[Patch Preseason Balance Update 1] GD - Page 217
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United States19143 Posts
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Canada12499 Posts
On December 31 2012 08:56 EquilasH wrote: I see it on Kat in a hard lane, but I doubt you'll ever run into a Lee lane where you'd think to yourself "Hey I need 9 pots to survive". In that case rejuv bead + 2 wards + pots if planning on a tiamat start? It's pretty strong on Lee ediT: although, if the other guy starts flask 5 ward then 9 pots gives you only slightly better sustain than him, which might be needed? i'm no expert by any means | ||
United States10531 Posts
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South Africa35471 Posts
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France8650 Posts
On December 31 2012 05:56 koreasilver wrote: Nautilus' only real problem is his first clear. If he goes through his first clear without getting fucked, then he's fine. His jungling isn't mana hungry after the first clear, as you only really need spirit stone. Because you only really need to use one W per wolf/wraith camp after the first clear, you don't need blue buff at all after the first one. But if you get fucked during your first clear because they invaded and took your blue, invaded and killed you at any point in the midst of your first clear, or died because you screwed up a gank horrifically at lvl 3 or something, or went full retard and tried to gank at lvl 2, then you're gonna be gimped hardcore. This is really true, ganking at lvl 2 or even fighting is utterly pointless, you will just run at people and try to root them with the passiv while they can just run away and kite you to no end. His q is really important to gap close even if it deals like no damage. | ||
United States3359 Posts
on a side note i just got into chaox's zed game for his marathon and went 17-2 as AP Cho. Was a fun game. | ||
United States10536 Posts
On December 31 2012 09:42 Alaric wrote: Is wriggles really better than spirit stone on Rammus? They're all failures so far but they are adamant that wriggles is the jungling item for him, so... If you're still trying to max E first in the new jungle then Wriggle's makes the most sense of any of the Machete items. Its damage is independent of any skills/stats save for attack speed. That said, I haven't done enough Rammus jungling in Season 3 to say for sure whether that build/playstyle is the most sensible versus one which focuses on W. Edit: For the record, I was only trying to fathom a context in which Wriggle's would make sense on Rammus. It doesn't sound like a good idea to me, but having not had the opportunity to use him in the S3 jungle I didn't want to make any absolute pronouncements. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
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United States47024 Posts
Wriggles - 1600g, 1 item slot 30 armor, 15 AD, 10% lifesteal, maim, ward Razors+SS - 1500g, 2 item slots 25 armor, 14 hp5, 7 mp5, butcher, maim, rend Hp5 outperforms lifesteal on a champ that won't be focused on right-click autoattack damage scaling into lategame, and for 100 gold less, I think the mana regen and triple jungling passives (Butcher+Maim+Rend) outperforms Wriggles' single upgraded Maim, ward, and marginally better combat stats. The key thing to note is that SS and Razors' passives have different names, so they stack (and affect each other--the 20% bonus damage from SS should affect the Razors proc). | ||
France45622 Posts
And I finally got to pick Morgana (3 first tries ended up in dodges). Against Kennen. Who juked, but not particularly better than what's usual at the level where I play. Oh God all those missed Qs! Of course I'm rusty, first game in almost a year, but still, I prob had less than 15% hit Qs during laning phase, even when he ran straight to me to auto-W me. T_T I'm so bad. And it's way slower with a longer windup than I remembered, too, I guess I grew too used to other skillshots. | ||
United States6151 Posts
Step 1: Buy ward yourself Step 2: Ward lane Step 3: Exert so much pressure their team is forced to send someone bottom to try and kill you Step 4: Don't die and hope your solo lanes can win 2v1s because your jungler doesnt even bother coming bottom. | ||
United States17233 Posts
Also, dear God do not build a Wriggle's on a Rammus. Rammus always rushed Philo in S2 primarily for the regen, which is what you get out of Spirit Stone. He also does a lot of AoE damage, but fuck all for single target damage (read: Spirit Stone bonus > Wriggles). | ||
China26351 Posts
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France45622 Posts
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United States5710 Posts
On December 31 2012 11:43 zulu_nation8 wrote: I think a lot of wriggles junglers benefit more from spirit stone, j4, olaf, xin, etc. Xin & J4 definitely not, you want wriggles for clear time, tankiness, and lifesteal. | ||
China26351 Posts
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6318 Posts
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China26351 Posts
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Korea (South)11232 Posts
what do you guys think about this? Looks terrible op | ||
Adun Toridas!9144 Posts
On December 31 2012 12:00 Chexx wrote: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StE-f3PqSQ8 what do you guys think about this? Looks terrible op I'm guessing he was in a normals game with baddie friends and just got really fed to a point where building anything would work, just SotD looks flashy and impressive | ||
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