On September 21 2011 01:40 clickrush wrote:I also dont find him boring, he is actually quite unique in his role and power.
Not boring, but kind of generic. Like I said before, his abilities are slightly different, but nothing we haven't seen from another champion elsewhere. On-hit, dash, AoE ult. Stealth is really cool, but sort of poorly implemented.
He's not bad, he's just kind of there.
On September 21 2011 01:58 clickrush wrote:Show nested quote +On September 21 2011 01:51 mrgerry wrote: Don't really understand if your post is trying to say that wukong is strong or not. Within your own post you give reasons why wukong shouldn't be picked by stating Nasus and you are correct in that statement that if you are going to put a weak laner top you mine as well put one that will be scale really well like Nasus or Jax and not bother with Wukong. And then I say that wukong is a fast pusher and that he is exceptionally stong in 5on5 battles where other bruisers dont shine as much. Jarman and Irelia are both faster pushers and better in 5on5 battles. I won't even go into Singed and Cho and Ramble. Wukong's pushing abilities are pretty bad too, I'm still not sure where you're getting him being a good pusher from.
On September 21 2011 01:59 Requizen wrote:Show nested quote +On September 21 2011 01:40 clickrush wrote:I also dont find him boring, he is actually quite unique in his role and power. Not boring, but kind of generic. Like I said before, his abilities are slightly different, but nothing we haven't seen from another champion elsewhere. On-hit, dash, AoE ult. Stealth is really cool, but sort of poorly implemented. He's not bad, he's just kind of there.
only because every of his abilities are kinda comparable with some of the existing ones doesnt make him generic. Its the synergy between them that makes him very unique. At least from my point of view. With only truly unique abilites we wouldn't have 70+ champions in lol.
On September 21 2011 02:01 Mogwai wrote:Show nested quote +On September 21 2011 01:58 clickrush wrote:On September 21 2011 01:51 mrgerry wrote: Don't really understand if your post is trying to say that wukong is strong or not. Within your own post you give reasons why wukong shouldn't be picked by stating Nasus and you are correct in that statement that if you are going to put a weak laner top you mine as well put one that will be scale really well like Nasus or Jax and not bother with Wukong. And then I say that wukong is a fast pusher and that he is exceptionally stong in 5on5 battles where other bruisers dont shine as much. Jarman and Irelia are both faster pushers and better in 5on5 battles. I won't even go into Singed and Cho and Ramble. Wukong's pushing abilities are pretty bad too, I'm still not sure where you're getting him being a good pusher from.
his aoe skills are good enough to push waves but not as fast as irelia/singed. jarvan is only a bit faster though. What he does better than them is crushing turrets. With singed I would push the lane very freaking fast but when I meet the turret I have to whack at it for a century to get any results from it. I think same is true for any other AP-based bruiser. He is also decent at escaping and his ult can turn around ganks pretty easily if he gets assist and they dont have sth to negate its effect (knockback/similar).
I mean what do you want he is a good pusher.
We've heard your feedback, and as a part of our ongoing commitment to making League of Legends an even more fun and awesome experience for players of all preferences, we are officially introducing Draft Mode into Normal Games! Now you can play like the pros without any impact on your ranked rating! For those unfamiliar with how Draft Mode works, at champion select, each team has one player that is designated as the captain. The two captains will then have the opportunity to ban champions from play. Following the bans, teams will then take turns selecting the remaining champions, with every choice visible to the opposition so they can counter-pick as they see fit. This type of insight makes for more well-rounded matches and reactive gameplay. Prefer regular Blind Pick Mode? Not to worry! Blind Pick will still be an option in Normal games.
Best of luck in the draft, summoners! http://euw.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=406639
Only Skarner buff I really want: Skarner automatically attacks whoever he's dragging.
I'm just saying. Every fighter has some sort of dash or mobility boost, save a few. Most have on next hit or single strikes that are single target damage boosts. Most of them have a nice AoE ability. They all have decent sustained damage. But they all bring something else.
Lee brings great jungling, insane mobility and toughness.
Irelia brings True Damage (which is scary) and great lane sustain.
Morde brings his Ult, which quickly turns a 5v5 into a 4v6 and itself does a fuckton of damage. He's also really tough with his shield and can sustain, being manaless. Very bursty as well.
Jax brings crazy burst and passively huge health. His jump also can be used for both engaging and escape, which is great, and his stun can turn team battles.
Jarvan has a great poke/aoe/knockup, and can change terrain with his ult, dictating the flow of teamfights.
Blitz can rearrange the enemy carries as he sees fit.
Wukong... brings Dead Ringer from TF2. It would be great on an assassin, but as a fighter, it's nice for laning then mostly useless later on.
On September 21 2011 01:58 clickrush wrote:Show nested quote +On September 21 2011 01:51 mrgerry wrote: Don't really understand if your post is trying to say that wukong is strong or not. Within your own post you give reasons why wukong shouldn't be picked by stating Nasus and you are correct in that statement that if you are going to put a weak laner top you mine as well put one that will be scale really well like Nasus or Jax and not bother with Wukong. And then I say that wukong is a fast pusher and that he is exceptionally stong in 5on5 battles where other bruisers dont shine as much. and i say why pick wukong when you can pick renekton
Wukong has strong aoe initate and can escape with flash+W. Wukong real bad at pushing btw.
And nasus isn't a weak laner really, he has insane sustain and gank support.
On September 21 2011 02:20 Craton wrote:+ Show Spoiler +Summoners!
We've heard your feedback, and as a part of our ongoing commitment to making League of Legends an even more fun and awesome experience for players of all preferences, we are officially introducing Draft Mode into Normal Games! Now you can play like the pros without any impact on your ranked rating! For those unfamiliar with how Draft Mode works, at champion select, each team has one player that is designated as the captain. The two captains will then have the opportunity to ban champions from play. Following the bans, teams will then take turns selecting the remaining champions, with every choice visible to the opposition so they can counter-pick as they see fit. This type of insight makes for more well-rounded matches and reactive gameplay. Prefer regular Blind Pick Mode? Not to worry! Blind Pick will still be an option in Normal games.
Best of luck in the draft, summoners! http://euw.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=406639 Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Free Rotation champs prety lame this week though. Morde, Xin, TF nerfed, Rammus meh, Heimerdinger noob's second prefered champ after Xin, Cho and Ashe so classic. Leaves Blitz who can be fun and Orianna when she's not banned. I really need to get 20, buy my runes and then get champs.
Got them all except heimer and i would rather kill myself then play him. So bad rotation i suppose.
I already miss free Noct week. Solo top Noct is way too fun.
Did I miss patch notes for this downtime?
i've been playing wukong lately and i think once his laning gets figured out he's going to be pretty strong. I'm pretty sure his level 3 ult is straight up the best in the game, if it weren't cc-able it'd be completely broken and as it is we're talking just below fiddle ult level buttthrusting, but on a durable champ and with a short cooldown. The two main problems i see with him are that since nobody plays him his builds and laning aren't really well developed, and that his w is very unsatisfying unless you catch a big cooldown with it.
For me, it's the free last whisper for your team that makes Wukong at least somewhat appealing.
United States47024 Posts
On September 21 2011 03:13 Juicyfruit wrote: For me, it's the free last whisper for your team that makes Wukong at least somewhat appealing. That still doesn't make him a more convincing pick than Jarvan or Renekton, especially since their armor-shred effects are AoE.
Valhalla18444 Posts
On September 21 2011 02:38 Mogwai wrote: I already miss free Noct week. Solo top Noct is way too fun.
post your build
On September 21 2011 03:24 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On September 21 2011 03:13 Juicyfruit wrote: For me, it's the free last whisper for your team that makes Wukong at least somewhat appealing. That still doesn't make him a more convincing pick than Jarvan or Renekton, especially since their armor-shred effects are AoE.
Welllll yess.... but I can see how Wukong is at least more reliable in that aspect since Jarvan and Renekton both use their armor shred skill as gap-closers and as such can't reliably use them in the way way Wukong can.
Renekton and Jarvan also hit harder in lane, are less reliant on damage items, have better sustain (yes, even Jarv)...
United States47024 Posts
On September 20 2011 23:34 Mogwai wrote: Champion with high skill cap is released Champion is complained about Champion gets hotfixed with extremely powerful buffs
I'm not saying they're the same character or anything, I'm just saying, it's the same progression and after Lee Sin, that progression makes me wanna punch a baby in the face and punt a puppy out a window. The least they could do is give characters 2 weeks before they go nuts with buffs. At the risk of sounding like a broken record--2 months.
At-release Brand people thought he was mediocre or underwhelming. 2 months later, with no changes whatsoever, he was considered one of the top 3 AP carry picks in the game.
Can generally hit Dice on the target(s) you want to shred. Slice is what's needed to close the gap.