[Patch 3.15] Yasuo General Discussion - Page 9
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Mozambique16569 Posts
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Australia3856 Posts
On December 13 2013 21:01 Alaric wrote: Eh, I never raged at Fiddle's fear or Rammus' taunt. Jayce, Kha'Zix, Riven or Zed, on the other hand... Idk why people complained so much about jayce. In pro play he was too strong but in soloq he was never dominant, and he's a lot harder to play than people give him credit for. | ||
France45622 Posts
Jayce has basic patterns that are paticularly simple, and when E was strong enough that you could max it first (so its cooldown wouldn't matter) he would nuke you with a high total HP% everytime you try to engage on him, while being tankier than every champion in the game bar permanent steroids (Shyvana, Olaf, Jarvan, etc.) thanks to the huge passive on his melee form. The simple mix of physical and %health magic damage made him very hard to itemise against, his Q and E in melee form made him impossible to trade against (he decides unilateraly when it starts and when it ends), hard to gank, while his plethora of MS buffs and slows made him hard to gank, chase, and escape from too. Then in the midgame he had maxed Q and E and with Tear and/or blue buff would just mindlessly spam QE QE QE QE until you were low enough (it means around half HP) for him to finish you off in one combo. While having the ability to disengage if you try to catch his team. He still mostly has it, it's just there are worst shit to have emerged, like Riven, Renekton and Shyvana (Shyvana doesn't have much to do with being manaless tbh), and a bit previously Zed. Jayce has a very stupid kit that, with enough levels in E or CDR, pretty much negates counterplay and interaction since it's pretty easy for him to deny your attempts, and does everything: poke, burst, dps, splitpush, etc. People started crying after his ranged-E cd was nerfed, but the kit is inherently a pile of crap. Removing the bonus resistances from his melee form and nerfing the shred at least made him more reasonable in lane (although he's still way superior to most champions at levels 2 and 3). TL;DR Jayce may not be top of the cream in the current meta, but his kit is inherently full of shit and makes you wonder who coined the catchphrase "Irelia does everything" and still allowed his design. He's more reasonable after they outright removed stuff, but when people complain about Nidalee being hard to catch, remember that Jayce trades her low cooldowns for harder disengage and being even harder to catch. | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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Australia2725 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
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Germany24009 Posts
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United States5635 Posts
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United States15536 Posts
On December 13 2013 23:08 AsnSensation wrote: Seems like rengar is banned for battle of the atlantic Really? Why's that? Source? | ||
Germany24009 Posts
no idea how to embed tweets beautifully like others do but Marcus @LoLDyrus 8m Dam rengar is banned for bota, I guess I can't throw with my great rengar play. | ||
United Kingdom50293 Posts
On December 13 2013 23:12 AsnSensation wrote: no idea how to embed tweets beautifully like others do but Marcus @LoLDyrus 8m Dam rengar is banned for bota, I guess I can't throw with my great rengar play. Holy shit how many times does rango have to be disabled, I remember NiP getting screwed because they prepared strats based around mimer's rango and it got disabled for playoffs. | ||
United States15536 Posts
On December 13 2013 23:12 AsnSensation wrote: no idea how to embed tweets beautifully like others do but Marcus @LoLDyrus 8m Dam rengar is banned for bota, I guess I can't throw with my great rengar play. lol I mean, fuck Rango but it's seriously obnoxious that one of the most powerful top laners is the current meta is unplayable. People had to practice him before this. jeez T_T | ||
France4120 Posts
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United Kingdom50293 Posts
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Germany24009 Posts
Seems like we get Jatt-Man tonight yay, it's been a long time. | ||
United States10796 Posts
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Canada12016 Posts
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United States12679 Posts
On December 13 2013 20:38 Lord Tolkien wrote: Probably a bunch of high Diamond Rioters (there are a bunch of them). Given such a wide berth of play-testers, though, there is likely some variance in opinion on balance. But regarding Fiddle nerfs & Riven/Shy non-nerfs, the former is questionable, yes. Fiddle's winrate was a fairly durable 51-52%, but was likely compliant with the Rammus changes about normalizing obnoxiously long single target CC (winrates don't tell everything, obv). Also, does this mean Support Veigar will become a thing? 2.5s AoE stun too gud naow huehue. Riven and Shy are probably a result of massive FotMing, much like Jax/Renekton were a few weeks ago, though of the two, Shyvana's probably more out of line (Riven has a 50-51% win rate, and her popularity normalized significantly from the post Worlds high [fking Faker], while Shy's generally hovering ~52-53% in ranked). Win rate data is a weak metric, and I do agree they need nerfs (Riven should probably be hit on her shield ratio, and Shy just...not sure, but lots of places), but it's like ZOMG SUPER OP HOTFIX territory yet. They're probably waiting to see if their top lane phase is just FotM and counters will be discovered (and meta advanced!), or this is durable and small tweaks are needed. They've gotten much less knee-jerk about buffs/nerfs, I have to say. Also Shy bugfix'd, they're going to see if it has/had any impact. Besides, the one top lane champ that really needs to be hit is Rengar. He's stupid (in his many forms/builds). The hybrid rengar montage of ocelote was hilarious and sad at the same time. And I'm totally not just saying this because the advent of tanky Rengar (and max E Rengar) changes the matchup for Fiora from advantageous to disadvantageous. It's worth noting that montage is footage from when you could double/triple cast all of Rengar's skills due to a bug. | ||
England6749 Posts
On December 13 2013 23:25 RouaF wrote: Stealth targon nerf in this patch. 3 stacks max... if true this is another case of riot being full retard. in bot lanes targons is already the weakest because if you are behind the support loses all gold income. you cant go melee creeps infront of the turret without gettong rekt. in bot lane coin is the safest and just gives the most gold of all the options, it also has the best finisher item. in top lane double targons is pretty much dead already and even if you do want to try it again you should never build more than 1 stack in the first place so who is this effecting? | ||
South Africa35471 Posts
On December 13 2013 23:31 Fusilero wrote: This is apparently the bug that caused rango to be removed from premises https://twitter.com/FroggenLoL/status/411499000651456514 Really confused. Hasn't rengar ALWAYS had multiple Q "bugs". | ||
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