[Patch Xerath] General Discussion - Page 142
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United States13274 Posts
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Canada5484 Posts
In a teamfight, the only thing that determines who wins is whoever deals more effective damage to the other team. That's the only relevant factor. Everything else contributes to that. E.g. A) Soraka silencing Annie while her Q and W are on cooldown: this does absolutely nothing B) Soraka silencing Annie while her Q and W are off cooldown: huge reduction on annie's damage output. Same action, but B is by far a superior play because it reduced the amount of damage your team took while simultaneously reduced the amount of stuns annie puts out, increasing your team's damage output even further. If you insta-gib the enemy carry before a teamfight even begins, then you will win the teamfight based on the fact that they are missing one of their main damage sources and you can still say that you won because your team output more damage, or is so obviously outputting more damage that the other side can't retaliate (in this case, if the enemy team refuses to fight in the first place, it's not really a teamfight, and is more like trying to chase people who are running). Obviously the game is more complex than that but if you break it down enough it's really not. A teamfight is determined by team's ability to properly attribute their damage/cc/kills/deaths to the right sources in order to maximize the amount of damage they can deal throughout the course of the whole fight. It's dynamic. "Say each team does 1000 health worth of damage. This is enough to harm all players on a team a bit, kill a squishier champ, or severely damage a tougher champ. Team A deals all 1000 damage to a single target, let's say Janna. Team B deals 200 damage to each player on Team A. Who won that fight? Both teams did 20% total damage to the other team's health pool. Second example. Team A only does 800 damage, but it is enough to kill Janna. Team B still does 1000 damage to the tank of Team A (let's say Singed), so it doesn't kill him. Team A won that engagement, but did less % damage." I should be a little more clear and I will use this example. Here, the teamfight is not even finished. Yes, at this moment in time singed`s team took more damage, but if neither side disengages, then singed`s team`s damage output will very quickly overtake janna`s team. On October 18 2011 04:13 Sabin010 wrote: I'll make it easier. It was a 5v5 3 guys on one team went from 100-0% and dies. everybody on the other team escaped with 10% health. so team one lost three guys and did 90% of the total health of the enemy team. team 2 lost 0 champs and did 60% of the enemy teams total health. "Until a target's health reaches zero, the damage done up to that point didn't actually do anything," and this is kind of what I mean. Obviously, if 3 people are dead, then the damage output from 5 people will greatly overcompensate for the different in %HP of the two teams, and the rest of that fight will just have the 2 people being slaughtered by the remaining 5, l0l that's really all there is to it. Here one of the two teams decide to disengage because they made the mental estimation that "oh shit, if we were to keep fighting we would lose 5v2 or 2v5, depending on who the remaining ones are". | ||
United States33802 Posts
On October 18 2011 04:13 Sabin010 wrote: I'll make it easier. It was a 5v5 3 guys on one team went from 100-0% and dies. everybody on the other team escaped with 10% health. so team one lost three guys and did 90% of the total health of the enemy team. team 2 lost 0 champs and did 60% of the enemy teams total health. Very succinct, thank you. On October 18 2011 04:14 Two_DoWn wrote: Easiest way to win a teamfight: Dont die. 99% of people forget that simple fact. This is basically what I was trying to say. In general (general) the team that loses the least number of players wins. Or, the team that kills more important characters wins. A usual comp has an AD carry, an AP carry, a Support, a tanky dps (top), and a jungler who is also usually tanky dps. In a team fight, two die from each side. Team A loses a carry and a tanky dps, Team B loses a Carry and a Support. Team A won, because a Support is more useful to the team than a Bruiser (generally). | ||
United States13274 Posts
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Germany7196 Posts
Why? 50 Minutes into the game my team decided it is good to focus 12/5 Vayne if our teams clash. The thing is, Vayne wasnt even close to the fight so WW initiates with FLASH + ULT (on max range) on Vayne and everyone wants to kill that Vayne... so they let Udyr and Renek kill me and gettin their faces melted by Cassiopia and Udyr/Renek. Great feeling. How hard do I have to carry? BTW: Lost 45 points. | ||
United States20254 Posts
On October 18 2011 04:16 Mogwai wrote: unless you're karthus. then you should die. My favorite thing ever is wtf facerolling a team while they try to kill me 1st and I end up dying but doing a shit ton of dmg and we end up trading 3-5 kills for just me XD Its even funnier when your team is dominating so much and you are fed and you go a bit tanky so they can't kill you ( RoA+Ryali Beefy Karthus) | ||
United States13274 Posts
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United States20254 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
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United States7684 Posts
On October 18 2011 02:24 Slaughter wrote: I actually have found that junglers can swing the game pretty hard early on. If your team gets a jungler who gets off several successful ganks while theirs doesn't or vice versa it sets up a game where one team is behind and that team usually isn't competent enough to come back or they rage too hard and stop trying because they are behind and they found their scapegoat (the jungler). I think what I was trying to say about team fights is that people get tunnel vision and don't switch targets. They will lock onto one person and then throw everything to the wind to try to kill that person, even if that person retreats through his team so when they follow they get wtf raped. focusing like what was said is good...at times but you have to be flexible to switch targets when necessary. Which nobody does which is where my "they only focus the tanks" comment came from. I wasn't advocating people only go for 1 person and thats that. On the other hand, many players have no idea how to play with junglers. Add that to the general lack of knowledge of champions and you can lose the game before you can win it. Have an opposing Lee Sin/Kennen lane? Better send Ezreal instead of our Kennen. And he won't play conservatively either, he'll try to 2v1 them. | ||
United States865 Posts
dat annie never could get her full combo off wish more ww's would play like this..1400 elo QQ | ||
United States2707 Posts
On October 18 2011 04:29 Mogwai wrote: xpeke's bullshit with QSS + Hourglass made me rage so hard, lol. It's like, you can't stop him from being a giant pain in your ass for bare minimum of like 10 seconds of retardedly high sustained damage. I would've been really mad, but he was stomping SK, so it was K. I would've been so mad if SK won, I'm so unbelievably unimpressed by that team. Not even Nyph? | ||
United States16280 Posts
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France3578 Posts
Nyph's Janna is godly. | ||
Gabon6219 Posts
On October 18 2011 06:01 Nevuk wrote: What's the best item build for Sivir? 9 bloodthirsters. | ||
Germany8679 Posts
On October 18 2011 06:01 Nevuk wrote: What's the best item build for Sivir? Bloodthirster Boots of choice (Mercs, Tabi, Zerkers) Last Whisper Atmogs or Bloodthirster + Guardian Angel or Bloodthirster + Banshee's Veil Phantom Dancer | ||
United States13274 Posts
uhhh, melesan looked way better in the matches I saw. snoopeh was actually the player on that team that I was most impressed by, but he's still a notch under the top NA junglers. | ||
Pitcairn19291 Posts
On October 18 2011 06:25 Mogwai wrote: uhhh, melesan looked way better in the matches I saw. snoopeh was actually the player on that team that I was most impressed by, but he's still a notch under the top NA junglers. Pretty much this. All I saw from Nyph was a lot of fed Oracles. | ||
Germany14079 Posts
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United States8298 Posts
On October 18 2011 07:05 r.Evo wrote: On another note: KARTHUS AND TWITCH PRICES REDUCED TO 3150 FUCK YEAH!! Twitch reduced? O.o That's a little unexpected, considering they keep talking about wanting to remake stealth. I guess eve has always been cheap, though. Still wonder where this stealth remake is. | ||
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