On April 06 2013 00:20 nafta wrote:Show nested quote +On April 06 2013 00:11 Requizen wrote: Xin, Diana, and Kha only have 2 types of players:
1) Those who will singlehandedly carry the team by abusing the inherent power of the champions against players who have no idea how to counter play them (aka: players on the enemy team)
2) Those who pick them up because they got stomped by one and feed the hell out of the game because they can't use Moonfall/Three Talon Strike/Kha combo like a sane person. (aka: players on your team)
This also applies to Akali, Vayne, and Thresh. I dunno man.I have never seen a diana feeding.Her damage is pretty retarded.Honestly it was pretty surprising how long it took for her to gain popularity after they reversed the nerfs.How can your aoe wave clear cost 55 mana :/. What would you guys recommend to someone who has pretty much given up on solo q?I've stopped flaming,I always try to help other lanes,try to encourage people to try but still pretty much unless I carry by myself I lose.Also quite a big problem I'd say is people being super bad.Even when they on enemy team the games suck :/.Breaks apparently don't help either. I've seen so many whiffed Crescent Strikes and Moonfalls that hit nothing. Not to mention the DC/VS first Dianas because "I need more damage" and then proceed to die instantly because they can't proc their shield. Silver, mate, it's a painful place.
QQing aside, if you hate solo queue as much, find a duo partner in here or after a good game. Helps to have at least one lane you can rely on, plus if the game goes bad you have someone to talk with and maybe turn it around with communication.
I can't play assassins to save my life.
On April 06 2013 00:25 Requizen wrote:Show nested quote +On April 06 2013 00:20 nafta wrote:On April 06 2013 00:11 Requizen wrote: Xin, Diana, and Kha only have 2 types of players:
1) Those who will singlehandedly carry the team by abusing the inherent power of the champions against players who have no idea how to counter play them (aka: players on the enemy team)
2) Those who pick them up because they got stomped by one and feed the hell out of the game because they can't use Moonfall/Three Talon Strike/Kha combo like a sane person. (aka: players on your team)
This also applies to Akali, Vayne, and Thresh. I dunno man.I have never seen a diana feeding.Her damage is pretty retarded.Honestly it was pretty surprising how long it took for her to gain popularity after they reversed the nerfs.How can your aoe wave clear cost 55 mana :/. What would you guys recommend to someone who has pretty much given up on solo q?I've stopped flaming,I always try to help other lanes,try to encourage people to try but still pretty much unless I carry by myself I lose.Also quite a big problem I'd say is people being super bad.Even when they on enemy team the games suck :/.Breaks apparently don't help either. I've seen so many whiffed Crescent Strikes and Moonfalls that hit nothing. Not to mention the DC/VS first Dianas because "I need more damage" and then proceed to die instantly because they can't proc their shield. Silver, mate, it's a painful place. QQing aside, if you hate solo queue as much, find a duo partner in here or after a good game. Helps to have at least one lane you can rely on, plus if the game goes bad you have someone to talk with and maybe turn it around with communication.
I have tried but doesn't really change much.Usually I just have to supp and the adc is just straight up bad.When you can't carry an ad as thresh you know something is wrong .Like I want to play and get better but I feel like I've started playing worse from all the solo q shit lately.Finding a team to play with so hard .
On April 06 2013 00:26 57 Corvette wrote: I can't play assassins to save my life.
Diana's not even a full-on assassin. She's some weird AP bruiser with the damage of an assassin, lol. It's just so weird that every "assassin" released these days all have at least 1 long-ranged poke they can use before they have to commit.
Dam EU server's down. If you're stuck outside a game on EU-W (can't reconnect, can't get out of "Game is still in progress..." screen, what do you do? If I leave will I just straight up lose my promotion series? :/
On April 06 2013 00:37 Juicyfruit wrote:Show nested quote +On April 06 2013 00:26 57 Corvette wrote: I can't play assassins to save my life. Diana's not even a full-on assassin. She's some weird AP bruiser with the damage of an assassin, lol. It's just so weird that every "assassin" released these days all have at least 1 long-ranged poke they can use before they have to commit. On the topic of 1 long range poke, Talon has always been a favorite of mine, his W is kind of mind range ish but still its the same idea. I started league playing assasins, though I'm still terribad, I feel like that kind of feature is definitely necessary. An assasin can't just 100-0 someone till they are fed so that poke is probably necessary. Also Diana has some seriously weird fucntions, like being a bruiser till 6, then being an assasin until everyone is tanky, and then being a bruiser again.
On April 06 2013 00:37 Juicyfruit wrote:Show nested quote +On April 06 2013 00:26 57 Corvette wrote: I can't play assassins to save my life. Diana's not even a full-on assassin. She's some weird AP bruiser with the damage of an assassin, lol. It's just so weird that every "assassin" released these days all have at least 1 long-ranged poke they can use before they have to commit.
Problem is that Diana+Kha6 were designed more as junglers judging by their kits. Shield+2 aoes for Diana just spells camp clear+sustain, and Kha6 w+q spells kill babies>q big wraith/dog.
I feel they need to try harder with designating if a champion is a jungler or laner. I know that gets into the territory that it doesn't encourage diversity in a champion, but I'd rather have that than deal with Kha6 W that wave clears npnp no matter how much you poke him down, or Diana doing everything at once.
Today's topic on TL: "Assassins are Stupid!", brought to you by Locicero.
1- Vi using Q to gap close then ult you isn't really different from Jarvan using EQ then ult. It's also weaker positionally (no AoE trap), though she sacrifices less damage in the process (she still has E and W, Jarvan's got higher AS through E and still has his passive though).
2- Zac doesn't have jumps, his ult only bounces for aesthetics, he can't pass through walls and stuff while using it (I dunno if he ignores collision).
3- Zed has more "jumps" and initiation range than Vi/Jarvan. Kha'Zix has Tristana's W with friggin' AD scaling. Oh, and both of them are assassins on top of their bruiser-like dps.
On April 06 2013 00:18 LoCicero wrote:Show nested quote +On April 06 2013 00:13 onlywonderboy wrote:On April 06 2013 00:06 LoCicero wrote: Yo, you guys ever ask a girl out and then realize that you don't speak the same language? Because in the life of LoCicero that just happened.
Thankfully we have our dope general discussion back and I can post relevant and important information like the above sentence.
Also, when is Riot going to change Kha'zix and Diana? Seriously, I'm getting so sick of seeing those champions (also, Riot, just remove Xin from the game, plz).
In addition... Why is Zac's jump so unbelievably far? It's just a nerf waiting to happen. Unreal.
Edit: Maybe I should've posted in the Shikyo thread... Don't forget Zed! Assassins in general are still just really really strong. Yeah, you're right. Honestly, I feel assassins have ALWAYS been difficult for Riot to balance... Eve, Talon, Akali, Zed, SHACO, Lee... I'm sure there are more but I have been heavily drinking so I can't really remember. You can't really put Talon, Evelynn or Shaco on the same page as stuff like Zed and Kha'Zix. If they fuck up, they're either dead or useless. Talon and Evelynn are hugely ult-reliant and lack escape mecanisms (Talon shares his with his burst through his ult, and no you can't say the same about Akali she has 3 charges and a +50 armour/MR stealthing slowing long duration huge-ass AoE), Shaco doesn't have assassin-like burst past the early-levels, he's more farm-reliant than Zed or Kha (or even Talon), ironically. Riot's just gotta realise that they can't claim some champs as "assassins" then not have to make sacrifices amongst: burst, dps, escape, engage, poke, pushing, pure defense steroids. Once that's done it'll probably be easier to decide what those pile of craps are, and see if assassins (I mean real assassins, not the stuff being tagged so) are in a good place.
On April 06 2013 00:43 docvoc wrote:Show nested quote +On April 06 2013 00:37 Juicyfruit wrote:On April 06 2013 00:26 57 Corvette wrote: I can't play assassins to save my life. Diana's not even a full-on assassin. She's some weird AP bruiser with the damage of an assassin, lol. It's just so weird that every "assassin" released these days all have at least 1 long-ranged poke they can use before they have to commit. On the topic of 1 long range poke, Talon has always been a favorite of mine, his W is kind of mind range ish but still its the same idea. I started league playing assasins, though I'm still terribad, I feel like that kind of feature is definitely necessary. An assasin can't just 100-0 someone till they are fed so that poke is probably necessary. Also Diana has some seriously weird fucntions, like being a bruiser till 6, then being an assasin until everyone is tanky, and then being a bruiser again. 600 range 10s cd 260 + 1.2 bonus AD damage, Kha'Zix has higher mana cost and lower damage (235 + 0.9 bonus AD) but 1k range and 8s cd and his passive more than largely make up for the missing damage, that's not even comparable. Do you really want to "poke" with 600 range? Here, eat a Rune Prison or Dazzle to the face. There's a reason Panth's Q is strong as hell during laning but weak during sieges/stand-offs.
I think Talon needs some love from Riot. I don't even play him, but he always seemed really cool, and looked like he actually required a modicum of skill to play effectively.
1- Vi using Q to gap close then ult you isn't really different from Jarvan using EQ then ult. It's also weaker positionally (no AoE trap), though she sacrifices less damage in the process (she still has E and W, Jarvan's got higher AS through E and still has his passive though).
2- Zac doesn't have jumps, his ult only bounces for aesthetics, he can't pass through walls and stuff while using it (I dunno if he ignores collision).
Maybe I don't remember j4 well enough or I hate Vi too much, but q+ult has the longest engage range imo. Plus there is 0 counterplay to her ult. I mean, at least with j4 you jump out of it and then shoot him because he trapped himself, whereas Vi will kill you in almost one combo.
Also, Zac elastic stretch. Its the same as Vi q pretty much, other than the fact he remains rooted to where he is while charging it.
United States47024 Posts
On April 06 2013 00:45 Cloud9157 wrote: I feel they need to try harder with designating if a champion is a jungler or laner. I know that gets into the territory that it doesn't encourage diversity in a champion, but I'd rather have that than deal with Kha6 W that wave clears npnp no matter how much you poke him down, or Diana doing everything at once. Honestly, Riot should focus on just designing good, coherent, champion kits, and not worry about designing them FOR some role. The community will figure out a place for the champion if the kit functions smoothly and coherently.
They run into the same problem with supports. A lot of the good supports weren't intended as such, and there were many "support" kits that ended up being better as non-supports. It feels like Riot tries too hard to shoehorn the kit into doing one thing or another and ends up creating problems that way.
On April 06 2013 00:55 Requizen wrote: I think Talon needs some love from Riot. I don't even play him, but he always seemed really cool, and looked like he actually required a modicum of skill to play effectively. He's really fine where he is now.
On April 06 2013 00:56 Cloud9157 wrote:Show nested quote +1- Vi using Q to gap close then ult you isn't really different from Jarvan using EQ then ult. It's also weaker positionally (no AoE trap), though she sacrifices less damage in the process (she still has E and W, Jarvan's got higher AS through E and still has his passive though).
2- Zac doesn't have jumps, his ult only bounces for aesthetics, he can't pass through walls and stuff while using it (I dunno if he ignores collision). Maybe I don't remember j4 well enough or I hate Vi too much, but q+ult has the longest engage range imo. Plus there is 0 counterplay to her ult. I mean, at least with j4 you jump out of it and then shoot him because he trapped himself, whereas Vi will kill you in almost one combo. Also, Zac elastic stretch. Its the same as Vi q pretty much, other than the fact he remains rooted to where he is while charging it.
Elastic stretch is definitely longer range tha vi Q
On April 06 2013 00:58 mr_tolkien wrote:Show nested quote +On April 06 2013 00:55 Requizen wrote: I think Talon needs some love from Riot. I don't even play him, but he always seemed really cool, and looked like he actually required a modicum of skill to play effectively. He's really fine where he is now. I literally can't remember the last time I saw him in game, let alone in a tournament. He got a spurt when BC was imbalanced, but even then not as much as Kha/J4/Riven.
On April 06 2013 00:58 jcarlsoniv wrote:Show nested quote +On April 06 2013 00:56 Cloud9157 wrote:1- Vi using Q to gap close then ult you isn't really different from Jarvan using EQ then ult. It's also weaker positionally (no AoE trap), though she sacrifices less damage in the process (she still has E and W, Jarvan's got higher AS through E and still has his passive though).
2- Zac doesn't have jumps, his ult only bounces for aesthetics, he can't pass through walls and stuff while using it (I dunno if he ignores collision). Maybe I don't remember j4 well enough or I hate Vi too much, but q+ult has the longest engage range imo. Plus there is 0 counterplay to her ult. I mean, at least with j4 you jump out of it and then shoot him because he trapped himself, whereas Vi will kill you in almost one combo. Also, Zac elastic stretch. Its the same as Vi q pretty much, other than the fact he remains rooted to where he is while charging it. Elastic stretch is definitely longer range tha vi Q
It serves the same function is what I was getting at. It opens up his gank paths tenfold.
On April 06 2013 00:46 Alaric wrote:1- Vi using Q to gap close then ult you isn't really different from Jarvan using EQ then ult. It's also weaker positionally (no AoE trap), though she sacrifices less damage in the process (she still has E and W, Jarvan's got higher AS through E and still has his passive though). 2- Zac doesn't have jump s, his ult only bounces for aesthetics, he can't pass through walls and stuff while using it (I dunno if he ignores collision). 3- Zed has more "jumps" and initiation range than Vi/Jarvan. Kha'Zix has Tristana's W with friggin' AD scaling. Oh, and both of them are assassins on top of their bruiser-like dps. Show nested quote +On April 06 2013 00:18 LoCicero wrote:On April 06 2013 00:13 onlywonderboy wrote:On April 06 2013 00:06 LoCicero wrote: Yo, you guys ever ask a girl out and then realize that you don't speak the same language? Because in the life of LoCicero that just happened.
Thankfully we have our dope general discussion back and I can post relevant and important information like the above sentence.
Also, when is Riot going to change Kha'zix and Diana? Seriously, I'm getting so sick of seeing those champions (also, Riot, just remove Xin from the game, plz).
In addition... Why is Zac's jump so unbelievably far? It's just a nerf waiting to happen. Unreal.
Edit: Maybe I should've posted in the Shikyo thread... Don't forget Zed! Assassins in general are still just really really strong. Yeah, you're right. Honestly, I feel assassins have ALWAYS been difficult for Riot to balance... Eve, Talon, Akali, Zed, SHACO, Lee... I'm sure there are more but I have been heavily drinking so I can't really remember. You can't really put Talon, Evelynn or Shaco on the same page as stuff like Zed and Kha'Zix. If they fuck up, they're either dead or useless. Talon and Evelynn are hugely ult-reliant and lack escape mecanisms (Talon shares his with his burst through his ult, and no you can't say the same about Akali she has 3 charges and a +50 armour/MR stealthing slowing long duration huge-ass AoE), Shaco doesn't have assassin-like burst past the early-levels, he's more farm-reliant than Zed or Kha (or even Talon), ironically. Riot's just gotta realise that they can't claim some champs as "assassins" then not have to make sacrifices amongst: burst, dps, escape, engage, poke, pushing, pure defense steroids. Once that's done it'll probably be easier to decide what those pile of craps are, and see if assassins (I mean real assassins, not the stuff being tagged so) are in a good place. Show nested quote +On April 06 2013 00:43 docvoc wrote:On April 06 2013 00:37 Juicyfruit wrote:On April 06 2013 00:26 57 Corvette wrote: I can't play assassins to save my life. Diana's not even a full-on assassin. She's some weird AP bruiser with the damage of an assassin, lol. It's just so weird that every "assassin" released these days all have at least 1 long-ranged poke they can use before they have to commit. On the topic of 1 long range poke, Talon has always been a favorite of mine, his W is kind of mind range ish but still its the same idea. I started league playing assasins, though I'm still terribad, I feel like that kind of feature is definitely necessary. An assasin can't just 100-0 someone till they are fed so that poke is probably necessary. Also Diana has some seriously weird fucntions, like being a bruiser till 6, then being an assasin until everyone is tanky, and then being a bruiser again. 600 range 10s cd 260 + 1.2 bonus AD damage, Kha'Zix has higher mana cost and lower damage (235 + 0.9 bonus AD) but 1k range and 8s cd and his passive more than largely make up for the missing damage, that's not even comparable. Do you really want to "poke" with 600 range? Here, eat a Rune Prison or Dazzle to the face. There's a reason Panth's Q is strong as hell during laning but weak during sieges/stand-offs.
My statement wasn't that those group of assassins are OP right now, it's that they have been changed multiple times in an attempt to balance them. In my opinion, assassins have been the hardest character group for riot to properly balance due to the fact that mobility and damage are some of the two most important aspects of this game, and getting both in a kit can cause balance problems (as most assassins have).
On April 05 2013 21:02 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote:Show nested quote +On April 05 2013 18:08 kainzero wrote:On April 05 2013 13:09 Sufficiency wrote:On April 05 2013 09:50 kainzero wrote: can i claim the tl syndra guide
i am working on it right now
gogogo silver 5 guides I am not sure if anyone is in good position to make such a guide right now. She is still relatively unexplored imo. yup no one knows how to play her, let's just not have a guide nor discussion Honestly though a silver 5 guide isn't going to be much better than me just reading her skills and buying shit I think is good. I know a couple of plats/diamonds who mained her in early s3. One of them is a really hot girl. you don't know that! you never read my guide!
i said silver 5 partially in jest because i stopped playing solo q ranked. i can say silver 1 arranged 5s, lol. and the plat player in our arranged 5s group who plays mid thinks my syndra is really good for some reason, lol.
On April 05 2013 20:42 57 Corvette wrote: When I tried support Syndra a month or two ago, people said I was trolling, now people are actually considering it?
This game..
well... it might be because of the rise of budget APs coming from support position. i've been trying to learn support elise. i know she's been played in the proscene but i'm not sure what runes and masteries are good when she's in the support position, there's always the joke that level 8 elise support can fight some level 10 top laners but that does need to be figured out to some extent. the reason why i tried syndra support was because i was thinking the runes and masteries might be similar. one game is not a big sample size but i'll experiment some more.
login queue on euw: over 20000 1 hour 21 min
Just got that too when I tried to log in. Not even worth the effort.