Randuins is still a lategame item for bruiser and Ez, Graves, MF, Vayne, Draven all have really high damage mid game. Hell carries had it worse before Olaf nerfs. Early s3 carries were crazy good you progressed through your build so fast with BT/Shiv that you hit your power spike early.
People just need to accept that the focus has gone from who can protect their carry longer to who can kill their carry faster because people decided its what we are going to do when we draft. I have never had an easier time carrying my team than as ADC now that you just need mechanics to win teamfights rather than teamwork.
I don't even poke at towers anymore with all the initiate, the only alternative to ranged+sup is early game bruisers with cc akin towards lee sin, Xin and j4
ADC is still pretty easy. Damage got nerfed but so did tankiness, and in S2 all AP items got nerfed. About the only thing that didn't get nerfed with items changes are melee AD champs like Zed, Talon, Rengar, Jayce. Still, I may die sometimes without getting my damage off, but usually your enemy team doesn't have an Akali and Rengar waiting on the sidelines for you to show yourself.
trust me as the guy who went mail rush back in s2 with taric (gona keep plugging that thing until the taric changes come out and its super op for a mail rush) I've known how batshit op omen really is. Just go omen on adc and you'll have a much better time in soloq without the need for any peel or kite just pure damage on top of it.
Well, the item re-balancing that emphasized AD over AS doesn't make sense from my perspective, but it hurt AD carries even if they did the same damage (they dont), because more AS is better Auto Attack animations and better kiting, along with AS based bruisers (Irelia, Jax) being easier to peel than someone like Khazix or Jarvan who do most of their damage almost instantly.
On February 27 2013 12:20 obesechicken13 wrote: ADC is still pretty easy. Damage got nerfed but so did tankiness, and in S2 all AP items got nerfed. About the only thing that didn't get nerfed with items changes are melee AD champs like Zed, Talon, Rengar, Jayce. Still, I may die sometimes without getting my damage off, but usually your enemy team doesn't have an Akali and Rengar waiting on the sidelines for you to show yourself. Damage got nerfed A LOT though for ad's. Through midgame that I just played, I couldn't do shit to this jarvan who had built a randuins. My attack speed went to complete shit until I finished my LW
Edit My attack speed AND my damage
On February 27 2013 11:47 Ryuu314 wrote: To be completely honest, AD carries becoming worse and *possibly rotating out (which I personally don't think will happen) is imo a good thing.
I see no good reason why teams have to be forced to run an AD carry to be competitive. If double bruiser or more AP carries are viable alternatives, why not? I don't think it is. Having a high consistent damage in the meta puts time limits on the game, since won fights end the game. Similarly having high consistent damage options stop the optimal build paths from converging towards tanky/dps. I.E. lets see which team has the best combination of tank and DPS instead of lets see which team team fights better.
Edit: I mean sure you could have your consistent damage options be AP carries but that wouldn't do anything except change the consistent damage option from armor defense to magic defense, you don't actually gain anything in the meta.
How would getting an LW help your attack speed at all?
On February 27 2013 12:49 Sermokala wrote: How would getting an LW help your attack speed at all? Whoops meant my damage and my attack speed. What I meant was that the jarvan took forever to kill till that LW
On February 27 2013 12:20 obesechicken13 wrote: ADC is still pretty easy. Damage got nerfed but so did tankiness, and in S2 all AP items got nerfed. About the only thing that didn't get nerfed with items changes are melee AD champs like Zed, Talon, Rengar, Jayce. Still, I may die sometimes without getting my damage off, but usually your enemy team doesn't have an Akali and Rengar waiting on the sidelines for you to show yourself. What game have you been playing these last few months
On February 27 2013 13:05 Nos- wrote:Show nested quote +On February 27 2013 12:20 obesechicken13 wrote: ADC is still pretty easy. Damage got nerfed but so did tankiness, and in S2 all AP items got nerfed. About the only thing that didn't get nerfed with items changes are melee AD champs like Zed, Talon, Rengar, Jayce. Still, I may die sometimes without getting my damage off, but usually your enemy team doesn't have an Akali and Rengar waiting on the sidelines for you to show yourself. What game have you been playing these last few months low elo ones
Its not even akali or rengar anymore. Any of the new super gapcloser junglers or god forbid hecarim or garen come out of the woodwork the second your out of position and you know that you're already fucked and gona die.
I mainly play Tristana too. She has less "oh fuck" situations.
On February 27 2013 13:13 Sermokala wrote: Its not even akali or rengar anymore. Any of the new super gapcloser junglers or god forbid hecarim or garen come out of the woodwork the second your out of position and you know that you're already fucked and gona die.
Garen is so good at this. Midgame, an ADCs barely scratch garen, but he kills them in like 4 seconds. Hate that guy. His W is getting nerfed though, so i guess that will help.
On February 27 2013 13:19 zodde wrote:Show nested quote +On February 27 2013 13:13 Sermokala wrote: Its not even akali or rengar anymore. Any of the new super gapcloser junglers or god forbid hecarim or garen come out of the woodwork the second your out of position and you know that you're already fucked and gona die. Garen is so good at this. Midgame, an ADCs barely scratch garen, but he kills them in like 4 seconds. Hate that guy. His W is getting nerfed though, so i guess that will help. I've decided to just go stright bortk omen whenever I see garen in games. not too much longer until bortk gives as too for a good 1 item power curve.
On February 27 2013 13:25 Sermokala wrote:Show nested quote +On February 27 2013 13:19 zodde wrote:On February 27 2013 13:13 Sermokala wrote: Its not even akali or rengar anymore. Any of the new super gapcloser junglers or god forbid hecarim or garen come out of the woodwork the second your out of position and you know that you're already fucked and gona die. Garen is so good at this. Midgame, an ADCs barely scratch garen, but he kills them in like 4 seconds. Hate that guy. His W is getting nerfed though, so i guess that will help. I've decided to just go stright bortk omen whenever I see garen in games. not too much longer until bortk gives as too for a good 1 item power curve.
Gotta try that. Anyone knows when the botrk change is supposed to go live?
I (was) an adc main, and it's really ridiculous right now for adc's. I feel like I have to dance around in the back of the fight and hope that my opponents blow all their cooldowns on my front line before I can do anything. It's retarded how easy it is to dive an adc too. Xin, Garen, J4, Vi and Hec can all just straight up destroy you before you can do anything. And this isnt including mids like akali/diana or leona. There is literally so much fucking CC they throw at you, you can't do anything. Not to mention unless you get ridiculously fed, you're going to do shit for damage too. A warmogs and warden's mail on a bruiser (about 4k gold) will get rid of any damage an adc is doing midgame, guaranteed. Comparatively, a bloodthirster and zeal cost more than that AND you won't be able to do anything because you have no armor pen. This game is completely bullshit for adc's right now.
On February 27 2013 13:43 zodde wrote:Show nested quote +On February 27 2013 13:25 Sermokala wrote:On February 27 2013 13:19 zodde wrote:On February 27 2013 13:13 Sermokala wrote: Its not even akali or rengar anymore. Any of the new super gapcloser junglers or god forbid hecarim or garen come out of the woodwork the second your out of position and you know that you're already fucked and gona die. Garen is so good at this. Midgame, an ADCs barely scratch garen, but he kills them in like 4 seconds. Hate that guy. His W is getting nerfed though, so i guess that will help. I've decided to just go stright bortk omen whenever I see garen in games. not too much longer until bortk gives as too for a good 1 item power curve. Gotta try that. Anyone knows when the botrk change is supposed to go live?
The 5% change is live now. It's fully buffed atm.
On February 27 2013 13:46 IMoperator wrote: I (was) an adc main, and it's really ridiculous right now for adc's. I feel like I have to dance around in the back of the fight and hope that my opponents blow all their cooldowns on my front line before I can do anything. It's retarded how easy it is to dive an adc too. Xin, Garen, J4, Vi and Hec can all just straight up destroy you before you can do anything. And this isnt including mids like akali/diana or leona. There is literally so much fucking CC they throw at you, you can't do anything. Not to mention unless you get ridiculously fed, you're going to do shit for damage too. A warmogs and warden's mail on a bruiser (about 4k gold) will get rid of any damage an adc is doing midgame, guaranteed. Comparatively, a bloodthirster and zeal cost more than that AND you won't be able to do anything because you have no armor pen. This game is completely bullshit for adc's right now. I wouldn't go that far, it's a bit frustrating to play ads right now and you require more peel than S2 I guess but ads still pose a very high damage threat mid-late game.
On February 27 2013 13:51 Nos- wrote:Show nested quote +On February 27 2013 13:46 IMoperator wrote: I (was) an adc main, and it's really ridiculous right now for adc's. I feel like I have to dance around in the back of the fight and hope that my opponents blow all their cooldowns on my front line before I can do anything. It's retarded how easy it is to dive an adc too. Xin, Garen, J4, Vi and Hec can all just straight up destroy you before you can do anything. And this isnt including mids like akali/diana or leona. There is literally so much fucking CC they throw at you, you can't do anything. Not to mention unless you get ridiculously fed, you're going to do shit for damage too. A warmogs and warden's mail on a bruiser (about 4k gold) will get rid of any damage an adc is doing midgame, guaranteed. Comparatively, a bloodthirster and zeal cost more than that AND you won't be able to do anything because you have no armor pen. This game is completely bullshit for adc's right now. I wouldn't go that far, it's a bit frustrating to play ads right now and you require more peel than S2 I guess but ads still pose a very high damage threat mid-late game. Eh, mid game not really anymore. Your 200 damage crits aren't going to do anything to a guy with 3k+ health while he's diving your face. Most games I play are won/lost by ~20 minute mark, Idk if this is exclusive to silver league, but most of the time you can tell who is winning by that point so it's really hard to get your full build to actually do your damage.
On February 27 2013 13:48 Zooper31 wrote:Show nested quote +On February 27 2013 13:43 zodde wrote:On February 27 2013 13:25 Sermokala wrote:On February 27 2013 13:19 zodde wrote:On February 27 2013 13:13 Sermokala wrote: Its not even akali or rengar anymore. Any of the new super gapcloser junglers or god forbid hecarim or garen come out of the woodwork the second your out of position and you know that you're already fucked and gona die. Garen is so good at this. Midgame, an ADCs barely scratch garen, but he kills them in like 4 seconds. Hate that guy. His W is getting nerfed though, so i guess that will help. I've decided to just go stright bortk omen whenever I see garen in games. not too much longer until bortk gives as too for a good 1 item power curve. Gotta try that. Anyone knows when the botrk change is supposed to go live? The 5% change is live now. It's fully buffed atm.
I know that, I was talking about the version with attack speed.