Looks like we're back to status quo. Hope more of you lurkers unburrow and talk with us. :3 If you have any issues or comments about the new design, feel free to PM Neo. |
On May 30 2013 06:16 Complete wrote:Show nested quote +On May 30 2013 06:01 Sandster wrote:On May 30 2013 03:20 cLutZ wrote: I always thought people picked Shen because they wanna be toplane, but are firstpick.
IDK thats why I pick the Croc.
Shen's only real problem is if you are shen your team is likely to do a few dumb things: 1. Engage 4v5 when you start pushing, like when you are not even to river yet. 2. The player you ult runs super far out of the fight. 3. Watch you splitpush and do nothing dangerous elsewhere so you get 4v1'd and your team takes nothing. Playing Shen in solo queue is like smashing your head into a brick wall. I had a full 6 item build on Shen last night in a 55+ min game: Lane vs Garen. Get FB, more than double his cs, draw their jungler top constantly, and push like a madman. At around 20min I have sunfire+warmog and tell team "I'm huge, pushing top, they need to send 2 to stop me. Group center. Do not fight 4v5." 30 minutes later, after my team constantly gets caught alone or overextended I say "fuck this" to split pushing and just group with team, taunt+flash 3 guys, and ace them with all 5 players up. ... I literally repeated myself for 20 straight minutes. "Just group as 4, and let me push. If they send 1 I will kill him, if they send 2 engage/baron." I'm pretty sure my team mates didn't speak English or something. It reminded me of my first WoW raid in Karazhan. The very first boss you literally stand on a horse's ass and spam dps rotations. "Can you stack and stand still as 8 on an immobile raid boss?" The answer, I found out, is often no. it's not as easy as you make it seem you know...
They never once actually grouped as 4. As in, you could never fit all 4 of them in the same screen at any point in the game prior to about 35 minutes into the game.
My point is that, if I were equally fed on another top laner, I would just go with my team and most likely win every team fight. But since the most effective strat in that situation on Shen was to split push, and my team doesn't have a champion around them that they can follow as a group, they were running around like headless chickens. A lot of players in the silver/gold range are decent mechanically but have very poor game sense, and it really shows when you play a champion like Shen.
Hahaha Riot trolling EUW again by giving free stuff to Korea ! My god this is funny
On May 30 2013 06:01 Sandster wrote:Show nested quote +On May 30 2013 03:20 cLutZ wrote: I always thought people picked Shen because they wanna be toplane, but are firstpick.
IDK thats why I pick the Croc.
Shen's only real problem is if you are shen your team is likely to do a few dumb things: 1. Engage 4v5 when you start pushing, like when you are not even to river yet. 2. The player you ult runs super far out of the fight. 3. Watch you splitpush and do nothing dangerous elsewhere so you get 4v1'd and your team takes nothing. Playing Shen in solo queue is like smashing your head into a brick wall. I had a full 6 item build on Shen last night in a 55+ min game: Lane vs Garen. Get FB, more than double his cs, draw their jungler top constantly, and push like a madman. At around 20min I have sunfire+warmog and tell team "I'm huge, pushing top, they need to send 2 to stop me. Group center. Do not fight 4v5." 30 minutes later, after my team constantly gets caught alone or overextended I say "fuck this" to split pushing and just group with team, taunt+flash 3 guys, and ace them with all 5 players up. ... I literally repeated myself for 20 straight minutes. "Just group as 4, and let me push. If they send 1 I will kill him, if they send 2 engage/baron." I'm pretty sure my team mates didn't speak English or something. It reminded me of my first WoW raid in Karazhan. The very first boss you literally stand on a horse's ass and spam dps rotations. "Can you stack and stand still as 8 on an immobile raid boss?" The answer, I found out, is often no.
I laughed because you described like most of my Shen experiences, and LOL'd at the Kara reference. The only hard boss in there was the guy behind the wall or whatever.
The only reason I ever play shen is that awesome feeling when you hit a max range taunt.
On May 30 2013 06:16 Complete wrote:Show nested quote +On May 30 2013 06:01 Sandster wrote:On May 30 2013 03:20 cLutZ wrote: I always thought people picked Shen because they wanna be toplane, but are firstpick.
IDK thats why I pick the Croc.
Shen's only real problem is if you are shen your team is likely to do a few dumb things: 1. Engage 4v5 when you start pushing, like when you are not even to river yet. 2. The player you ult runs super far out of the fight. 3. Watch you splitpush and do nothing dangerous elsewhere so you get 4v1'd and your team takes nothing. Playing Shen in solo queue is like smashing your head into a brick wall. I had a full 6 item build on Shen last night in a 55+ min game: Lane vs Garen. Get FB, more than double his cs, draw their jungler top constantly, and push like a madman. At around 20min I have sunfire+warmog and tell team "I'm huge, pushing top, they need to send 2 to stop me. Group center. Do not fight 4v5." 30 minutes later, after my team constantly gets caught alone or overextended I say "fuck this" to split pushing and just group with team, taunt+flash 3 guys, and ace them with all 5 players up. ... I literally repeated myself for 20 straight minutes. "Just group as 4, and let me push. If they send 1 I will kill him, if they send 2 engage/baron." I'm pretty sure my team mates didn't speak English or something. It reminded me of my first WoW raid in Karazhan. The very first boss you literally stand on a horse's ass and spam dps rotations. "Can you stack and stand still as 8 on an immobile raid boss?" The answer, I found out, is often no. it's not as easy as you make it seem you know...
I remember my guild leader having to kick a long time veteran warlock who literally didn't know how to play. That member had been raiding forever and had ridiculous items simply due to loyalty. Also did about 20% more than a tank -_-;; With simcraft theoretical max DPS was ~2x what the person actually achieved with that gearing
One raid night, invites went out, and he got passed over. Needless to say, it did not go well.
On May 30 2013 06:30 Lylat wrote: Hahaha Riot trolling EUW again by giving free stuff to Korea ! My god this is funny I seriously hope Riot never fixes EUW; These delicious tears. + Show Spoiler +Just kidding; seriously though, I wonder whats causing all the issues for EUW servers. interesting thought; what would happen if Hydra worked with ranged champions?
I wonder what the best statistic you can look at to see how good a player is with a given champion is.
I don't think KDA and winrate really tell you much. Obviously having a high KDA and a high winrate are good, but having a high KDA can just mean the player plays hyper aggressive all the time which is in general not good, and having a high winrate can just mean they're lucky unless it's a high winrate over like hundreds of games played.
What I tend to look at if I'm spying on somebody is their average deaths and average creep score. If their average deaths are real low and their average creep score is real high, and their winrate is at least 50%, I think it's generally safe to say they're a competant player.
On May 30 2013 06:49 Ketara wrote: What I tend to look at if I'm spying on somebody is their average deaths and average creep score. If their average deaths are real low and their average creep score is real high, and their winrate is at least 50%, I think it's generally safe to say they're a competant player.
what about junglers and supports who definitely have lower creep scores and should likely have more deaths than carries?
anything other than winrate is irrelevant
Actually high KDA is a suggestion of safeplay imo; not hyper aggressive play. ie. Cop in LCS.
I think with the current data there just isn't enough there to see how good a player is. Maybe if we had more stuff like map movement maybe as an example.
On May 30 2013 06:51 gtrsrs wrote:Show nested quote +On May 30 2013 06:49 Ketara wrote: What I tend to look at if I'm spying on somebody is their average deaths and average creep score. If their average deaths are real low and their average creep score is real high, and their winrate is at least 50%, I think it's generally safe to say they're a competant player.
what about junglers and supports who definitely have lower creep scores and should likely have more deaths than carries? anything other than winrate is irrelevant
You can look at winrate if they have like, 200 games played with that champion.
But if they only have 10-20 games played and a 60% winrate, that's really not indicative of very much. But if they have 20 games played on say an ADC and average 8 deaths per game, even if they have a 60% winrate I'll be a little suspicious about their relative skill level.
But you're right, that doesn't translate well to jungle and support.
On May 30 2013 06:38 wei2coolman wrote:Show nested quote +On May 30 2013 06:30 Lylat wrote: Hahaha Riot trolling EUW again by giving free stuff to Korea ! My god this is funny I seriously hope Riot never fixes EUW; These delicious tears. + Show Spoiler +Just kidding; seriously though, I wonder whats causing all the issues for EUW servers. interesting thought; what would happen if Hydra worked with ranged champions? I actually want to thank Riot for all the issues with EU server since it prevented me from playing and allowed me to focus on my studies. Now that my exams are done they better fix this shit quickly though !
Kda is very champ dependant though.Like having high kda as vayne is A LOT more impressive than high kda with ez or janna for example.Other than actually looking at how people play kda/win rate don't show much.Also playing safe as supp/ad should give you higher kda not sure about other roles.
Personally I look at a combination of deaths/cs/kda and what role is most played.
On May 30 2013 06:51 gtrsrs wrote:Show nested quote +On May 30 2013 06:49 Ketara wrote: What I tend to look at if I'm spying on somebody is their average deaths and average creep score. If their average deaths are real low and their average creep score is real high, and their winrate is at least 50%, I think it's generally safe to say they're a competant player.
what about junglers and supports who definitely have lower creep scores and should likely have more deaths than carries? anything other than winrate is irrelevant
Or how about ADs who get carried by their supports, solo lanes carried by junglers, and vice versa! I've had teams make me look good despite the fact that I was little more than deadweight.
On May 30 2013 06:38 wei2coolman wrote:Show nested quote +On May 30 2013 06:30 Lylat wrote: Hahaha Riot trolling EUW again by giving free stuff to Korea ! My god this is funny interesting thought; what would happen if Hydra worked with ranged champions?
Probably nothing. Once you kill 5 creeps you get more AD and lifesteal than Hydra for 100 gold less. The active would be pretty worthless on ADCs as well. Maybe if you wanted to split push a lot but I can't imagine Hydra replacing BT for the high AD life steal option on ADCs.
It'd probably be a pretty solid buy on Twitch but that's about it.
I suppose what I'm saying is I think if somebody has a high KDA ratio, but within that averages a high number of deaths per game, I don't think that's as "good" as if they have a lower KDA but only average 1 or 2 deaths per game. Which champion it is skews that somewhat obviously.
Basically the D portion of the KDA is the most important, imo.
Challenger level is easy for a god like scubacris, 26/2 on lee singah atm in a game with qtpie and fabby his stream
and in true solo q fashion, his team is still losing lol
Fuck my friend playing through FFT [seriously] for the first time. Makes me want to replay it, and finish Tactics Ogre while I'm at it. I CAN'T. Those damn games are too addictive (and hard, for LUCT) and time-consuming. :<
On May 30 2013 06:51 gtrsrs wrote:Show nested quote +On May 30 2013 06:49 Ketara wrote: What I tend to look at if I'm spying on somebody is their average deaths and average creep score. If their average deaths are real low and their average creep score is real high, and their winrate is at least 50%, I think it's generally safe to say they're a competant player.
what about junglers and supports who definitely have lower creep scores and should likely have more deaths than carries? anything other than winrate is irrelevant
This is so true. Even creep score not that important. There are games where everyone is going to have below average creep score, even in pro matches, because of how much roaming or grouping teams do. Your KDA doesn't mean shit if your team isn't taking objectives.
On May 30 2013 06:56 overt wrote:Show nested quote +On May 30 2013 06:38 wei2coolman wrote:On May 30 2013 06:30 Lylat wrote: Hahaha Riot trolling EUW again by giving free stuff to Korea ! My god this is funny interesting thought; what would happen if Hydra worked with ranged champions? Probably nothing. Once you kill 5 creeps you get more AD and lifesteal than Hydra for 100 gold less. The active would be pretty worthless on ADCs as well. Maybe if you wanted to split push a lot but I can't imagine Hydra replacing BT for the high AD life steal option on ADCs. It'd probably be a pretty solid buy on Twitch but that's about it.
Difficulty splitpushing (the actual pushing part) by the that point in the game is highly overrated anyways. Only supports can't push quickly, and that is because they have rubbish AD and not enough AP to one-shot anything.