[Patch 3.07: Nerf Everything Not Nami] General Discussion…
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Looks like we're back to status quo. Hope more of you lurkers unburrow and talk with us. :3 If you have any issues or comments about the new design, feel free to PM Neo. | ||
China26351 Posts
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South Africa35471 Posts
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Bulgaria18893 Posts
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France343 Posts
On May 30 2013 05:00 nafta wrote: Doesn't everyone have champs who aren't bad but when you play them everything always goes as bad as possible?Trist/lux/graves are mine >.>(although my graves is pretty bad compared to my other ad so it's not just bad luck lol). It's usually because you're doing something wrong but getting fooled by "good" kda. Which is not a measure of playing a champ right. | ||
France45622 Posts
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Bulgaria18893 Posts
On May 30 2013 05:05 komokun wrote: It's usually because you're doing something wrong but getting fooled by "good" kda. Which is not a measure of playing a champ right. Not talking about kda lol.Just the typical hey I am only person who is alive or hasn't died multiple times by 6 minutes in every game. | ||
6318 Posts
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United States15536 Posts
On May 30 2013 05:21 kongoline wrote: Anyone has this feeling when started playing Lee Sin again after a while: "Oh my god, how could I have abandoned you awesome blind monk?! Every time I pick up Lee Sin again I'm reminded that I play as if I were blind every time I do so. | ||
Korea (South)1131 Posts
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Canada2869 Posts
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United States5211 Posts
On May 30 2013 05:45 Louuster wrote: Everytime I play lee sin I go in like "Yea, Ive watched enough insec this shit looks easy". You can probably guess how that turns out usually Q to minion W to poorly placed ward R the carry away from the team flash over the wall to avoid the shame | ||
United States15977 Posts
played a game where enemy team had a suicide karthus who would just dive into us and zhonyas, first few times we got free kills basically later on, lee would just kick him to safety each time. >_> | ||
United States4054 Posts
On May 30 2013 03:20 cLutZ wrote: I always thought people picked Shen because they wanna be toplane, but are firstpick. IDK thats why I pick the Croc. Shen's only real problem is if you are shen your team is likely to do a few dumb things: 1. Engage 4v5 when you start pushing, like when you are not even to river yet. 2. The player you ult runs super far out of the fight. 3. Watch you splitpush and do nothing dangerous elsewhere so you get 4v1'd and your team takes nothing. Playing Shen in solo queue is like smashing your head into a brick wall. I had a full 6 item build on Shen last night in a 55+ min game: Lane vs Garen. Get FB, more than double his cs, draw their jungler top constantly, and push like a madman. At around 20min I have sunfire+warmog and tell team "I'm huge, pushing top, they need to send 2 to stop me. Group center. Do not fight 4v5." 30 minutes later, after my team constantly gets caught alone or overextended I say "fuck this" to split pushing and just group with team, taunt+flash 3 guys, and ace them with all 5 players up. ... I literally repeated myself for 20 straight minutes. "Just group as 4, and let me push. If they send 1 I will kill him, if they send 2 engage/baron." I'm pretty sure my team mates didn't speak English or something. It reminded me of my first WoW raid in Karazhan. The very first boss you literally stand on a horse's ass and spam dps rotations. "Can you stack and stand still as 8 on an immobile raid boss?" The answer, I found out, is often no. | ||
United States6012 Posts
Riot Nasus: E9L4JT9TCTWK It would be great if you mention that you used it so I can mark it off as used and be happy that I helped a random person on the internetz ![]() EDIT: USED ON NORTH AMERICA SERVER (me) USED ON EU NORDIC/EAST (leser) Still available on EUW, I think. | ||
Croatia239 Posts
![]() thanks! | ||
France343 Posts
On May 30 2013 06:07 ReketSomething wrote: Anyways, completely off-topic...Here is a skin code for a fellow TLer. I used it on NA server and no other server. Riot Nasus: E9L4JT9TCTWK It would be great if you mention that you used it so I can mark it off as used and be happy that I helped a random person on the internetz ![]() Damn that's very nice. I may use it when I get back home but I'm not rushing and if another euw TLer nasus lover wants it feel free to use it ^^ Will pm you I do. EDIT: GD thread op :D | ||
United States1864 Posts
On May 30 2013 06:01 Sandster wrote: Playing Shen in solo queue is like smashing your head into a brick wall. I had a full 6 item build on Shen last night in a 55+ min game: Lane vs Garen. Get FB, more than double his cs, draw their jungler top constantly, and push like a madman. At around 20min I have sunfire+warmog and tell team "I'm huge, pushing top, they need to send 2 to stop me. Group center. Do not fight 4v5." 30 minutes later, after my team constantly gets caught alone or overextended I say "fuck this" to split pushing and just group with team, taunt+flash 3 guys, and ace them with all 5 players up. ... I literally repeated myself for 20 straight minutes. "Just group as 4, and let me push. If they send 1 I will kill him, if they send 2 engage/baron." I'm pretty sure my team mates didn't speak English or something. It reminded me of my first WoW raid in Karazhan. The very first boss you literally stand on a horse's ass and spam dps rotations. "Can you stack and stand still as 8 on an immobile raid boss?" The answer, I found out, is often no. it's not as easy as you make it seem you know... | ||
Bulgaria18893 Posts
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France45622 Posts
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United States60033 Posts
On May 30 2013 06:16 nafta wrote: Qtpie stream is the best thing in the world.Also he finishes game with 420 cs LOL. #dongermechanics420yoloswag360noscopeheadshotbowflexingzumbabody qtpie definitely has one of the most entertaining streams. Also dat glorious hair. | ||
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