edit: Nevermind it's there but the directory structure is different. Ugh looks like I need to download the Garena client and try it out unless someone here is willing to help out with some more detailed info.
[Patch Preseason Balance Update 1] GD - Page 237
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New Zealand1065 Posts
edit: Nevermind it's there but the directory structure is different. Ugh looks like I need to download the Garena client and try it out unless someone here is willing to help out with some more detailed info. | ||
Australia3856 Posts
On January 01 2013 19:01 gtrsrs wrote: lol @ chauster being a top jungle NA double is a top player NA and the rest of CLG is like 90th percentile players, nothing better h4h4h4h Who is clearly above chauster in NA? Pretty sure you're stupid or trolling if you think double isn't a world class player. | ||
Canada265 Posts
On January 01 2013 19:10 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote: In pro games during picks and bans, can the teams see the names/summoner spells of the other team? Or does it just say Summoner 1 2 3 so they don't know after trades who has which champ? Lately, tourney clients have the players in a very specific order based on their position - from top to bottom, it goes top>jungle>mid>ad carry>support. So regardless of name display, they have full knowledge of who's playing what. | ||
6318 Posts
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France8572 Posts
Any advice as to how deal with him after level 6 ? In a straight fight I lose since Panth ult is useless and his is so strong. I felt depressed, besides I heard Panth is supposed to counter him so I felt terribad :/ Thanks (and Happy new Year) | ||
United States17077 Posts
On January 01 2013 19:23 kongoline wrote: lol WODx so dumb, getting Sword of the Divine on trynd a champion which gets free 35% of critical strike LOL this XJ9 pain train is hilarious to watch. Completely outplaying Wings every fight. | ||
Canada12499 Posts
On January 01 2013 19:26 Lylat wrote: Hey guys ! So I'm a scrub (1450-1500 ELO), yesterday I played a game as Panth top against Darius, everything went fine before level6 I managed to kill him early but then after 6 I got raped so hard, the guy only build health and still did big damage, he just killed me under tower without giving a fuck. Any advice as to how deal with him after level 6 ? In a straight fight I lose since Panth ult is useless and his is so strong. I felt depressed, besides I heard Panth is supposed to counter him so I felt terribad :/ Thanks (and Happy new Year) Did you build Black Cleaver? It turns your E into a rapetrain (assuming he's building armor I suppose) Team OP running Nami vs Storm; god she's squishy. Sick engage/disengage but gets blown up anyways haha Also, jungle Cho hit 6 a full minute after Amumu even with ~15 more cs and assist exp...wtf? Did they just leech hard off his first buff? (red) | ||
United States904 Posts
On January 01 2013 19:23 kongoline wrote: lol WODx so dumb, getting Sword of the Divine on trynd a champion which gets free 35% critical strike LOL I'm watching too, such an awful overall build lol I still love watching wings tho ;o | ||
China26351 Posts
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Australia2003 Posts
I'd heard plenty of talk about how she'd fallen behind other carries but I've been playing her a fair bit the last couple of weeks and feel always useful at worst, stupidly powerful at best. She plays amazingly well from in front. Been laning with a Taric and a hard cc into her slow allows for some really powerful trades. When you're ahead she's near impossible to lane against. Even when I fall behind in the lane she's still got fantastic teamfight presence with arrow which just isn't the case for most other adcs when the lane goes badly. | ||
Netherlands2041 Posts
http://nl.twitch.tv/exofun | ||
Germany24009 Posts
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Switzerland3257 Posts
On January 01 2013 19:26 Lylat wrote: Hey guys ! So I'm a scrub (1450-1500 ELO), yesterday I played a game as Panth top against Darius, everything went fine before level6 I managed to kill him early but then after 6 I got raped so hard, the guy only build health and still did big damage, he just killed me under tower without giving a fuck. Any advice as to how deal with him after level 6 ? In a straight fight I lose since Panth ult is useless and his is so strong. I felt depressed, besides I heard Panth is supposed to counter him so I felt terribad :/ Thanks (and Happy new Year) Some matchups result in massacre lanes and top is known for snowballing matchups. Especially when there is burst or even an assassin in there you have to know the weaknesses and strenghts of your matchup in and out. The Panth vs Darius MU is interesting because you have Panth who is an assassin/mage type champion who can poke and do burst trades with a fast stun combo and then you have Darius who is a anti-melee bruiser. Darius is designed in a ways that he is super strong at trading in melee range. There are only a handfull of champions who can match him in trading power, which is ok because he is a crappy initiator and lacks mobility. If he stops being better at trading during the course of a game then he becomes useless. He got good ad scaling but does not lack base damage either, so both damage and tank items work well on him. Panth in the other hand is more of a skirmisher. He can poke and kite you but also does not have problems to engage where he wants to. This is very different from Darius who has to work way harder to actually get into peoples faces. This is why even if ahead, Panth will not simply outtrade Darius. You can also look at it this way: Even if Darius wins trades against Panth, he still cannot gank where he wants to and initate fights with a gapclosing stun. Panth can allways just build damage and be usefull as long as he has enough of it to threaten carries or help out quickly in engagements. Darius will very often have to tank more damage than Panth to be as valuable. In lane this means wether or not one of the champions is a "counter" (btw. i very disagree with that. the term "counter" is used way too often. In 90% of the cases it is an exageration, very situational or simply wrong.) You will want to play this matchup to your strengths and his weaknesses. You don't simply start to balls out trade with darius just because you are a dorans blade ahead. He will use his AS debuff, low cd nuke, dots, arpen and true damage to get into your face and zone you out regardless. But you can assist ganks better because of your gapcloser and you can get advantages by ganking mid and jungle which will give your team a morale advantage as well. As far as the lane goes you can keep the pressure with your poke and the fact that darius naturally pushes his lane faster than you, which means as long as you dont have opportunities to gank, you will stay close to your tower and throw spears into his face while constantly threatening him with a stun if your jungler comes. | ||
Denmark2142 Posts
On January 01 2013 16:02 Scip wrote: Let me take that out of context. Lets be BFF again Outlaw, while I am currently married with Equilash and with love interests overseas, best friendship can't hurt any of their feelings <3 Being very very tired is the best drug ever btw., not only do you think weird but you remember everything. And the day after you are really really happy you didn't do the things you thought you should while tired, because they are plain ridiculous. I am just so bold during the night, after 19 hours of being awake. Am I too off topic? Hope not, half the people probably did some things today given it's a new year. Happy new year! vvvvvv I was a Destiny fan back when he streamed sc2, he was really funny. He still is for the record, but he is pretty bad, also being toxic in LoL is like 10000% worse than being toxic in sc2 (because that game is 1v1) so I am forced to empathise with his victims now, which makes me feel all moody and think about death a lot. But he is+was really funny. It's also funny that you need nerves of steel to deal with toxic people. Ho ho ho wtf???? | ||
Switzerland3257 Posts
On January 01 2013 20:54 Amarok wrote: Where do people see Ashe at this point in S3? I'd heard plenty of talk about how she'd fallen behind other carries but I've been playing her a fair bit the last couple of weeks and feel always useful at worst, stupidly powerful at best. She plays amazingly well from in front. Been laning with a Taric and a hard cc into her slow allows for some really powerful trades. When you're ahead she's near impossible to lane against. Even when I fall behind in the lane she's still got fantastic teamfight presence with arrow which just isn't the case for most other adcs when the lane goes badly. the problem with ashe is that shee needs to get ahead very early in the laneing phase or you can all-in her constantly. She is the only ad-carry who lacks mobility AND a steroid. Mobile ad carries will allways see more play just because they are infinitely harder to dive. Ashe is just more supportish. | ||
United States35092 Posts
On January 01 2013 23:18 clickrush wrote: the problem with ashe is that shee needs to get ahead very early in the laneing phase or you can all-in her constantly. She is the only ad-carry who lacks mobility AND a steroid. Mobile ad carries will allways see more play just because they are infinitely harder to dive. Ashe is just more supportish. Sounds to me like CLG.EU should try and roll her into some comps for when Yellowpete gets shafted with 3rd. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
scip is like that girlfriend who texts you 4 million times after a first date and starts talking about how many kids are best for "us" he was like that with me until i lost all my elo being bad, don't fall for his total lack of charm | ||
France8650 Posts
On January 01 2013 15:54 101toss wrote: incontrol is right, it's league of casual right now (not that I mind) incontrol is wrong like 95 % of the time because he is mixing professionnalism and maturity. Yes, LoL scene and the LoL players are less professionnal than SC2 players, but no they are not less mature. Explain me what is mature in high fiving your mate on stream after he just insulted a guy he had an argument with. | ||
Dandel Ion
Austria17960 Posts
In other news, I'm pretty sure I managed to get into coop vs ai "Elohell" on a smurf. The people you wouldn't believe it I also refuse to do anything useful now because I have a morbid curiosity on how bad it can get. I will return as another man. A man with experience. A man that has seen the abyss of humanity. I feel myself losing elo (and braincells) by the minute. | ||
United States6188 Posts
On January 01 2013 17:35 Treadmill wrote: Thats because people with experience got behind the LoL scene there (OGN, etc). Honestly I'm sick of hearing this shit. It's true, but its also completely unsurprising. Organizations like, idunno, team EG, turned up their noses at the LoL scene in North America, so the NA teams had to make their own way. TSM and CLG are what - 2 years old? SC2 players have organizations with years of experience behind them (team EG is ~13 years old). And also have a history of competitive gaming that goes back 15 years. In the NA LoL scene, LoL is almost every players first participation in a competitive game. That kinda attitude (from incontrol) pisses me off because if people with experience in esports had gotten behind LoL, say, a year or two ago, they could have done a LOT of good for the scene. Can you imagine if TSM or CLG had been picked up by EG back in 2011 where they would be competitively, what they could have accomplished with a serious and experienced organization behind them? But instead most people with experience completely turned their noses at LoL and so the scene had to develop itself. So IMO people like incontrol criticizing the LoL scene for lack of professionalism or maturity is beyond hypocrisy. /rant I don't care what anyone else claims or says. EG has most definitely approached TSM/CLG/maybe even Epik Gamer. I think they hate league of legends so much because those teams all turned them down. | ||
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