United States47024 Posts
The thing is, that while arranged play and solo queue are different, and highlight different skills--low level ranked 5s actually does very little to hone the skills that are unique to arranged play.
For example, while you pretty much can have zero knowledge of how to draft to get to high Elo in solo queue (many players have gotten to high Elo just instapicking the same champ over and over), low Elo ranked 5s doesn't punish you for drafting poorly at all, so it's not like you learn how to draft from playing ranked 5s.
So while it's possible for a team with a slightly better draft to beat a team with slightly better fundamentals, the practical case is more often going to be a team with a draft that's not better (probably worse) against a team with a lot better fundamentals.
While some may disagree, i believe you can learn alot from listening to Jatt/Deman/etc. during bans/picks in tournament play just to learn the simple basics of team comps, when they pick certain champs etc. The most fundamental thing, is knowing when to pick what role. I see way too many people in ranked 5's delaying their bot lane untill 4th/5th pick and then getting crushed cus they showed their solo laners and/or jungle way too early, allowing the enemy team to counter the overall team composition.
Czech Republic11293 Posts
I think that picking jungler in current meta is pretty alright. Especially Nunu (can support as well so it doesn't say anything about your teamcomp), Amumu (so strong it doesn't matter if they see him), Lee Sin (can go other lanes as well, his early game aggresion isn't very dependant on his teammates so he is very versatile) and unorthodox junglers like Jarvan, Xin Zhao and Olaf who can all lane top and/or middle. I agree that generally firstpicking bottom lane is better though, at least AD carry usually doesn't say much. Sometimes you want to pick AD very late though if you plan on going poke comp with Caitlynn or stuff.
On November 25 2012 08:09 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote:Show nested quote +On November 25 2012 04:26 Morfildur wrote:On November 25 2012 04:20 TSBspartacus wrote:On November 25 2012 03:31 adriftt wrote:On November 25 2012 03:17 NEOtheONE wrote:On November 25 2012 01:18 arb wrote: got 38 honors for teamwork still no ribbon fml I have 44 for teamwork and still no ribbon. Yeah... i have 68 l0l. no ribbon Got my teamwork ribbon at ~20 Think its just because I was playing bot games, so no honourable opponent honour for a while, so I ended up getting teamwork. Weird thing is I got it awarded to me twice, but I already had it the second time. It's honor/game, not a flat number. I got my first teamwork at ~25 and the second rank around ~50 (Yes, ribbons have several ranks, i got 5 different badges though i lost the second teamwork rank again a week ago). what is the difference between the ranks? this is news to me
I answered that a few posts below that post.
It's mostly guessing by me, so it could be wrong. It's a yellow badge with "Great Leader" instead of the green "Great Teammate" that has the highest display priority of all badges i had. At first i thought it was friendly or mentor, but then i got the friendly and mentor badges a few days later, which confused me a little bit. Now i only have the green "Great Teammate" badge visible and the yellow seems to have disappeared but i never got any "We found out you aren't actually a great leader" message.
The whole honor system is a confusing mess where noone really knows what's what, some info from Riot would be great.
65 friendly 46 teamwork no ribbon stop whining
On November 25 2012 08:07 HazMat wrote: So is Curse actually good now or have their recent results mostly been TSM sucking lately? I knew Elementz was awful and Curse was better off with anyone else but is the Rhux pickup making that big of a change? Maybe we'll see once they play vs CLG and Dig.
edit: NOOO VOYBOY WHY THAT FLASH Curse has always been able to take games off of top tier teams, since middle of S2.
The replacement of Voyboy with Westrice was the biggest recent change, that's the biggest change in Curse's strength. So they seem quite a bit stronger.
Elementz getting replaced, hasn't seemed too big of a change. It's not like Curse has been playing against any difficult botlanes recently, so it's hard to see their skill increase.
On November 25 2012 08:12 OutlaW- wrote: major outplaying going on i think it's a combination of jacky stepping up his game majorly, voyboy requiring jungler attention and being quite solid and rhux holy did anyone see that ori ult into ezreal's ult? not sure if intentional but cool nonetheless Nyjacky looked like the best mid NA in the NA regionals. He kicked major ass there
On November 25 2012 08:16 Craton wrote: If you're high in 5s, which isn't hard all things considered, you will inevitably run into a real pro team and realize just how much better they are than you.
hey, ill have you know that i once double killed dlift and loco in a game.
+ Show Spoiler +well, they were fountain diving me, but yeah. i zhonya'd on the fountain. SHUT UP, IT WAS A DOUBLE KILL.
we lost like 6-40 or something in 30 minutes. whatever, still got double,
United States37500 Posts
Speaking of picks, this game was jungles first, ADs last. Lee and Skarner really are strong enough to do that, though.
On November 25 2012 03:30 Requizen wrote:+ Show Spoiler [Off topic and long] +Everyone,
I'm sorry about my recent behavior. I don't want to get into specifics (though I'm sure I have at one point or another), but I have been going through a very bad time recently. There's... more wrong with me than I'm willing to admit, and I'm sorry if I took it out on anyone in particular.
I've come to realize that this community (specifically KMD and TL LoL) contains people that I'd consider friends, even if we've never met in person or talked directly in any way. I'd just like to say thank you to all of those who helped me realize this. I'm seeking help for my issues, and I think it's (at least in part) thanks to this community that I've kept from getting too bad. So thanks, to the people that treated me like a person, even during the times that I didn't even think that highly of myself.
Please accept my sincere apologies concerning my actions, and I hope to better myself both as a person and as a member of this community in the coming future.
It's k Requizen. We're here for ya!
On November 25 2012 08:39 Sponkz wrote: While some may disagree, i believe you can learn alot from listening to Jatt/Deman/etc. during bans/picks in tournament play just to learn the simple basics of team comps, when they pick certain champs etc. The most fundamental thing, is knowing when to pick what role. I see way too many people in ranked 5's delaying their bot lane untill 4th/5th pick and then getting crushed cus they showed their solo laners and/or jungle way too early, allowing the enemy team to counter the overall team composition.
Jatt is a beast in champ select. Recall one time after 2 picks for purple and 1 for blue he's like "it looks like a poke comp is coming together for CLG." Seconds later janna and cait come out for purple after some champs for blue that didn't have hard engages, and I was like, "mind blown."
If Fear can't beat Quantic right now, I don't have high hopes for them at IEM. They need to be able win against more than just standard comps and hoping Aphro can carry them every game. I feel they need a lot more experience both early and late game and rely heavily on their mechanics.
It just occurred to me that writing, "prefer top but i can do whatever" could be construed as being rather kinky in another setting besides pre game LoL.
On November 25 2012 08:18 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On November 25 2012 08:05 HazMat wrote:On November 25 2012 07:42 SnK-Arcbound wrote: Ranked 5's isn't competetive because no one plays it. It's covered in bronze and silver players who think they are much better than they are. All of the professional teams are covered in players who are also extremely high solo queue elo players. Professional teams players not being high elo is the exception, not the rule.
edit: incase anyone is confused, the correlation is between professional teams and high elo, not the other way around. If you are on a 5's team that "is really good" but your solo queue elo isn't raising, you aren't as good as you think. Yeah, I don't care how long you've been playing and how great your teamwork is but a team of sub 2k Elo players will never beat a team of 5 random top solo queuers, let alone a real team like CLG or TSM. I don't think anyone is actually trying to say that?
I can't say whether that's what guitar is trying to convey in this discussion but I'm absolutely certain he thinks it.
On November 25 2012 08:19 SnK-Arcbound wrote: Rengar needs to be nerfed. If anyone has played against him top lane, he is fucking absurd. His passive needs a cooldown. His cd's need to either be increased or their power decreased. But he either one shots things or is completely worthless, there is no inbetween. He's way too fucked up.
I would say the release of champs that are miserable to play against is the most likely thing to kill the game for me because eventually there's going to be too high a probability of running into a design abortion like yorick, rengar, darius etc. and I just won't want to play. These champs don't get remade nearly fast enough and they apparently aren't getting weeded out during design nearly frequently enough.
A small rant:
Twitch.tv is really obnoxious with ads. Having an ad override your volume settings is a big giant "fuck you" to anyone who is using the service without Adblock turned on.
This combined with how often the TSM admins run ads during their tournament is enough to drive people to use adblock or not watch these tournaments at all. Then you realize the times these guys run ads is so scramabled, it detracts from the overall quality. It is generally while someone is talking during champ select, rather than designated ad slots. So, even if you wanted to listen to pre-game champion select information, it is useless because TSM #1 Ads.
On November 25 2012 10:13 UniversalSnip wrote:Show nested quote +On November 25 2012 08:18 TheYango wrote:On November 25 2012 08:05 HazMat wrote:On November 25 2012 07:42 SnK-Arcbound wrote: Ranked 5's isn't competetive because no one plays it. It's covered in bronze and silver players who think they are much better than they are. All of the professional teams are covered in players who are also extremely high solo queue elo players. Professional teams players not being high elo is the exception, not the rule.
edit: incase anyone is confused, the correlation is between professional teams and high elo, not the other way around. If you are on a 5's team that "is really good" but your solo queue elo isn't raising, you aren't as good as you think. Yeah, I don't care how long you've been playing and how great your teamwork is but a team of sub 2k Elo players will never beat a team of 5 random top solo queuers, let alone a real team like CLG or TSM. I don't think anyone is actually trying to say that? I can't say whether that's what guitar is trying to convey in this discussion but I'm absolutely certain he thinks it. Show nested quote +On November 25 2012 08:19 SnK-Arcbound wrote: Rengar needs to be nerfed. If anyone has played against him top lane, he is fucking absurd. His passive needs a cooldown. His cd's need to either be increased or their power decreased. But he either one shots things or is completely worthless, there is no inbetween. He's way too fucked up. I would say the release of champs that are miserable to play against is the most likely thing to kill the game for me because eventually there's going to be too high a probability of running into a design abortion like yorick, rengar, darius etc. and I just won't want to play. These champs don't get remade nearly fast enough and they apparently aren't getting weeded out during design nearly frequently enough.
Rengar is the reason I dont really understand the "AD Assassin/Caster" QQ. What is Rengar if not just a much better version of Talon?
Jesus Aphro is good.
I think Fear's teamcomp is stronger this game. They have a lot of anti-engage abilities and abilities that dis-incentivize (sp?) diving. Quantic has more of a single-target focus lineup, but the only target they have is Aphro, who has a lot of peel for him.
On November 25 2012 10:20 cLutZ wrote:Show nested quote +On November 25 2012 10:13 UniversalSnip wrote:On November 25 2012 08:18 TheYango wrote:On November 25 2012 08:05 HazMat wrote:On November 25 2012 07:42 SnK-Arcbound wrote: Ranked 5's isn't competetive because no one plays it. It's covered in bronze and silver players who think they are much better than they are. All of the professional teams are covered in players who are also extremely high solo queue elo players. Professional teams players not being high elo is the exception, not the rule.
edit: incase anyone is confused, the correlation is between professional teams and high elo, not the other way around. If you are on a 5's team that "is really good" but your solo queue elo isn't raising, you aren't as good as you think. Yeah, I don't care how long you've been playing and how great your teamwork is but a team of sub 2k Elo players will never beat a team of 5 random top solo queuers, let alone a real team like CLG or TSM. I don't think anyone is actually trying to say that? I can't say whether that's what guitar is trying to convey in this discussion but I'm absolutely certain he thinks it. On November 25 2012 08:19 SnK-Arcbound wrote: Rengar needs to be nerfed. If anyone has played against him top lane, he is fucking absurd. His passive needs a cooldown. His cd's need to either be increased or their power decreased. But he either one shots things or is completely worthless, there is no inbetween. He's way too fucked up. I would say the release of champs that are miserable to play against is the most likely thing to kill the game for me because eventually there's going to be too high a probability of running into a design abortion like yorick, rengar, darius etc. and I just won't want to play. These champs don't get remade nearly fast enough and they apparently aren't getting weeded out during design nearly frequently enough. Rengar is the reason I dont really understand the "AD Assassin/Caster" QQ. What is Rengar if not just a much better version of Talon? Did you play when Talon was just released? Most bullshit champion ever. It was so fucking strong, unlimited mana essentially, could farm safely easily, almost always out traded in lane just due to silence, along with unlimited sustain.
Essentially, any assassin champions are really no-fun to play against. They're far too binary. Either you die in a split second, or you barely live. It's really lame.