Hydra sounds fun but realistically I can't see myself ever needing it outside of a 6 item teamfight because he does such insane burst already. I'm gonna try it out though.
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10417 Posts
Hydra sounds fun but realistically I can't see myself ever needing it outside of a 6 item teamfight because he does such insane burst already. I'm gonna try it out though. | ||
Switzerland3257 Posts
1. play him mid 2. dont be too conceptual about using W/S. just do both kind of alot and abuse if people make mistakes instead of trying to force a certain behaviour. eventually you will get into their heads and they will make mistakes. 3. wukong is a bruiser. building him too assassiny or tanky makes you deal less damage. balance the item choices and have a 3 item core for each game which solves all problems. 4. he can straight up win tons of 1on1 engagements against assassins and ap carries. A well timed/lucky W can win you lanes. be brave 5. lifesteal is not that great on wukong. its better to have other sources of regen. 6. in teamfights it is often more usefull to initiate on a bruiser with a full combo. your ad carry will thank you for the knockup and armor reduction. It is not bad to try to knockup others after that and die soon. wukong can also abort his ult and follow up with a W if you get kited. | ||
United States2968 Posts
in teamfights it is often more usefull to initiate on a bruiser with a full combo. your ad carry will thank you for the knockup and armor reduction. It is not bad to try to knockup others after that and die soon. wukong can also abort his ult and follow up with a W if you get kited Why waste monkey's ridiculous dive potential on bruisers? Not many bruisers can destroy a carry as fast as he can. | ||
United States8298 Posts
On April 08 2013 19:08 greggy wrote: something i noticed on leagupedia: alphabetical order? really? why not vs score? why not some sort of, you know, rational basis for seeding? If there's a tie at the end of the 10th week when the midseason playoffs begin, VS Score is used to break the tie first - in the case that VS score is also tied, then they will hold tiebreaker matches. Alphabetical order is only used for ranking the teams before then. | ||
France8631 Posts
On April 08 2013 20:25 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: BotRK on Zed is 100% core and thirster isn't even really viable. You're gonna be dying a lot. That's just how Zed works. You gib one champ and blow the rest up with shadow aoe and probably die in the process even if you're running Warmog's. Hydra sounds fun but realistically I can't see myself ever needing it outside of a 6 item teamfight because he does such insane burst already. I'm gonna try it out though. Just tried it a few games. In fact the 1.0 AD nuke on hydra makes it work way better than BotrK since Zed has ridiculous AD. I ran hydra/lw/tank and holy shit it works wonders. You can blow anybody very fast and your AoE is pretty nuts. EDIT : Ok here is what I tried : hydra LW SV warmog GA mobi. 6 mid-tier items which allows you to get a full synergy pretty fast. You should get them around 35 minutes max, and you'll be a monster. Swap items later. | ||
Finland33997 Posts
Also about Kha'Zix: I'm loving evolving Q first against most melees. The 50 extra range on autos is wonderful for trading, and the range on Q lets you trade extremely well. Makes lasthitting far easier as well, and you stack tear faster than by spamming W. Also, the execute damage on isolate Q also has worked wonders in some games. For example, against a Jax with Warmogs and a Giants Belt my Q did like 1/4 his HP to finish him off when the non-evolved Q would have done nowhere near as much. The main idea with evolving Q first is to spam Q to harrass and also you have better committ/allins when you find the opponent isolated. This is especially good if you cannot get blue buff - If you do get blues consistently, it's still very good to just max W and evolve that like normal, but still I think evolving Q is really underrated. | ||
United States9109 Posts
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United States8298 Posts
If your jungler helps snowball you, you can go absolutely nuts, but if you get behind, you're definitely going to have to just farm safe and go for squishier targets to assassinate than your lane opponent - most top lanes aren't going to get blown up by Zed unless you get ahead of them. On April 08 2013 20:25 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: BotRK on Zed is 100% core and thirster isn't even really viable. You're gonna be dying a lot. That's just how Zed works. You gib one champ and blow the rest up with shadow aoe and probably die in the process even if you're running Warmog's. Hydra sounds fun but realistically I can't see myself ever needing it outside of a 6 item teamfight because he does such insane burst already. I'm gonna try it out though. But why is BOTRK core and not Hydra? IMO, hydra should be your core AD-activation item. | ||
Denmark1899 Posts
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England1046 Posts
Should we take this to the Zed thread? I think it would be pretty useful there, I might just copy all that we said here into a post later though. Edit: On April 08 2013 23:21 qanik wrote: You shouldn't go top zed tho, mid zed is where it's at. farming double camps all day. Fortitude potion should make you survive1-6 level. He is seriously strong right now. I'm surprised his winning percent is below 50%. That's cuz noobs play him and waste living shadow on harass then dive in with it on cooldown. hopefully people keep it up because I don't want Riot to nerf him. | ||
119 Posts
On April 08 2013 22:20 Shikyo wrote: How is Zed supposed to handle the laning? On many champions I have a very clear idea of what I'm supposed to do and what I shall do during laning, but I feel like I'm just quite lost with Zed regarding that. Generally I beat my lane opponent in minions but I just don't know what I'm supposed to do. Should I harrass a ton? Should I try to push alot? I feel like without sustain you get harrassed really easily... Should I play passive, aggressive? Should I at times committ with living shadow EQ stuff and trade heavily, or just sit back? Also about Kha'Zix: I'm loving evolving Q first against most melees. The 50 extra range on autos is wonderful for trading, and the range on Q lets you trade extremely well. Makes lasthitting far easier as well, and you stack tear faster than by spamming W. Also, the execute damage on isolate Q also has worked wonders in some games. For example, against a Jax with Warmogs and a Giants Belt my Q did like 1/4 his HP to finish him off when the non-evolved Q would have done nowhere near as much. The main idea with evolving Q first is to spam Q to harrass and also you have better committ/allins when you find the opponent isolated. This is especially good if you cannot get blue buff - If you do get blues consistently, it's still very good to just max W and evolve that like normal, but still I think evolving Q is really underrated. When you play Zed in lane, the first thing you have to do is determine your laning opponent. If he's ranged, max your Q. If he's melee max E. Always get a point into your W early to escape ganks. Harass A LOT. Zed uses energy for a resource giving you unlimited harass potential. Rush BotRK and use the Active right after you ult someone to maximize your burst. | ||
United States6894 Posts
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119 Posts
On April 08 2013 23:37 BrownBear wrote: I just got stomped by AP Tristana mid, holy crap. I wasn't even aware that was still a thing, but once she gets some AP her E is basically an ignite every 8 seconds or so, forced me on Kennen to sit by tower, curl up into a ball, and cry. For that, best thing to do would be try to apply your attacks then stun her as soon as jungle jumps in hopefully having a chain-stun to keep her from jumping away. She's really squishy | ||
Sweden5302 Posts
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United States8298 Posts
On April 08 2013 23:37 BrownBear wrote: I just got stomped by AP Tristana mid, holy crap. I wasn't even aware that was still a thing, but once she gets some AP her E is basically an ignite every 8 seconds or so, forced me on Kennen to sit by tower, curl up into a ball, and cry. There's a thread in strategy about dealing with AP Trist, she's basically an AP Assassin with a reset jump. (Her combined combo AP ratio and base damage are quite high - up there with Leblanc, Ahri, etc.) And the cooldown on E is 16 seconds, and you need to abuse that. | ||
United States8298 Posts
On April 08 2013 23:37 LateralusGaming wrote: When you play Zed in lane, the first thing you have to do is determine your laning opponent. If he's ranged, max your Q. If he's melee max E. Always get a point into your W early to escape ganks. Harass A LOT. Zed uses energy for a resource giving you unlimited harass potential. Rush BotRK and use the Active right after you ult someone to maximize your burst. I really don't agree with max Q against a ranged opponent. Against ranged opponents you're MORE likely to want to just clear t he wave and not fuck around with them (until you're ready to allin them), so E seems even more useful. | ||
United States6894 Posts
On April 08 2013 23:52 Osmoses wrote: If her nuke doesn't kill you she's a free kill, just get some MR. I got Zhonyas and started using it to avoid the burst, but then she just switched to annihilating our Cait at the start of every fight so that their Varus could clean up. Laning got easier once I started to get better at dodging the jump, but it still didn't help the fact that if she ever landed an E on me it was chunking about a quarter to a third of my HP. By the time I got some MR, she was already 5-0 and she just snowballed from there :/ | ||
United States302 Posts
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United States8298 Posts
On April 09 2013 00:02 DrunkenOne wrote: What items to start with as wukong mid? I guess red elixir + pots + ward, but after the elixir price increase I'm not sure what will make sense. Flask is in theory good due to his high mana costs but I don't love flask starts. Well, if they're going to be lowering the number of potions you can carry at a time to 5, flask might end up being the way to go. | ||
Canada5484 Posts
I don't think you need a ward at the start since I doubt you'll be doing much trading pre-6, and it's pretty hard to gank a monkey that's just farming. | ||
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