On December 31 2012 12:52 barbsq wrote:Show nested quote +On December 31 2012 12:48 xes wrote: Is upgrading machete always worth it? For champs with good enough clear times I feel like saving 500g and just getting other items like sightstone (e.g. Mundo, Cho) not always. I've seen a number of ppl sit on machete and just go for other stuff. I actually need to get out of the habit of buying wriggles on every autoattack jungler. Just shows that I havn't jungled much since middle of s2 tho really, haha. Show nested quote +On December 31 2012 12:51 wei2coolman wrote:On December 31 2012 12:44 EquilasH wrote:On December 31 2012 12:00 Chexx wrote:+ Show Spoiler +what do you guys think about this? Looks terrible op It just seems like a gimmick build you can use for normals when you're fed. His Lee montage is really impressive though - I watched it a while ago. + Show Spoiler +I don't know if TL is the right place to say this (hi Shake) but his Lee montage is probably the montage with the most flashy plays I've seen. meh, no offense to shake, but Lee Sin is just one of the flashier champions in league. A lot of the awesome looking plays on lee sins are usually a matter of hitting your Q's, and going HAM; and it looks pro as fuck. Probably one of the main reasons why I love Lee Sin. Do something awesome looking; actually surprisingly easy to do. eh, idk there's some stuff that i've seen shake do that I'm certain I can't do without significant practice with lee. Sure, he has a couple of lucky q's in there for show, but you can also pretty clearly tell that his lee is a level above the norm. IMO it's fairly easy to tell the wheat from the chaff when it comes to blind monk. It's obvious he's better than most Lee Sins; but as far as flashy plays come along, its just innate due to the natural looks of lee sins abilities.
heh, a couple a days ago me and my friend were reminiscing about pre-nerf'd lee sin on his Q. oh boi, i miss op'd lee sin.
United States47024 Posts
I still think Riot more or less ruined what could have been the best iteration of League in that period of time when there were a bunch of things that were all separately "OP", but people discovered them one at a time, so Riot nerfed them successively--where if none of them had been nerfed, the game would have been more or less balanced once they were all discovered.
Release Nocturne + remake GP + pre-nerf Lee Sin = best iteration of the jungle. Not to mention Udyr and Rammus were also good but undiscovered yet at the time.
Baa?21242 Posts
lee sin's the stupidest champion in the game and i said he was op since forever
fuckers told me i was crazy
now lee sin is most contested champ in ogn winter
remove lee sin from game imo
On December 31 2012 12:51 wei2coolman wrote:Show nested quote +On December 31 2012 12:44 EquilasH wrote:On December 31 2012 12:00 Chexx wrote:+ Show Spoiler +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StE-f3PqSQ8 what do you guys think about this? Looks terrible op It just seems like a gimmick build you can use for normals when you're fed. His Lee montage is really impressive though - I watched it a while ago. + Show Spoiler +I don't know if TL is the right place to say this (hi Shake) but his Lee montage is probably the montage with the most flashy plays I've seen. meh, no offense to shake, but Lee Sin is just one of the flashier champions in league. A lot of the awesome looking plays on lee sins are usually a matter of hitting your Q's, and going HAM; and it looks pro as fuck. Probably one of the main reasons why I love Lee Sin. Do something awesome looking; actually surprisingly easy to do. What I find impressive about Shake's Lee plays is the experience that's shown in the way things go: when he goes in because smite just came off cd and he can spellvmap through it to bait, when he plays his escape routes through minions or even other champions before using positioning to lure his pursuers away from where he'll Q again, etc. It's stuff that you think about while level-headed, but in the heat of the moment it's quick judgement and experience, and it shows well (I like a lot his Zed montage for this, rather than the Morg dodge with his ult for example).
Right there with you CSheep, he's been my most hated champion since around the time Shaco stopped being fotm and dropped to my #2 most hated.
My Hated Champion Tier List: 1. Lee Sin 2. Shaco 3. Nidalee/Elise/Jayce (because having 6+ abilities when the other 100+ champions have 4 (or 3, poor Karma) is absurd) 4. Katarina (I got the reset woohoo free pentakill!) 5. Tryndamere (For annoyingly bullshit ultimate factor, not because he wins games against me anymore) 5b. Darius (For similar reasons, except he still wins games) 6. Riven, Shyvana, Rengar (Garen and Renekton get a pass because they don't fit into teamcomps very well and don't get played nearly as often) 7. Ezreal/Taric (Because they're involved in more than half of my ranked games and I'm sick of them.)
I will first ban Rengar until he's removed from the game.
After that, my hate list is something like
2. Caitlyn (she is in every fucking game i play) 3. Riven (bullshit fucking champ) 4. Cho'Gath (unkillable, bullshit champ) 5. hm. this is hard. Nidalee probably.
lee sin is not just about hitting your Q, it's a very high skill cap champion to play well.
neither of you list Eve really?
She's invisible, I forgot she was there. She can pretty much go in that #2 spot with Shaco for now (and for similar reasons of stealth being bullshit)
I just took a "if you can't beat em join em" approach with Eve/Mummy.
So that's what this fuckers been doing.
My hate list:
Singed Xin Zhao Cho'Gath Rengar
In that order.
If it becomes unkillable and still does damage, I hate it.
Nothing is more bullshit than Riven right now. She's got best lvl 2, best lvl6, best everything. She is extremly safe and easy to play. She is ressourceless and got a gap closer that can also be used as a dissengage, but the most bullshit about her is her ult being 75s CD at level 1 and 45s at level 3, and yes, that is 27s with blue buff. lol what was riot thinking.
This is why Riot shouldn't listen to the community at all regarding balance.
On December 31 2012 13:46 qanik wrote: Nothing is more bullshit than Riven right now. She's got best lvl 2, best lvl6, best everything. She is extremly safe and easy to play. She is ressourceless and got a gap closer that can also be used as a dissengage, but the most bullshit about her is her ult being 75s CD at level 1 and 45s at level 3, and yes, that is 27s with blue buff. lol what was riot thinking. They are killing her next patch as far as I know.
On December 31 2012 12:23 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On December 31 2012 12:20 xDaunt wrote: Isn't getting a razor in addition to spirit stone kinda overkill? Why not just get the spirit stone and then proceed straight to building a real damage item (presuming that you're not going to build spirit stone out any further) such as phage or brutalizer? You're right, the practicality of Razor+Spirit is questionable. But if Razor+Spirit is never something you'd practically buy, and it's by and large better than Wriggle's--why the hell would anyone actually ever buy Wriggle's then? The only time that I would consider the madred's route is if I have an auto-attack dependent champ who really, really needs help clearing jungle because his skills aren't good enough at clearing creeps. I can't really think of who that is offhand other than warwick (whom I don't play). Spiritstone alone almost always is a cheaper, better choice. By the midgame, I usually sell the spiritstone for a sightstone anyway.
On December 31 2012 13:46 qanik wrote: Nothing is more bullshit than Riven right now. She's got best lvl 2, best lvl6, best everything. She is extremly safe and easy to play. She is ressourceless and got a gap closer that can also be used as a dissengage, but the most bullshit about her is her ult being 75s CD at level 1 and 45s at level 3, and yes, that is 27s with blue buff. lol what was riot thinking.
27s with blue buff? 51% cdr, that's something I haven't seen before.. (blue buff is 20% afaik and would reduce the cooldown by 9 sec).
Anyways, here goes my most hated list:
Fiddlesticks (anyone who doesn't have this guy hasn't played against him enough) Shaco Teemo Evelynn Elise (I'm fairly certain she doesn't lose a single lane mid or top) Twisted Fate (I need to learn TF soon, he's such a bitch) Nidalee (AD she's always splitpushing which is annoying as fuck - AP she's poking you down so low lategame) Caitlyn (this girl is only this far down because I rarely play bot lane, and there are more annoying champs lategame anyway)
On December 31 2012 14:03 EquilasH wrote:Show nested quote +On December 31 2012 13:46 qanik wrote: Nothing is more bullshit than Riven right now. She's got best lvl 2, best lvl6, best everything. She is extremly safe and easy to play. She is ressourceless and got a gap closer that can also be used as a dissengage, but the most bullshit about her is her ult being 75s CD at level 1 and 45s at level 3, and yes, that is 27s with blue buff. lol what was riot thinking. 27s with blue buff? 51% cdr, that's something I haven't seen before.. (blue buff is 20% afaik and would reduce the cooldown by 9 sec).
45s becomes 27s with 40% CDR. Calculators are useful things, your computer probably has one built in. /mathjerk
Edit: Wow, when did I become an asshole. I shouldn't post just to say shit like that, sorry.
Baa?21242 Posts
On December 31 2012 14:06 Ketara wrote:Show nested quote +On December 31 2012 14:03 EquilasH wrote:On December 31 2012 13:46 qanik wrote: Nothing is more bullshit than Riven right now. She's got best lvl 2, best lvl6, best everything. She is extremly safe and easy to play. She is ressourceless and got a gap closer that can also be used as a dissengage, but the most bullshit about her is her ult being 75s CD at level 1 and 45s at level 3, and yes, that is 27s with blue buff. lol what was riot thinking. 27s with blue buff? 51% cdr, that's something I haven't seen before.. (blue buff is 20% afaik and would reduce the cooldown by 9 sec). 45s becomes 27s with 40% CDR. Calculators are useful things, your computer probably has one built in. /mathjerk
please don't call arithmetic math
Hooray, I am vindicated <3
On topic, I am surprised at all these bans. I am very mainstream with my bans. Blitzcrank, Malphite, Shen, Amumu. I do like banning Rengar sometimes though. And Shaco/Eve.