On January 08 2013 00:07 Scip wrote:Show nested quote +On January 08 2013 00:04 Eppa! wrote: I have never played an ARAM, never honoured someone and never done a tribunal case.
I need replays bad though LOL ´replays suck a lot for improving jungling. Isn't LOLReplay basically as good as a replay can get? As long as you record it in spectator mode (it's some kind of an option in LoLreplay) it's all perfect, no?
It has everything except convenience. For basic replay functionality it's as good as you could hope, but I wish there was a way to tell it to tell it which replays to save. I'm not interested in saving all the aram/bot games of the past week unless I'm playing with friends (this goes for many normals too) and there's no good way to sift through/organize all the pointless crap so that I can find the ones I want easily. The client itself is kinda clunky and slow especially when you try to browse other people's replays.
As a result I actually don't have it installed anymore as I didn't use the replays enough to warrant having to delete all the games I didn't care about. It's like getting random DVDs in the mail every hour and constantly having to sort through the ones you like and throw the others away rather than just ordering the DVD you want on amazon once a week.
On January 07 2013 22:28 bmn wrote:Show nested quote +On January 07 2013 20:42 WhiteDog wrote:On January 07 2013 20:02 bmn wrote:On January 07 2013 18:28 mr_tolkien wrote:On January 07 2013 18:22 WhiteDog wrote: This forum is either full of hypocrite or full of pure and fresh young souls because aside from two or three guys I know on the game, everybody is a douchebag at one point in this game. The only thing that save me is that I whine on skype so Riot don t know it. I can't tell if Roffles is serious. I don't flame my team or team-mates out of nowhere. I didn't blame 0/11/1 Cho in the game I was reported. I don't go out of my way to blame people when they try their best and aren't whiny bitches. I've been the first one to always advocate that you have to look at your own play to improve, and that even won games can be full of mistakes. And that the game is not about the team you get, but about the plays you make. LoL is full of judgmental people who like to think higher of themselves and feel a need to "educate" a community which in fact shares the same values... But who just had different games. I never said I was a saint. I just said this is pure bulshit to ban a player based on such acts. If they do this, they might as well ban the full server. EDIT and PS : On January 07 2013 18:22 Roffles wrote:On January 07 2013 18:18 mr_tolkien wrote:On January 07 2013 18:01 Redox wrote:On January 07 2013 16:22 mr_tolkien wrote:OK, I got banned again, for one week, and I call bullshit : http://euw.leagueoflegends.com/tribunal/en/case/625138/#nogoIn the first game, we were 4v5, the opposing team had an early DC, and indeed, I wanted us to surrender out of politeness, because they were blatantly out playing us. The score was widely in their favor and we ALL failed in my team, so I felt winning it was totally unfair and just asked my team if we could surrender. I didn't feed, neither did I troll. I guess not being a complete douchebag is a bannable offense now... You wanted to surrender because you were mad at your team. You were a complete douchebag. You will get banned again because you dont even understand why you got banned. I wasn't mad at my team, I just felt like the 4 other players played leaps and bounds better and were denied a deserved victory. I was even streaming during that game ffs, you can watch it, they played very well, I wasn't mad at anybody, and I would have preferred a lose than an undeserved win. But yeah I guess that makes me a "complete douchebag". Please stop looking for excuses and just admit that you're a douchebag. So for you being a good sport is being a douchebag ? Sorry that I actually want to play quality games and have deserved wins... In the game, only ONE guy reported me (way more would have if I was trolling ig) and the whole game ambiance was very friendly. Trying to demoralize your team into surrendering just because you feel that the other team "deserves" a win is NOT being a good sport. It's being a bad sport. Sure, saying "gg, too bad about the disconnect, you were playing better" is being a good sport. Acting the way you did in game 1 is not. There's nothing wrong with asking for a surrender. Hell, call a vote every two minutes if you want. But if they vote no, that's how it is, and you have no authority -- moral or otherwise -- that would justify spouting things like > I'm with 4 butthurt guys who won't surrender or > wb, we tried hard to throw ! the entire time. Going by the chat, you weren't trying to win. That isn't "being a good sport". Perhaps you wanted to lose ELO, but it's not fine to try throwing -- and your teammates clearly didn't feel the way you did. Your obligation lies with your team, not your arbitrary sense of who "deserves" the win. I'd say that it's also ridiculous to argue that they "deserved" the win after the DC (otherwise I'd just disconnect as soon as our team is ahead!), but that's entirely irrelevant to whether your behavior was acceptable or not. If they're better they'll gain back the ELO; either way, it's not your job to assign ELO to opponents as you see fit at the cost of your teammates. Imagine if everyone acted like that if they felt like they were outplayed. Finally, yeah, everyone has bad games occasionally. Nobody's perfect, everyone has more or less whiny games. But you don't get sent to the Tribunal for one bad game or just a handful of reports. If this happens so often that you've been banned repeatedly (and it isn't the same handful of people reporting you every time), clearly your behavior is inappropriate. I would have report you for this post in the game because it s way too condescending to my liking. Tribunal logic yo ! Seriously since when the fuck saying "we tried hard to throw" is worth a ban ? Did he actually fed on purpose ? Did he goes afk ? Also, you are supposed to judge the cases given and the fact that the guy present in the tribunal has other reports should not be used as an argument because it is not an information you have as a judge. But riot still repetedly justify bad ban with cases that are not visible for the jury so well... Fail logic. And the worst is people enjoy when riotlyte or whatever his name is does that. I don't understand how people don't understand how the tribunal is flawed, ethically corrupt. I suppose people like the ego boost they get from judging others. What does your first sentence even mean? This isn't LoL game chat. What makes you think I would adopt the same tone in a completely different environment? TL forum rules govern TL forums, I don't understand why you're trying to impose the summoner's code here. I never said that "we tried hard to throw" is worth a ban. I cited it as one example of his repetitive in-game bickering about his own team. If all he had said was "we tried to throw" and nothing else, I'd certainly give it a pass. I explained my thoughts, I suggest you re-read the post -- I never claimed he actually threw, went afk, or fed. I judged entirely based on the games given there. His past behavior influences the penalty handed out by Riot, not the verdict I gave, and I was using his history of being banned as a strong indicator that he had ample time to rethink what other people consider acceptable and what they don't. If you think the tribunal is "ethically corrupt", I suggest you put that into a separate post, it's not clear how it has anything to do with the previous paragraphs... My first sentence was a joke obviously because I didn't like the tone of your post.
Afterward, you cite an exemple that is just not bannable. The first game is not bannable, did he decided to go afk ? No. Did he insulted his mate, trolled the game by feeding or letting his team mate dies ? No. He only gave his point of view on the game and asked for a surrender. Some words are a little bit douchey, like "I feel dirty" but it's no bannable offence. If it was, damn man the game would be just so clean, but so empty.
And you finish with that :
But you don't get sent to the Tribunal for one bad game or just a handful of reports. If this happens so often that you've been banned repeatedly (and it isn't the same handful of people reporting you every time), clearly your behavior is inappropriate. Which is clearly an assumption on his overall behavior based on the sole fact that he got sent to the tribunal, and not on the games reported themselves. "You don't get sent on the tribunal for nothing, cleary you have a bad behavior" is what you are saying.
Yellowpete (8-1 as corki) buys a frozen mallet on corki because he couldnt afford TF. they get into a teamfight, he gets focused a lot (but murders everyone who dives him before dying himself), survives with sub-100 HP. "I bought the exact amount of HP I needed that fight"
On January 08 2013 00:22 sylverfyre wrote: Yellowpete (8-1 as corki) buys a frozen mallet on corki because he couldnt afford TF. they get into a teamfight, he gets focused a lot (but murders everyone who dives him before dying himself), survives with sub-100 HP. "I bought the exact amount of HP I needed that fight"
that german efficiency
On January 08 2013 00:04 Eppa! wrote: I have never played an ARAM, never honoured someone and never done a tribunal case.
I need replays bad though LOL ´replays suck a lot for improving jungling.
Do you not get spectator mode replays? I can't think of anything an official replay system could do which would be significantly more useful for analyzing jungling than what LOLReplay currently does.
On January 08 2013 00:09 Tobberoth wrote: Hell, I had an Olaf in a bot game who got a quadra kill, then died to the two nexus turrets while trying to kill a meditating Yi. After the game, he blamed me, called me a n00b and asked for people to report me. Because he ran in under double towers and died, and expected me to somehow give him the penta. The only way for me to maintain sanity is to convince myself these kind of people are being sarcastic.
On January 08 2013 00:03 Abenson wrote:Show nested quote +On January 07 2013 23:36 zer0das wrote: On the pentakill discussion, some Kassadin got pissed at me for avoiding a pentakill in an ARAM when I was Rumble (the rest of my team ran into a 4v5 that was pretty dumb- I had just respawned so there was I was still a screen away by the time the fight was over). It's like really? You want me to suicide so your team can waltz over the nexus and get a free win? We ended up winning.
As far as I'm concerned, ARAM pentas don't even really count.
Also, I had some tryhard Ezreal (in a bot game) say that a pentakill in a bot game is as hard as a pentakill in a ranked game. The easiest way to get penta is when you're really farmed compared to everyone else in the game. In a bot game that's rarely the case - everyone is 10/0, so it becomes hard to get 5 kills without getting ks'ed
That doesn't make it hard, it just means the probability of doing it isn't high.
Has anyone else here tried Jungle Syndra?
I've had moderate success, the clear times are pretty good (Around 3:30ish finish first runthrough), ganks are pretty good assuming you can land the stun.
On January 08 2013 01:15 57 Corvette wrote: Has anyone else here tried Jungle Syndra?
I've had moderate success, the clear times are pretty good (Around 3:30ish finish first runthrough), ganks are pretty good assuming you can land the stun.
it's already hard enough to land the stun in lane.
On January 08 2013 01:17 AsnSensation wrote:Show nested quote +On January 08 2013 01:15 57 Corvette wrote: Has anyone else here tried Jungle Syndra?
I've had moderate success, the clear times are pretty good (Around 3:30ish finish first runthrough), ganks are pretty good assuming you can land the stun. it's already hard enough to land the stun in lane.
Technically speaking you should have an easier time landing the stun during a gank, depending on circumstances. In any case, there are plenty of junglers whose ganks depend upon non-trivial skillshots yet who are nevertheless viable (e.g. Amumu, Cho'gath, Lee Sin).
That's not to say Jungle Syndra is viable, only that landing skillshots has little bearing on the viability of a jungler (though it affects popularity and personal preference).
On January 08 2013 01:17 AsnSensation wrote:Show nested quote +On January 08 2013 01:15 57 Corvette wrote: Has anyone else here tried Jungle Syndra?
I've had moderate success, the clear times are pretty good (Around 3:30ish finish first runthrough), ganks are pretty good assuming you can land the stun. it's already hard enough to land the stun in lane.
Nah, its not very difficult to stun if you just are trying to do that, you just make an orb directly between you and your target and E it. Its only really tricky to land if you are trying to use orbs which are already out. You miss out on that Q damage from just going for the stun though and they are often too far away for you to really follow up, but thats kind of on your laners if you are in the jungle.
people get banned by the tribunal for doing close to nothing if they have been banned before. So its not surprising to get banned when you did a slight something.
Hmmm guys I just got a really weird bug.I was playing darius and I flashed near a dead turret and I tried to use my pull but for some reason it didn't go off and the range indicator just turned red.Is this something that happens regularly and I am not aware of or just really unlucky?Could've gotten an easy triple if it didn't bug QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ.
So after a heavy amount of deliberation, I have chosen Jungle Shaco as my main to try my hand at ranked with a serious effort. I've been switching around champs a bit too much, and I feel like a boots of mobility ganker would be the best way to "play to my team" instead of just winning my lane and hoping to carry. An alternate would be a mid or top with teleport, but yea, I'm enjoying Shaco so far. I'm low rated tho, but I feel like it's really fun.
On January 08 2013 02:05 Vei wrote: So after a heavy amount of deliberation, I have chosen Jungle Shaco as my main to try my hand at ranked with a serious effort. I've been switching around champs a bit too much, and I feel like a boots of mobility ganker would be the best way to "play to me team" instead of just "winning my lane and hoping to carry." An alternate would be a mid or top with teleport, but yea, I'm enjoying Shaco so far. I'm low rated tho, but I feel like it's really fun.
Excellent choice. Shaco still pwns and make games. Can easily give your team the wins if the early ganks pay off + you can disrupts enemy jungle.
On January 08 2013 01:57 nafta wrote: Hmmm guys I just got a really weird bug.I was playing darius and I flashed near a dead turret and I tried to use my pull but for some reason it didn't go off and the range indicator just turned red.Is this something that happens regularly and I am not aware of or just really unlucky?Could've gotten an easy triple if it didn't bug QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. Cone spells tend to get blocked by towers. It does the same with Annie's W and Morde's E as far as I know, the indicator turns red because there is the tower debris that block the "path" of the spell.
I think I'm just going to start jungling Elise every game for free elo
In before Lyte is like "well here's some other games we didn't include in your tribunal report card that you weren't following the summoner's code 100% so we're upholding your ban" That or no response.
On January 08 2013 01:17 AsnSensation wrote:Show nested quote +On January 08 2013 01:15 57 Corvette wrote: Has anyone else here tried Jungle Syndra?
I've had moderate success, the clear times are pretty good (Around 3:30ish finish first runthrough), ganks are pretty good assuming you can land the stun. it's already hard enough to land the stun in lane. landing the stun in lane is easy since you can E while Q is coming in. that change was huge.