While we share many of the guidelines of TeamLiquid in general, our section has a number of specialized rules that are help keep our community orderly and well-run.
From all of us at TL LoL, we hope you enjoy your stay here and come back regularly for the camaraderie.
1. Thou shall use General Discussion
General Discussion has a multi-purpose function. Nine times out of ten, if you have a question and you’re unsure about where to ask it, use the General Discussion thread. The GD serves as a watering hole for the TL LoL community and moves as quickly as a chatroom. To prevent the thread saturation and to maintain up to date information, the GD is reset with every new patch.

2. Thou shall use Champion Threads
In the LoL Strategy subforum, we have a Champion Overview sticky that provides links to every individual champion thread. These threads are typically authored by one of our TeamLiquid users who has expressed interest and proficiency with said champion and is willing to share his or her expertise with the rest of the community. For specialized questions about specific champions, use its respective champion thread. Read first, absorb what you can, ask questions afterwards.
Before you ever ask a Champion specific question in General Discussion, check the Champion thread and the last 2-3 pages first. If your question hasn't been answered yet, ask it in the thread.

3. Thou shall QQ and Brag appropriately
While whines and brags are not exceptionally interesting to read, TL LoL does not censor users from doing so. We simply ask that you use the appropriate threads to express yourself. Individually, reading a player’s bad experience is not incredibly interesting. Reading a page of schadenfreude? Hilarity ensues.

4. Thou shall not complain about bans or the Tribunal
Like whines in general, most people are not all that sympathetic when you get banned, whether if it’s a temp ban from TeamLiquid or a ban in game from Riot and the Tribunal. Majority of the time, the bans are warranted, believe it or not. If you are part of the minority where a ban is somehow unwarranted, bringing it up on a forum isn’t going to help your cause.

5. Thou shall generate discussion with new threads
One of the main points we encourage on TeamLiquid is the promotion of thoughtful discussion. While everyone is entitled to making a new thread, ask yourself first, “Will other users be able to carry out a balanced conversation if I create this thread?” If your idea is not entirely conducive to discussion but you still want to share it, General Discussion is likely a better place to post.

6. Thou shall justify opinions properly
While we granted all our users a fair leeway of expressing their ideas, we ask that you back up your opinions with some semblance of support. Firsthand experience will certainly provide more support when you give another user a suggestion on how to play. As with StarCraft, TL LoL users enjoy theorycraft but understand there’s a line between a novel epiphany versus a bad idea.

7. Thou shall not spam
In tandem with avoiding non-productive threads, do not make posts that have little to no content. ‘+1’, bumps, memes, and image macros should be avoided at all cost.

8. Thou shall not speak of taboo subjects
There are certain topics that we do not broach while on TL LoL. These issues have been “discussed” to death and they are based largely about opinion where there’s little to no room of proving right or wrong.
+ Show Spoiler [Topics to Avoid] +Elo hell, “what is a tank”, AD v ArPen runes, GP10 items

9. Thou shall respect forum veterans
Unlike reddit and other LoL communities, there is a degree of favoritism shown towards TL LoL veterans. These individuals are regulars and have demonstrated over time that their opinions carry weight. This does not mean that they are always correct but be considerate when conversing. These individuals have been with the community for a long time and have displayed a large degree of contribution to our subforum.

10. Thou shall last hit all the minions and have fun
Last but not least, have fun while you’re here on TeamLiquid. We are all passionate about League of Legends. Play together, discuss, cheer, there’s many things to make you a part of the community. And we leave you with one simple advice, learn to last hit better. Sometime as simple as last hitting can help you regardless what skill level you are at. More gold, better items, better chance at winning.
Credit to mensrea, for creating TeamLiquid’s original 10 Commandments