On September 02 2011 09:45 HazMat wrote: In login queue for 10 mins "PvP is having problems right now"
Don't worry. If it actually finishes the client crashes and you have to restart ^_^
I've waited through the queue 4 times and it won't let me in, some sort of error. Now the queue is 40 minutes. WTF?
damn riot
they are liars, cheats, scoundrels, and tatterdemalions
(thanks dictionary.com for that last one)
Not like it'd matter if you got in, I'm logged in and can't do anything. lol
The NA servers currently have a 1 hour Queue time ._.
On September 02 2011 09:47 sob3k wrote: Skarner is just shit, he is tanky and has good sustain and dps...IF gets right up next to his target, and he has absolutely no way of closing that gap, no slow, no stun, no jump, nothing.
He basically just wanders around hoping someone squishy is retarded enough to run up and give him a hug.
There is just no way I'd ever choose him over a myriad of other heroes who are just 100x more versatile.
Udyr-syndrome. Gap closer or go home.
In theory* Skarner would be a decent champion if he could jungle better. Making him able to take blue without practically dying, jungle without running oom even with blue, and shield himself without losing all his buffs a half second later to stray damage would be great starts. At least then he could theoretically take flash for initiation.
*theory is not responsible for any impossibly stupid idea espoused in its name. theory regrets how often would be know-it-alls prescribe the most dumbfoundingly terrible game changes, champion fixes, and strategies in the name of theory. theory deeply regrets these horrific acts of idiocy and condemns them thoroughly, but is otherwise powerless to prevent them.
Got home from school, took a three hour nap, played a fail match of LoL, servers go kaput. Good day overall.
>log in to play some games >something is wrong with chat so i log out >go upstairs to use the bathroom >come back, try to log back in, 1 hr queue
ok then!
teammate cho lagging, we tell him to reconnect..he disappears and doesnt come back....i think he was stuck in queue lol we won anyway though
Even if you finish the que, the game closes.
I was in the client, chat server came back up, try to message somebody and BAM session closed.
Hi 1 hour queue.
Well my friend told me he got in and so I decided to try again and mine is 1 hour 22 minutes so consider yourselves lucky!
So I think I need a mage. I've got Akali as an assassin, Warwick as a tough dps/jungler, and Caitlyn as a ranged AD carry. I figure I need a ranged AP carry/bursty mage type. I was thinking I'd pick up Brand (played him a bit while free a while ago), but don't know how he is nowadays.
Is Brand a good mage to get, or should I go with someone else? Any suggestions?
Pitcairn19291 Posts
Brand's as solid as ever.
And he does well against most popular AP mids these days.
Brand is one of the strongest heroes in lane phase at the moment. It's nice playing an AP hero that doesn't get counter picked in lane as well =)
Fuu riot, I barely get to play anymore y u no work server?
On September 02 2011 10:35 mrgerry wrote: Brand is one of the strongest heroes in lane phase at the moment. It's nice playing an AP hero that doesn't get counter picked in lane as well =)
Does he have the same problem as Cait, where they trail off and aren't as strong late game? Or is he strong in team fights too? I haven't really had a chance to play with/against too many to judge.
On September 02 2011 10:35 mrgerry wrote: Brand is one of the strongest heroes in lane phase at the moment. It's nice playing an AP hero that doesn't get counter picked in lane as well =) Cass yo~
Cass best lane caster in the game. Maybe best lane in the game. Although I imagine that kass would be not fun.
If you combo correctly Brand is amazing for Baron/Dragon fights because of his ult. It can also be used to zone people off turrets when you are pushing, just let that shit fly when they don't have a creep wave there. I'm biased though as a Brand main.
On September 02 2011 09:41 phyvo wrote:Show nested quote +On September 02 2011 08:44 Odds wrote:On September 02 2011 08:21 NeoIllusions wrote: Watching Dan jungle Skarner just makes me happy I didn't waste IP on that terribad champion.
Hopefully Talon can jungle decently. I know he's fairly potent solo top. :3 Jingling Skarner = doing it wrong. Way, way wrong. How do you do skarner right, then? Because honestly outside of that one Grassy vid I've never seen a skarner amount to anything. Does crap DPS, no zone control/range/initiation, and doesn't have much utility. Your gap closer is breakable, if you're not within 150 range of your target none of your skills will hit, and if you're not auto attacking everything has a wicked longer cooldown. In my eyes his weaknesses just pile up on each other and he doesn't have any strengths whatsoever. I've watched Dan Dihn and Shushei stream him but I'm simply not impressed by them or by any of the lower elo skarners I've ever met, including ones that got solo lane farm. I'm narrowing down builds for him, suffice it to say EVERYONE is playing him wrong atm. I promise ill write a guide when I'm more confident in my findings.