On April 15 2014 20:21 LilCiggy wrote: I played quite a bit of soraka top and a bit of some mid at the start of season 4. I can confirm she's one of the easiest lane survivors against some of the more annoying meta-tops. Heck, against non-meta tops you could start dorans blade even and harass even more. She brings too much to the table, she's just hipster outside of the support role.
Havent played warwick in a long time because he's so item reliant on every role you want him to play. If you want to build him damage and lifesteal, he can 1v1 most champs in the game but he melts and is therefore useless in teamfights. If you build him pure tank he's great in 2v2 situations but pretty pointless in teamfights because outside of one initiation he does no damage or cc where there are other junglers/top lane champs who do the same but more.
Used to main sion way back in season 2 -- have played maybe 30 games with him since then. He is an absolute BEAST if you get up a kill or 2 in mid lane -- if he falls behind, I find there's really not a lot of catching up that can be done. The burst on his QW combo is very high though with a few items. His downfall is he's squishy and extremely mana hungry early game. He doesn't fit into most team comps I find, yet I really enjoy playing him. Please don't advocate an AD sion over an AP one though. Warwick is fp status right now at my level I think he's totally fine
WW's sustain with BotRK+Feral Flare is through the roof actually (as with any champ building these items anyway) so you can build full tank after that and smash people with on-hits while sustaining a bunch.
Really? interesting. If I recall you're a pretty high level , high diamond or something aren't you? Maybe I'm thinking of someone else but if that's the case then I'll take your word for it. I haven't played him in a long ass time and I am an extreme bronze scrub so ANYthing I post should be taken with a full shaker of salt haha.
I think Wits End is better than BotRK on WW only but that's just my opinion
And no, I'm plat 3, but I skipped plat 4 in promo and I'm still getting +25 per win. By the time I have 60 wins I wanna be diamond but I might not be able to spend that much time on league lol .
I see Warwick occasionally in Diamond 3-5 area, when Yi+Noc+Shyvana is banned (which is all the time i feel).
WW jungle with FF is pretty funny. But Shyvana is worse. She can pretty much just press R and destroy everyone.
I don't know what old Kayle felt like, but good god feral flare makes jungle Kayle hit like a truck. At one point I was pretty much 1v3ing the enemy team, and if I were on the same items with spirit of the spectral wraith or spirit of the elder lizard, there's no way I'd be steamrolling the enemy team like I was.
On April 15 2014 21:24 Sufficiency wrote: WW jungle with FF is pretty funny. But Shyvana is worse. She can pretty much just press R and destroy everyone.
Shyvana is the raid boss of this patch cycle, that's for sure.
So, WW's rework kit is teasered.
Looks like they removed his W and replaced it with a gapcloser and a short fear.
It's not a real gap closer. More like imagine Orianna's Q leaves the ball at the target point for 1s then returns it to you, but spells are still cast through it. WW can use his terrify through it, so you W to the W to get behind the enemy team (or in the middle of them), use W to send them toward your team/scatter them, and you also get a clearer shot for your ult.
In exchange they nerfed his cc (ult is a stun, so it can be cleansed, including with crucible) and mobility (E MS buff is way weaker until they get really low, and it only works if you're moving toward the buff's source, can't run away/kite with it now). But his sustain isn't as tied to mana anymore and his steadier (although it requires you to remain in combat for it, as it takes 4.3s without autoing to lose all stacks), and all of his sustain/damage are moved onto autoattacks over spells (Q has weak base damage and relies on applying his passive twice and building stacks, the %max HP damage is moved from Q to said passive).
Looks like he'd be potentially be more damaging/harder to kill in the long run, but also way easier to kite (could be changed with numbers) and with a much steeper ramp-up. That'd prob make him weaker in lane compared to now with all the available disengage/mobility.
On April 15 2014 15:22 Dark_Chill wrote: It is completely amazing when you win hard and the whole time your team was communicating. I've never seen anyone so nice. We all complimented each other, and it didn't even matter when anyone died. Also, I know it's been said before here, but something needs to be done about renekton. He's strong to the point of locking other champions out of play completely.
I must be the only person who thinks Renekton is a well balanced champion, but I'm gold 1 so wtf do I know :/
This whole idea of a tank that ramps up in damage and sustain sounds like a really bad idea to me.
On April 15 2014 23:17 Alaric wrote: It's not a real gap closer. More like imagine Orianna's Q leaves the ball at the target point for 1s then returns it to you, but spells are still cast through it. WW can use his terrify through it, so you W to the W to get behind the enemy team (or in the middle of them), use W to send them toward your team/scatter them, and you also get a clearer shot for your ult.
In exchange they nerfed his cc (ult is a stun, so it can be cleansed, including with crucible) and mobility (E MS buff is way weaker until they get really low, and it only works if you're moving toward the buff's source, can't run away/kite with it now). But his sustain isn't as tied to mana anymore and his steadier (although it requires you to remain in combat for it, as it takes 4.3s without autoing to lose all stacks), and all of his sustain/damage are moved onto autoattacks over spells (Q has weak base damage and relies on applying his passive twice and building stacks, the %max HP damage is moved from Q to said passive).
Looks like he'd be potentially be more damaging/harder to kill in the long run, but also way easier to kite (could be changed with numbers) and with a much steeper ramp-up. That'd prob make him weaker in lane compared to now with all the available disengage/mobility. His ult is also body blockable which is interesting.I really liked the rework idea.Hope we get something similar to what was described now sounds really fun to play.
Baa?21242 Posts
Renekton is a good champion, he always feels strong but people who aren't bad can always play around him.
I have a question for all the better players than me out there.
Do you guys leash at all bot lane?
I'm increasingly of the opinion that whoever spends more time leashing bot lane gets level 2 second and ends up losing lane because of it, all so the jungler can do their first clear 1 second faster.
Should I just stop leashing altogether?
The heck? Some champs still rely hugely on their leash. For stuff like WW, Xin or Vi you can buy them a lot of time (4-5s easily) just by hitting the little lizards a bit too. It all depends on your bot lane, obviously you're going to hit 2 second if you're playing Ezreal+Leona vs Cait+Zyra regardless of the quality of your leashes. If I see a clear shot one on of the enemies as Lulu I won't hesitate to Q the wave at the same time as them just to make sure we don't get shoved.
On April 15 2014 23:27 Sufficiency wrote: This whole idea of a tank that ramps up in damage and sustain sounds like a really bad idea to me. The damage doesn't ramp up, the idea is that if you let WW sit on you he'll build up stacks and heal like 100 HP/hit at level 18 (his healing look rather awkward tbh, like Naut's shield it scales with resistances since it's HP-based, but it has a bonus health ratio), but if you cc or kite him he's going to lose stacks super fast (1.8s then he basically loses half of the max instantly) and have to ramp back up so you'll be able to deal damage again, make it drop by running, hitting him, rinse and repeat.
The basic healing is something like 5 + 1.8% of his HP, sure it's high at level 1, but once you're 18 5 is nothing.
On April 15 2014 23:35 Ketara wrote: I have a question for all the better players than me out there.
Do you guys leash at all bot lane?
I'm increasingly of the opinion that whoever spends more time leashing bot lane gets level 2 second and ends up losing lane because of it, all so the jungler can do their first clear 1 second faster.
Should I just stop leashing altogether? Depends on the matchup but yeah it is tough because most junglers don't really gank lvl 2 and the other team can abuse the knowledge of where he started.
BUT if you lose the 2v2 push anyway it doesn't matter much unless the enemy helps but you don't.Lvl 2 cheese is overrated a bit the stronger part is forcing the other bot lane to last hit under tower and poking them especially with how many people have stop running ls quints.
Also a lot of people do the retarded thing and push the wave HARD instead of just pushing it slightly and zoning from xp.
i am also unconvinced by the importance placed on the early level 2 bot lane
and to make a broader point, i think this is just the bot lane version of the 'super critical early strat' that exists for each role/lane. it's getting a leash/starting at the proper camp for junglers, taking control of the first wave top, and harassing early mid. these things do matter, but they're constantly parroted as reasons why games are won/lost with little understanding of why they matter, when they matter, and how they impact the game dynamic going forward. it's sort of the next level up from complaining about the lack of jungler ganks
OK I see. Only sustain ramps up. But still this is problematic. If your "threat" increases in a teamfight, simply by fighting, sounds like a bad idea to me.
Jax's passive, Darius' passive, Varus' W passive, Renekton's/Tryndamere's/Rumble's/Rengar's "ressources", Mordekaiser's passive, Riven's whole kit and general bullshit, any champions with resets, most champions with executions (especially Garen and Darius)...
Yeah, some here are pretty dumb, but others are reasonable.