On February 03 2013 05:45 GregMandel wrote: There's just something with me and the champs I buy ... Bought Eve, free week + nerf in the 2 coming weeks, bought kata, free week + nerf, bought nunu, nerf, just bought olaf 3 days ago, nerfed
I was thinking about Elise and Ezreal, NERFED.
Main support, here have blitzcrank NERFED.
You wanna jungle and try to carry ? What you only play shaco jungle ? NERFEDDDDDDDD.
Jesus christ so much bad luck T-T They still haven't nerfed Zed yet so I'm crossing fingers >.>
Edit : To the guy just before me, god bless duo queue and the joy of stomping bot lanes just by being coordinated :D
sry but those are all fotm champions if you see a certain champ picked or banned in the majority of competetive games you can expect nerfs within the next 2-3 patches :D
try to buy a champ thats not played much, master him and dont suffer from nerfes.
^. Try Renekton, Cassiopeia, Hec, etc. Champs that are good but not OP FOTM.
I've finally jumped on the Hec bandwagon. Took me a while to figure him out (judge when I should go in or not) but I think I'm finally starting to get the hang of it. You need a lot of farm but once you do you're surprisingly strong.
Am I the only one who has had a positive experience with the new League system? Every seems to be way more positive in game now. Maybe just a lucky few queues but it was nice to see.
On February 03 2013 06:33 Shotcoder wrote: Am I the only one who has had a positive experience with the new League system? Every seems to be way more positive in game now. Maybe just a lucky few queues but it was nice to see.
i like it too, having lots of fun with it, i think the new shine will kinda fade soon but then after everything has set in i think it will in general give a much better system than the previous elo system
especially in terms of like the top elo people, I have kinda had this opinion for a while when people are like "omg im xyz elo how do i find team!" that it isnt really about being high elo or peaking at some rank etc but rather its being consistently in the top ~200 people, and being able tod o that for months of regular gaming means that you should be in comp team. I think riot is doing this as well with the challenger tier, rewarding not just being "high elo", but being in the top few hundred for significant time.
It's so hard to gank as Nautilus before level 4 and not gimp your clearing speed. Well, it already was previously, but the health increase on the big monsters makes him even more reliant on his shield (E gives some AoE in the worst case, but the damage's too low for a single target). I feel that it makes him very awkward to pick when one of your lanes will need early pressure (something like a Kass, or laning against Renekton/Darius/Xin), and the knowledge that he's amongst the junglers who can't do a level 3 doublebuff route and gank afterwards is also gimping (probably not at my Elo as people won't know to abuse it, but it certainly hurts in organised play). Sadness.
On February 03 2013 07:08 ermogh wrote: I would like this new League system if I didn't go from 86 to 0 points in 2 losses, what is up with that.
How many games did you lose at 0lp?
Not necessarily a lot, the problem is that people get sorted according to something related to max elo and elo, so if you had a large difference between the two, you will almost certainly get demoted very quickly. Which is pretty demotivational to be honest. The should just have put everyone like 50 below their current elo, so everyone can start the game by gaining ranks instead of instantly losing some (unless you are just in a medal tier.
On February 03 2013 03:32 TheYango wrote: But that's not different from the old system. If you duo queued with someone 300 Elo lower in the old system, you were often only getting +1 to +6 Elo for wins anyway.
Not really, because the match making system usually makes up for the elo difference. For exemple, I elo a lot with a friend at 1300, while I was 1500, and we were matched against 1450 elo, the overall elo of each time being somewhat equivalent. It was true for higher elo, because the map making system could not make up for the difference (for exemple a 2000 playing with a 1200). Each time winning something like 10 elo.
Now it's completly different, as you gain between 10 and 15 League Points, but lose like 25 to 30.
On February 03 2013 07:08 ermogh wrote: I would like this new League system if I didn't go from 86 to 0 points in 2 losses, what is up with that.
Hahaha, you deserved it. The system knows why, but you don't, perfectly fine
On February 03 2013 05:03 nafta wrote: Wait..Doesn't any knockback into a wall stun?I have always though it does to compensate them not flying lol.
Also why do I gain 20 points for wins and lose 10?Is it supposed to be like that?I am fp almost always if that matters.
it means your hidden ELO is higher than the division average. The system is compensating and accelerating your movement out of the division.
E.G. I was placed in Silver division 1 with 1410 raw ELO because my max ELO was 1480*. Since my actual elo is a bit low for Silver division 1 (and since they are more wary of promoting people to gold) prior to the last patch i was getting about 10 for a win and 20 for a loss. My adjusted ELO after my matches i've played should be about 1450-1470 so it should be getting a bit better for LP gains, but still probably on the low end.
*Possibly has high as 1560 depending on if max elo counts placement matches
A rioter said that Nami's Q is actually programmed as a 3s knockup with a 1s stun on top of it, and when the stun duration expires the knockup is immediately "cleansed".