[Patch Xerath] General Discussion - Page 141
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Canada5484 Posts
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United States4054 Posts
On October 18 2011 02:47 mr_tolkien wrote: C) Buy Talon, Xin, or Lee-Sin. Wonderful chars sub 1k6 Elo ! Don't forget Irelia, Akali. | ||
Germany14079 Posts
On October 18 2011 03:00 Juicyfruit wrote: That's why I used the word technically. Fear of taking any sort of damage whatsoever is a pretty severe flaw of most players who play carries (and the opposite for tank players), when in fact taking a small amount of damage in exchange for dealing a lot more is a play most are afraid to make (for instance, running past that renekton that's beating on you to help your team finish off a corki that's temporarily locked down but who wouldn't die without your extra damage). Great rule of thumb imo: Whenever the enemy carry is straight up running (hint: Not kiting) from your shit, it's great to keep chasing as the AD. If you don't your entire team will. Which leaves you against everyone who didn't keep up. =D | ||
Australia2542 Posts
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United States4054 Posts
On October 18 2011 03:22 tyCe wrote: Played a game as support Ashe with Jax against Soraka and Sivir. The Jax was horrible (e.g. he went no pots, doran's ring opening into no pots, boots and ward) but support Ashe is surprisingly really, really strong. I think the Sivir had 15 or 19 CS by the 20 minute mark (okay, she was pretty bad too, but still). It's like playing a ranged Taric with 2 CVs (but squishy). How do you build that? I'm guessing 0/9/21 with armor pen red, flat armor yellow, flat mres blue, and flat HP quints, R>Q>W>E with 1 point each in E and W by level 3? | ||
Canada5484 Posts
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United States47024 Posts
On October 18 2011 03:22 tyCe wrote: Played a game as support Ashe with Jax against Soraka and Sivir. The Jax was horrible (e.g. he went no pots, doran's ring opening into no pots, boots and ward) but support Ashe is surprisingly really, really strong. I think the Sivir had 15 or 19 CS by the 20 minute mark (okay, she was pretty bad too, but still). It's like playing a ranged Taric with 2 CVs (but squishy). A Sivir lane is also just generally a bad example when it comes to Ashe because of how hard Ashe shits on Sivir in general. | ||
United States1892 Posts
On October 18 2011 02:56 Koenig99 wrote: Not true. Sometimes if you burst a high priority target down to, let's say 20% hp, they may be too scared to engage due to fear of dying, so they just back out of the teamfight leaving you guys with a 5v4. This is taking the game out of the lower levels, but you need to recognize the player types of people. Sort of like psychological traits of people different players will react differently in different situations. Some people will only harass when they're absoulutely sure they won't take any damage back trying to stay as safe as possible, and will only commit when they are absolutely sure of the kill. Some people don't give a fuck and will initiate any fight at any time regardless, and will commit and either get a penta kill or die trying. Some people will not spend any mana pushing a lane until its backed to their tower, while others will just spam abilities at minions and push the waves. Recognizing the type of player you're against, and more importantly knowing how they're play style will impact their decision making in critical situations, will certainly win you a few games along the way. Take for instance you're mid against a Brand who has been pilaring minions since level one, just wasting all his mana, and isn't afraid to trade harass. In a team fight if he get's bursted from 100-20%, and his abilities are all off cooldown I'm going to say that 9 times out of 10 he's going to go in and try to get his abilities off. This is a great spot to take advantage of any long range skills shots you can use to snipe his ass when he's coming in. Say you're Urgot and its a 2v2 situation your support, enemy carry and support. If their support player has been super conservative, so far behind the carry they're unable to properly harass with the carry, and the carry has been aggressive taking every harass chance they get, you can initiate with ult as soon as the support starts moving back, and you're going to have free 2v1 time with a carry that's going to commit to a fight they can't win. These are just two simple examples of how you can create player type models and apply them in game. At the highest level, from what i have seen, pretty much everybody plays a calculated tight aggressive game, just like in poker, but on your climb up the level you're going to run into alot of chumps. Just like in poker your wins are coming from the chumps, not the pros, so make sure you secure your wins vs bad players. | ||
3534 Posts
Help would be greatly appreciated! | ||
United States47024 Posts
On October 18 2011 03:00 Juicyfruit wrote: That's why I used the word technically. Fear of taking any sort of damage whatsoever is a pretty severe flaw of most players who play carries (and the opposite for tank players), when in fact taking a small amount of damage in exchange for dealing a lot more is a play most are afraid to make (for instance, running past that renekton that's beating on you to help your team finish off a corki that's temporarily locked down but who wouldn't die without your extra damage). In that situation it's not necessarily just fear. With a few exceptions, melee champs on 10% HP generally cannot practically re-engage a fight (particularly ones that don't have instantaneous gap closers). Even if people have to make the effort to kill you, it's probably not worth it for you to run back in to do nothing even if it takes them 1-2 spells and some autoattacks to finish you off. Unless you soaking up those few autoattacks will mean the difference between winning and losing the fight, it's probably not going to gain your team much to feed the enemy team 300 extra gold. | ||
United States11761 Posts
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9871 Posts
On October 18 2011 02:51 Juicyfruit wrote: Here's some food for thoughts: - The team that wins a teamfight is the team that does more damage relative to the other team (% wise). - All damage done to a target is technically worthless until the target is dead (their damage output remains the same up till the point where their HP is zero) these two are untrue | ||
France3578 Posts
On October 18 2011 03:31 Shiv. wrote: Anyone having VODs of old RS/Dignitas matches or more specifically of scarra playing Kat? I've been looking for a main for ages, fell in love with Kat and have been developing my own style of play with her. Well, I guess it's basically what scarra has been doing minus the skill. But yeah, I've put a fair amount of games and practice into her and it feels really rewarding. I want to make slight adjustments to what I'm doing, though. What I am looking for is when he decides to go into teamfights, how exactly he lanes, how he alters his builds and stuff. Help would be greatly appreciated! Found 2. http://www.solomid.net/videoplayer.php?v=698 | ||
Gabon6219 Posts
The second one was already explained, how the hell can the first one be untrue? | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
Doing damage to a target means they have to run away to keep themselves alive therefore reducing the damage they will do. | ||
3534 Posts
On October 18 2011 03:59 -Zoda- wrote: Found 2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNkM6jvY25M http://www.solomid.net/videoplayer.php?v=698 thank you very very much! It's greatly appreciated. | ||
Switzerland3257 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
On October 18 2011 03:59 JackDino wrote: The second one was already explained, how the hell can the first one be untrue? They are (in a certain capacity) contradictory. Say each team has 5000 health distributed unevenly between 5 characters*. It could be 1000 health on each character evenly, but realistically the tank will have more health than a carry. Say each team does 1000 health worth of damage. This is enough to harm all players on a team a bit, kill a squishier champ, or severely damage a tougher champ. Team A deals all 1000 damage to a single target, let's say Janna. Team B deals 200 damage to each player on Team A. Who won that fight? Both teams did 20% total damage to the other team's health pool. Second example. Team A only does 800 damage, but it is enough to kill Janna. Team B still does 1000 damage to the tank of Team A (let's say Singed), so it doesn't kill him. Team A won that engagement, but did less % damage. Third example. Team A does 2000 damage, Team B only does 1000 damage, both distributed evenly so no member of either team dies. Both Team A did more damage, but it was by Team B's base so it was a shorter time for Team B to come back and reinforce, they win the next teamfight. These sort of situations are why your first point is not 100% valid. You can't say "more damage was done, so this team won". Even losing a teamfight and having to retreat may allow a team member to solo dragon, back door a turret, or grab a buff. *I realize that 5000 health between 5 characters is low, but it's an easy number for this example. | ||
United States1892 Posts
On October 18 2011 04:09 Requizen wrote: They are (in a certain capacity) contradictory. Say each team has 5000 health distributed unevenly between 5 characters*. It could be 1000 health on each character evenly, but realistically the tank will have more health than a carry. Say each team does 1000 health worth of damage. This is enough to harm all players on a team a bit, kill a squishier champ, or severely damage a tougher champ. Team A deals all 1000 damage to a single target, let's say Janna. Team B deals 200 damage to each player on Team A. Who won that fight? Both teams did 20% total damage to the other team's health pool. Second example. Team A only does 800 damage, but it is enough to kill Janna. Team B still does 1000 damage to the tank of Team A (let's say Singed), so it doesn't kill him. Team A won that engagement, but did less % damage. Third example. Team A does 2000 damage, Team B only does 1000 damage, both distributed evenly so no member of either team dies. Both Team A did more damage, but it was by Team B's base so it was a shorter time for Team B to come back and reinforce, they win the next teamfight. These sort of situations are why your first point is not 100% valid. You can't say "more damage was done, so this team won". Even losing a teamfight and having to retreat may allow a team member to solo dragon, back door a turret, or grab a buff. *I realize that 5000 health between 5 characters is low, but it's an easy number for this example. I'll make it easier. It was a 5v5 3 guys on one team went from 100-0% and dies. everybody on the other team escaped with 10% health. so team one lost three guys and did 90% of the total health of the enemy team. team 2 lost 0 champs and did 60% of the enemy teams total health. | ||
United States13684 Posts
99% of people forget that simple fact. | ||
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