[Patch Preseason Balance Update 1] GD - Page 216
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Ireland23335 Posts
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United States5635 Posts
On December 31 2012 06:02 Alaric wrote: Ugh, Chaox even gonna build Liandry's on WW. I know the base damage on his Q has been nerfed as hell (16% max HP still strong) but still, maybe guise could be 0K but completing liandry's is dumb on him. Also complaining about his pushing capabilities when he gets himself oom Qing creeps instead of pressing W (which he maxes last). On lanewick I thought it was pretty standard to get E to 3 before maxing W. W doesn't let you push (creeps while solo) much faster anyway, if you need to push you can just buy sunfire. | ||
Canada904 Posts
On December 31 2012 04:36 MooMooMugi wrote: I was so sad I thought Chaox was doing his A-Z marathon in ranked lol That would take so long considering this queue times are 20+ mins. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On December 31 2012 06:27 Koenig99 wrote: That would take so long considering this queue times are 20+ mins. And he would get trolled 100% with target bans. | ||
France45622 Posts
On December 31 2012 06:18 phyvo wrote: On lanewick I thought it was pretty standard to get E to 3 before maxing W. W doesn't let you push (creeps while solo) much faster anyway, if you need to push you can just buy sunfire. Dunno about lanewick, I like the idea of if but too much popular stuff destroyed him and I don't really like how the s3 changes make me a lot less tanky. Chaox put 5 points into E before getting W to 2 though. Also didn't press W while near Vayne and Jax during teamfights. ![]() | ||
United States19143 Posts
On December 31 2012 06:15 Slayer91 wrote: Calling nautilis support makes no sense really, he's not like nunu, he scales really well with cdr and tank stats, heck even wits end is really good on him. Crucible is a terrible idea all he needs is max CDR and tank stats and maybe a wits end. He farms fast, ganks well, his only weaknesses are first 4 levels and long CDs with slow movement speed. idk I'm not always right that much is 100% he said bad mana on a tank i suggested crucible I think it's overlooked as an item on solos/jungle. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
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Germany11334 Posts
On December 31 2012 04:32 Numy wrote: I was actually wondering this but I don't know enough about LoL to do any proper analysis of the flask if you have no mana. Is it worth it to start flask+ward+pots on non-mana users or are there better openings? It is pretty simple. Flask is worth 2 healpots and 1.2 manapots each time you b. If you don't use the mana, it is worth 2 healpots. It costs 225 and sells for 90. Thus, ignoring the fact that you sunk some money into it for some time, you would need to consume 135g worth of heal from your flask to make it worth it. This would be about 4 healpots. So if you go back more then between buying and selling it, it has paid for itself. The more often you go back while owning the flask, the more you gain from it. So unless you have problems with your inventory space or you don't drink any pots anymore after you go back once, getting a flask is a good idea. The decision if you should start with it depends on how much regen you will need until you go back. Not buying a flask will enable you to have more health regen in the form of pots until you go back. | ||
Canada12499 Posts
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United States10467 Posts
On December 31 2012 08:14 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote: after thinking about it, i think a 9pot2ward opening on lee/katarina for vision and a wardhop would be pretty strong, essentially buying yourself another flash during the delicate early levels I like this. There's no rule saying you have to start with a basic item. | ||
Denmark2142 Posts
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649 Posts
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Hungary1011 Posts
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United States10467 Posts
On December 31 2012 08:56 EquilasH wrote: I see it on Kat in a hard lane, but I doubt you'll ever run into a Lee lane where you'd think to yourself "Hey I need 9 pots to survive". Even if you don't use all 9 pots in your first laning session it's not like they go away. There are many games top where I really wanted wards in S2. I usually just started cloth 2 pot ward but there were definitely better options and still are now. Xpeke is running double meki mid. That's an unusual first item. | ||
South Africa35471 Posts
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Adun Toridas!9144 Posts
On December 31 2012 09:26 Numy wrote: Well waching xpeke on Ahri he just went 2 faire charm start with mass pots against Xerath. Seems like that's more openings than I thought. Boots are no longer mandatory which means you can adjust better for the matchup. Some matchups I feel like you actually need to start boots and others you can make up for poor lvl 1-5 with mass pots. 2x charm was probably because vs Xerath is just farming and build's into ... Athene's? | ||
France45622 Posts
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South Africa35471 Posts
On December 31 2012 09:39 xes wrote: Boots are no longer mandatory which means you can adjust better for the matchup. Some matchups I feel like you actually need to start boots and others you can make up for poor lvl 1-5 with mass pots. 2x charm was probably because vs Xerath is just farming and build's into ... Athene's? Yea he went Chalice+Boots after first buy then into Athenes. Interesting stuff. I think Yango spoke about going charm on mana hungry mids but 2 seems a bit much. | ||
United States5710 Posts
On December 31 2012 09:45 Numy wrote: Yea he went Chalice+Boots after first buy then into Athenes. Interesting stuff. I think Yango spoke about going charm on mana hungry mids but 2 seems a bit much. Charm flask and 2 pots is what I go on Ryze. Makes tear easy buy first back and if you get a kill thats boots and a ward also. | ||
Germany24009 Posts
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