United States15536 Posts
On November 25 2012 03:30 Requizen wrote:+ Show Spoiler [Off topic and long] +Everyone,
I'm sorry about my recent behavior. I don't want to get into specifics (though I'm sure I have at one point or another), but I have been going through a very bad time recently. There's... more wrong with me than I'm willing to admit, and I'm sorry if I took it out on anyone in particular.
I've come to realize that this community (specifically KMD and TL LoL) contains people that I'd consider friends, even if we've never met in person or talked directly in any way. I'd just like to say thank you to all of those who helped me realize this. I'm seeking help for my issues, and I think it's (at least in part) thanks to this community that I've kept from getting too bad. So thanks, to the people that treated me like a person, even during the times that I didn't even think that highly of myself.
Please accept my sincere apologies concerning my actions, and I hope to better myself both as a person and as a member of this community in the coming future.
Welcome back good sir. Good to see ya in one piece.
On November 25 2012 10:37 wei2coolman wrote:Show nested quote +On November 25 2012 10:20 cLutZ wrote:On November 25 2012 10:13 UniversalSnip wrote:On November 25 2012 08:18 TheYango wrote:On November 25 2012 08:05 HazMat wrote:On November 25 2012 07:42 SnK-Arcbound wrote: Ranked 5's isn't competetive because no one plays it. It's covered in bronze and silver players who think they are much better than they are. All of the professional teams are covered in players who are also extremely high solo queue elo players. Professional teams players not being high elo is the exception, not the rule.
edit: incase anyone is confused, the correlation is between professional teams and high elo, not the other way around. If you are on a 5's team that "is really good" but your solo queue elo isn't raising, you aren't as good as you think. Yeah, I don't care how long you've been playing and how great your teamwork is but a team of sub 2k Elo players will never beat a team of 5 random top solo queuers, let alone a real team like CLG or TSM. I don't think anyone is actually trying to say that? I can't say whether that's what guitar is trying to convey in this discussion but I'm absolutely certain he thinks it. On November 25 2012 08:19 SnK-Arcbound wrote: Rengar needs to be nerfed. If anyone has played against him top lane, he is fucking absurd. His passive needs a cooldown. His cd's need to either be increased or their power decreased. But he either one shots things or is completely worthless, there is no inbetween. He's way too fucked up. I would say the release of champs that are miserable to play against is the most likely thing to kill the game for me because eventually there's going to be too high a probability of running into a design abortion like yorick, rengar, darius etc. and I just won't want to play. These champs don't get remade nearly fast enough and they apparently aren't getting weeded out during design nearly frequently enough. Rengar is the reason I dont really understand the "AD Assassin/Caster" QQ. What is Rengar if not just a much better version of Talon? Did you play when Talon was just released? Most bullshit champion ever. It was so fucking strong, unlimited mana essentially, could farm safely easily, almost always out traded in lane just due to silence, along with unlimited sustain. Essentially, any assassin champions are really no-fun to play against. They're far too binary. Either you die in a split second, or you barely live. It's really lame.
Did you play darius when he was released? you walk into lane with full ad quints reds and with a dblade. It didn't matter if you got ganked because the guy going against you never had any health and was zoned to hell from level 1. You didn't just win every trade you took all their health on every trade.
On November 25 2012 10:37 wei2coolman wrote:Show nested quote +On November 25 2012 10:20 cLutZ wrote:On November 25 2012 10:13 UniversalSnip wrote:On November 25 2012 08:18 TheYango wrote:On November 25 2012 08:05 HazMat wrote:On November 25 2012 07:42 SnK-Arcbound wrote: Ranked 5's isn't competetive because no one plays it. It's covered in bronze and silver players who think they are much better than they are. All of the professional teams are covered in players who are also extremely high solo queue elo players. Professional teams players not being high elo is the exception, not the rule.
edit: incase anyone is confused, the correlation is between professional teams and high elo, not the other way around. If you are on a 5's team that "is really good" but your solo queue elo isn't raising, you aren't as good as you think. Yeah, I don't care how long you've been playing and how great your teamwork is but a team of sub 2k Elo players will never beat a team of 5 random top solo queuers, let alone a real team like CLG or TSM. I don't think anyone is actually trying to say that? I can't say whether that's what guitar is trying to convey in this discussion but I'm absolutely certain he thinks it. On November 25 2012 08:19 SnK-Arcbound wrote: Rengar needs to be nerfed. If anyone has played against him top lane, he is fucking absurd. His passive needs a cooldown. His cd's need to either be increased or their power decreased. But he either one shots things or is completely worthless, there is no inbetween. He's way too fucked up. I would say the release of champs that are miserable to play against is the most likely thing to kill the game for me because eventually there's going to be too high a probability of running into a design abortion like yorick, rengar, darius etc. and I just won't want to play. These champs don't get remade nearly fast enough and they apparently aren't getting weeded out during design nearly frequently enough. Rengar is the reason I dont really understand the "AD Assassin/Caster" QQ. What is Rengar if not just a much better version of Talon? Did you play when Talon was just released? Most bullshit champion ever. It was so fucking strong, unlimited mana essentially, could farm safely easily, almost always out traded in lane just due to silence, along with unlimited sustain. Essentially, any assassin champions are really no-fun to play against. They're far too binary. Either you die in a split second, or you barely live. It's really lame.
Essentially I agree.
On November 25 2012 08:57 Morfildur wrote:Show nested quote +On November 25 2012 08:09 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote:On November 25 2012 04:26 Morfildur wrote:On November 25 2012 04:20 TSBspartacus wrote:On November 25 2012 03:31 adriftt wrote:On November 25 2012 03:17 NEOtheONE wrote:On November 25 2012 01:18 arb wrote: got 38 honors for teamwork still no ribbon fml I have 44 for teamwork and still no ribbon. Yeah... i have 68 l0l. no ribbon Got my teamwork ribbon at ~20 Think its just because I was playing bot games, so no honourable opponent honour for a while, so I ended up getting teamwork. Weird thing is I got it awarded to me twice, but I already had it the second time. It's honor/game, not a flat number. I got my first teamwork at ~25 and the second rank around ~50 (Yes, ribbons have several ranks, i got 5 different badges though i lost the second teamwork rank again a week ago). what is the difference between the ranks? this is news to me I answered that a few posts below that post. Show nested quote + It's mostly guessing by me, so it could be wrong. It's a yellow badge with "Great Leader" instead of the green "Great Teammate" that has the highest display priority of all badges i had. At first i thought it was friendly or mentor, but then i got the friendly and mentor badges a few days later, which confused me a little bit. Now i only have the green "Great Teammate" badge visible and the yellow seems to have disappeared but i never got any "We found out you aren't actually a great leader" message.
The whole honor system is a confusing mess where noone really knows what's what, some info from Riot would be great.
Oh ok I was a bit confused, I've received the Honorable opponent ribbon (like, the splash when you first receive it) three times now. I just figured it was a glitch but maybe it's a different rank or some shit in the Lovecraftian fuckery that is the Honor system.
you guys are complaining because you dont like when you get raped by a really well played champion because that's his strength : to kill you. if he's behind or misplays he's worthless. it's like playing dota and complaining that shadow fiend is too strong after he rapes you and your entire team with 100 hp. ridiculous in my eyes
United States23745 Posts
While I like that they incentivised Ranked 5s, I just feel it really won't broaden the appeal to players who aren't trying to break into the pro scene. I know I'm not top 32 or whatever, so I might as well just play soloq and work on my mechanics. I would love for more people to play 5s, but the only way I could see my friends doing it is if it gave bonus IP or something.
Edit: From what I've seen Rengar doesn't fall behind as hard as someone like Riven if they get behind. If you get fucked in the laning phase you just build tanky and still do tons of damage. Also stealth sucks to play against.
Edit 2: Also apparently ALTERNATE isn't going to be able to attend IPL5 and Jree is replacing leofromkorea. So does this means Fnatic gets to go? They've been looking pretty solid lately.
On November 25 2012 10:20 cLutZ wrote:Show nested quote +On November 25 2012 10:13 UniversalSnip wrote:On November 25 2012 08:18 TheYango wrote:On November 25 2012 08:05 HazMat wrote:On November 25 2012 07:42 SnK-Arcbound wrote: Ranked 5's isn't competetive because no one plays it. It's covered in bronze and silver players who think they are much better than they are. All of the professional teams are covered in players who are also extremely high solo queue elo players. Professional teams players not being high elo is the exception, not the rule.
edit: incase anyone is confused, the correlation is between professional teams and high elo, not the other way around. If you are on a 5's team that "is really good" but your solo queue elo isn't raising, you aren't as good as you think. Yeah, I don't care how long you've been playing and how great your teamwork is but a team of sub 2k Elo players will never beat a team of 5 random top solo queuers, let alone a real team like CLG or TSM. I don't think anyone is actually trying to say that? I can't say whether that's what guitar is trying to convey in this discussion but I'm absolutely certain he thinks it. On November 25 2012 08:19 SnK-Arcbound wrote: Rengar needs to be nerfed. If anyone has played against him top lane, he is fucking absurd. His passive needs a cooldown. His cd's need to either be increased or their power decreased. But he either one shots things or is completely worthless, there is no inbetween. He's way too fucked up. I would say the release of champs that are miserable to play against is the most likely thing to kill the game for me because eventually there's going to be too high a probability of running into a design abortion like yorick, rengar, darius etc. and I just won't want to play. These champs don't get remade nearly fast enough and they apparently aren't getting weeded out during design nearly frequently enough. Rengar is the reason I dont really understand the "AD Assassin/Caster" QQ. What is Rengar if not just a much better version of Talon? Because Rengar isn't either. He can build tanky and still do stupid damage.
On November 25 2012 11:01 Gahlo wrote:Show nested quote +On November 25 2012 10:20 cLutZ wrote:On November 25 2012 10:13 UniversalSnip wrote:On November 25 2012 08:18 TheYango wrote:On November 25 2012 08:05 HazMat wrote:On November 25 2012 07:42 SnK-Arcbound wrote: Ranked 5's isn't competetive because no one plays it. It's covered in bronze and silver players who think they are much better than they are. All of the professional teams are covered in players who are also extremely high solo queue elo players. Professional teams players not being high elo is the exception, not the rule.
edit: incase anyone is confused, the correlation is between professional teams and high elo, not the other way around. If you are on a 5's team that "is really good" but your solo queue elo isn't raising, you aren't as good as you think. Yeah, I don't care how long you've been playing and how great your teamwork is but a team of sub 2k Elo players will never beat a team of 5 random top solo queuers, let alone a real team like CLG or TSM. I don't think anyone is actually trying to say that? I can't say whether that's what guitar is trying to convey in this discussion but I'm absolutely certain he thinks it. On November 25 2012 08:19 SnK-Arcbound wrote: Rengar needs to be nerfed. If anyone has played against him top lane, he is fucking absurd. His passive needs a cooldown. His cd's need to either be increased or their power decreased. But he either one shots things or is completely worthless, there is no inbetween. He's way too fucked up. I would say the release of champs that are miserable to play against is the most likely thing to kill the game for me because eventually there's going to be too high a probability of running into a design abortion like yorick, rengar, darius etc. and I just won't want to play. These champs don't get remade nearly fast enough and they apparently aren't getting weeded out during design nearly frequently enough. Rengar is the reason I dont really understand the "AD Assassin/Caster" QQ. What is Rengar if not just a much better version of Talon? Because Rengar isn't either. He can build tanky and still do stupid damage. Or the current pro-scene usage. build no dmg, still 100-0 ad carry, tank every aoe imaginable. walks away. npnp. As much as I dislike how strong he is, he's one of the cooler champions that has been designed, I really like his passive mechanic, pretty awesome. He just has that "FUCK YEAH!" feel to it, when you get a kill.
Is that with 21/9/0 or 9/21/0 on Rengar?
United States23745 Posts
So I think Aphro is running three mana regen glyphs on Draven...what?
He runs 2 crit glyps, but I have no knowledge of him running mana regen glyphs. Where did you see this.
United States23745 Posts
On November 25 2012 11:18 OutlaW- wrote: He runs 2 crit glyps, but I have no knowledge of him running mana regen glyphs. Where did you see this. They are there too, he's using this page against Quantic right now.
On November 25 2012 10:51 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote:Show nested quote +On November 25 2012 08:57 Morfildur wrote:On November 25 2012 08:09 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote:On November 25 2012 04:26 Morfildur wrote:On November 25 2012 04:20 TSBspartacus wrote:On November 25 2012 03:31 adriftt wrote:On November 25 2012 03:17 NEOtheONE wrote:On November 25 2012 01:18 arb wrote: got 38 honors for teamwork still no ribbon fml I have 44 for teamwork and still no ribbon. Yeah... i have 68 l0l. no ribbon Got my teamwork ribbon at ~20 Think its just because I was playing bot games, so no honourable opponent honour for a while, so I ended up getting teamwork. Weird thing is I got it awarded to me twice, but I already had it the second time. It's honor/game, not a flat number. I got my first teamwork at ~25 and the second rank around ~50 (Yes, ribbons have several ranks, i got 5 different badges though i lost the second teamwork rank again a week ago). what is the difference between the ranks? this is news to me I answered that a few posts below that post. It's mostly guessing by me, so it could be wrong. It's a yellow badge with "Great Leader" instead of the green "Great Teammate" that has the highest display priority of all badges i had. At first i thought it was friendly or mentor, but then i got the friendly and mentor badges a few days later, which confused me a little bit. Now i only have the green "Great Teammate" badge visible and the yellow seems to have disappeared but i never got any "We found out you aren't actually a great leader" message.
The whole honor system is a confusing mess where noone really knows what's what, some info from Riot would be great.
Oh ok I was a bit confused, I've received the Honorable opponent ribbon (like, the splash when you first receive it) three times now. I just figured it was a glitch but maybe it's a different rank or some shit in the Lovecraftian fuckery that is the Honor system.
I think they can take away your ribbons if you play more games and fail to get honor from them and fall below the honor/games threshhold to prevent people from just getting the ribbons and then proceeding to act like assholes afterwards (the 'lose ribbon' threshold is probably less than the 'gain ribbon' threshold so that you don't keep losing/gaining ribbons if you're skirting the borderline), kind of like how you can drop to plat from diamond in sc2 if you don't keep your performance up. If the ribbon you lose isn't the 'top' one I'm not sure how you're supposed to ever know you lost it.
I might be completely wrong though, since no one really knows how this shit works.
Talon on release was so BS lol
Best regen NA
On November 25 2012 11:27 thenexusp wrote:Show nested quote +On November 25 2012 10:51 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote:On November 25 2012 08:57 Morfildur wrote:On November 25 2012 08:09 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote:On November 25 2012 04:26 Morfildur wrote:On November 25 2012 04:20 TSBspartacus wrote:On November 25 2012 03:31 adriftt wrote:On November 25 2012 03:17 NEOtheONE wrote:On November 25 2012 01:18 arb wrote: got 38 honors for teamwork still no ribbon fml I have 44 for teamwork and still no ribbon. Yeah... i have 68 l0l. no ribbon Got my teamwork ribbon at ~20 Think its just because I was playing bot games, so no honourable opponent honour for a while, so I ended up getting teamwork. Weird thing is I got it awarded to me twice, but I already had it the second time. It's honor/game, not a flat number. I got my first teamwork at ~25 and the second rank around ~50 (Yes, ribbons have several ranks, i got 5 different badges though i lost the second teamwork rank again a week ago). what is the difference between the ranks? this is news to me I answered that a few posts below that post. It's mostly guessing by me, so it could be wrong. It's a yellow badge with "Great Leader" instead of the green "Great Teammate" that has the highest display priority of all badges i had. At first i thought it was friendly or mentor, but then i got the friendly and mentor badges a few days later, which confused me a little bit. Now i only have the green "Great Teammate" badge visible and the yellow seems to have disappeared but i never got any "We found out you aren't actually a great leader" message.
The whole honor system is a confusing mess where noone really knows what's what, some info from Riot would be great.
Oh ok I was a bit confused, I've received the Honorable opponent ribbon (like, the splash when you first receive it) three times now. I just figured it was a glitch but maybe it's a different rank or some shit in the Lovecraftian fuckery that is the Honor system. I think they can take away your ribbons if you play more games and fail to get honor from them and fall below the honor/games threshhold to prevent people from just getting the ribbons and then proceeding to act like assholes afterwards (the 'lose ribbon' threshold is probably less than the 'gain ribbon' threshold so that you don't keep losing/gaining ribbons if you're skirting the borderline), kind of like how you can drop to plat from diamond in sc2 if you don't keep your performance up. If the ribbon you lose isn't the 'top' one I'm not sure how you're supposed to ever know you lost it. I might be completely wrong though, since no one really knows how this shit works. I thought that you were only supposed to lose it if warned/banned from the tribunal. It would seem like an income of honor is not consistent enough to take away ribbons if you don't get enough.
Valhalla18444 Posts
On November 25 2012 03:30 Requizen wrote:+ Show Spoiler [Off topic and long] +Everyone,
I'm sorry about my recent behavior. I don't want to get into specifics (though I'm sure I have at one point or another), but I have been going through a very bad time recently. There's... more wrong with me than I'm willing to admit, and I'm sorry if I took it out on anyone in particular.
I've come to realize that this community (specifically KMD and TL LoL) contains people that I'd consider friends, even if we've never met in person or talked directly in any way. I'd just like to say thank you to all of those who helped me realize this. I'm seeking help for my issues, and I think it's (at least in part) thanks to this community that I've kept from getting too bad. So thanks, to the people that treated me like a person, even during the times that I didn't even think that highly of myself.
Please accept my sincere apologies concerning my actions, and I hope to better myself both as a person and as a member of this community in the coming future.
-Zach Take heart, young Requizen. You are My child, born in My image, and Neo is your savior. Though you may walk through the valley of the shadow of feeders, you may fear no evil, because We are with you. Your Needlessly Large Rod and Archangel's Staff, they comfort you. Your Elo runneth over, and you shall dwell in the kingdom of Plat forever.
On November 25 2012 11:48 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote:Show nested quote +On November 25 2012 03:30 Requizen wrote:+ Show Spoiler [Off topic and long] +Everyone,
I'm sorry about my recent behavior. I don't want to get into specifics (though I'm sure I have at one point or another), but I have been going through a very bad time recently. There's... more wrong with me than I'm willing to admit, and I'm sorry if I took it out on anyone in particular.
I've come to realize that this community (specifically KMD and TL LoL) contains people that I'd consider friends, even if we've never met in person or talked directly in any way. I'd just like to say thank you to all of those who helped me realize this. I'm seeking help for my issues, and I think it's (at least in part) thanks to this community that I've kept from getting too bad. So thanks, to the people that treated me like a person, even during the times that I didn't even think that highly of myself.
Please accept my sincere apologies concerning my actions, and I hope to better myself both as a person and as a member of this community in the coming future.
-Zach Take heart, young Requizen. You are My child, born in My image, and Neo is your savior. Though you may walk through the valley of the shadow of feeders, you may fear no evil, because We are with you. Your Needlessly Large Rod and Archangel's Staff, they comfort you. Your Elo runneth over, and you shall dwell in the kingdom of Plat forever.
You forgot anointing his head in pwnsauce.
So Requizen how do you feel about being comforted by a Needlessly Large Rod?
On November 25 2012 11:50 Sufficiency wrote:So Requizen how do you feel about being comforted by a Needlessly Large Rod?  Needlessly invasive.