On July 30 2012 04:53 3 Lions wrote: Hi. This is Incka, and some of you may recognize me from some of the practice games that I've played in. Recently, my ranked 5s team has fallen apart due to a variety of reasons (lack of chemistry, lack of practice time, Dungeon Defenders, etc), and as a result Nubpancakes, myself, and our solo-top are looking for people to do serious ranked 5s with. Though Nubpancakes and I are currently sitting at the mid-1400s ELO, I don't really think we belong there, and I think our performances against top players from this practice channel during some of the more try-hard inhouses are a testament to that. I've come here to seek players who are interested, as both Nubpancakes and I have had great fun during the inhouses, and have seen a great number of quality players who are eager to have fun and improve. Therefore, we're looking for a jungler and a mid who's skills are at about a 1600-1800 level, and would be willing to practice with us as 5 about 5 times a week during nighttime. Once we do form a team, I think it'd be nice to scrim against players of the same calibre as us :D
tl;dr -> Looking for a 1600-1800 jungler and mid who would be interested in ranked 5s, contact me through either PM here or add Incka as a friend in LoL. thanks for your time lolol
Once you find people and get yourselves established and in a rhythm, TL B can help you guys with scrims and stuffs.
Good lord. I leave for a weekend and I come back to an unbelievable clusterfuck. I dunno people have said all there is to say on the matter since I'm pages behind, so maybe I'll comment on it a little on stream tonight. Also, totally agree with creating moar teamz! DO EET
Thanks to the people who put up with me missing all but one laser in a game and grabbing mid three times while I learned to play lux. I think I've got the Q>DFG>E>R>E combo down and I miss fewer lasers now. Gonna practice her in normal draft/ranked and play support a bit to compensate.
If I'm bored enough I might try my hand at broadcasting as I recently fixed my PC and crashing due to a bad motherboard shouldn't be an issue when taxing it w/ xplit anymore. Granted, with no experience I'll probably suck... but who knows?
DFG does more damage as first attack i thought?
On July 30 2012 15:38 GaZ)v(usketeer wrote: DFG does more damage as first attack i thought?
Q first so you know if you can land full combo, b/c dfg-> missing q means you waste dfg.
Well I think the practice group improved my AD a lot. I'm usually one of the last to die in a teamfight barring some funny teamcomps (dive and kill one person, die to the incoming AoE style games), I carry a lot more from bottom lane and my farming's improved a bit.I'm pretty consistently beating low 1700s in lane now. A lot of it is coming from the fact that I duo with my support but life is good.
Last few ranked games on Ashe/Kog I went:
4/2/13 5/3/6 8/2/9 12/4/9 7/1/2
The biggest improvement for me probably came from watching replays of milo on ashe and watching how he positions in the more even games that we've had. Pretty well worth the time spent in practice.
+1 to Milo being one of TL's best players
You guys are unfuckingbelievable sometimes.
Jingle know's he's an asshole and is a smartass. But you compound it with these trolls. Wtf? He obviously admitted he's a noob and doesn't know this shit. So to make him better let's be a smartass about his build, stomp him beyond belief, etc.
Let's go get a middle school basketball team to play against the USA Olympic team so they can learn while getting stomped. WTF?
IMO, a lot of you sound like elitist ivy league college kids with trust funds only looking to kiss each other's ass.
DURRHURRDERP: jinglehell if you're unsure of what to build why didnt you ask someone on your team DURRHURRDERP: ? DURRHURRDERP: instead of getting defensive when people look at your items after the game and tell you its bad (after the fact) JingleHell: because my team decided to troll me at the start by telling me go AP JingleHell: so why the hell would i ask questions MCMilo: LOL kerrDOG2 X17: rofl MCMilo: WHAT MCMilo: LOL JingleHell: when they mention it was a joke last second kerrDOG2 X17: umad MCMilo: :< JingleHell: ticklish told me that shit during select, milo JingleHell: so yeah JingleHell: would you ask after that?
On July 29 2012 13:17 HazMat wrote: You're not really saying you thought AP varus was serious advice?
And if he did? This smartass attitude is supposed to ease the situation?
On July 29 2012 13:29 DURRHURRDERP wrote:You admit you're a noob but at the same time you refuse to ask questions or take critique from better players. What do you hope to get from these games? Also it's hard to take you seriously when you post stuff like this earlier: Show nested quote +On July 29 2012 12:18 JingleHell wrote:
Oh, and I'm tired of getting told to "ask for advice". Advice isn't going to help with bad mechanics, which is by far my biggest problem. I last hit for shit, and I overextend a hair trying to last hit. That's shit where you need time practicing it to improve. Not time spent dead. If you're unsure that AP Varus is a troll build or not, bad mechanics isn't your biggest problem.
No shit sherlock. You expect someone to take advice from better players after better players give him a troll build and he gets critiqued from it. That's not frustrating at all is it.
LoL has a steep learning curve. Being hard on people who want to learn is not helping expand eSPORTS.
On July 31 2012 02:01 jacosajh wrote:You guys are unfuckingbelievable sometimes. Jingle know's he's an asshole and is a smartass. But you compound it with these trolls. Wtf? He obviously admitted he's a noob and doesn't know this shit. So to make him better let's be a smartass about his build, stomp him beyond belief, etc. Let's go get a middle school basketball team to play against the USA Olympic team so they can learn while getting stomped. WTF? IMO, a lot of you sound like elitist ivy league college kids with trust funds only looking to kiss each other's ass. Show nested quote + DURRHURRDERP: jinglehell if you're unsure of what to build why didnt you ask someone on your team DURRHURRDERP: ? DURRHURRDERP: instead of getting defensive when people look at your items after the game and tell you its bad (after the fact) JingleHell: because my team decided to troll me at the start by telling me go AP JingleHell: so why the hell would i ask questions MCMilo: LOL kerrDOG2 X17: rofl MCMilo: WHAT MCMilo: LOL JingleHell: when they mention it was a joke last second kerrDOG2 X17: umad MCMilo: :< JingleHell: ticklish told me that shit during select, milo JingleHell: so yeah JingleHell: would you ask after that?
Show nested quote +On July 29 2012 13:17 HazMat wrote: You're not really saying you thought AP varus was serious advice? And if he did? This smartass attitude is supposed to ease the situation? Show nested quote +On July 29 2012 13:29 DURRHURRDERP wrote:You admit you're a noob but at the same time you refuse to ask questions or take critique from better players. What do you hope to get from these games? Also it's hard to take you seriously when you post stuff like this earlier: On July 29 2012 12:18 JingleHell wrote:
Oh, and I'm tired of getting told to "ask for advice". Advice isn't going to help with bad mechanics, which is by far my biggest problem. I last hit for shit, and I overextend a hair trying to last hit. That's shit where you need time practicing it to improve. Not time spent dead. If you're unsure that AP Varus is a troll build or not, bad mechanics isn't your biggest problem. No shit sherlock. You expect someone to take advice from better players after better players give him a troll build and he gets critiqued from it. That's not frustrating at all is it. LoL has a steep learning curve. Being hard on people who want to learn is not helping expand eSPORTS. You're being way too butthurt on a minor issue, if you go into a game at least know the basics, everyone knows varus is an AD carry, playing bottom with a support, AD goes AD on bottom with support, ergo -> Metagame goes that way.
Stop making a witch-hunt, it can go all the way around saying this: -If you want to practice at least know the basics, you won't progress AT ALL if you don't even follow the basics, in order to get better you'll have to play the meta, if you don't know it then ask it, the key to success is knowledge and patience, and none of those two were shown by jingle. If you don't understand jokes then i don't know what you want to do.
You know what's making e-sports not grow? Idiotic mentality following your own beliefs instead of following what's totally efficient, being a narrow minded person, that makes e-sports go wrong, when you think only on yourself to become good.
On July 31 2012 02:01 jacosajh wrote:You guys are unfuckingbelievable sometimes. Jingle know's he's an asshole and is a smartass. But you compound it with these trolls. Wtf? He obviously admitted he's a noob and doesn't know this shit. So to make him better let's be a smartass about his build, stomp him beyond belief, etc. Let's go get a middle school basketball team to play against the USA Olympic team so they can learn while getting stomped. WTF? IMO, a lot of you sound like elitist ivy league college kids with trust funds only looking to kiss each other's ass. Show nested quote + DURRHURRDERP: jinglehell if you're unsure of what to build why didnt you ask someone on your team DURRHURRDERP: ? DURRHURRDERP: instead of getting defensive when people look at your items after the game and tell you its bad (after the fact) JingleHell: because my team decided to troll me at the start by telling me go AP JingleHell: so why the hell would i ask questions MCMilo: LOL kerrDOG2 X17: rofl MCMilo: WHAT MCMilo: LOL JingleHell: when they mention it was a joke last second kerrDOG2 X17: umad MCMilo: :< JingleHell: ticklish told me that shit during select, milo JingleHell: so yeah JingleHell: would you ask after that?
Show nested quote +On July 29 2012 13:17 HazMat wrote: You're not really saying you thought AP varus was serious advice? And if he did? This smartass attitude is supposed to ease the situation? Show nested quote +On July 29 2012 13:29 DURRHURRDERP wrote:You admit you're a noob but at the same time you refuse to ask questions or take critique from better players. What do you hope to get from these games? Also it's hard to take you seriously when you post stuff like this earlier: On July 29 2012 12:18 JingleHell wrote:
Oh, and I'm tired of getting told to "ask for advice". Advice isn't going to help with bad mechanics, which is by far my biggest problem. I last hit for shit, and I overextend a hair trying to last hit. That's shit where you need time practicing it to improve. Not time spent dead. If you're unsure that AP Varus is a troll build or not, bad mechanics isn't your biggest problem. No shit sherlock. You expect someone to take advice from better players after better players give him a troll build and he gets critiqued from it. That's not frustrating at all is it. LoL has a steep learning curve. Being hard on people who want to learn is not helping expand eSPORTS.
Oh please. What do you expect? You said yourself he knows he's an asshole. Why would he not be treated as such? People give him advice after the game because his build is sub-optimal and he falls back on the argument that "his team was trolling him by telling him to go AP". I've played in plenty of games where someone will jokingly say "go ap trynd!" or something similar because it's completely rediculous. If Jingle really didn't know AP varus was troll, then excuse them for expecting a level 30 to know better.
That's not even the case anyway though, because Jingle said "they tried to troll me with AP varus". The fact that he thinks it's troll means he knows it's not viable. If he knew it wasn't viable i'm sure something along the lines of "no, seriously guys I want to get batter at Varus. What should I build?" would have solicited a more genuine response.
TL LoL is not a toxic community. In fact, most people will help you out to the best of their ability if you're willing to learn. You'll never see a new player get collectively crucified unless they refuse to take criticism and then continue to complain anyway.
jacosajh idk if you read any of the posts before but it doesn't seem like the guy is trying to learn at all. everyone has tried to help him but it seems he isnt even here to improve and just wants a game where people will go easy on him. thats why the last few pages have been people discussing how people should let their intentions known before going into the game. in fact, we all moved on and now you bring random crap up again. please just go back, read, and save yourself the time posting the same stuff/wasting our time answering the same stuff, thanks!
Someone being cynical doesn't necessarily have an affect on their ability to learn. On the contrary, if the same shit had happened to me, I would have been pissed as well.
I have seen Jingle being respectful and learning from more experienced and knowledgeable people because they weren't dbags about it. I can see this self-righteous elitist mentality is going to continue and that's fine. It doesn't affect me any. But really, you should be ashamed of yourselves. That's all.
I wouldn't mind joining in on some in-house practices.
User Name: Swiftounge (NA) ELO: Unranked atm (still have a couple of games before I'll be fully ranked, but will assume it will be around 1000-1100) Role: Support or Jungle Schedule: Just about anytime Sun-Thursday after 8pm est to about 1am est, Friday is so/so but usually after 8pm est to whenever. Saturday from about 1pm est to about 4-5pm est and after midnight to whenever.
I'm laughing my balls off at the notion that LiquidPractice is elitist. It doesn't even need defending because it's patently absurd.
And for the record: I defend elitism, so I wouldn't be ashamed in the least if we were.
There is a reason most coaches in the gaming industry were ex-pro players.
If I could get a pro basketball player to teach me everything he knows, and play against him daily, getting pointers, I'd improve by leaps and bounds. He'd beat me, obviously, he's the pro. That doesn't mean that every loss isn't allowing me to learn and improve. You learn from your mistakes and from your failures. The same can be said for LoL. Complaining that a person is "better than [you]" isn't going to allow you to improve. Looking inward at yourself and listening to the person that's better than you, and learning from them will though.
Just like playing any sport, you have to push your limits to become better. If you're just going to be a complaining little child about it, then you're obviously not up for the challenge of improving yourself, regardless of what you SAY to the contrary.
i dont think they are elitist when my friend miss maddie joined she was getting owned and had never played ranked but even when she wanted to quit they kept encouraging her so she could improve
Guys....argument was over days ago already. Let's all get on with our lives already. So......LiquidPractice Olympics?
On July 31 2012 04:00 samthesaluki wrote:i dont think they are elitist when my friend miss maddie joined she was getting owned and had never played ranked but even when she wanted to quit they kept encouraging her so she could improve
Exactly, and this is the case with almost every "newbie" player who plays in LiquidPractice. If you're accepting of criticism, you will be helped.
re: olympics idea
if there's support for it and you want to organize it, go for it. Maybe you can cast it too 
For the javelin throw we could have rammus with ghost, powerball, shureliya, and zilean move speed buff running through mid and you have to hit him from max spear range on nid.
On July 31 2012 04:07 Perplex wrote:Show nested quote +On July 31 2012 04:00 samthesaluki wrote:i dont think they are elitist when my friend miss maddie joined she was getting owned and had never played ranked but even when she wanted to quit they kept encouraging her so she could improve Exactly, and this is the case with almost every "newbie" player who plays in LiquidPractice. If you're accepting of criticism, you will be helped. re: olympics idea if there's support for it and you want to organize it, go for it. Maybe you can cast it too  For the javelin throw we could have rammus with ghost, powerball, shureliya, and zilean move speed buff running through mid and you have to hit him from max spear range on nid.
That sounds more like skeet shooting. I'll pick Cait - insta win ;P