[WuKong Patch] General Discussion - Page 59
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Italy3402 Posts
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United States1267 Posts
I like philo on top lane champs who need mana regen since I dont run mp5/level yellows anymore. I also like it on amumu as a jungle item. I like hog on irelia because I know Im going to get a randiuns at some point (Ive started going atmogs on jarvan over trinity force/fon/randuins). as far as support goes Im not really a heavy duty support player but I feel like the number one for each support is philo for alistar, sona and janna, kage for soraka, lux and morgana, and hog for taric. Im a big believer in dorans item stacking -> tier 3 items now a days on AP and AD carries as it fulfills my desire to build my champions tankier and I cant old hog stack. philo regen just feels week now, especially only having one. kages is still good imo, since it gives a scaling stack and dfg is a good item. as for avarice blade... well Im gonna buy the brutalizer first every time lol. it's 2gud. btw spine why were you on US yesterday making my j4 cry? | ||
Korea (South)1615 Posts
On August 05 2011 21:47 r33k wrote: ^except for dan dinh. Some of the shit he does is undefendable. Not on his main champs but still. not saying highelo's are god's and u shoul follow blindly dan's mumu is gud dont copy his wukong build though l0l | ||
Germany8679 Posts
On August 05 2011 22:18 red_b wrote: btw spine why were you on US yesterday making my j4 cry? You're redisburning? I've been playing on US for months now... | ||
United States1267 Posts
On August 05 2011 22:36 spinesheath wrote: You're redisburning? I've been playing on US for months now... yeah. you didnt respond to my spudparty comment so I thought you haet me =/ got any tips for that matchup? I felt like all I could do was play very passively because normally with jarvan I rely on the q->e->cadence burst to harass in lane but I felt like if I tried it you would just blind me and I would lose the trade pretty significantly. it was especially bad since you were so tanky, especially with the wriggles. and then Im down 20 cs to you which would have gotten me to an atmas and we might have actually gone for a team fight instead of just surrendering at the end of laning. I dont know, everyone else felt like we got outpicked. I felt like we got outplayed. | ||
Norway3045 Posts
sad to se a fellow TLer get caught in the gold4all cause :< (I played cait that game I think) | ||
Germany8679 Posts
I picked Teemo because you had Jarvan Udyr and Xin iirc and Teemo counters all of those nicely. Your lineup basically was pretty bad. You should have lost by way more cs than that btw, it's just that I am horrible at lasthitting. And then for some reason I died 1v1 against Xin at some point (he died too, but it wasn't worth it), when all he had was a Wriggles and I had Wriggles + Wit's End + Exhaust... I still have no idea how he was able to kill me there... I was pretty confident I could just stand there and kill him. | ||
United States1267 Posts
I wasnt in spud party because I have to play on a friends comp and autojoin gets messed up for some reason when you switch accounts. Im going to pick up a real computer tomorrow though which should solve those sorts of issues. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
On August 05 2011 23:07 spinesheath wrote: I was just rather busy talking to my team. I think we played together once before, but I don't really remember anything about that time. I picked Teemo because you had Jarvan Udyr and Xin iirc and Teemo counters all of those nicely. Your lineup basically was pretty bad. You should have lost by way more cs than that btw, it's just that I am horrible at lasthitting. And then for some reason I died 1v1 against Xin at some point (he died too, but it wasn't worth it), when all he had was a Wriggles and I had Wriggles + Wit's End + Exhaust... I still have no idea how he was able to kill me there... I was pretty confident I could just stand there and kill him. Teemo is a hybrid between ranged carry and tanky DPS. You still beat every ranged carry in 1v1, but lose to an equally farmed tanky dps easily. They all have enough CC to match their blind and a 2second blind is much more significant in 1: vs squishies why die in a few seconds but kill you quickly also 2: in lane when you have poison and can retreat to tower 3: in teamfights to give your team time to react. Xin has free attack speed knockup, hp/mr boost, lifesteal passive, and some burst damage from his spells so I wouldn't be suprised if he can beat a much more fed teemo in 1v1. I would say teemo is a good pick vs tanky dps in lane but in teamfights I'd say he's actually better vs squishies who rely on burst a lot and have trouble vs a tanky ranged dps. I saw people suggesting warmogs atmas rush into wits end on vayne because its good vs squishy comps with 1 tank so I don't know why teemo isn't more popular. | ||
Netherlands1021 Posts
Just when me and Eunbyul wanted to make a TL EU team, pfff. p.s Not sure if Eunbyul knows it himself yet though. | ||
United States17077 Posts
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United States9109 Posts
On August 05 2011 23:47 HazMat wrote: Working on getting my smurf up to gold. I gave the account to someone after queue dodging it down so my ranked stats are hilarious. Got it back up to 1400 already though! duo with my main up to gold i'm sitting at 1590-1650 most of the time right now struggling to break that 1650 barrier | ||
United States1267 Posts
On August 05 2011 23:47 HazMat wrote: Working on getting my smurf up to gold. I gave the account to someone after queue dodging it down so my ranked stats are hilarious. Got it back up to 1400 already though! Im at 1500 right now if you want to duo before you get to gtrsrs at 1600. will play soraka for elo. | ||
Germany8679 Posts
On August 05 2011 23:36 Slayer91 wrote: Teemo is a hybrid between ranged carry and tanky DPS. You still beat every ranged carry in 1v1, but lose to an equally farmed tanky dps easily. They all have enough CC to match their blind and a 2second blind is much more significant in 1: vs squishies why die in a few seconds but kill you quickly also 2: in lane when you have poison and can retreat to tower 3: in teamfights to give your team time to react. Xin has free attack speed knockup, hp/mr boost, lifesteal passive, and some burst damage from his spells so I wouldn't be suprised if he can beat a much more fed teemo in 1v1. I would say teemo is a good pick vs tanky dps in lane but in teamfights I'd say he's actually better vs squishies who rely on burst a lot and have trouble vs a tanky ranged dps. I saw people suggesting warmogs atmas rush into wits end on vayne because its good vs squishy comps with 1 tank so I don't know why teemo isn't more popular. Teemo definitely is good against tanky DPS in teamfights as well because his kiting is so retardedly good and he doesn't die from burst so easily because you typically build him somewhat tanky. | ||
Norway3045 Posts
On August 05 2011 23:45 mercurial wrote: What are you guys doing on the US server? Everybody knows the EU server is superior, its been proven. Just when me and Eunbyul wanted to make a TL EU team, pfff. p.s Not sure if Eunbyul knows it himself yet though. I'd be up for that if you need more players ![]() but, I might be wrong and things might have changed, isn't there allready sorta of TL EU in salmon Ngiri (Risu Nyan etc Jarpen(?) you know). Or did they get to split up during the server split? | ||
United States47024 Posts
On August 05 2011 20:32 spinesheath wrote: Have you ever seen a high elo player use Good Hands over Perseverance on any champ? Last time I checked, Perseverance was awful. Awful enough to make gambling on 3-5 seconds faster respawn time to save a tower or rush Baron better. Not quite comparable, given that I don't think most players have bothered to look hard enough and compare them to notice that Good Hands is better. On the other hand, with the fact that PGB needed to test an alternative to Kage stacking after gp5 from the same source no longer stacked, I just think it's pretty presumptuous to say that someone as experienced as him at Soraka would actively test and compare the alternatives--and then come to the WRONG conclusion about what works best. Edit: And to answer the question, TheOddOne gets Good Hands > Perseverance 100% of the time IIRC. ![]() | ||
57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
First sold all my items, bought SotD and a Bilgwater Cutlass, but I was really slow and couldn't run away. I sold those two items and bought a PD and some level 1 boots. I got a kill, but the Akali was so fed she killed us all. Baddies deserve to be trolled | ||
United States9109 Posts
In solo queue the game isn't over until the nexus dies. Pubs can and will make mistakes until the last second. Fed akali = squishy worth lots of gold. Dont be a bitch, just play. Learn to punish mistakes and win in low-win%-games | ||
United States2131 Posts
On August 05 2011 21:02 HazMat wrote: Well, obv PGB is a great Soraka but it's definitely not because of his build. He just knows what to do at Soraka better than anyone else. There really is almost no reason to get Philo on Soraka unless you're going for Shurelias. (which is a great item so I guess that works) I just feel like people hugely over-value gp/10 items. Agreed, ward placement, cv timing, map awareness, positioning, knowing who/when to silence and actually doing it are all much more important than items. PGB would probably still be a great Soraka if he stacked zeals + mobility boots. | ||
Germany8679 Posts
On August 06 2011 00:38 TheYango wrote: Not quite comparable, given that I don't think most players have bothered to look hard enough and compare them to notice that Good Hands is better. On the other hand, with the fact that PGB needed to test an alternative to Kage stacking after gp5 from the same source no longer stacked, I just think it's pretty presumptuous to say that someone as experienced as him at Soraka would actively test and compare the alternatives--and then come to the WRONG conclusion about what works best. Edit: And to answer the question, TheOddOne gets Good Hands > Perseverance 100% of the time IIRC. ![]() If someone does his masteries hundreds of times and still doesn't ever calculate the effect of Perseverance, and still doesn't think beyond the "I don't die" phase that everyone went through... Chances are he played a couple of games and Philo just FELT best. The difference isn't huge, obviously. And it's pretty hard to tell in game if that 60 extra AP and 50 extra HP (going 3 Dorans + Blasting Wand over triple gold/10) actually does anything for those heals. | ||
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