[Patch End of S2] General Discussion - Page 188
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Noobville17920 Posts
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Chiharu Harukaze
12112 Posts
On November 25 2012 00:13 seRapH wrote: To be fair garchomp is kind of broke Righfully deserved to be placed in Ubers imoimo. | ||
United States5635 Posts
Still <3 you guys. Also the elo hell youtube comments weren't that bad as far as youtube goes. | ||
Croatia11752 Posts
On November 25 2012 00:30 Chiharu Harukaze wrote: Righfully deserved to be placed in Ubers imoimo. coz sand veil is retarded | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
fml | ||
United States5049 Posts
more like yachechomp with swords dance that shit was cray cray | ||
Bulgaria5710 Posts
On November 25 2012 00:14 arb wrote: There is just some games you're doomed from the start tho. And some games you just know it from the start, like Sivir starting boots + 2 hp pots + 1 mana pot when she's laning with Soraka ![]() | ||
United States2503 Posts
On November 24 2012 23:51 Wrath 2.1 wrote: agreed. Most games use the elo system and in no game I ve ever played did the players complain about it, until lol. Blaming the calculation system for your win/loss rate is beyond rediculous. I get often insult my team, and I flame much as well, I know that when I flame I will probably lose. That's why it's an extreme difference for me between trying to win and just playing (which will end up in a flame war). When someone suggests me an item or a (jungle) route I'll ingnore him, when someone screams at me "omg noc so bad item" we'll have a nice flame war all game. This is what costs me games, and I can not blame the elo system for approving of my advanced flame skillz. When I want to win, I will ignore all comments that include words like: noob, bad, wrong etc. and only say gj, n1 mate, wp team (never with ironic intention). Long post, you should be aware of your attitude when you play games, sometimes flaming can be fun, it won't raise your elo tho (: / and yeah I know most players on tl know that, sc has elo system since decades so np here. I don't think you're being totally fair with your comment that "in no game I've ever played did the players complain about [Elo]." You go on to say that it is stupid to blame it and that SC has embraced it without controversy forever. The two major differences are that LoL is a team game (as opposed to SC) and that in solo queue you do not pick your team. In many other solo and team games that use Elo, I am directly responsible for the performance that leads to my Elo. I either directly cause my wins/losses (solo) or I pick the members of the team I associate with (team). I can't reasonably complain about ratings that are entirely under my control. However, we do not pick our team in LoL and along with the fact that Elo is the only measuring stick that Riot has given people, means that Elo ratings have a far different dynamic in LoL than in most other games. Even people in this forum will occasionally wave around the "high-Elo opinions matter more than low-Elo opinions" hammer*, which gives people even more angst about achieving a certain Elo level that they need to be able to have an opinion. (* there are a lot of reasons why this basic message is correct, but I'm using it just to illustrate a point). I would hope that if Riot could find better ways to incentivize 5v5, then solo queue might become like normals, and people might not complain quite as much. | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
On November 25 2012 01:24 Nikon wrote: And some games you just know it from the start, like Sivir starting boots + 2 hp pots + 1 mana pot when she's laning with Soraka ![]() My favorite is [insert ad here] starting dolans blade vs taric graves/corki or something like that | ||
Deleted User 101379
4849 Posts
On November 24 2012 18:19 HazMat wrote: All of our Elo Hell discussion points put into a cute video. Now we can lay the topic to rest once and for all (I hope.) + Show Spoiler + I'm 2 pages late, but what about the fact that there is a 56% chance that the 2000 ELO smurf ends up on the enemy team and only a 44% chance he ends up on your team? | ||
United States9706 Posts
On November 25 2012 02:00 Morfildur wrote: I'm 2 pages late, but what about the fact that there is a 56% chance that the 2000 ELO smurf ends up on the enemy team and only a 44% chance he ends up on your team? I don't know what you're talking about, there's always a 2k elo smurf on my team who broadcasts it as soon as we enter champ select. | ||
Dandel Ion
Austria17960 Posts
I glorious Guild Wars, you only had Elo ratings for "premade" (=full 8s) teams and it was glorious. For PUG/random teams you only had a progress bar that gave you points for winning (with bonuses for in-a-row wins) and no penalties for losing, which made the atmosphere way more relaxed and (dare I say it) fun. I would welcome LoL to adapt this philosophy, Morello pls. | ||
914 Posts
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Netherlands13241 Posts
On November 25 2012 02:19 samthesaluki wrote: Ok elo hell well as it doesnt exist i just want advice i lost like 10 games out of 12 i think my worst kd was 7-1 waves advice was i needed to crush lanes harder im now demolishing any lane i can, im pushing my team to get objectives, problem i have now is they think crushing a teamfight with me fed makes them think they can 2 v 5 even after failing keep doing it i ask them to group they wont keep feeding getting caught and we lose, what can i do Stop blaming your teammates. You basically said: "I crush my lanes but still lose because of baddies in my team, wat do?" When that is the exact attitude that makes you unable to improve. My best advice to you would be to ignore how other people are playing, and solely think about whether the decisions and things you do ingame are the right thing to do, and/or if there are better things to do than that. For example, let's say you farm really well. You get a lot of creeps, constantly take jungle creeps too, still lose? Well maybe it would have been better to roam instead of taking his wraiths. Maybe it would have been better to ward deep in their jungle for buff control. Maybe you should have grouped up to push a turret or defend one. After doing something and dying, ask yourself if you could have done things differently so that your team could have done better. | ||
Croatia11752 Posts
On November 25 2012 02:19 samthesaluki wrote: Ok elo hell well as it doesnt exist i just want advice i lost like 10 games out of 12 i think my worst kd was 7-1 waves advice was i needed to crush lanes harder im now demolishing any lane i can, im pushing my team to get objectives, problem i have now is they think crushing a teamfight with me fed makes them think they can 2 v 5 even after failing keep doing it i ask them to group they wont keep feeding getting caught and we lose, what can i do Carry like Mariah. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
On November 25 2012 02:00 Morfildur wrote: I'm 2 pages late, but what about the fact that there is a 56% chance that the 2000 ELO smurf ends up on the enemy team and only a 44% chance he ends up on your team? 2k players are like 0.0001% of the community and then their smurfs don't last very long in low elo either so that probably accounts for less than 1% of your games where they have a 2k elo smurf unless said 2k elo guy is trolling and theres no reason you can't play beter than him anyway 2k elo players play the same game you do. | ||
United States9706 Posts
On November 25 2012 02:19 samthesaluki wrote: Ok elo hell well as it doesnt exist i just want advice i lost like 10 games out of 12 i think my worst kd was 7-1 waves advice was i needed to crush lanes harder im now demolishing any lane i can, im pushing my team to get objectives, problem i have now is they think crushing a teamfight with me fed makes them think they can 2 v 5 even after failing keep doing it i ask them to group they wont keep feeding getting caught and we lose, what can i do Liar, I see that 7-2 I haven't specced your recent games or anything, but if I'm right its probably because you do a better job shitting on your teammates than your opponents. | ||
Czech Republic5053 Posts
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Canada2817 Posts
On November 25 2012 02:00 Morfildur wrote: I'm 2 pages late, but what about the fact that there is a 56% chance that the 2000 ELO smurf ends up on the enemy team and only a 44% chance he ends up on your team? I'm not sure if you're joking or not but if not this is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. You really think every single game is going to have a 2k Elo smurf on it? On November 25 2012 02:19 samthesaluki wrote: Ok elo hell well as it doesnt exist i just want advice i lost like 10 games out of 12 i think my worst kd was 7-1 waves advice was i needed to crush lanes harder im now demolishing any lane i can, im pushing my team to get objectives, problem i have now is they think crushing a teamfight with me fed makes them think they can 2 v 5 even after failing keep doing it i ask them to group they wont keep feeding getting caught and we lose, what can i do If you're going 7-1 KD and losing chances are it's because you are absolutely awful at teamfighting and global awareness. I have this exact problem playing assassins, most notably Akali and Kat. I normally win my lane, sometimes crushing it, but come teamfights it doesn't matter how fed I am because I will just die without accomplishing anything. You also have to learn how to snowball a game. Going something like 7-0 in a lane doesn't mean anything if the person you're against is keeping almost even with you in cs and levels or you aren't using your advantage to put pressure elsewhere on the map. Elo hell does not exist at all over a decent sample size. The part that people say about playing to improve = gain Elo is absolutely true. I spent probably 400 or so games stuck at 1200-1300 believing I would eventually just get better. Then I started watching pro streams (most notably streams that actually explain and walk through what they're doing, not the ones where the streamer is just playing and raging/yelling) and consciously made an effort to get better at specific things. Over the next 200 games I rose from 1200 to 1700. Wingsofdeathx is by FAR the most informative and helpful streamer, ever since he started streaming consistently I've raised the level of my top lane play immensely. Aphromoo is great because he shows you how to punish enemy mistakes bot lane and a lot of subtleties like sneaking in auto attack harass and reading opponents. Even the games where you crushed, 99% chance there is something you did wrong that you could have done better (and I mean significant stuff, not something like accidentally missing a cs). It is hard to get the knowledge/experience necessary to recognize these mistakes and realize you could be 6-0 instead of 5-1 but watching streams is a great way. | ||
Bulgaria18893 Posts
On November 25 2012 02:19 samthesaluki wrote: Ok elo hell well as it doesnt exist i just want advice i lost like 10 games out of 12 i think my worst kd was 7-1 waves advice was i needed to crush lanes harder im now demolishing any lane i can, im pushing my team to get objectives, problem i have now is they think crushing a teamfight with me fed makes them think they can 2 v 5 even after failing keep doing it i ask them to group they wont keep feeding getting caught and we lose, what can i do Accept that you will lose some games no matter what you do and sometimes they might be in a row.Move on.Also judje people by their names/attitude/picks in champ select and just dodge whenever you feel it's gonna be a waste of time.Like today I had a kart with an all caps/numbers name and he missed 2 q-s on a tf that I stunned with sona ulti and then flamed me after he ulted in his auto range and got interrupted. Example:fp and 2 pick have all caps+number names and instalock>dodge.Someone picks blitz vs cho/kennen/leona/olaf and tells you he has high blitz win % from season 2>dodge. I know some people will disagree but hoping enemy team is dumb so just maybe you'll win vs if they aren't mentally challenged it's a win IS NOT a good bet. My biggest regret in league is thinking at champ select "I should dodge this is a loss" but I'll give it a try and by 6 minutes I'm pretty sure it's lost. | ||
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