Now that spirit of the spectral wraith is significantly cheaper than WotA, when would you get that and when would you get WotA? Assuming you're playing a mid who wants revolver anyway. For double AP comps it's pretty clear, so assuming not a double AP comp. but even lots of ADs like spellvamp. I've never really thought about the value of the WotA aura (since I'd used to just get it anyway if I had a revolver) but now I have to think about it, and valuing spell vamp is kind of tricky.
Only reason you would really buy a revolver on a laner is because you intend to abuse it horribly by constantly spamming free ranged spells.
If your spells are free you don't need the mana regen which makes the item not a whole lot different in appeal than wota, and a lot less appealing than just leaving your revolver unupgraded.
Has anyone looked into kennen since the no-cost ult change? Specifically building tanky with either warmogs or randuins playing top lane. I'm not too sure if energy runes are needed any longer due to cost removal from his ult. He will still be a bit energy starved, but you are tank enough to take a few more hits. Feels like a messing with the rune set up can do some gimmicky things with him
On February 03 2013 09:24 UniversalSnip wrote: Only reason you would really buy a revolver on a laner is because you intend to abuse it horribly by constantly spamming free ranged spells.
If your spells are free you don't need the mana regen which makes the item not a whole lot different in appeal than wota, and a lot less appealing than just leaving your revolver unupgraded.
so, that's how I think of it.
Well, 10% CDR could be helpful. Wasn't really looking at the mp5 to be honest
On February 03 2013 09:21 AsnSensation wrote: WTF? I was Plat IV yesterday got promoted today and assumed that I was Plat III now but I am Plat II?? how is that possbile
You can skip divisions if your MMR is much higher than your currently assigned division.
On February 03 2013 09:50 Slayer91 wrote: Why can't you see peoples losses in stats any more? That's dumb as hell. Winrates are way more important than kda ratios lol.
You can still infer winrates by adding up champion wins and dividing by total games lol. But winrates really aren't that important either, winning 50% of your games in bronze and 50% of your games in diamond is a big difference
On February 03 2013 09:54 Slayer91 wrote: Knowing peoples leagues gives you enough of an idea about elo
Right, and once you have a good idea of somone's elo, their wins/losses doesn't really tell you too much more useful information.
I can see an argument about "someone at 1500 elo after 50 games has a much different skill profile than someone at 1500 elo after 1000 games" but you don't really need #losses to infer this
On February 03 2013 09:45 ketchup wrote: Has anyone looked into kennen since the no-cost ult change? Specifically building tanky with either warmogs or randuins playing top lane. I'm not too sure if energy runes are needed any longer due to cost removal from his ult. He will still be a bit energy starved, but you are tank enough to take a few more hits. Feels like a messing with the rune set up can do some gimmicky things with him
Were energy runes really mandatory? Their very existence always perplexed me. So niche and yet so super expensive.
It tells you how much they win on certain champions as opposed to just how many games they play on certain champions
I don't know how you can say it doesn't give any useful information because if you're showing KDA that's far more useless because some champs naturally get higher kda but mightn't have a higher winrate, like for example early snowbally champs that tend to lose later anyway cause they suck in teamfights.
On February 03 2013 09:45 ketchup wrote: Has anyone looked into kennen since the no-cost ult change? Specifically building tanky with either warmogs or randuins playing top lane. I'm not too sure if energy runes are needed any longer due to cost removal from his ult. He will still be a bit energy starved, but you are tank enough to take a few more hits. Feels like a messing with the rune set up can do some gimmicky things with him
At first impression (bot game!), he's a lot stronger in teamfights because energy management is almost a non-issue (worst case: 100E, 0R, 45W, 65Q means you need to wait half a second to use your Q).
I don't think energy runes are even remotely needed.
The new build for Hourglass is basically screaming "Kennen pls," as someone mentioned already.
Strongarm Bracers-> Haunting Guise-> Sorcs-> Zhonya's seems like a strong build.
I'm not sure Kennen really benefits from building tanky. His damage ramps incredibly with some early MPen and a NLR, and his E + his stun combo give him amazing survivability.
On February 03 2013 02:35 zer0das wrote: Personally I find it amusing that people are like "hey guys, it's my promotion matches, please don't feed" and then go something like 1/10/6 when they're not the support.
1/10/6 isn't really acceptable for support either o.O
Those support players all garbage, always 1/10.
IMO this phenomenon (feeding support players in solo queue) is one of the reasons that it is possible (and recently, for me at least, not that hard) to increase your own ELO by playing support. So many people are absolutely awful and get forced there by their team, if you are actually willing and good at it you provide a HUGE edge to your team. Between that and having the free mental energy to watch the map most of the time, ping, time objectives, ward key spots (even play-making spots like warding their blue shortly before it comes up) I think playing support can certainly raise ELO effectively.
Too bad playing support depends on your ad not being brain dead though.
Sure, but if the AD is a moron that's going to be true regardless of who is supporting. I have taken a lot of terrible AD's and made laning go even by saving them, convincing them to b when they're about to get killed, etc. That's still going to help win a lot of games, even if it doesn't feel as good as stomping a lane.
And then after stomping lane, their teamfight turns out to be absolutely terrible. There's only so much you can do.
I can't count the number of times I've come out of lane like 1/2/5 (with a fed AD) or better and ended up like 1/10/10 from pathetically bad teamfight where the AD dives a low hp guy under a turret, or just goes for "a big wave" while we're trying to take dragon.
As a support, I really see you fit into one of a few roles for teamfight. You either sit back and peel for your carry, or you're the initator or follow up initator. The latter two tend to result in you dying a lot.
Problem with support is its just so hard to "get back into the game". A tanky top or jungle have farm from early on, so they get gold and solo lane xp there. All other roles also have the option to build damage as well, so even when behind you can farm up or something. Supports rarely do, and utility never killed a creep very fast (even that Nami video). Get behind, and all of a sudden you're building a 35 minute Aegis with tier 1 boots. Sure you can land some incredible Sona ult or something, but its so hard to make as much a difference without those CDR/ Aura items and 3 levels under everyone else.
On February 03 2013 09:54 Slayer91 wrote: Knowing peoples leagues gives you enough of an idea about elo
Right, and once you have a good idea of somone's elo, their wins/losses doesn't really tell you too much more useful information.
I can see an argument about "someone at 1500 elo after 50 games has a much different skill profile than someone at 1500 elo after 1000 games" but you don't really need #losses to infer this
I actually think the two players would be equal in skill and that the one with 50 games would have higher variance and perhaps would also be rising in skill.