On November 24 2012 18:19 HazMat wrote: All of our Elo Hell discussion points put into a cute video. Now we can lay the topic to rest once and for all (I hope.)
absolutely true that most people don't play to get better either through stupidity or being unable to identify the holes in their game
On November 24 2012 18:19 HazMat wrote: All of our Elo Hell discussion points put into a cute video. Now we can lay the topic to rest once and for all (I hope.)
On November 24 2012 08:46 EquilasH wrote: Btw, does anyone want a DotA2 invite? I don't know how Steam works, but it looks like I have 3 Dota2 keys.
Thanks mate!
If anyone else is interested, I have 2 DotA 2 keys to spare, toss me a PM if you want them.
On the Elohell thing, I really thought we already know this. The chance of baddies or trolls appearing on your team is lower, if you yourself are actually better than the people at your elo. If you think yourself stuck at an elo (winning and losing an equal amount of games), start thinking about how you might not be as good as you think. The whole idea of elo is that people who have an equal amount of skill get matched up with eachother.
Also, these people would qq way more about unfairness if somehow they would get matched up with people way above their elo. Because they don't see the things people who are better at the game do as an avenue for improvement.
I've slowly increased my elo over time in S2 from ~1300 to ~1500 just by increasing map awareness and practicing mechanics. If I were to fully focus on getting better, no doubt I could get a way higher elo.
The single biggest reason people "are stuck in elo hell" is because they simply belong at their current elo. People need something to blame for their poor elo, so they blame their team.
On November 24 2012 23:29 greggy wrote: that 44% vs 56% thing is bullshit because if you're complaining about elo then you're the guaranteed baddie on the team
true story 100% of the time
Most games use the elo system and in no game I ve ever played did the players complain about it, until lol. Blaming the calculation system for your win/loss rate is beyond rediculous.
I get often insult my team, and I flame much as well, I know that when I flame I will probably lose. That's why it's an extreme difference for me between trying to win and just playing (which will end up in a flame war).
When someone suggests me an item or a (jungle) route I'll ingnore him, when someone screams at me "omg noc so bad item" we'll have a nice flame war all game.
This is what costs me games, and I can not blame the elo system for approving of my advanced flame skillz.
When I want to win, I will ignore all comments that include words like: noob, bad, wrong etc. and only say gj, n1 mate, wp team (never with ironic intention). Long post, you should be aware of your attitude when you play games, sometimes flaming can be fun, it won't raise your elo tho (:
/ and yeah I know most players on tl know that, sc has elo system since decades so np here.
On November 24 2012 23:29 greggy wrote: that 44% vs 56% thing is bullshit because if you're complaining about elo then you're the guaranteed baddie on the team
true story 100% of the time
I like how the video goes "HINT HINT" in big letters on the screen while he says "if you'renever the reason your team loses..."
The fact is you only need to be the reason 20% of the time and you won't ever climb out.
And people will always find something to blame in any ranked game. "rofl 9 pool learn 2 macro" "lol banshees what a scrub" "garchomp OP"