[Patch Preseason Balance Update 1] GD - Page 220
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United States60033 Posts
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Canada12499 Posts
On December 31 2012 13:30 Slusher wrote: neither of you list Eve really? I love Eve, she was my fav champ pre rework and I was playing her mid post-rework way before it became such a craze. On December 31 2012 14:03 EquilasH wrote: 27s with blue buff? 51% cdr, that's something I haven't seen before.. (blue buff is 20% afaik and would reduce the cooldown by 9 sec). Anyways, here goes my most hated list: Elise (I'm fairly certain she doesn't lose a single lane mid or top) Wukong absolutely dunks Elise to shit. She's probably my favorite champ in the game though, especially in the jungle. | ||
Canada10567 Posts
Eve, Shaco, Khazix, Darius Kat What I ban Eve, kat, Lee(whatever beat me last game). | ||
France45622 Posts
There's stuff the idea of which I don't like, but as long as they're not broken they're bearable I guess (Jayce, Riven notably, Rengar since the nerfs). There's the bullshit that's easy to play (up to faceroll for some), very effective and is boring as fucking hell to lane against (release Jayce, Yorick, Darius, pre-nerf Rengar). There's stuff that is retarded to lane against and annoying, as in "unfun" rather than OP (Teemo with such a safe laning if he plays pussy, while being able to bully so much if he's ahead, pre-nerf Kennen top, Cho'Gath at least in s2, I don't understand how people could whine at Morg and not say anything about Cho). There's broken stuff that's been under the radar for so long/took so long to nerf (Anivia, release Jayce, pre-nerf Rengar). That's most of the stuff I hate. Eve, Elise are know are super strong, but Eve it's generally the mid against her being dumb rather than the player not needing to be fed to abuse her, and I haven't seen Elise much yet. Fizz due to his E was annoying till I learned to play around cooldowns, Ziggs because with blue his laning is boring (as the opponent), and Poppy because her passive makes her so stupid to play against with a lot of champs. Also, fuck players focusing guys with tons of resists like, say, a Taric when the whole enemy team is grouped and there's a Karma that already got several double and a quadra earlier. Don't they learn? :/ (Granted Syndra doesn't help sniping since I don't have the range, but after Karma flash-RE'd into several of us for an instant triple at the end of a fight, you'd think they wouldn't let her untouched next time.) | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
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United States9109 Posts
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United States10536 Posts
Man up people. Seriously. | ||
57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
Blitzcrank ( Can be complete shit, get 1 lucky grab, win game) Draven (Can't beat him no matter what I do) Ezreal (EVERY GAME) Fizz (Who doesn't hate fizz?) Jax (Less annoying than others, still) Khazix (That leap) Master Yi (Terrible on my team, pentakills on opponent team) Rengar (...) TF (Can be 0/6 and still rape your carries with that teleport stun) | ||
Canada23833 Posts
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United States279 Posts
On December 31 2012 05:56 koreasilver wrote: Nautilus' only real problem is his first clear. If he goes through his first clear without getting fucked, then he's fine. His jungling isn't mana hungry after the first clear, as you only really need spirit stone. Because you only really need to use one W per wolf/wraith camp after the first clear, you don't need blue buff at all after the first one. But if you get fucked during your first clear because they invaded and took your blue, invaded and killed you at any point in the midst of your first clear, or died because you screwed up a gank horrifically at lvl 3 or something, or went full retard and tried to gank at lvl 2, then you're gonna be gimped hardcore. I'm not entirely sure I agree with this. At least my experience indicates otherwise. If your lanes aren't especially gankable (for whatever reason) and you are forced to just farm for awhile then you will still go oom after your first clear. Though your health bar will remain untouched at least. | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
On December 31 2012 15:08 Sufficiency wrote: Fizz does almost 0 damage.... He's such a snowbally hero, if he gets fed his damage is obnoxious as fuck | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On December 31 2012 15:27 arb wrote: He's such a snowbally hero, if he gets fed his damage is obnoxious as fuck And he still can't do anything in teamfights. | ||
United States5348 Posts
On December 31 2012 14:07 Carnivorous Sheep wrote: please don't call arithmetic math ^ it's kinda funny how i can do non homogeneous, linear, second order diff eq (the solvable ones anyways) no prob, but it becomes a disaster once i try to do simple arithmetic. edit: altho, i'm an engineer, so my diff eq teacher says my opinions on math are inconsequential ~.~ | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On December 31 2012 14:07 Carnivorous Sheep wrote: please don't call arithmetic math http://www.math.purdue.edu/~lipman/MA598/Serre-Course in Arithmetic.pdf | ||
United States13684 Posts
On December 31 2012 13:12 TheYango wrote: I still think Riot more or less ruined what could have been the best iteration of League in that period of time when there were a bunch of things that were all separately "OP", but people discovered them one at a time, so Riot nerfed them successively--where if none of them had been nerfed, the game would have been more or less balanced once they were all discovered. Release Nocturne + remake GP + pre-nerf Lee Sin = best iteration of the jungle. Not to mention Udyr and Rammus were also good but undiscovered yet at the time. Best jungle iteration of all time was the 2 patches pre 1st remake when we had new masteries and the original jungle. Most entertaining games league had seen then (and id make the argument since). So much freedom to move and make stuff happen. | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
On December 31 2012 08:56 EquilasH wrote: I see it on Kat in a hard lane, but I doubt you'll ever run into a Lee lane where you'd think to yourself "Hey I need 9 pots to survive". All you gotta do is mash W and heal to full off an entire wave anyway. np. | ||
China26351 Posts
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United States13684 Posts
If you ever have to face a Cass in lane, just pick Fizz and laugh. Probably would work against Karthus too. | ||
Korea (South)11232 Posts
On December 31 2012 14:58 Seuss wrote: The only thing I hate are the dodgers in ARAMs. Man up people. Seriously. oh yeah I hate those. If you are not comfortable with the hero pick then play blindpick. I think it gives them a bigger ego boost if they win an aram. | ||
Canada12499 Posts
i mean i own like 70 of them so come on rng don't be a douche | ||
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