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Unit blocking with Cho'Gath huehuehuehue
LoL just too easy atm imoimoimo, although i guess in a way its good since people focus on the actual gameplay and not on minimechanicsshit
Eh, part of the reason why I prefer Brood War to SC2 is because BW, with its more "difficult" technical controls, tests your ability to split your attention in a way that's much more interesting than SC2. I don't think introducing nuanced and difficult mechanics is a bad thing as long as it's done in a way that helps separate good players from really great players.
Some things from dota that I would like are the long and short lanes and possibly creep stacking. Creep stacking is something riot will never do though. Long lanes might be possible for a new map in future. And yeah jungle remake will probably fix the 100 second respawns which is dull imoimo
The more mechanical stuff you have to care for the less "real" tactical depth you can think of. The less things you have to do that needs a decision the more boring (and competitive for the BW-style guys) a game becomes.
O.o did they add teams already? I might have to take a break from Skyrim and play some LoL!
So Morello just confirmed that they are going to remove Dodge at some point. http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=17329258#17329258
1) Are you going to remove dodge completely?
2) If so, what have you decided so far about champions with in-built dodge mechanics?
3) What was the logic behind removing dodge and nimbleness from the mastery tree?
4) and a question MANY would love to hear: If you plan remove dodge completely, WILL Riot refund those IP to those with dodge seals and quints?
1) Eventually, yes.
2) We will adjust those to new mechanics or wrap them up into similarly-powered stats. Jax utilizes it for gameplay decisions, while on Udyr it's more about the damage reduction and power of it than a gameplay decision. Case-by-case approach.
3) Since this has been the plan, removing dodge (and therefore Nimbleness) is a piece of 1). Nimbleness was a cool mastery - if dodge was staying, we'd have left it.
4) We will be doing something to make this right for players. Details to come, but our plan is specifically about making you guys happy in this regard.
Hate to say I told you so... :/
So hows Orianna in this patch?
So MAYBE its worth to buy dodge runes just now, because they will overcompensate
i think it doesn't look very nice^^ marquis vlad is best for me. too bad that nosferatu vlad looks shitty too, bought him back then (
is that pulsefire ezreal? (
I never liked dodge to be honest. Eh, not a biggie unless you have dodge runes.
How is Graves? Specifically his range.
On November 17 2011 19:04 nyxnyxnyx wrote: even if we kept LoL turning speeds, blocking would still be an element of the game that caters to pros, more so if its not very effective
its always the small shit that pros do that differentiate them from noobs
e.g. in dota: small things like changing your treads to int before casting every spell, changing to str before taking damage, agi as you bottle. things like queueing shift moveforward after you tp so you dont stand around like a turd for 0.5 seconds, cancelling animations (huge, but some animations are small but still cancellable for a bit of advantage).
LoL just too easy atm imoimoimo, although i guess in a way its good since people focus on the actual gameplay and not on minimechanicsshit Correction: LoL is easy mechanically. That's about all you can say. It should be obvious that a game that requires you to make split second decisions as a team of 5 people can not be easy.
using your argument WoW dungeons are hard
After losing a few games today to some of those annoying champions, I decided I must play them myself. So I ask you, what annoys you most - AP shaco, Karthus or fiddle? Also, we're strictly talking about normals here, where most people are too dumb to deal with them correctly.
Currently watching SK Ocelote run Flash/Smite mid with his usual AP heroes.
Idea seems to be when he pushes the lane, he quickly heads to the enemy jungle to snipe a Blue Wraith (or clear the rest of the Wraiths if that's done already) or a Golem using Smite.
Messes up experience for the enemy jungler. Also useful for obtaining Dragon/Blue/Baron. Naturally it requires knowledge and awareness of enemy jungler's paths and current position.
It seems very easily countered, so it's probably not viable in the long run.
On November 17 2011 22:29 nyxnyxnyx wrote: using your argument WoW dungeons are hard
Big difference: WoW dungeons are PvE experiences. LoL matches are PvP. Difficulty in a PvP game should purely depend on the quality of the opposition, not the mechanics, we don´t call it PvIvP (I for interface) after all. It´s also quite a difference if someone is doing badly because he isn´t competent at the controls OR being outplayed.
On November 17 2011 22:29 nyxnyxnyx wrote: using your argument WoW dungeons are hard WoW requires surprisingly few decisions!
LoL, y u always down when I wanna play T_T