[Patch Ahri] General Discussion - Page 26
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Want to rage about your latest loss? Use the QQ thread. If you whine in GD, you'll get warned. ===== + Show Spoiler + If your [Stream] thread was moved to the general TL Stream subforum (aka SC stream land), find your thread and PM it to me and I'll move it back to LoL territory. I can argue with staff that moving a non-SC thread into a SC subforum is just asking for that thread to get buried. - Neo, Dec. 15 2011, 6:33 KST I have admin approval. I'll be moving LoL streams back to the subforum. Stream name will be based on Summoner name. - Neo 7:07 KST | ||
United States8298 Posts
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9109 Posts
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United States2707 Posts
On December 14 2011 11:42 Schmieds wrote: SoloQ commentary feat. SYDTKO. One team includes Doublelift, Phantomlord, and some unknown named Neo! MAJOR SPOILER + Show Spoiler + Neo > Phantomlord Poll: new name for neo neofaillusions (5) neofreelossions (1) neoscrubllusions (0) neonoobllusions (0) neobadllusions (0) neosucksllusions (0) 6 total votes Your vote: new name for neo (Vote): neoscrubllusions | ||
United States228 Posts
actually it was intentional, I wanted to show there's obviously some flexibility based on personal preference, like i like sorcery and some people like the crit mastery... although that prolly wasn't clear silver - 1. yes 2. they are in the shop 3. refunded on 16th | ||
Germany14079 Posts
On December 14 2011 08:15 Craton wrote: Triforce is core on Skarner and combined with his W puts me in the high 400s for movespeed. I think I'm 504 with a Janna. Flash/ghost ult is probably the strongest initiate in the game right now. Considering how suffocating Skarner with his permaslow and high damage w/ TF, he can outperform Rammus quite a bit. Skarner just has a more persistent threat. It's not that Rammus is bad, it's just that Skarner is so strong it's funny everyone wants to ignore him to ban Rammus. Erhm... calling Triforce "core" on Skarner is a pretty stupid idea. Yes, it is a good item - however, 4k gold on your first major item as a jungler is just not happening unless you get insanely fat insanely quickly. My standard build with him atm is philo -> Rageblade -> Defensive crap. Aegis and Randuins shine a lot on him. My "fuck yes I'll carry this shit"-build is more around Rageblade -> Triforce -> GA. But, yeah, imo "rushing" Triforce from the jungle is just as bad as rushing Warmogs from the jungle on most champs. It leaves you in this awkward spot where you finish your Triforce after AP/AD carries finish their first big items and leaves you kinda naked against them. - Much rather sit on Aegis+Rageblade than a solo Triforce in that spot. tl;dr: It's basicly the same deal as Wits End -> Defensive Crap on brodyr. | ||
United States9109 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
On December 14 2011 12:42 gtrsrs wrote: after a couple hundred games with him I've realized skarner doesn't have a core build. His damages are high enough that ou can open glacial shroud + philo + hog and still be a threat offensively. He can carry he can tank he utilizes wriggles but doesn't need it... He's just too good atm Shush! He's still balanced, don't let anyone hear otherwise. | ||
9109 Posts
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United States1966 Posts
On December 14 2011 12:46 Requizen wrote: Shush! He's still balanced, don't let anyone hear otherwise. mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Skarner is becoming less and less appealing to me. Every team he was on lost at MLG providence, went 0-6 or something, and didn't do well at all at WCG either from what I saw. He's good at killing scrubs and bads, when people are actually paying attention, it's underwhelming | ||
5459 Posts
On December 14 2011 12:38 r.Evo wrote: Erhm... calling Triforce "core" on Skarner is a pretty stupid idea. Yes, it is a good item - however, 4k gold on your first major item as a jungler is just not happening unless you get insanely fat insanely quickly. iirc skarner has the highest base damage so rushing triforce is actually super strong on him (moreso than other heroes). | ||
United States6980 Posts
And if he's fed he's crazy strong and never dies Udyr style. I hate skarner sooooo much omg | ||
United States4423 Posts
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United States12679 Posts
On December 14 2011 12:56 SnK-Arcbound wrote: Loco's team just getting rolled by TSM. They don't even need to think to crush them. second game sivir with nunu buff is ridiculous. quadra into 11/1 at end of game. real | ||
United States10467 Posts
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United States760 Posts
On December 13 2011 13:14 Carnivorous Sheep wrote: VEIGARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR START BOOTS WITHOUT NEEDING MANA REGEN RUNES NOW MWAHAHAHAHA Yah, I like the mana change to Baleful. My favorite AP champ. Dark matter change is pretty huge. Might use it more early on. Also, we want PulseFire Ezreal. | ||
United States760 Posts
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United States11378 Posts
On December 14 2011 08:15 Craton wrote: Triforce is core on Skarner and combined with his W puts me in the high 400s for movespeed. I think I'm 504 with a Janna. Flash/ghost ult is probably the strongest initiate in the game right now. Considering how suffocating Skarner with his permaslow and high damage w/ TF, he can outperform Rammus quite a bit. Skarner just has a more persistent threat. It's not that Rammus is bad, it's just that Skarner is so strong it's funny everyone wants to ignore him to ban Rammus. Triforce is definitely NOT core on Skarner. It's a lategame damage item. Rushing Triforce makes you squishy, which is exactly the OPPOSITE of what Skarner is supposed to be. If you want early game damage, get Guinsoo's Rageblade. Then you can use that 2k gold you saved on defensive items, so you can actually do your damn job. | ||
United States1946 Posts
Nice to see these discounted versions have the same strength as their regular quintessence counterparts. (3.33 Arpen, 1.89 Mpen, 1.5% movespeed, 26 hp) | ||
United States33802 Posts
On December 14 2011 13:13 Ferrose wrote: Triforce is definitely NOT core on Skarner. It's a lategame damage item. Rushing Triforce makes you squishy, which is exactly the OPPOSITE of what Skarner is supposed to be. If you want early game damage, get Guinsoo's Rageblade. Then you can use that 2k gold you saved on defensive items. Sheen proc is almost too good to pass up. Skarner has (tied for) highest base damage in the game, so the proc is better on him than almost anyone. And MS + W and Phage with his Q is insane, no one ever escapes. Rageblade is good DPS if you can have 100% uptime on the target, which isn't always. Just my $0.02 | ||
United States1898 Posts
HURRY IM IN A GAME! On Skarner I usually rush boots2 and sheen then go phage -> wits end and from here depending on how i am doing/game is going finish Trinity or build Aegis I dont like rageblade | ||
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