than that i think he's fine
With current feral flare, Warwick is pretty strong. The only person I ever see playing Yorick is InvertedComposer.
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
Best runes for Blitzcrank?
Arpen/Mpen marks? or mpen marks? or ad marks? Armor seals? or others? Mres glyphs? MS quints? or HP quints?
Masteries 0/21/9? or 0/8/22? or 0/9/21?
Both of them have been in the pipeline for reworks for quite a while now. Sion has this weird mix of skills where he can either dominate early-midgame as AP, and fall off really hard lategame without solid initiation, or else he can have a shitty early/midgame, but if he can pull everything together he's insane lategame.
Yorick is just in a sad state right now. Nerfed too much to be viable in any role, and a kit that gets roflstomped by a number of popular tops now.
Other champs who are in desperate need of reworks - poppy, strongest champ in the game at 6 items, wins a fair amount in soloq because people who have never faced that matchup often lose to experienced poppy players, but otherwise sucks, and probably Galio. Galio's kit is okay, just needs a few tweaks here or there, and he can be a pretty unique champ.
Riot flagged ages ago that they were thinking of giving Galio a new passive and putting MR ratios on his abilities. Probably all he needs, there's nothing inherently wrong with his kit (except for perhaps how easy his ult is to break)
On April 15 2014 19:33 JazzVortical wrote: Riot flagged ages ago that they were thinking of giving Galio a new passive and putting MR ratios on his abilities. Probably all he needs, there's nothing inherently wrong with his kit (except for perhaps how easy his ult is to break) He relies on his ult, which has a painfully long, almost 3 minute cool down @ rank 1, not to mention it can be broken super easy, but making it unbreakable would make him pretty much redonk broken
On April 15 2014 19:52 arb wrote:Show nested quote +On April 15 2014 19:33 JazzVortical wrote: Riot flagged ages ago that they were thinking of giving Galio a new passive and putting MR ratios on his abilities. Probably all he needs, there's nothing inherently wrong with his kit (except for perhaps how easy his ult is to break) He relies on his ult, which has a painfully long, almost 3 minute cool down @ rank 1, not to mention it can be broken super easy, but making it unbreakable would make him pretty much redonk broken What if his ult stopped the next 1/1/2 instances of cc. He'll need some nerfs to his ulti to compensate for the massively increased strength, but it makes him extremely potent against low CC lineups.
I played quite a bit of soraka top and a bit of some mid at the start of season 4. I can confirm she's one of the easiest lane survivors against some of the more annoying meta-tops. Heck, against non-meta tops you could start dorans blade even and harass even more. She brings too much to the table, she's just hipster outside of the support role.
Havent played warwick in a long time because he's so item reliant on every role you want him to play. If you want to build him damage and lifesteal, he can 1v1 most champs in the game but he melts and is therefore useless in teamfights. If you build him pure tank he's great in 2v2 situations but pretty pointless in teamfights because outside of one initiation he does no damage or cc where there are other junglers/top lane champs who do the same but more.
Used to main sion way back in season 2 -- have played maybe 30 games with him since then. He is an absolute BEAST if you get up a kill or 2 in mid lane -- if he falls behind, I find there's really not a lot of catching up that can be done. The burst on his QW combo is very high though with a few items. His downfall is he's squishy and extremely mana hungry early game. He doesn't fit into most team comps I find, yet I really enjoy playing him. Please don't advocate an AD sion over an AP one though.
On April 15 2014 19:52 arb wrote:Show nested quote +On April 15 2014 19:33 JazzVortical wrote: Riot flagged ages ago that they were thinking of giving Galio a new passive and putting MR ratios on his abilities. Probably all he needs, there's nothing inherently wrong with his kit (except for perhaps how easy his ult is to break) He relies on his ult, which has a painfully long, almost 3 minute cool down @ rank 1, not to mention it can be broken super easy, but making it unbreakable would make him pretty much redonk broken I personally wouldn't call 2 and half minutes almost 3, but it is stupidly long. It's either too easy or too hard to break. At the moment, it's too easy.
Nothing wrong with the rest of his skills though. Riot could maaaaaybe add a Ratio to his E movement speed, but I think they are all in a good spot.