On November 25 2012 11:50 Sufficiency wrote:So Requizen how do you feel about being comforted by a Needlessly Large Rod?  Ugh, that reminds me of this erotic fiction that this guy wrote involving vayne and kogmaw, and he used all these ridiculous innuendos like "shall I stroke your needlessly large rod koggy" and "what a big void staff you have"
I think this was also written when AP kog was a thing, or maybe AP items are naturally more phallic
Blind pick normals are amazing for learning new things, Did you know that a Corki with Warmogs and Zerker greaves loss a 1v1 vs Graves with 6 dorans blades and Oracle when neither has ignite and there are creeps close?
I didn't
Edit: this was at 5 am on a weekday
i dont like blind pick because i dont wanna be a dick and instalock who I want but at the same time if I do nothing itll usually be just support available
In blind picks I always just said "whatever role no one else wants" and oddly enough it tends to be either jungle or top for me.
I'd really like for the game to have a built in lane caller. First pick gets to call what lane they want to/can go or they can say fill and the other lanes have to go after. I just hate getting stuck with support if I'm first pick because everything else has been called in the span of 1 second and if I say anything I'll get "omg I called it afk." I'm too much of a doormat in this game. Fortunately this rarely happens and I only experienced it recently in the placement matches.
On November 25 2012 12:28 obesechicken13 wrote: I'd really like for the game to have a built in lane caller. First pick gets to call what lane they want to/can go or they can say fill and the other lanes have to go after. I just hate getting stuck with support if I'm first pick because everything else has been called in the span of 1 second and if I say anything I'll get "omg I called it afk." I'm too much of a doormat in this game. Fortunately this rarely happens and I only experienced it recently in the placement matches.
Link summoners code, technically pick order > lane calling.
Riot advocates suggesting which lane you'd like to play / best at.
My official stance on blind picks is that I can instalock hard random. That or I use it to try something out that I've never played before against people.
And yeah, they need to have an official Riot approved statement saying pick order>calling so you get fewer people QQing when FP decides they want to top.
On November 25 2012 12:28 obesechicken13 wrote: I'd really like for the game to have a built in lane caller. First pick gets to call what lane they want to/can go or they can say fill and the other lanes have to go after. I just hate getting stuck with support if I'm first pick because everything else has been called in the span of 1 second and if I say anything I'll get "omg I called it afk." I'm too much of a doormat in this game. Fortunately this rarely happens and I only experienced it recently in the placement matches. Youre higher pick, just pick what you want. fuck the rest
I just got him so I am no expert, but I feel like Kha'ziks is a really well designed champion. His evolutions give him another layer of gameplay and build flexibility. He actually feels useful in poke situations because of his w, as compared to some assassins who get to all in or nothing. His R is probably the least obnoxious stealth and is actually pretty fun to use/play against.
Additionally, the evolutions allow for them to attach some OP mechanics on him, but it is better balanced because you don't get the full set until later.
anyway, just my thoughts. If there were two different teams designing Kha vs rengar there was a clear winner imo.
On November 25 2012 12:33 Amui wrote: My official stance on blind picks is that I can instalock hard random. That or I use it to try something out that I've never played before against people.
And yeah, they need to have an official Riot approved statement saying pick order>calling so you get fewer people QQing when FP decides they want to top. In the past there was a red post that agreed, but I saw one more recently that gave a really noncommittal answer.
Has IEM singapore finished? If not when does the stream start for tonight?
On November 25 2012 10:53 onlywonderboy wrote: While I like that they incentivised Ranked 5s, I just feel it really won't broaden the appeal to players who aren't trying to break into the pro scene. I know I'm not top 32 or whatever, so I might as well just play soloq and work on my mechanics. I would love for more people to play 5s, but the only way I could see my friends doing it is if it gave bonus IP or something.
Edit: From what I've seen Rengar doesn't fall behind as hard as someone like Riven if they get behind. If you get fucked in the laning phase you just build tanky and still do tons of damage. Also stealth sucks to play against.
Edit 2: Also apparently ALTERNATE isn't going to be able to attend IPL5 and Jree is replacing leofromkorea. So does this means Fnatic gets to go? They've been looking pretty solid lately.
I agree. There really isn't much incentive for those who aren't looking to enter the pro scene - maybe if they had some sort of monthly in-client tourney for special skins or RP people would really try-hard in it and take it seriously. I guess one thing they have is lower rating required for end of the season rewards, but that's not much to encourage participation for the whole season.
On November 25 2012 12:28 obesechicken13 wrote: I'd really like for the game to have a built in lane caller. First pick gets to call what lane they want to/can go or they can say fill and the other lanes have to go after. I just hate getting stuck with support if I'm first pick because everything else has been called in the span of 1 second and if I say anything I'll get "omg I called it afk." I'm too much of a doormat in this game. Fortunately this rarely happens and I only experienced it recently in the placement matches.
Just politely tell them you're playing x role. About 90% of the time both in normals and ranked they just go along with it and play something else. Usually when I pick it without saying anything is when the trolls come out.
Is it just me or can you see opponent's borders now? Or at least in normal blink picks. The border isn't as noticeably different as on your own team but it's still different.
On November 25 2012 12:46 thenexusp wrote: Is it just me or can you see opponent's borders now? Or at least in normal blink picks. The border isn't as noticeably different as on your own team but it's still different.
there's a slightly different border if they have an honor ribbon, maybe that's what you're seeing?
On November 25 2012 10:37 wei2coolman wrote:Show nested quote +On November 25 2012 10:20 cLutZ wrote:On November 25 2012 10:13 UniversalSnip wrote:On November 25 2012 08:18 TheYango wrote:On November 25 2012 08:05 HazMat wrote:On November 25 2012 07:42 SnK-Arcbound wrote: Ranked 5's isn't competetive because no one plays it. It's covered in bronze and silver players who think they are much better than they are. All of the professional teams are covered in players who are also extremely high solo queue elo players. Professional teams players not being high elo is the exception, not the rule.
edit: incase anyone is confused, the correlation is between professional teams and high elo, not the other way around. If you are on a 5's team that "is really good" but your solo queue elo isn't raising, you aren't as good as you think. Yeah, I don't care how long you've been playing and how great your teamwork is but a team of sub 2k Elo players will never beat a team of 5 random top solo queuers, let alone a real team like CLG or TSM. I don't think anyone is actually trying to say that? I can't say whether that's what guitar is trying to convey in this discussion but I'm absolutely certain he thinks it. On November 25 2012 08:19 SnK-Arcbound wrote: Rengar needs to be nerfed. If anyone has played against him top lane, he is fucking absurd. His passive needs a cooldown. His cd's need to either be increased or their power decreased. But he either one shots things or is completely worthless, there is no inbetween. He's way too fucked up. I would say the release of champs that are miserable to play against is the most likely thing to kill the game for me because eventually there's going to be too high a probability of running into a design abortion like yorick, rengar, darius etc. and I just won't want to play. These champs don't get remade nearly fast enough and they apparently aren't getting weeded out during design nearly frequently enough. Rengar is the reason I dont really understand the "AD Assassin/Caster" QQ. What is Rengar if not just a much better version of Talon? Did you play when Talon was just released? Most bullshit champion ever. It was so fucking strong, unlimited mana essentially, could farm safely easily, almost always out traded in lane just due to silence, along with unlimited sustain. Essentially, any assassin champions are really no-fun to play against. They're far too binary. Either you die in a split second, or you barely live. It's really lame. I don't agree. Frankly, I'm drunk, so I'm not going to try to explicate why, but when I call rengar a design nightmare I don't intend to put him in the same pool as talon. To me, at least, talon feels like he has clear, exploitable weaknesses. Rengar doesn't. What abusive elements he has are too consistent and don't possess sufficient opacity, by which I mean clarity of counterplay.
One strange thing I noticed is that Ezreal has a great win rate even after the attack speed debuff.
On November 25 2012 13:10 obesechicken13 wrote: One strange thing I noticed is that Ezreal has a great win rate even after the attack speed debuff. Yeah it turns out having the best escape of any AD carry will keep you high like that.
I want to go back a few GDs to find people talking about how trash Ez is compared to every AD.
On November 25 2012 13:10 obesechicken13 wrote: One strange thing I noticed is that Ezreal has a great win rate even after the attack speed debuff.
3 months of all AD's playing nothing but ez means AD's are pretty good at playing ez now and not much else.
EDIT: to be fair ez was trash until max W first was discovered to be OP. Then they buffed his Q to discourage W first... riot logic
On November 25 2012 12:51 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote:Show nested quote +On November 25 2012 12:46 thenexusp wrote: Is it just me or can you see opponent's borders now? Or at least in normal blink picks. The border isn't as noticeably different as on your own team but it's still different. there's a slightly different border if they have an honor ribbon, maybe that's what you're seeing? Oh yeah that's what it is. It's weird because your team doesn't get that border for their honor ribbons.