On April 05 2013 22:07 AsnSensation wrote: Anyone knows how long till elo decay happens and it demotes you even for tiers? I played my smurf from silver 1 to plat V during the last 3 days and now I wonder how long till I have to play a game again to keep it in plat.
28 days.It's pretty close to impossible to get demoted from 5.
(oops wrong thread )
United States15536 Posts
On April 05 2013 22:38 mr_tolkien wrote:LOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODOCOOOOOOO (oops wrong thread  )
Loco worship is acceptable in any thread.
On April 05 2013 22:07 AsnSensation wrote: Anyone knows how long till elo decay happens and it demotes you even for tiers? I played my smurf from silver 1 to plat V during the last 3 days and now I wonder how long till I have to play a game again to keep it in plat.
It's like 28 days and you don't get any warning.
On April 05 2013 22:25 Dusty wrote: I think Zac is actually really strong. He just does so much work in every game there is a competent Zac player.
Seuss thinks that Zac is just super strong even from the jungle, and loves maxing E for more jumps cause jumps are the bestest. Even when he's incredibly tired he's proven he can still carry with Zac. Zac's passive is wonky but dem elastic jumps so good.
And they also have a freaking huge range. When he jumps in for a gank and randomly bounces around with his ult, I have no fucking clue what's going on. Hilarious stuff.
EUW down again. Was surprised that there's not even a thread about it on reddit but mods are deleting them apparently.
A normal day in the life on EUW.
Yo, you guys ever ask a girl out and then realize that you don't speak the same language? Because in the life of LoCicero that just happened.
Thankfully we have our dope general discussion back and I can post relevant and important information like the above sentence.
Also, when is Riot going to change Kha'zix and Diana? Seriously, I'm getting so sick of seeing those champions (also, Riot, just remove Xin from the game, plz).
In addition... Why is Zac's jump so unbelievably far? It's just a nerf waiting to happen. Unreal.
Edit: Maybe I should've posted in the Shikyo thread...
Silver I EUW still ban Vi and doesn't use Zac (seriously, I haven't see him once in a game, I guess the first one is the one I'll play once he's back down to 6300). The LP gain drop is pretty harsh, was at 28, went 2-1 and ended up at 50 so around 20 a win, and today went 2-0, gained +11 then +6. Oh well, at least it isn't from +15 to +1 once I reach 90. I'll never get up there anyway, too bad. (Coincidentally the games were carried by a jungle Fiddle and a jungle Maokai, suck it Lee/Xin/Jarvan.)
Xin, Diana, and Kha only have 2 types of players:
1) Those who will singlehandedly carry the team by abusing the inherent power of the champions against players who have no idea how to counter play them (aka: players on the enemy team)
2) Those who pick them up because they got stomped by one and feed the hell out of the game because they can't use Moonfall/Three Talon Strike/Kha combo like a sane person. (aka: players on your team)
This also applies to Akali, Vayne, and Thresh.
United States23745 Posts
On April 06 2013 00:06 LoCicero wrote: Yo, you guys ever ask a girl out and then realize that you don't speak the same language? Because in the life of LoCicero that just happened.
Thankfully we have our dope general discussion back and I can post relevant and important information like the above sentence.
Also, when is Riot going to change Kha'zix and Diana? Seriously, I'm getting so sick of seeing those champions (also, Riot, just remove Xin from the game, plz).
In addition... Why is Zac's jump so unbelievably far? It's just a nerf waiting to happen. Unreal.
Edit: Maybe I should've posted in the Shikyo thread... Don't forget Zed! Assassins in general are still just really really strong.
On April 06 2013 00:13 onlywonderboy wrote:Show nested quote +On April 06 2013 00:06 LoCicero wrote: Yo, you guys ever ask a girl out and then realize that you don't speak the same language? Because in the life of LoCicero that just happened.
Thankfully we have our dope general discussion back and I can post relevant and important information like the above sentence.
Also, when is Riot going to change Kha'zix and Diana? Seriously, I'm getting so sick of seeing those champions (also, Riot, just remove Xin from the game, plz).
In addition... Why is Zac's jump so unbelievably far? It's just a nerf waiting to happen. Unreal.
Edit: Maybe I should've posted in the Shikyo thread... Don't forget Zed! Assassins in general are still just really really strong.
Yeah, you're right. Honestly, I feel assassins have ALWAYS been difficult for Riot to balance... Eve, Talon, Akali, Zed, SHACO, Lee... I'm sure there are more but I have been heavily drinking so I can't really remember.
United States15536 Posts
Question: has anyone tried Seeker's Armguard on a support like Leona or Taric or Alistar? It's not super expensive and it would help their ratios a bit (I think). Anyone ever used it?
At what point does Riot think its a good idea giving champions all of these ridiculous jumps? And by champions, I mean Vi and Zac.
On April 06 2013 00:19 Cloud9157 wrote: At what point does Riot think its a good idea giving champions all of these ridiculous jumps? And by champions, I mean Vi and Zac. Don't forget Kha and his reset.
On April 06 2013 00:11 Requizen wrote: Xin, Diana, and Kha only have 2 types of players:
1) Those who will singlehandedly carry the team by abusing the inherent power of the champions against players who have no idea how to counter play them (aka: players on the enemy team)
2) Those who pick them up because they got stomped by one and feed the hell out of the game because they can't use Moonfall/Three Talon Strike/Kha combo like a sane person. (aka: players on your team)
This also applies to Akali, Vayne, and Thresh.
I dunno man.I have never seen a diana feeding.Her damage is pretty retarded.Honestly it was pretty surprising how long it took for her to gain popularity after they reversed the nerfs.How can your aoe wave clear cost 55 mana :/.
What would you guys recommend to someone who has pretty much given up on solo q?I've stopped flaming,I always try to help other lanes,try to encourage people to try but still pretty much unless I carry by myself I lose.Also quite a big problem I'd say is people being super bad.Even when they on enemy team the games suck :/.Breaks apparently don't help either.
On April 06 2013 00:18 AsmodeusXI wrote: Question: has anyone tried Seeker's Armguard on a support like Leona or Taric or Alistar? It's not super expensive and it would help their ratios a bit (I think). Anyone ever used it?
Imo the problem with seekers is that it doesn't give health. I feel like health is truly the most important stat for supports as health allows them to soak up damage in skirmishes and come out alive. Seeker's (while giving armor), isn't as effective as pure health in providing toughness. I might be wrong though.
At least that is his only gap closer. Vi Qs over a wall and then ults you from infinity range, then kills you with e, because lawlz free damage.
And Zac gets three jumps on ult, because hes fair. /qq