So day 1 of playing nothing but Fizz: time for random thoughts and early conclusions.
His lane is VERY weak against heavy harass champions. Rumble destroyed me, Vlad destroyed me, AP shen destroyed me. He basically has no answer to anyone who can spam harass, simply because he has no innate regen, and against tankier foes, his w is not likely to make any sort of trade worthwhile. I think there are some top lane matchups he would be able to handle, but not many. And there really isnt a way to stack damage early onto your w, so it isnt as though you can rune up into more damage without gimping your ability to actually survive in lane. So ya, I dont think top lane is where you want Fizz to be. To much tank, too much harass. His jungle is decent, easy to pull off, and his ganks are actually really good when you hit 6, and if you have red+a stun pre 6 (basically ww style ganking, only you actually have a gap closer). You dont actually need wriggles- your passive+any sort of armor makes it so you dont take damage from mobs.
The runes that I liked for lane the most were mpen, armor, mr and mr/lvl mix, and 2 hp5 and a hp quint. A good mix of tank and regen to make up for the fact that in order to actually harass anyone with your w, you are going to have to take a few hits (part of the reason he gets beat hard in a lot of top lanes).
Builds- I liked going for the on hit style- it scales faster than ap does, and also lets you end up tanker. I do want to keep trying a few more ap variations to see what happens.
So overall conclusions: I do not think top lane is the right place for him, and I am going to spend tomorrow trying to see how he fares in mid. I also am going to try a few more build variations besides wriggles->wits or wits->malady, possibly roa->triforce->something. We'll see.
Fizz does pretty well in mid. Most mid AP champs rely heavily on spells to harass and their autos can be ignored if you open defensively. His E makes for great trades as you can dodge a good chunk of harass from AP mids. From my experience, Fizz does quite well against a vast majority of mid champs, but gets completely stomped by solo top and range ADs.
On November 19 2011 16:50 Two_DoWn wrote: heavy harass champions. Vlad destroyed me,
i lol'd hard good joke like vlad can even make it to level 2 against fizzykins also there's no way rumble's gonna beat fizz either on account of fizz can just walk up and auto him to death ap shen maybe if he has higher movespeed than you
basically fizz is ezmode laning against everyone, the hardest matchup i've had so far was brand who opened E because you can't lolhopdodge that. and even then i still destroyed him because he basically can't use his ult against you l0l
On November 19 2011 16:50 Two_DoWn wrote: heavy harass champions. Vlad destroyed me,
i lol'd hard good joke like vlad can even make it to level 2 against fizzykins also there's no way rumble's gonna beat fizz either on account of fizz can just walk up and auto him to death ap shen maybe if he has higher movespeed than you
basically fizz is ezmode laning against everyone, the hardest matchup i've had so far was brand who opened E because you can't lolhopdodge that. and even then i still destroyed him because he basically can't use his ult against you l0l
Fizz can beat rumble lvl 1-2, but once rumble gets enough points in his Q it can go either way.
I know for a fact GP rapes the shit out of fizz. Same deal with Irelia. GP's Q harass is more mana effecient than Fizz's E and is on shorter cooldown. Irelia's sustain is too much for Fizz to outharass and Irelia can just trololo W+auto you all day. range ADs like cait rape you 'cause you can't sustain their autoattack harass and if they can kite you pretty easily.
On November 19 2011 15:09 unichan wrote: hotshot's headbutt pulvs are still better than 90% of other people's at that elop HAHA I JUST MADE THAT UP
so through whatsupchan i met this really cute 17 year old chinese boy. tehy're duo queuing right now. sometimes he comes on our vent and i talk to them (mostly listen to whatsupchan bang his desk) but today i was lik (1:02): y no vent D: verse (1:03): music unichan (1:03): aw
its different man it's like pobelter is britney spears u may admire from afar but u cant talk or touch. while victor is like taylor momsen, she's from around here so u have a chance
Is this another one of the posts that makes everyone go, "well now...... this is awkward"
On November 19 2011 16:50 Two_DoWn wrote: heavy harass champions. Vlad destroyed me,
i lol'd hard good joke like vlad can even make it to level 2 against fizzykins also there's no way rumble's gonna beat fizz either on account of fizz can just walk up and auto him to death ap shen maybe if he has higher movespeed than you
basically fizz is ezmode laning against everyone, the hardest matchup i've had so far was brand who opened E because you can't lolhopdodge that. and even then i still destroyed him because he basically can't use his ult against you l0l
Fizz can beat rumble lvl 1-2, but once rumble gets enough points in his Q it can go either way.
I know for a fact GP rapes the shit out of fizz. Same deal with Irelia. GP's Q harass is more mana effecient than Fizz's E and is on shorter cooldown. Irelia's sustain is too much for Fizz to outharass and Irelia can just trololo W+auto you all day. range ADs like cait rape you 'cause you can't sustain their autoattack harass and if they can kite you pretty easily.
no, there is literally no way that rumble can beat fizz you can eat a full Q thanks to your defensive masteries and just keep pounding away with autos and Q when he tries to run with shield. save E for when he goes into overheat and just bounce away. next time you exchange, he'll be lower health on account of he doesn't have sustain either, so your W will do MORE damage
i think fizz can beat pirate at level 1 with cloth + 5, defensive masteries + mpen reds and armor runes, taking W first. after that it gets iffy because you're right, parrrley is way too mana efficient compared to hopdodge. i think that's kind of a moot lane though because you would never send fizz against pirate - fizz isn't going to get great farm nor keep pirate off the creeps, and even if he COULD farm, fizz isn't a lategame hero and pirate is a lategame god. it'd be like sending kassadin against caitlyn imo - pointless. irelia on the other hand, i think loses to fizz pretty hard until like level 5 or 7, whenever W starts to matter, then it swings the other way... but isn't that how all her matchups are?
jungle panth ftw. since so many people can jungle well now, i've been trying out people with super easy cc and can move around the map very quickly. and panth fit the role the most
Just dusted off vlad and tried him again. Is there anyone he beats in lane without being mega-passive? It just seems like the nukers can out-nuke him and the sustainers can outsustain him. All I can do is ult in a teamfight and cast a couple of long cooldown spells and hope someone focuses me so I can soak some damage and pool away.
On November 19 2011 20:30 tissue wrote: Just dusted off vlad and tried him again. Is there anyone he beats in lane without being mega-passive? It just seems like the nukers can out-nuke him and the sustainers can outsustain him. All I can do is ult in a teamfight and cast a couple of long cooldown spells and hope someone focuses me so I can soak some damage and pool away.
personally, i'm never passive as him unless i'm getting beaten really hard lol. farm with autos and Q them whenever its off cd. i like to get cd boots and kindle gem for fast 40% cd and then revolver. you should be really strong at level 9 or whatever when your Q is like 2 sec cd.
also i'm testing going ruby crystal red pot 9-0-21 to go kindlegem first then boots into cd boots.i like it lol.
On November 19 2011 20:30 tissue wrote: Just dusted off vlad and tried him again. Is there anyone he beats in lane without being mega-passive? It just seems like the nukers can out-nuke him and the sustainers can outsustain him. All I can do is ult in a teamfight and cast a couple of long cooldown spells and hope someone focuses me so I can soak some damage and pool away.
Not really. He just sucks way too hard until level 7-9.
On November 19 2011 16:50 Two_DoWn wrote: heavy harass champions. Vlad destroyed me,
i lol'd hard good joke like vlad can even make it to level 2 against fizzykins also there's no way rumble's gonna beat fizz either on account of fizz can just walk up and auto him to death ap shen maybe if he has higher movespeed than you
basically fizz is ezmode laning against everyone, the hardest matchup i've had so far was brand who opened E because you can't lolhopdodge that. and even then i still destroyed him because he basically can't use his ult against you l0l
Might just be my own experience, but Swain wrecks him and I can't really see how you're supposed to win that regardless of skill level. Once Swain reaches 6 he will outsustain you by a metric ton and before level 6 he will just win every trade.
On November 19 2011 23:01 MoonBear wrote: Lord Vlad will have new sound files and so will be a legendary skin and not 975 as I previously mentioned. Apologies.