On April 08 2013 12:25 Slusher wrote: I find quoting in the very next post to be a waste of time, even if someone sneaks one in people generally get what you are trying to say
In a not-insignificant number of cases there are intervening posts that lead to confusing moments.
On April 08 2013 08:16 nafta wrote: CLG just got early lead and held onto it.Nyjacky couldn't really make much plays on tf so he became useless and voy got his first completed item at like 25+ minutes so he was squishy on malph.Wasn't really close.
Anyone know if there is a Vod of this up?
I'm willing to take that risk
On April 08 2013 12:25 Slusher wrote: I find quoting in the very next post to be a waste of time, even if someone sneaks one in people generally get what you are trying to say Until TL, all forums I went to always quoted all the time. I often get super confused when people don't quote. In the future I'll spoil any lengthy quotes I make.
United States37500 Posts
Wukong so fun. Too bad he's so bad at 1v2 that he can't be competitive.
On April 08 2013 13:02 NeoIllusions wrote: Wukong so fun. Too bad he's so bad at 1v2 that he can't be competitive. Pull a DiamondProx and jungle him!
On April 08 2013 13:02 NeoIllusions wrote: Wukong so fun. Too bad he's so bad at 1v2 that he can't be competitive.
its actually really funny cuz his passive gives him armor/mr bsed on the number of nearby enemy champs.
maybe if they buffed it a little bit he could work?
On April 08 2013 13:06 ticklishmusic wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On April 08 2013 13:02 NeoIllusions wrote: Wukong so fun. Too bad he's so bad at 1v2 that he can't be competitive. its actually really funny cuz his passive gives him armor/mr bsed on the number of nearby enemy champs. maybe if they buffed it a little bit he could work? Or rush Tiamat/Aegis? idk
United States23745 Posts
On April 08 2013 13:06 ticklishmusic wrote:Show nested quote +On April 08 2013 13:02 NeoIllusions wrote: Wukong so fun. Too bad he's so bad at 1v2 that he can't be competitive. its actually really funny cuz his passive gives him armor/mr bsed on the number of nearby enemy champs. maybe if they buffed it a little bit he could work? His inability to farm from range is what makes his 2v1 so bad.
United States37500 Posts
Eh, I abhor putting Monkey in Jungle. His kit isn't very conducive.
I think he's really good in team situations obviously but the problem is getting there. Going to keep trying him out against different Tops. And level 2 with Fort Elixir is pretty stupid. l0l
On April 08 2013 13:06 ticklishmusic wrote:Show nested quote +On April 08 2013 13:02 NeoIllusions wrote: Wukong so fun. Too bad he's so bad at 1v2 that he can't be competitive. its actually really funny cuz his passive gives him armor/mr bsed on the number of nearby enemy champs. maybe if they buffed it a little bit he could work? He doesnt have anyway to mass clear waves shoved to tower though. his "AoE" hits what 3 targets max has a moderately long cd and does very little damage until you level it
On April 08 2013 13:02 NeoIllusions wrote: Wukong so fun. Too bad he's so bad at 1v2 that he can't be competitive.
The decreased Pro Champion pool is my #1 complaint about 2v1 meta. Somehow Kassadin is still picked. But its killed some of my fave champs to watch like: Jax, Irelia, and Wukong.
Actually, its killed more than just chars that suck 2v1, it also killed my boy Olaf because he was too good 2v1.
United States37500 Posts
Wave clear isn't that bad at tower. You have E that is ok when dealing with single wave. Multiple waves it obviously becomes less efficient. Q rests auto.
Wukong feels like he should do better than Jax or Irelia but I'm asking Chauster why he's still not that viable. @_@
United States23745 Posts
On April 08 2013 13:18 NeoIllusions wrote: Wave clear isn't that bad at tower. You have E that is ok when dealing with single wave. Multiple waves it obviously becomes less efficient. Q rests auto.
Wukong feels like he should do better than Jax or Irelia but I'm asking Chauster why he's still not that viable. @_@ Dat name drop.
Edit: More seriously, his farming under tower is okay, but he can't do much to clear a wave quickly if the enemy 2v1 is trying to push down your tower. Also if they opt to zone him instead he can't farm at all for fear of dying.
On April 08 2013 13:20 onlywonderboy wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On April 08 2013 13:18 NeoIllusions wrote: Wave clear isn't that bad at tower. You have E that is ok when dealing with single wave. Multiple waves it obviously becomes less efficient. Q rests auto.
Wukong feels like he should do better than Jax or Irelia but I'm asking Chauster why he's still not that viable. @_@ Dat name drop. Edit: More seriously, his farming under tower is okay, but he can't do much to clear a wave quickly if the enemy 2v1 is trying to push down your tower. Also if they opt to zone him instead he can't farm at all for fear of dying. Simple, build AP Wukong and clear waves with clone. Boom, Wukong is viable. Rush Zhonya's to increase armor + clone damage + pop it when they all in.
On April 08 2013 13:27 Gahlo wrote:Show nested quote +On April 08 2013 13:20 onlywonderboy wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On April 08 2013 13:18 NeoIllusions wrote: Wave clear isn't that bad at tower. You have E that is ok when dealing with single wave. Multiple waves it obviously becomes less efficient. Q rests auto.
Wukong feels like he should do better than Jax or Irelia but I'm asking Chauster why he's still not that viable. @_@ Dat name drop. Edit: More seriously, his farming under tower is okay, but he can't do much to clear a wave quickly if the enemy 2v1 is trying to push down your tower. Also if they opt to zone him instead he can't farm at all for fear of dying. Simple, build AP Wukong and clear waves with clone. Boom, Wukong is viable. Rush Zhonya's to increase armor + clone damage + pop it when they all in. the new ap tryndamere inc
On April 08 2013 13:02 NeoIllusions wrote: Wukong so fun. Too bad he's so bad at 1v2 that he can't be competitive. His W isn't necessarily as good as Jax's E for survival, and Irelia's E is pretty good on top of Q reset and W sustain for 1v2s. He can't help ganks/counterganks by using a dash->cc combo like them either. His sustained damage is pretty shit (Wukong's a very bad 1v1er unless you can burst them down with ult or close to it, because he's extremely reliant on Q and E utility to deal sustained damage) compared to what's available otherwise, and unless he gets farm his ult actually isn't that big until level 11 and that can be delayed in a 1v2 since they can zone him from exp in some circumstances.
However with the champs that are currently used he's probably stronger mid than top anyway (Kennen, Vlad, Nidalee were amongst his easiest match-ups top, and he shits on Kha'Zix until Kha becomes able to shove the waves). He tends to dislike the s3 openings too because they force him to spend more on mana pots (he empties his mana pool super fast against champs with sustain or using a lot of pots).
The discussion on Tiamat made me wonder about using it, since Wukong also snowballs crazy hard (not absurdly like Rumble/Darius, nor in a "get a cs' worth of exp and you die" zoning Panth style, but an early kill can spell doom on a squishy laner) but can't really make use of it because of how slowly he clears waves, despite being a wonderful tower-killer if left to his own devices—aa reset on a short-ish cd, AS buff if there's an enemy unit nearby, a kit enticing AD... I tend to build a BT if I get into a farmfest or crush my lane, but if I have to sit on a BFS or even a brutaliser (or straight-up lose my lane) building more utility-oriented is fine too, and Aegis' often my 2nd item after BT (if I'm really crazy-farmed I'll just get a mallet/warmogs/randuin's depending on game, getting belt first and riding his passive for survivability), so maybe being less greedy with a pickaxe+vamp -> aegis -> tiamat -> hydra+bulwark (insert boots somewhere) could work well in some games. Depends if Tiamat gives enough AD to fuel his killing power. The active would help his sustained damage and the amount of lifesteal+survivability from bulwark+passive would let him be a (very) tanky initiator while retaining some threat once his cooldowns are used. His solo killing potential will probably melt from such an early itemisation though...
What do you guys think about GP in a 2v1 lane, seems like he stays somewhat useful even with less farm then normal and q helps him catch back up if he gets some free farm. W lets him stay somewhat safe vs CC.
On April 08 2013 13:38 LazyFailKid wrote: What do you guys think about GP in a 2v1 lane, seems like he stays somewhat useful even with less farm then normal and q helps him catch back up if he gets some free farm. W lets him stay somewhat safe vs CC. gp can't handle a 1v1 lane
wonder what that means
he has a ranged nuke for harass and cs and a free cleanse + heal ability, his 1v2 is better than most tops.