[Patch 3.02: Fake Quinn] General Discussion - Page 149
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Canada23833 Posts
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Netherlands2569 Posts
On February 27 2013 05:42 Sbrubbles wrote: One thing I still haven't gotten the hang of with thresh is his lategame. As a general rule should I be trying to initiate with his Q-R-E or should I save those skills to peel for my carries? If you can hook a the adc or apc why not (when they are out of position), or your team is really far ahead and you are looking for a fight, but usually you should protect your carry. | ||
Germany24009 Posts
On February 27 2013 06:20 Sufficiency wrote: Why is it that TSM has a camera in every single freaking room of their house and streams 24/7? I don't understand. part of the gamecribs project, it's funny because during the time all the camera are on, out of all the 7 only 1 is useful because they are all sitting in the gaming room while the rest of the house is empty. the most annoying part is that all of the featured streams on Solomid became the fucking housecams. Now I actually have to navigate the site to access good streams. | ||
Canada2869 Posts
On February 27 2013 06:20 Sufficiency wrote: Why is it that TSM has a camera in every single freaking room of their house and streams 24/7? I don't understand. Part of Gamecribs, I guess they didnt think about the fact that they basically spend 99% of the time the cameras are online (3-11 pm PST) in the lan room. Edit: ^ too slow, what he said lol | ||
United States60033 Posts
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France45622 Posts
On February 27 2013 05:42 Sbrubbles wrote: One thing I still haven't gotten the hang of with thresh is his lategame. As a general rule should I be trying to initiate with his Q-R-E or should I save those skills to peel for my carries? I prefer to keep it to peel for my carries (it's pretty hard to miss it point-blank and it's still a 1.5s stun), or if we engage and tend to be ahead, either I doubleQ in once I have locket and bulwark (hai, got 3k HP, 150+ armour and up to 70-80 MR... and two shields), or I just follow the team and try to Q any carry that tries to disengage and reposition in the back. I buy boots2 really late though so I tend to rely on Flash to do that. | ||
14536 Posts
On February 27 2013 06:31 wei2coolman wrote: Curse house cam in hubert's apartment was far more entertaining, dem girls at curse house parties. For those who haven't seen it yet. | ||
China26351 Posts
Xin is usually a support jungler but can carry single-handedly when fed. | ||
United States37500 Posts
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Netherlands4122 Posts
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United States10467 Posts
Wat? That was pretty weird. Not sure if I'd watch it lol. I feel like reality tv tends to be too fake and set up. | ||
Canada12016 Posts
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Germany11340 Posts
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United States8474 Posts
On February 27 2013 07:04 Nos- wrote: Has the client been crashing after a game ends much more frequently than usual for you guys? Seems every other game I finish ends in my client just spontaneously exiting. Seems to happen to me when I tab out a lot during game, or as game is ending(yes I play in windowed mode so it's not a hard tab out either). Could be pure coincidence getting that stuck in my head though. | ||
United States232 Posts
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Adun Toridas!9144 Posts
On February 27 2013 06:42 zulu_nation8 wrote: There is no magical formula to winning games after getting ahead as jungler. You have to capitalize on every opportunity possible to further your snowball. But you can't learn without making a few dumb decisions and throwing. Think about how to exert the most pressure possible on the enemy team, which ganks will have the highest success rate, how you can stay ahead in level and gold with minimum risk, but also whether there are things you could be doing to snowball your team even further but are not. All of this comes from experiment, repetition, and experience. Xin is usually a support jungler but can carry single-handedly when fed. The #1 best thing to do when ahead as a jungler at lower skill levels is to start warding for your team. For the other team to get back either they are just outclassing your team in lane skill (not much you can do about that), or they need to start doing high risk high reward plays on the map (usually 4 man ganks etc). Since your team is ahead, for the most part you should be able to win teamfights on even footing with complete information. Being able to countergank or counterdive is the easiest way to preserve a lead and snowball out of control. Part of knowing the best places to ward or the lanes to watch out for comes from lane and jungle dynamics. E.g. + Show Spoiler + in the game I just played, I secured FB for our mid Talon. Enemy team was Cho mid + Vi jungle, so even if Talon is ahead he can still basically be 100-0'd by full Cho/Vi combo no matter how fed. After first buy I told him to get 1 ward for their Wraiths/Red ramp and I would ward their Blue banana exit. Sure enough the lvl 6 gank dive comes, Talon baits Cho Q and jumps out of it, Cho/Vi keep pushing, we, countergank and now Talon is 3-0 and pretty much going to snowball out of control. | ||
Germany24009 Posts
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United States1864 Posts
also is it supposed to not show any health bars? O_O | ||
Netherlands21377 Posts
On February 27 2013 08:29 Complete wrote: LoLreplay keeps crashing whenever i alt tab also is it supposed to not show any health bars? O_O I "think" thats because the client doesnt actualy get info like hp unless your actualy looking at it yourself so during laning you probably wont see the hp of other lanes. Its been ages since i used it tho so could be totaly wrong :p | ||
United States17234 Posts
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