KDA over a lot of games reflects how good you are at a specific champion. Obviously average deaths is a big factor, because at a higher level of play, you'll generally get a lot less deaths and a corresponding decrease in kills/assists. I'd be a lot less impressed with a silver player having a 3.5kda on panth with an average score of like 15/10/20 than I would be of something like 6/4/8 every game on a plat for example.
Winrate over a lot of games when combined with KDA shows how strong you are at carrying from that position with that champion.
I'm rather proud of my 4.2 kda anivia over 39 games, but she's pretty bad in the current meta because it's hard to carry because it's very difficult to make an impact on other lanes early on. Only 56.4% winrate despite the relatively high kda.
Generally, tops over a lot of games will get a kda somewhere in the 2.2-2.8 range, and the rest of the roles should aim for 3.0+- .5
On May 30 2013 06:30 Lylat wrote: Hahaha Riot trolling EUW again by giving free stuff to Korea ! My god this is funny
interesting thought; what would happen if Hydra worked with ranged champions?
Probably nothing. Once you kill 5 creeps you get more AD and lifesteal than Hydra for 100 gold less. The active would be pretty worthless on ADCs as well. Maybe if you wanted to split push a lot but I can't imagine Hydra replacing BT for the high AD life steal option on ADCs.
It'd probably be a pretty solid buy on Twitch but that's about it.
Difficulty splitpushing (the actual pushing part) by the that point in the game is highly overrated anyways. Only supports can't push quickly, and that is because they have rubbish AD and not enough AP to one-shot anything.
Ez. Imagine Ez with Hydra, Iceborn, BT, BT, LW, Cdr boots + glyphs. That is blue ez, only even more evil
On May 30 2013 06:30 Lylat wrote: Hahaha Riot trolling EUW again by giving free stuff to Korea ! My god this is funny
interesting thought; what would happen if Hydra worked with ranged champions?
Probably nothing. Once you kill 5 creeps you get more AD and lifesteal than Hydra for 100 gold less. The active would be pretty worthless on ADCs as well. Maybe if you wanted to split push a lot but I can't imagine Hydra replacing BT for the high AD life steal option on ADCs.
It'd probably be a pretty solid buy on Twitch but that's about it.
Difficulty splitpushing (the actual pushing part) by the that point in the game is highly overrated anyways. Only supports can't push quickly, and that is because they have rubbish AD and not enough AP to one-shot anything.
Ez. Imagine Ez with Hydra, Iceborn, BT, BT, LW, Cdr boots + glyphs. That is blue ez, only even more evil
Hydra doesn't apply on-hits only life steal. You also don't have Muramana which is the single best item in that build.
On May 30 2013 06:30 Lylat wrote: Hahaha Riot trolling EUW again by giving free stuff to Korea ! My god this is funny
interesting thought; what would happen if Hydra worked with ranged champions?
Probably nothing. Once you kill 5 creeps you get more AD and lifesteal than Hydra for 100 gold less. The active would be pretty worthless on ADCs as well. Maybe if you wanted to split push a lot but I can't imagine Hydra replacing BT for the high AD life steal option on ADCs.
It'd probably be a pretty solid buy on Twitch but that's about it.
Difficulty splitpushing (the actual pushing part) by the that point in the game is highly overrated anyways. Only supports can't push quickly, and that is because they have rubbish AD and not enough AP to one-shot anything.
Ez. Imagine Ez with Hydra, Iceborn, BT, BT, LW, Cdr boots + glyphs. That is blue ez, only even more evil
Hydra doesn't apply on-hits only life steal. You also don't have Muramana which is the single best item in that build.
Could replace BT with Muramana; in that build. Hydra poke would be pretty ridic.
On May 30 2013 06:30 Lylat wrote: Hahaha Riot trolling EUW again by giving free stuff to Korea ! My god this is funny
interesting thought; what would happen if Hydra worked with ranged champions?
Probably nothing. Once you kill 5 creeps you get more AD and lifesteal than Hydra for 100 gold less. The active would be pretty worthless on ADCs as well. Maybe if you wanted to split push a lot but I can't imagine Hydra replacing BT for the high AD life steal option on ADCs.
It'd probably be a pretty solid buy on Twitch but that's about it.
Difficulty splitpushing (the actual pushing part) by the that point in the game is highly overrated anyways. Only supports can't push quickly, and that is because they have rubbish AD and not enough AP to one-shot anything.
Ez. Imagine Ez with Hydra, Iceborn, BT, BT, LW, Cdr boots + glyphs. That is blue ez, only even more evil
Hydra doesn't apply on-hits only life steal. You also don't have Muramana which is the single best item in that build.
Could replace BT with Muramana; in that build. Hydra poke would be pretty ridic.
Maybe. You'd probably be getting Hydra really late and you'd get Muramana later than current build since you're not getting Elder Lizard. I guess if the game is going to be 50 minutes long and Hydra worked on ranged champs it'd be good.
edit: This is all kind of dumb because Riot is never gonna make Hydra work on ranged champs but if you wanted to incorporate Hydra into an Ez build what do you replace?
If you replace Elder Lizard you have to do the Doublelift build path which means BT->Manamune->Iceborn->LW->Hydra with CDR boots in there somewhere. This delays your Muramana a lot which is bad because Muramana is probably the strongest part of the build. Unless you get an advantage going BT start sucks on blue Ez. There's a reason only Doublelift does it lol. This is the best build path but you'd probably not get Hydra until so late that it's irrelevant and I don't think it'd be a good idea to get Hydra first and BT later.
If you open with tear or manamune you get Muramana quicker but you're going to get abused in any lane hard.
If you replace LW you don't have ARMpen. If you replace BT your best AD item goes away. You can't really replace Muramana or Iceborn.
The singed just starts proxy farming between inner and inhib turrets at level 1 and is pretty much super relentless with trying to pull the enemy up to stop him. Then, he just suicides into the turret. I've seen a guy proxy farm at level 1, but not to this level. I thought it's brilliant and incredibly hilarious, and I have no idea how to stop it.
Post on the forums:
Seriously, this ruins PvP interaction in the laning phase as you're forced to either A) ignore the player doing this and just farm or B) try to stop him. Option A is something Riot has openly admitted they HATE (players ignoring each other in lane) and Option B is simply not viable due to how much you fall behind if you miss an entire wave of experience/CS.
Singed is the most blatant offender of this. There's currently a player who got to Diamond I by abusing this mechanic to the fullest extent possible. He begins by farming in between the enemy team's turrets at level 1, forcing the jungler to constantly gank him. Eventually he becomes worth as little gold as a blue wraith, making the difficult to kill Singed not worth killing as he continues pushing to the nexus.
As of right now, he is the highest win rate Singed in Diamond with a monstrous 70.7% win rate over 140 games played.
Honestly, it doesn't surprise me that he wins far more games than he loses with this strategy (even when he goes 1-12 he wins). The amount of pressure he exerts from doing this is just too much and requires the enemy team to commit far too many resources to prevent him from winning the game for his team.
Watched this guy on a few streams today was rather hilarious.Don't think it's good at all unless the enemy jungler is really weak/bad but we'll see those few days after people try it in my games lol.
On May 30 2013 06:30 Lylat wrote: Hahaha Riot trolling EUW again by giving free stuff to Korea ! My god this is funny
interesting thought; what would happen if Hydra worked with ranged champions?
Probably nothing. Once you kill 5 creeps you get more AD and lifesteal than Hydra for 100 gold less. The active would be pretty worthless on ADCs as well. Maybe if you wanted to split push a lot but I can't imagine Hydra replacing BT for the high AD life steal option on ADCs.
It'd probably be a pretty solid buy on Twitch but that's about it.
Difficulty splitpushing (the actual pushing part) by the that point in the game is highly overrated anyways. Only supports can't push quickly, and that is because they have rubbish AD and not enough AP to one-shot anything.
Ez. Imagine Ez with Hydra, Iceborn, BT, BT, LW, Cdr boots + glyphs. That is blue ez, only even more evil
Hydra doesn't proc or have an active on ranged champs EDIT: DISREGARD I AM BAD AT READING MORE THAN ONE LEVEL OF NESTED QUOTES
Basically, if your top laner tries to deal with the Singed, he has to leave his lane and all the gold and exp from minions to be eaten by his tower (which is gradually being destroyed) to repeatedly deal with the Singed who's hard to kill and becomes worth less the more he dies.
It seems like something that wouldn't be great in organized play, but could be really frustrating in solo queue where the coordination just isn't there. I've faced this once before. My mid and jungler constantly had to help me deal with him, and doing so wasn't really accomplishing much for us. It freed up their mid and jungler to make plays with impunity elsewhere.
On May 30 2013 08:17 nafta wrote: edit:Yes.He just goes as deep as possible and suicides so enemy team doesn't get the gold and forces people to chase him by pushing non stop.
This sounds like a bad idea below a certain level of play simply because your team won't have any idea how to take advantage of the pressure and do something with it and then someone fed will roll through them all and people will just get mad. It seems like split-pushing taken to the extreme?