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Czech Republic5053 Posts
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Straight outta Johto18973 Posts
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Canada2817 Posts
On November 25 2012 03:31 samthesaluki wrote: Its not my teamfighting im better at that than laning, seriously its been people getting caught also those few deaths arnt me gettting caught important times my teammates got that covered Yeah you sound more like you're trying to convince everyone else that you're the unique case stuck in true Elo hell than actually trying to improve in the game. If you're not on TPA Toyz level then you can improve significantly and it's that improvement that gains Elo. Not spamming games, not luck, but improvement. On November 25 2012 03:34 Morfildur wrote: Well, 2k ELO was an exaggeration, but in a lot of games there is someone on the enemy team who manages to snowball harder than me so it ends up being a contest about which of us can carry harder... and often it's him. Then again, my problem is often the taking advantage of small leads. I can crush my lane opponent 5/0 and force him out of 60% of his farm but i often can't get his tower down before 15-20 minutes and by then, all other lanes already lost 0/5. If i try to roam before that, it often ends up with my tower taking damage even when i shoved the lane before leaving it. I already thought about going teleport/flash instead of ignite/flash but then i might lose the lane advantage and my teams are rarely warding good enough to give me a spot to teleport to (especially mids). Again just work on your own improvement. If you're crushing your lane every game but still stuck at your Elo there is a deficit in your game somewhere else that is keeping you at that Elo. It may be from teamfighting, it may be not knowing how to properly snowball, it may be attitude and negativity towards teammates. If you just focus on improving yourself and not on blaming things out of your control then your Elo will rise. On November 25 2012 03:42 kongoline wrote: wait so when i crush lane and my bot is 0-10 at 15min and we lose game is it still my fault? There are of course some massive outliers but those are not even close to the norm. I've had a 25-3 Vayne game where I lost because my team was horrible and I've also had an 0-6 Vayne game where I won because my team carried me. It's the hundreds of games besides those outliers that really determines what your Elo is. | ||
United States1898 Posts
There is always more you can do to win a game, even the ones you do win there is more you could have done. There is no point in looking at it as, wow this uncontrollable element is beyond my control. But better to look at it as wow this controllable element can improve here, here and here. Better make sure what I can control gets done. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On November 25 2012 03:41 Requizen wrote: It's amazing what talking to a psychologist can do. I just decided that you guys were helping me more than most other things in my life right now, sorry if I'm acting irrationally. inb4 your psychologist is a TLer. | ||
Canada10567 Posts
Everybody on TL is a psychologist, what are you talking about? WB btw. | ||
Deleted User 101379
4849 Posts
On November 25 2012 03:40 adriftt wrote: directing your team and making plays on the map is way more important than winning your own lane. IE: if you are actually better, you should be able to buy a lot of wards and still have an item lead because you are winning that hard in CS. Once i roam, i buy 3 wards on every back and place them every time i'm near a spot where i expect opponents to run through (i.e. enemy wraith, dragon, enemy red, etc.). also as a top laner, it is better to go gank mid and/or force dragon once you are ahead than sit top and deny their already losing top lane another 10 CS. their top lane losing by 30 cs instead of 20 isn't going to do anything to help your already losing mid and bot lanes. work on knowing when and where to roam so you don't waste your advantage. Is it worth it to gank mid at the cost of the tower when the opponents tower is still up? you should always be watching the map and pinging incoming ganks for your team or directing them on what to do after a fight. people will say "omg its not my job" but if you are actually 200-300 elo better than your current rating you need to use your superior game knowledge to keep them from dying / making mistakes I can spam ping V when i see the enemy jungler walk through my wraith ward to the mid and mid will still die to the gank. I say "Lee Sin will gank top around 2:30, play safe" at the start of the game and top will still die to the gank. I say "Ward dragon at 2 minutes in case Amumu wants to gank bot or mid straight after blue" and they won't ward and die to the gank. I say "Don't go in, we are 3v5, we can't prevent baron" and they go in and give them 2 kills in addition to the baron when it's at 75% health and not even close to stealable. I say "Go back, we are too low to finish and they respawn in 5s" and i spam V and they still stay in the enemy base until all opponents respawned and then everyone dies since they were all at 10%. I say "Don't fight 5v5 against Malph/Zyra/Ori, go splitpush Pantheon" and they rush in 5v5 - i follow them to save what's possible - and they die to the wombo combo. I say "We killed Jungler, go baron", they go to a tower and camp before it 5v4 until the jungler respawned because they are too afraid to initiate. I say "Malphite inititate", 300 armor Malphite stays half a screen behind me, too scared to attack and then someone gets hit by CC, bursted down and the enemy wins the 5v4 teamfight. I say "Taric, try to zone them" as AD and Taric stands half a screen behind me spamming his heal like a less manly Soraka. I say "Protect me in teamfights" as Vayne and my 4 teammates hunt the enemy Ezreal while i'm 1v2 vs Olaf & Malphite. All of those happen almost every single game and i just have no idea what more i can do to win. I never rage at them, i only use the chat to say something useful like the stuff above. I try to work against my team raging saying "Don't worry Malphite, you will still be more useful in teamfights. Just concentrate on not dying" or "Nunu/Kog can still win us lategame, even when behind. Just protect them in teamfights". What more can i do? It got really bad since the start of S3, i almost completely stopped playing ranked. Well, this post would probably be more fitting in the QQ thread. | ||
France3460 Posts
he still #1 tho, europe rising star | ||
United Kingdom1483 Posts
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United States2687 Posts
Playing the game isn't the only factor in winning. A big chunk of winning is holding your team together and making sure they don't give up. From what wave said, it sounds like you're a dick ingame (I'm one too), you probably criticize your team for terrible plays or terrible decisions, and you're probably objectively right... But being right and winning the game are not he same thing. My advice, work on your skill at holding the team together. Always be the guy that looks for the silver lining, or the constructive way to win the next teamfight. Think your teammates are thick as pig shit and suck at the game? Lie and don't let it show | ||
England1046 Posts
Got my teamwork ribbon at ~20 Think its just because I was playing bot games, so no honourable opponent honour for a while, so I ended up getting teamwork. Weird thing is I got it awarded to me twice, but I already had it the second time. | ||
Deleted User 101379
4849 Posts
On November 25 2012 04:20 TSBspartacus wrote: Got my teamwork ribbon at ~20 Think its just because I was playing bot games, so no honourable opponent honour for a while, so I ended up getting teamwork. Weird thing is I got it awarded to me twice, but I already had it the second time. It's honor/game, not a flat number. I got my first teamwork at ~25 and the second rank around ~50 (Yes, ribbons have several ranks, i got 5 different badges though i lost the second teamwork rank again a week ago). | ||
England1046 Posts
On November 25 2012 04:26 Morfildur wrote: It's honor/game, not a flat number. I got my first teamwork at ~25 and the second rank around ~50 (Yes, ribbons have several ranks, i got 5 different badges though i lost the second teamwork rank again a week ago). Ah OK that makes sense now. Is there a way to show the second rank, or is it just something you need to keep track of? | ||
914 Posts
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Deleted User 101379
4849 Posts
On November 25 2012 04:30 TSBspartacus wrote: Ah OK that makes sense now. Is there a way to show the second rank, or is it just something you need to keep track of? It's mostly guessing by me, so it could be wrong. It's a yellow badge with "Great Leader" instead of the green "Great Teammate" that has the highest display priority of all badges i had. At first i thought it was friendly or mentor, but then i got the friendly and mentor badges a few days later, which confused me a little bit. Now i only have the green "Great Teammate" badge visible and the yellow seems to have disappeared but i never got any "We found out you aren't actually a great leader" message. The whole honor system is a confusing mess where noone really knows what's what, some info from Riot would be great. | ||
Canada31494 Posts
On November 25 2012 04:30 samthesaluki wrote: @wave was it the games i sent u or my actual recent games cause i been crushing harder since the 1s i sent, but the other stuff raging/ban ur right about. Both. I've seen you rage hard at your teammates even when you're winning. You haven't changed your behaviour or attitude at all, and not only will that prevent you from gaining elo/winning, but considering how often you do stop to rage and insult your teammates, you are eventually going to be permabanned from the game, since you've apparently been banned multiple times before. You can obviously change this if you want to, but you have systematically ignored everything everyone has said to you about this kind of stuff, so...yeah. | ||
United States17713 Posts
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914 Posts
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Straight outta Johto18973 Posts
On November 25 2012 04:42 samthesaluki wrote: Im actually not ignoring i cant help it, i tried music i even tried being in skype calls with friends not ingame i have listened and tried just cant help it, im not ignoring i do apreciate the help Press Enter, bring up the chat menu and move it under the minimap, off the screen or something else. Or get a second cheap keyboard and remove everything except the important hotkeys (QWERDF123456AXVGP) and plug that in every time you play. Or maybe just remove your Enter key. Idk. I mean every time you rage you make a conscious decision to press Enter and type in something hurtful into chat. Self-discipline is also useful for finances, time management, etc anyway. | ||
United States1938 Posts
On November 25 2012 03:17 NEOtheONE wrote: I have 44 for teamwork and still no ribbon. Yeah... I have like 102 and still haven't got it ![]() On November 25 2012 03:30 Requizen wrote: + Show Spoiler [Off topic and long] + Everyone, I'm sorry about my recent behavior. I don't want to get into specifics (though I'm sure I have at one point or another), but I have been going through a very bad time recently. There's... more wrong with me than I'm willing to admit, and I'm sorry if I took it out on anyone in particular. I've come to realize that this community (specifically KMD and TL LoL) contains people that I'd consider friends, even if we've never met in person or talked directly in any way. I'd just like to say thank you to all of those who helped me realize this. I'm seeking help for my issues, and I think it's (at least in part) thanks to this community that I've kept from getting too bad. So thanks, to the people that treated me like a person, even during the times that I didn't even think that highly of myself. Please accept my sincere apologies concerning my actions, and I hope to better myself both as a person and as a member of this community in the coming future. -Zach Welcome back man, glad you worked things out. On November 25 2012 02:19 samthesaluki wrote: Ok elo hell well as it doesnt exist i just want advice i lost like 10 games out of 12 i think my worst kd was 7-1 waves advice was i needed to crush lanes harder im now demolishing any lane i can, im pushing my team to get objectives, problem i have now is they think crushing a teamfight with me fed makes them think they can 2 v 5 even after failing keep doing it i ask them to group they wont keep feeding getting caught and we lose, what can i do If you're actually beating your lane 7-0 every game by the 20min mark you should be roaming and getting objectives. Also, you have to have a good attitude and get your team to listen to you by showing you know what you're doing. An example: Yesterday I had a game as Riven where I beat my lane 6-0 and doubled his CS. I could've stayed up there and kept farming, but I decided to push a tower and help my team get dragon. I went back top after and they 5-man pushed bot. I knew I couldn't get there in time so I got another tower for free. By this time I was 10-0 and able to 1v2/1v3 most people on their team with GA. This led my team to start doing stupid shit and essentially throwing (Shaco kept diving their nexus area to try and solo the towers). I told them to stop fucking around and just stick on me, ended up taking Baron then winning a teamfight to end the game. They listened because I was carrying them the whole game and wasn't being a dick. As someone who came from 1100-1500 the last couple months of the season, I suggest you play more and better your attitude and leadership skills if you're truly winning your lane by that much 80% of the time. GL | ||
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