On July 29 2012 11:23 ViZe wrote: ^^ I remember Dyrus picking that up too. It would do well in lane but often he would not be very useful after that, since Regi would just feed and TOO would camp mid to no effect. They would give him blue buff and he would get Ionian boots + Spirit Visage
Have you guys seen the new Lee Sin skin in game? It looks downright retarded. His running animation is just dumb
Yeah, I REALLY hate how they changed how the model moves, because before, you could recognize champions based on walking animation no matter what skin they had.
Whenever I say a Muay Tai Lee Sin, I always have no idea what it is for a few seconds.
To add on to this. Do you guys think Riot's going a bit too far with the new skins? Skins are cool, but they should always be immediately recognizable as to what champion they are. Case in point, when I first saw the video for Battlecast Cho, if the video didn't say "Battlecast Cho'gath" I wouldn't have known it was Cho'gath until it used all the spells -.-;
On July 29 2012 11:23 ViZe wrote: ^^ I remember Dyrus picking that up too. It would do well in lane but often he would not be very useful after that, since Regi would just feed and TOO would camp mid to no effect. They would give him blue buff and he would get Ionian boots + Spirit Visage
Have you guys seen the new Lee Sin skin in game? It looks downright retarded. His running animation is just dumb
Yeah, I REALLY hate how they changed how the model moves, because before, you could recognize champions based on walking animation no matter what skin they had.
Whenever I say a Muay Tai Lee Sin, I always have no idea what it is for a few seconds.
To add on to this. Do you guys think Riot's going a bit too far with the new skins? Skins are cool, but they should always be immediately recognizable as to what champion they are. Case in point, when I first saw the video for Battlecast Cho, if the video didn't say "Battlecast Cho'gath" I wouldn't have known it was Cho'gath until it used all the spells -.-;
Skins only bother me with the animation or colors gives an unfair advantage to the user. Case in point PAX Sivir and how difficult it can be to distinguish the Q from the auto attack. I think they shrunk the auto attack at some point, but I'm not sure.
On July 29 2012 11:23 ViZe wrote: ^^ I remember Dyrus picking that up too. It would do well in lane but often he would not be very useful after that, since Regi would just feed and TOO would camp mid to no effect. They would give him blue buff and he would get Ionian boots + Spirit Visage
Have you guys seen the new Lee Sin skin in game? It looks downright retarded. His running animation is just dumb
Yeah, I REALLY hate how they changed how the model moves, because before, you could recognize champions based on walking animation no matter what skin they had.
Whenever I say a Muay Tai Lee Sin, I always have no idea what it is for a few seconds.
To add on to this. Do you guys think Riot's going a bit too far with the new skins? Skins are cool, but they should always be immediately recognizable as to what champion they are. Case in point, when I first saw the video for Battlecast Cho, if the video didn't say "Battlecast Cho'gath" I wouldn't have known it was Cho'gath until it used all the spells -.-;
yes, they are going a bit far i just watched that video and you're right, it's pretty much a totally new champ
It is no surprise that skins provide an unfair advantage. Regardless of what they claim, we know this exists. What we do not know is how big the actual impact is.
i suck at top lane,bought jax and 50/50 wins but i did badly at top lane.I know the EQW combo hits like a truck once in a while but somehow i wasnt gaining advantage after that.Lets say i am laning against garen/irelia/malphite, after i did the combo they also do a somewhat similar combo at me and leave us 50% hp left.This made me hard to last hit creep since its very risky if any ganks will occur or he can burst me again.
On July 29 2012 16:09 justiceknight wrote: i suck at top lane,bought jax and 50/50 wins but i did badly at top lane.I know the EQW combo hits like a truck once in a while but somehow i wasnt gaining advantage after that.Lets say i am laning against garen/irelia/malphite, after i did the combo they also do a somewhat similar combo at me and leave us 50% hp left.This made me hard to last hit creep since its very risky if any ganks will occur or he can burst me again.
Any advice?
First off, the only time you should be very susceptible to ganks is before your first back - after that you should keep buying wards every time you back. If your blue side warding tri-brush is usually pretty safe, if your purple warding river near blue entrance is really nice.
Secondly, as Jax, I try to do q->auto->w(auto) then back off every chance I can, and save e for when they commit to me. (eg Irelia using her true damage stuff). I've usually ended up winning most trades so I can just sit in creeps and auto->w(auto) anyone that gets close.
One thing that you should be using the is the fact that jax's w is an animation reset, which lets you auto->-w->-auto really fast, as that alone is alot of damage to deal to your enemy while not using your escape or defensive tools, as well as costing almost no mana. I usually do this when they are going in for last hits.
Take all my advice with a grain of salt since I really don't play jax top much.
On July 29 2012 16:09 justiceknight wrote: i suck at top lane,bought jax and 50/50 wins but i did badly at top lane.I know the EQW combo hits like a truck once in a while but somehow i wasnt gaining advantage after that.Lets say i am laning against garen/irelia/malphite, after i did the combo they also do a somewhat similar combo at me and leave us 50% hp left.This made me hard to last hit creep since its very risky if any ganks will occur or he can burst me again.
Any advice?
Jax excells at fights to the death post 6. Malph will wreck you because of his a speed slow, look to out trade him with double tap eqw. Leveling q earlier may help, I can't recall if it beats outscales q and e cool downs. Irelia should be straightforward to all in, you ignite on her bitten style, while activating your r will win it. To beat garen, time your eqw to proc stun after u land so he can't combo you, unless your e blocks his q, iunno, in which case you can probably dominate him hard, spin to win ain't too scary for a jax. Don't underestimate jaxs power in all In full to 0 fights. He doesn't lose many (Malph will rape your AS, so u have to try and trade smart).
This is post 6 btw, pre 6 is a different story, Cept irelia still weaker than you Excuse any autocorrect errors
On July 29 2012 18:27 Celial wrote: Dude the AMA on reddit with the VO-artists is so sick... someone requested Draven (Erik Braa) to sing this: + Show Spoiler +
On July 29 2012 16:09 justiceknight wrote: i suck at top lane,bought jax and 50/50 wins but i did badly at top lane.I know the EQW combo hits like a truck once in a while but somehow i wasnt gaining advantage after that.Lets say i am laning against garen/irelia/malphite, after i did the combo they also do a somewhat similar combo at me and leave us 50% hp left.This made me hard to last hit creep since its very risky if any ganks will occur or he can burst me again.
Any advice?
Post 6, tap a minion twice, then jump on the enemy laner to get your ult proc earlier. Don't waste your dodge by trying to stun instantly, time your stun for just before they use their autoattack enhancer. If their animation starts you won't dodge it. It's not like they're getting out of your stun anyways, and if they do you can back off. They'll take a couple hundred free damage. Max W first. Don't fight in their massive creep waves. Ward often. W has an auto reset. auto, press W, auto with no cooldown again. Get good runes. This doesn't mean attack speed everythings.
If you're really having trouble trading against an equally fed equal level opponent then get some health pots. I think bilgewater is also great at helping trades. 150 free damage.
Just so everyone knows, hecarim does in fact suck. His q takes 7 seconds before it ramps up to actually do its maximum dps. His ult is 1 seconds, half the duration of mummy ult, and does half the damage of mummy ult. He has no cc outside his ult, and his e doesn't do maximum damage unless you get to ramp it up. His passive is indeed the worst passive you could ever have, movement speed to ad. He literally does nothing after he ults in a team fight. He takes damage, and dies. He is completely ignorable. Hec is bad at everything he's supposed to do. There are multiple champions that do exactly the same thing and better.
There is a specific reason why some junglers are or were good. Some are anti carries (nunu, malphite, rammus, I'll put olaf and amumu in here too). Some are cc bots (naut, alistar, skarner). Some farm really well (mundo, shyv, udyr). Some fill a very unique roll (noct as a half global assassin, jax, trundle for pillars, shaco). I didn't mention every jungler, but notice how champions like hec, and volibear aren't mentioned. This is because auto attacking and moving fast don't make you a useful champion, especially since the jungle allows you to fill a roll you would probably never be able to pull off in a lane.