On November 30 2012 14:56 sung_moon wrote: Highly doubt this works, but toggling Sion's E on and off doesn't proc Sheen right?
Been bored and messing around with AP Sion, and was curious is that worked. Pretty fun. Not sure if I'm building correctly tho (usually 2 D-Rings, Abyssal, Zhonrya's into w/e)
"Passive toggle abilities such as Blood Scent or Frost Shot do not proc Sheen's effect but active toggle abilities such as Aspect of the Cougar and Ravenous Flock do." Source: http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Sheen
Quite certain Sion E falls under the "passive toggle" category.
Bleh nvm stacking DRings into Abyssal or DCap is way better.
Old AP Sion soloQ crusher build was Doran Doran Kages Mobil/Sorcs into Deathcap, DFG, Void, Abyssal, Zhonyas, G.A now that DFG is pretty bad now should probably just rush Deathcap into Abyssal
i notice that when i get sorcs on elise, her q hits like a truck
with this logic, should i run mpen reds/blues/quints and mana regen yellows for maximum q, in addition to building the standard triple pen?
edit: for clarification this is for top, as a counterpick to melee bruisers
edit edit: i know you can't penetrate below 0, so at which point is this overkill vs standard top builds? i don't know enough about the other character common runepages/builds i think
On November 30 2012 15:31 MooMooMugi wrote: Old AP Sion soloQ crusher build was Doran Doran Kages Mobil/Sorcs into Deathcap, DFG, Void, Abyssal, Zhonyas, G.A now that DFG is pretty bad now should probably just rush Deathcap into Abyssal
Just remember that when playing AP sion the objective is to get the other team to surrender by like 25min or you become the most useless turd ever.
I lost so many APsion games after opening like 8-0, really an awful champ.
The secret to winning is to sow dissent and frustration among the enemy team. Make sure to gloat and notify the opponents of your victims poor play after every kill. For Example:
"I think this is your mid's first game" "Haha look at your mid's CS" "LOOOOOL" "Free kills mid" "Your mid doesn't even know how to last hit." "I think your mid gave up and is just feeding now." "Honestly why haven't you surrendered." "I don't know why your jungle hasn't ganked me, he must be awful" "I bet your terrible mid didn't even call MIA" "lol your whole team just left you to die" "I've been roaming for like 15 minutes and your mid still hasn't touched my tower"
I also suggest straight up lying about other lane's performance. They don't have time to actually look and make sure you aren't full of shit, and it contributes to a sense of hopelessness:
"Wow your support is just autoing the wave" "Lol your top is completely zoned" "Rofl your support hasn't bought a single ward all game" "wow your jungle was just standing in the bush while I killed you" "Uncontrollable feed from your bot lane" "We've gotten like 8 consecutive dragons."
On November 30 2012 15:31 MooMooMugi wrote: Old AP Sion soloQ crusher build was Doran Doran Kages Mobil/Sorcs into Deathcap, DFG, Void, Abyssal, Zhonyas, G.A now that DFG is pretty bad now should probably just rush Deathcap into Abyssal
Just remember that when playing AP sion the objective is to get the other team to surrender by like 25min or you become the most useless turd ever.
I lost so many APsion games after opening like 8-0, really an awful champ.
The secret to winning is to sow dissent and frustration among the enemy team. Make sure to gloat and notify the opponents of your victims poor play after every kill. For Example:
"I think this is your mid's first game" "Haha look at your mid's CS" "LOOOOOL" "Free kills mid" "Your mid doesn't even know how to last hit." "I think your mid gave up and is just feeding now." "Honestly why haven't you surrendered." "I don't know why your jungle hasn't ganked me, he must be awful" "I bet your terrible mid didn't even call MIA" "lol your whole team just left you to die" "I've been roaming for like 15 minutes and your mid still hasn't touched my tower"
I also suggest straight up lying about other lane's performance. They don't have time to actually look and make sure you aren't full of shit, and it contributes to a sense of hopelessness:
"Wow your support is just autoing the wave" "Lol your top is completely zoned" "Rofl your support hasn't bought a single ward all game" "wow your jungle was just standing in the bush while I killed you" "Uncontrollable feed from your bot lane" "We've gotten like 8 consecutive dragons."
On November 30 2012 15:55 smOOthMayDie wrote: Whats the general consensus on Syndra?
I don't know what the consensus is but I bought her because I love playing hard champs that people think are bad, but she is really just pretty bad.
Her laning is strong and you get alot of CS, but she has crap mobility, no escapes, poor actual danger range due to tiny ult, really difficult to land shit when someone is juking and not just running or CSing, coupled with damage that is just not that great, also massively mana hungry.
Some things about her just feel bad, like when you land a great long range stun and can't follow up with anything because of poor range. Dueling with an ad or something is just horrible, they will dodge so much of your damage no matter how good you are.
I played a bunch of games and won plenty but I'd often get into situations where I'd be like "wow, I'f I was playing any other mid I would be dominating, why is this so damn hard."
Syndra is good. She's pretty confusing and not too many people have put in the time or effort to learn her so she's pretty underplayed. Her stun is super good and her burst pretty decent too.
I do think S3 will play hugely into her favour though. With that beast of DFG, resistance formula change, and GA nerf, I think she will be a bit better.
On November 30 2012 16:22 cLutZ wrote: Her stun is bad. Its effective stun time is super low because most of the time the victims are so far away you cant even egage on the m properly.
i watched phantomlord stream yesterday (OH LAWRD) and he got some really nice stuns off, stunning 3-5 people near baron, etc. She actually seemed rather powerful, but then again maybe that was just p-lord playing her better than everyone else in his elo (it was like 1900). he mains her now apparently. am surprised.
On November 30 2012 16:22 cLutZ wrote: Her stun is bad. Its effective stun time is super low because most of the time the victims are so far away you cant even egage on the m properly.
i watched phantomlord stream yesterday (OH LAWRD) and he got some really nice stuns off, stunning 3-5 people near baron, etc. She actually seemed rather powerful, but then again maybe that was just p-lord playing her better than everyone else in his elo (it was like 1900). he mains her now apparently. am surprised.
I feel that her stun is kind of broken. When utilized correctly she has a Sona ult every 14 seconds.
syndra is pretty op, every time i see one, they always wreck by just walking around and 1 shotting everyone they see Soloqueue style. Not sure she has enough utility to be picked in competitive play though
On November 30 2012 18:46 tobi9999 wrote: syndra is pretty op, every time i see one, they always wreck by just walking around and 1 shotting everyone they see Soloqueue style. Not sure she has enough utility to be picked in competitive play though
I think everyone will agree that she will pretty much automatically win against any other AP mid laners without sustain or gap closers (e.g. Orianna). Her laning phase against champions she is good against is really strong. But her teamfight is really lackluster because she has no mobility and her ult's range is low. I think she is a snowball champion without any gapclosers.
With W you get more shield and armor and more sustain
With E you get more damage, more slow, more debuff
It seems to me that as a jungler you would want E more, to speed up clears and assist in ganks (damage and slow). Lee already has good sustain and when you're ganking you probably arent going to be relying on your shield to save someone, more likely just trying to get the most damage on a target while they run.