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Lantern Nasus and Glacial Nasus both kinda shit all over Garen.
On November 23 2011 10:43 tobi9999 wrote: unless you have 70 armor at level 1, there's no way you're going to get a single creep without being q'd and auto attacked for half your hp by garen.
A normal dedicated anti-physical page can walk into lane with between 60 and 70 armor, depending on devotion and champion. 70's not as unrealistic as you think.
Nasus: 18.5 Armor (+3.5) 18 Cloth Armor 6 Mastery 13 Armor Seals --- 55 Armor
1 Armor Quint is 60 - a full contingent brings him to 70, which is a realistic choice against a lot of 3x Physical teams.
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
tryn beats nasus. ill trade farm with him anyday
I call shenanigans on you kind sir Brees.
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
On November 23 2011 11:40 mrgerry wrote: I call shenanigans on you kind sir Brees.
join my team qt
Only if the tag is gay enough for my high homosexual standards. The tryn v nasus matchup depends on the skin choices between the two players. Demonblade Tryn > Space Nasus > King Tryn > Egypt Nasus > Highlander Tryn > Original Nasus > Original Tryn > K9 Nasus > Demonblade Tryn. What is your rebuttal to my shenanigans sir?
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
that every lane matchup theorycrafting is retarded because junglers exist.
your move
holy shit renekton is so fun; same with orianna
gonna have a lot of fun with this week's free champs.
Hmmm...anyone wanna help me with my Trynd build?
Wriggles Youmuus P. Dancer IEdge Black Cleaver
Of the pool of the above items, which of these should I not be getting?
Theorycrafting is gay, yes. The threat of a jungle is something both player's face I wouldn't put that as my main reason why lane matchup theorycrafting is retarded. The person with an innate advantage in lane will be in a less risky position. I'd say it's lame because 95% of lanes the other player has the option of playing passive and taking small cs losses to counteract any poor position they might be in. Karthus doesn't have many lanes that are hugely in his favor but he can just play pussy and call it kay.
Alright that helped me through class, yea i'll join ur team as long as zulu doesn't play corki anymore, and sour cream pringles are tier 1.
United States47024 Posts
On November 23 2011 11:59 Koenig99 wrote: Hmmm...anyone wanna help me with my Trynd build?
Wriggles Youmuus P. Dancer IEdge Black Cleaver
Of the pool of the above items, which of these should I not be getting? In theory, by the time you get to BC, people should have enough armor for LW to be better.
In practice, that doesn't happen that often.
You don't even need to counter nasus in lane as long as you run a team that can kite well.
On November 23 2011 12:39 rob.au wrote: You don't even need to counter nasus in lane as long as you run a team that can kite well.
How do you kite Nasus when he has the best slow in the game?
Merc tread, stuns, knockbacks, Janna... etc
Suppression! Binds! Oranges
I don't even want to play this week. I'm never gonna get to use my main (Skarner), and all the free week Skarners are gonna be terrible and go bot lane or something and feed with the dumbest builds ever. Why Riot >.<
just made an account on NA so i can play during downtime. can i jungle with tier 1 runes and is there any matchmaking in non ranked games? lvl 1 sucky sucky
It's very possible to jungle from level one. You just need something like Nunu early on until you unlock armor runes and a few masteries. Just don't expect to be starting at golem.
There is definitely matchmaking. Expect to be playing with all the other smurfs within a few games.
I wouldn't advise jungling -.- A lot of people are smurfs, but you will make a legitimate level 5 solo v 2 people more than once