Probably a bunch of high Diamond Rioters (there are a bunch of them). Given such a wide berth of play-testers, though, there is likely some variance in opinion on balance.
But regarding Fiddle nerfs & Riven/Shy non-nerfs, the former is questionable, yes. Fiddle's winrate was a fairly durable 51-52%, but was likely compliant with the Rammus changes about normalizing obnoxiously long single target CC (winrates don't tell everything, obv).
Also, does this mean Support Veigar will become a thing? 2.5s AoE stun too gud naow huehue.
Riven and Shy are probably a result of massive FotMing, much like Jax/Renekton were a few weeks ago, though of the two, Shyvana's probably more out of line (Riven has a 50-51% win rate, and her popularity normalized significantly from the post Worlds high [fking Faker], while Shy's generally hovering ~52-53% in ranked).
Win rate data is a weak metric, and I do agree they need nerfs (Riven should probably be hit on her shield ratio, and Shy just...not sure, but lots of places), but it's like ZOMG SUPER OP HOTFIX territory yet. They're probably waiting to see if their top lane phase is just FotM and counters will be discovered (and meta advanced!), or this is durable and small tweaks are needed. They've gotten much less knee-jerk about buffs/nerfs, I have to say. Also Shy bugfix'd, they're going to see if it has/had any impact.
Besides, the one top lane champ that really needs to be hit is Rengar. He's stupid (in his many forms/builds). The hybrid rengar montage of ocelote was hilarious and sad at the same time.
And I'm totally not just saying this because the advent of tanky Rengar (and max E Rengar) changes the matchup for Fiora from advantageous to disadvantageous.
On December 13 2013 20:38 Lord Tolkien wrote: Probably a bunch of high Diamond Rioters (there are a bunch of them). Given such a wide berth of play-testers, though, there is likely some variance in opinion on balance.
But regarding Fiddle nerfs & Riven/Shy non-nerfs, the former is questionable, yes. Fiddle's winrate was a fairly durable 51-52%, but was likely compliant with the Rammus changes about normalizing obnoxiously long single target CC (winrates don't tell everything, obv).
Also, does this mean Support Veigar will become a thing? 2.5s AoE stun too gud naow huehue.
Riven and Shy are probably a result of massive FotMing, much like Jax/Renekton were a few weeks ago, though of the two, Shyvana's probably more out of line (Riven has a 50-51% win rate, and her popularity normalized significantly from the post Worlds high [fking Faker], while Shy's generally hovering ~52-53% in ranked).
Win rate data is a weak metric, and I do agree they need nerfs (Riven should probably be hit on her shield ratio, and Shy just...not sure, but lots of places), but it's like ZOMG SUPER OP HOTFIX territory yet. They're probably waiting to see if their top lane phase is just FotM and counters will be discovered (and meta advanced!), or this is durable and small tweaks are needed. They've gotten much less knee-jerk about buffs/nerfs, I have to say. Also Shy bugfix'd, they're going to see if it has/had any impact.
Besides, the one top lane champ that really needs to be hit is Rengar. He's stupid (in his many forms/builds). The hybrid rengar montage of ocelote was hilarious and sad at the same time.
And I'm totally not just saying this because the advent of tanky Rengar (and max E Rengar) changes the matchup for Fiora from advantageous to disadvantageous.
To be honest there's nothing weird about getting instagibbed by a superfed assassin, no matter what he's building.
I wouldn't mind a Rengar nerf just so that people on my team will stop playing him. Seriously, maybe like once out of the last 10 Rengars I've had haven't been completely useless.
This change was intended to be a compensation buff to Rammus in turn for us reducing the duration of his taunt. It is a buff in that it reduces human error. I personally played Rammus quite a bit to get up to D1 last season, and in chaotic situations found myself accidentally deactivating W or never activating it in the first place believing I had.
Oh, so it's 'k, Rammus has actually been buffed guys. Like Janna! They totally did that to compensate for her fall compared to scaling supports, they didn't have plans to put every ult at a flat 100 mana anyway!