On November 23 2011 05:22 Ryuu314 wrote: For arranged 5s wouldn't it be better if you could see what team you're playing in the pick/ban phase? It would be more competitive that way imo
I would imagine teams might dodge the proteams then.
Why would you dodge them if you get a leave, loss and time penalty?
Since it's your team elo, you cant just have 1 person take the hit, your whole team would lose elo.
On November 23 2011 06:01 epoc wrote: Nasus op. Pick one of the 1 or 2 counters or lose the game.
Which one is it among Ryze, Karthus, Cassio, Orianna, Swayne, GP, Udyr, Singed, Irelia, Sion, Nidalee, Malphite, Malz, Ezreal, Annie, Brand, Garen, Jarvan, Catilyn, Akali ?
Nasus counters Irelia and Singed, because they can't kill him or harass him enough to prevent free farming, and by definition free farming Nasus against a non-hyper carry = won lane. Garen and Jarvan also aren't bad if you open armor runes + cloth5 and just farm under your turret.
Annie doesn't counter if Nasus has TP and opens philo+merc threads+spirit visage. She has long attack range but Nasus will just regen/lifesteal the damage and spam heal pots. Annie top lane is also ridiculously easy to gank, especially with Wither, and it also means she can't roam well. I'm not sure what happens if Annie gets blue though.
In general Nasus vs AP toplane comes down to Nasus spamming health pots until they run oom. Once Nasus has some farm and MR he can start trading hits and will win against AP without sustain. Some do give him a really hard time though, like Orianna and Cassio, because they can free harass even with lane pushed to turret.
If you send someone like Caitlyn top, Nasus will level spitfire first. His Q won't be as high, but he'll have solid farm and probably a better lategame comp then you if you ran double AD (or he can switch to bot lane if you put a bruiser bot).
There are certainly rough matchups but countering Nasus is a lot more difficult than it appears. Even if you out-cs Nasus early he can still be a monster late game with some CDR, because he WILL get his farm once you start pushing turret. You need someone who can completely crush him and then snowball an early win because of it, or a hypercarry with a better early game and equally strong late game (e.g. Riven or Trynd are good choices)
On November 23 2011 05:22 Ryuu314 wrote: For arranged 5s wouldn't it be better if you could see what team you're playing in the pick/ban phase? It would be more competitive that way imo
I would imagine teams might dodge the proteams then.
Why would you dodge them if you get a leave, loss and time penalty?
Since it's your team elo, you cant just have 1 person take the hit, your whole team would lose elo.
This is something that should probably be added.
Sorry, but I don't see what you are saying... I sure hope that there is a team wide penalty for dodging in place RIGHT NOW. Everything else would make no sense.
Is it just me or is e max lane Olaf stupid strong. E starts as 100 true dmg at lvl1 and scales up to 340 at lvl 5 has no mana cost so Olaf can literally spam it all day unlike q max lane Olaf. I honestly have no idea how to play against an e max lane Olaf. Ive lost to it as garen and renekton cause cloth5 isn't sufficient to mitigate the retarded amount of true damage being spammed and it feels like Olaf outbursts both of them pretty hard esp. if olaf opens with armor runes and cloth5
Wait, Annie doesn't counter Nasus because it's ridiculously easy to gank top lane? Even with tri-bush and river by baron warded? Unless you're talking a pre-first-back gank, in which case if it's really that critical Annie can probably open boots/pot/ward, and she also has flash for the first gank.
On November 23 2011 05:22 Ryuu314 wrote: For arranged 5s wouldn't it be better if you could see what team you're playing in the pick/ban phase? It would be more competitive that way imo
I would imagine teams might dodge the proteams then.
Why would you dodge them if you get a leave, loss and time penalty?
Since it's your team elo, you cant just have 1 person take the hit, your whole team would lose elo.
This is something that should probably be added.
Sorry, but I don't see what you are saying... I sure hope that there is a team wide penalty for dodging in place RIGHT NOW. Everything else would make no sense.
I'm saying they should implement the fact you can see the other team during the ban/pick phase, it would make a lot more sense for bans etc.
And I assume there is a team dodge penalty, was trying to say it's not like normal que where I could have my duo partner dodge to avoid playing a "good player" if I knew who i was playing... having a team elo/team penalty pretty much takes this out of the game.