Has anybody else noticed that you can use your Utility Biscuit and a potion at the same time for doublefast regen?
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United States15065 Posts
Has anybody else noticed that you can use your Utility Biscuit and a potion at the same time for doublefast regen? | ||
United States7414 Posts
I like Incontrol, I really do. He's honest and says things bluntly in a crass manner that he gets away with because he says it in a amusing fashion. Having said that, I follow him on twitter, I also follow several league players. They generally post about the same things. I don't see how one has a more, amazing handle on media to connect to fans compared to the other. As far as maturity, heh I think it's best to realize that people can be less then mannered and adult in every game and that trying to compare one to the other can easily raise some spectre's of the past for all involved. Semi-related, why are sc2 players giving advice to league? They don't play, they don't particularly have any investment in the game and they feel the need to comment why? I don't recall oddone or saint commenting on sc2 stuff so I just find it off that these pro's need to offer "advice" to something they have not even picked up. | ||
Dandel Ion
Austria17960 Posts
On January 02 2013 01:45 Ketara wrote: Rando: Has anybody else noticed that you can use your Utility Biscuit and a potion at the same time for doublefast regen? That's how you use it. Get low in retarded trade use pot + cookie Bait the fuck outta everything win low elo 80% of the times, it works every time | ||
Hungary2476 Posts
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Germany2350 Posts
I usually go boots/3 pots or 2ward/9pots if I´m expecting heavy lane and/or jungle pressure. | ||
Germany3357 Posts
also, fuck lolcounter. like, seriously. "omg I get countered/omg I counter" is something noobs say. Dont be a noob. Unless you got an >ELO of like 2k and know what you are talking about... | ||
Denmark2142 Posts
Generally you want to play very safe with Akali pre-6 in lane (unless you're against Kat - you should punish her for every cs she tries to get and use your shroud for escaping ganks) and very aggressive post-6. | ||
Germany2350 Posts
On January 02 2013 02:40 Djin)ftw( wrote: Oo get flask, not pots wtf. and when you get harassed and think you cant trade properly, then call your jungler. also, fuck lolcounter. like, seriously. "omg I get countered/omg I counter" is something noobs say. Dont be a noob. Unless you got an >ELO of like 2k and know what you are talking about... Well I´m kinda noob lol. The idea with the just pots I got from chaosx latest marathon. He went 12 pots/1 ward. His reasoning seemed pretty convincing to me. With level 6 I´m perfectly fine its just the first few levels. And also calling jungler at Elo 1100 lol. | ||
Netherlands1821 Posts
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United States2233 Posts
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Germany3357 Posts
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United States10467 Posts
On January 02 2013 03:46 Djin)ftw( wrote: why would u go 9 pots? doesnt make any sense, even if you dont need the mana regen the flask will be better after 9.64 usages, which means the third time you go back (assuming you used all 3 charges) its already paying off. This has been stated a lot but gold now is always worth more than gold later, so flask isn't as efficient as people think. If I told you I'd give you 100$ to win a solo queue game, and you had two options to give yourself an advantage: 1600 gold at 0:00 minutes, or 3200 gold at 10 minutes, you'd be a fool to not take the 1600 and buy yourself 3-4 dorans and a few wards and zone out your opponents from level 1. Flask is an investment and investments need to return their cost with interest. Something people were finally learning near the end of S2 with the GP10 meta. 9pots is only useful if you're going to use all 9 pots in the first laning phase eg: dyrus' morde mid vs lb. | ||
United States907 Posts
I am sure this has been discussed here before but I have only recently begun really following this forum and use it as my primary source of LoL information. Should I try to start a 5's group myself so I can practice in a more controlled situation (no trolls/assholes on team)? I think my problem is that I mainly play ranked games but I play every game with my full focus on winning (instead of getting better) I think this is because I still value my ELO. I could try practicing in normals, but there the game is even less controlled (trolls and troll team comps seem more common). I feel I am not good enough for the TL Practice Group and also don't know how much time I want to commit to this. I have no intentions of becoming top tier at this game but I do like see that I am improving. Phew that got long, but thanks for any advice in advance! TLDR: What is the best way to keep getting better at LoL? | ||
United States10467 Posts
On January 02 2013 03:54 YouGotNothin wrote: This is kind of a big question, but I have been playing LoL for awhile now (~2 years) and have not seen my skill improve much recently despite playing many games a week (most often duo queue ranked with a friend I have that is around my skill level). My ELO has barely increased (~1000 up to ~1200) over several months and I feel that I have hit somewhat of a skill plateau and I don't know how to keep improving at the same rate. What do you all recommend for ways to practice and get better? I am sure this has been discussed here before but I have only recently begun really following this forum and use it as my primary source of LoL information. Should I try to start a 5's group myself so I can practice in a more controlled situation (no trolls/assholes on team)? I think my problem is that I mainly play ranked games but I play every game with my full focus on winning (instead of getting better) I think this is because I still value my ELO. I could try practicing in normals, but there the game is even less controlled (trolls and troll team comps seem more common). I feel I am not good enough for the TL Practice Group and also don't know how much time I want to commit to this. I have no intentions of becoming top tier at this game but I do like see that I am improving. Phew that got long, but thanks for any advice in advance! TLDR: What is the best way to keep getting better at LoL? The general things I recommend are to watch your recordings. You should log what you need to do better. Get a team: it won't improve your solo queue elo that much as you need different mindsets for the two styles of play but it can be more rewarding, and less trolls is nice. Start to specialize. If you're the best Karma player in the world and you have an 80% win rate with her at your level then it doesn't mean shit if you can't land a Darius pull for your life. Still you may have more success in the long run with Darius than Karma. You won't be able to know since you're going for that short term elo. In the end Elo is just a number. The goal should be fun. | ||
United States60033 Posts
On January 02 2013 02:32 Kenpark wrote: Hey guys I´m a 1100 Elo player trying to improve. Lately I´ve been playing a lot Akali mid and I have massive problems before level 6. Against heroes I´m supposed to doing well according to lolcounter like for example Kat or Orianna I rly fall behind in early cs, because they just poke me and push the lane. Is it just my lh under tower that needs improvement or is there sth else ? I usually go boots/3 pots or 2ward/9pots if I´m expecting heavy lane and/or jungle pressure. Your Q should always be on cooldown, and a mark always on the enemy. A cute trick to win trades is, Q enemy, wait till cooldown is almost up. Auto attack enemy, then put second Q on them, and auto attack again. They'll lose the trade all the time. As Akali, you want to create the aggression in lane. | ||
Netherlands15103 Posts
On January 02 2013 02:57 NEOtheONE wrote: Have you seen the guy that only streams Akali ranked? He won at least 9 in a row as Akali. He starts 2 wards and 9 potions. He will definitely be able to help you out a bit with Akali play. And I have to agree not to assume anything about counters. Even at pro level some players are just so good with their champions that even the supposed counters do not counter them. Honestly, I have found that the only thing that counters my best champion is getting babysat by the enemy jungler I play the same: 1 ward and many potions 99% of the time. No reason to get boots in S3. | ||
Dandel Ion
Austria17960 Posts
Fixing the other myriad of errors, I don't know a good way to do that. I sometimes randomly see a small error in my play and then can work on fixing it, but 99% of them are not actually apparant to you, so it's hard, man. It's also really important, like REALLY important to stop giving a fuck about Elo. If you stop caring, you'll rise almost by accident. You say you still value it? I say FUCK YOU, STAHP THAT. | ||
United States9109 Posts
didnt mean that to sound fanboyish, but to vouch for how strong 11pot is basically you can just stand and auto anyone out of lane, doesn't even matter if you lose the trade cause you have like 1000 more hp than the enemy | ||
Germany3357 Posts
On January 02 2013 03:54 obesechicken13 wrote: This has been stated a lot but gold now is always worth more than gold later, so flask isn't as efficient as people think. If I told you I'd give you 100$ to win a solo queue game, and you had two options to give yourself an advantage: 1600 gold at 0:00 minutes, or 3200 gold at 10 minutes, you'd be a fool to not take the 1600 and buy yourself 3-4 dorans and a few wards and zone out your opponents from level 1. Flask is an investment and investments need to return their cost with interest. Something people were finally learning near the end of S2 with the GP10 meta. 9pots is only useful if you're going to use all 9 pots in the first laning phase eg: dyrus' morde mid vs lb. so you are saying that 9 pots that cost 9*35=315 gold are more useful/a better investment than a 225 gold flask which pays off after about 10 minutes into the game? Oo | ||
Czech Republic5053 Posts
On January 02 2013 03:54 YouGotNothin wrote: This is kind of a big question, but I have been playing LoL for awhile now (~2 years) and have not seen my skill improve much recently despite playing many games a week (most often duo queue ranked with a friend I have that is around my skill level). My ELO has barely increased (~1000 up to ~1200) over several months and I feel that I have hit somewhat of a skill plateau and I don't know how to keep improving at the same rate. What do you all recommend for ways to practice and get better? I am sure this has been discussed here before but I have only recently begun really following this forum and use it as my primary source of LoL information. Should I try to start a 5's group myself so I can practice in a more controlled situation (no trolls/assholes on team)? I think my problem is that I mainly play ranked games but I play every game with my full focus on winning (instead of getting better) I think this is because I still value my ELO. I could try practicing in normals, but there the game is even less controlled (trolls and troll team comps seem more common). I feel I am not good enough for the TL Practice Group and also don't know how much time I want to commit to this. I have no intentions of becoming top tier at this game but I do like see that I am improving. Phew that got long, but thanks for any advice in advance! TLDR: What is the best way to keep getting better at LoL? I'm guessing you weren't that good at sc2, because I think that's where you could have learned how to improve. I hated myself every time i missed an SCV and I hate myself every time I miss a creep or die in league. Eventually I stopped missing more and more creeps and started dying less. My playstyle in general is very aggressive so I never (so far) faced the problem of not making enough plays or letting plays that would work escape, thus I have improved a lot by simply not dying (i got to le diamond s2) You improve by playing with better people, you improve by making mistakes, you improve by wanting to improve real bad. Meh. I suck writing. Anyway, practice your mechanics, play ranked, stop dying. Every time you die just ask yourself what you did wrong and try to learn from it. Even professional players make a lot of mistakes so I'm guessing a 1200 player has much to fix. The other stuff like instinct and game knowledge can only be learned by simply playing the game and thinking about it. Watching your own recordings will obviously be really good but it's a big time spender and honestly I've never had to do it before, because I still make mistakes that I can plainly see while playing. Also, your mindset must be right. Say you're top lane in a match up you're already supposed to lose. Their jungler ganks you, you get a kill and die. Your jungler doesn't react. Their jungler now proceeds to dive you and you die 4 times. Now obviously this is your jungler's fault, too, he should have counterganked or at least helped you stabilize (not really always but for the sake of the argument), and you will probably be fucking angry at this point. But don't be, because the skill of your jungler isn't something you can change. And even though you got camped hardcore, you still didn't have to die, so you yourself made some mistakes. Think of every death as a learning opportunity and never blame anything else than your allies. This may seem weird at first but the important thing to do is to disregard winning or losing games completely. If you're playing well and make little mistakes (say you go 5 0 2 and lose), you should be happy with yourself. On the other hand, if you feed and get carried you still shouldn't be happy, because if your goal is to improve, the result of the game doesn't matter. The only thing you should be looking at is yourself, and how to improve yourself. Don't try to improve your allies. If you manage to improve, your elo will raise naturally. Despite what a lot of people say, your elo is where you belong, even if you're getting feeders and leavers on your team. That's just the nature of the system. Stop caring about elo, focus on improvement. Also, 11 pots 1 ward is really strong for top lane. It's like easy mode. You have 1000~ more health than the other guy. | ||
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