[Patch 3.10a: Worlds Balance] General Discussion - Page 64
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Canada12016 Posts
On August 26 2013 22:36 kongoline wrote: once my adc went afk because support lux spammed laugh entire time I think you mean everytime | ||
France45622 Posts
On August 26 2013 14:11 wussleeQ wrote: speaking of sheen, i recently found out that the bonus damage from sheen comes from your BASE damage. so if you have 90 ad with a longsword with no runes + masteries you get +80 from your sheen proc. just a neat thing that i never knew loool There's a reason why champs like Maokai actually hurt pretty hard with triforce: they don't have a bruiser's kit but they've got high base AD. ![]() On August 26 2013 18:19 Lord Tolkien wrote: That being said, Talon's fun. And if you get in range of a squishy while being decently farmed, they're dead. Much less counterplay. Depends. If your target is alone it's easier for Talon to kill it, assuming the faceroll combo kills them. If you want to actually maximise your damage (which requires weaving autos between your spells while still managing to get both W and R in the 3s damage amplification effect), or need it because of levels/itemisation on your target, the silence won't last long enough and with Flash up or a mobility spell they'll be able to get out of your ult (500 radius from you, if they run opposite from you they've got a bit more than that to cover before they're out of range, doable for most of the movement abilities with a 425-475 range). It's less of a problem in the midgame because you can just EQWR ignite and they'll die anyway, but when they start requiring additional autos to die (or ignite isn't available) it's easier for them to escape you than Zed (who should still have W to follow you, and the E slow which he can cast while moving—I'm not entirely sure here, but even if you're only hit by the shadow's E, you still take the damage on top of the slow, right?). Also a significant part of his ratios (50 + bonus AD) is a DoT over 6 seconds, longer than Death Mark's delayed activation. When diving an accompanied target, it's also easier for them to get away since Talon has less "guaranteed" damage if you cc him (W 600 range, R 500 range, no means to pursue, compared to Zed having W and 900 range on Q). Add to that the fact that once Talon used his ult flashing is useless unless you can do it over your target (since flashing out of the ring still makes the blades "follow" you, thus only hitting whoever is behind you)—that one got me several times when I started playing him again, too used to flash after someone to try and finish them off. I think I did maths at some point, when Kha'Zix came out, to compare the different assassins. Talon had the highest ratios iirc (Rengar barely behind and Kha'Zix had poke and resets and I didn't factor in the isolation damage though), but an important thing to note about him is his lack of effective range, escape, and follow-up damage. His Q can give him strong dps with some CDR, but it suffers from overlap (most of the damage comes from the DoT, which is by itself as long or longer than Q's cd by level 3, and for all I know casting Q again refreshes it rather than stacking it like Draven's original passive). So if you can faceroll, or your opponent lacks mobility spells/Flash, Talon's burst is stronger than most other assassins, however he isn't as versatile as them (he loses in dps, poke, follow-up, escaping prowess, etc.). Which isn't necessarily a bad thing since it gives him strengths and weaknesses, mind you. | ||
United States60033 Posts
On August 26 2013 17:17 niukasu1990 wrote: It seems that both OMG and PE fail to get a visa to LA.... GG Chinese LoL Seriously, why is it so hard to get visas? | ||
United States3721 Posts
On August 27 2013 00:30 wei2coolman wrote: Seriously, why is it so hard to get visas? Because international law is hard. I believe they said something like "You aren't sure these are the two teams that need to go to the USA, come back when you know for sure which two teams need visas", but the problem is LPL finals are too close to worlds for comfort, as visas can have a long turnaround time. | ||
United States23745 Posts
On August 26 2013 20:08 Amui wrote: I wonder if this will be an example of random AP ratios done right. Or will Riot just nerf it, despite it being only okay. Also, I wonder if riot will ever rebuff AP kogmaw so that it only stacks up to like 300. They basically took an entire playstyle of a champ and olaf'd it. Especially with ahri and zed and other really, really strong powerful midlaners, AP kog is already a big enough risk. Also mass GA's is pretty good against fed veigar. The first LoL tournament i ever watched was when Forggen was all about AP Kog. I remember that being pretty fun to watch. | ||
United States47024 Posts
On August 27 2013 00:34 thenexusp wrote: Because international law is hard. I believe they said something like "You aren't sure these are the two teams that need to go to the USA, come back when you know for sure which two teams need visas", but the problem is LPL finals are too close to worlds for comfort, as visas can have a long turnaround time. TBH I'm not sure whey every regional finals has to be so damn close to Worlds. I can't see a particular reason why Worlds couldn't have been a couple weeks later than it is. The Chinese Regional Final is on the 7th and 8th. There's only a week between it and Worlds, which is absurd. | ||
United States3721 Posts
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Netherlands2041 Posts
On August 27 2013 00:43 TheYango wrote: TBH I'm not sure whey every regional finals has to be so damn close to Worlds. I can't see a particular reason why Worlds couldn't have been a couple weeks later than it is. The Chinese Regional Final is on the 7th and 8th. There's only a week between it and Worlds, which is absurd. To create a story? Its now in a good time span that can keep it up the excitement for the tourney. | ||
Canada2822 Posts
For AP 1- I've switched to Armor for my yellow runes on AP. I guess the logic behind this is you are expected to face more assassins/bruisers mid, and because of Auto-attack right? 2- Blue is where I am not sure... I'm seeing mainly Magic resist (Flat), CDR, Flat ability power, or magic pen runes. It probably depends on the match up. But for someone who doesn't main mid, what would be the best choice? I'm thinking Flat magic resist. Can Mpen be good? Or too cost-inefficient? On Orianna : Many pros prefer to use Hybrid. I guess this is to make use of her passive early on in the game. Since the hybrid as a big investment, are they are used for another champion? Is Orianna worth mastering (As in, should I play her alot, or are there other champions that can help me and that are easier?) | ||
Netherlands21362 Posts
On August 27 2013 00:46 ExoFun wrote: To create a story? Its now in a good time span that can keep it up the excitement for the tourney. Creating a story is hard when teams cant make your finals because there wasn't enough time to get a visa. | ||
United States47024 Posts
On August 27 2013 00:46 ExoFun wrote: To create a story? Its now in a good time span that can keep it up the excitement for the tourney. The regional finals are disjoined enough from the actual event not to matter. There's no "story" that keeps up from the regional finals into Worlds. Worlds' story starts at Worlds. Between these visa scheduling issues, patch issues (LPL isn't even on 3.10 yet), and only having 2 Worlds slots, I'd say CN categorically got shafted. | ||
United States60033 Posts
On August 27 2013 00:34 thenexusp wrote: Because international law is hard. I believe they said something like "You aren't sure these are the two teams that need to go to the USA, come back when you know for sure which two teams need visas", but the problem is LPL finals are too close to worlds for comfort, as visas can have a long turnaround time. The other teams were able to get visas though right? | ||
United States47024 Posts
On August 27 2013 00:45 thenexusp wrote: Although, they can technically apply for the Chinese visas as soon as semifinals are done, the visa office doesn't give a crap as to who gets the bye. You still won't know who gets the 2 slots until the 2nd day of play because it's a double elim bracket with 4 teams. You need to play the LB finals before the 2nd team is eliminated. On August 27 2013 00:55 wei2coolman wrote: The other teams were able to get visas though right? Royal is unknown, WE and iG have traveled abroad before, so they probably got them regardless. | ||
United States15065 Posts
USA is also pretty notorious for being assholes throughout every step of the process, especially to a country like China. That said, I thought our Congressional esports bill was supposed to solve these problems? | ||
Canada12016 Posts
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Portugal3229 Posts
On August 27 2013 00:46 ExoFun wrote: To create a story? Its now in a good time span that can keep it up the excitement for the tourney. TI started August 8, last teams getting in were LGD and Rattlesnake at May 30. Would you say the 10 weeks gap between the events made so that there was no story on TI? | ||
United States60033 Posts
On August 27 2013 00:56 TheYango wrote: You still won't know who gets the 2 slots until the 2nd day of play because it's a double elim bracket with 4 teams. You need to play the LB finals before the 2nd team is eliminated. Royal is unknown, WE and iG have traveled abroad before, so they probably got them regardless. Riot pulling strings in background to allow WE to get into worlds for the views? *conspiracy hat* | ||
United States2300 Posts
On August 27 2013 00:47 XenOmega wrote: I recently started looking at the runes of pros (hoping that this would help me a little bit in my own ranked games) For AP 1- I've switched to Armor for my yellow runes on AP. I guess the logic behind this is you are expected to face more assassins/bruisers mid, and because of Auto-attack right? 2- Blue is where I am not sure... I'm seeing mainly Magic resist (Flat), CDR, Flat ability power, or magic pen runes. It probably depends on the match up. But for someone who doesn't main mid, what would be the best choice? I'm thinking Flat magic resist. Can Mpen be good? Or too cost-inefficient? On Orianna : Many pros prefer to use Hybrid. I guess this is to make use of her passive early on in the game. Since the hybrid as a big investment, are they are used for another champion? Is Orianna worth mastering (As in, should I play her alot, or are there other champions that can help me and that are easier?) Hybrid pen runes are good on magic damage auto attackers (kennen, teemo, orianna, annie, Kayle, TF, etc.) and also on ad champs that do a lot of magic damage (Jax, Corki, Tristana, etc.). They're also a good compromise on AP junglers between the clearing speed of AS reds and the ganking power of MPen reds. Flat MR are still the best all-purpose blues. Theyre not always completely optimal, but they're almost never a bad choice. | ||
Bulgaria5710 Posts
I was getting between 4 and 6 lp per win in Bronze 1. Got to promo series, won them. First win in Silver V gave me 31 lp. What the actual fuck is going on in here? | ||
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