On August 04 2011 04:28 0123456789 wrote:Show nested quote +On August 04 2011 03:42 Ecael wrote: Those trolls know nothing of Caller's spirit. Caller's goal is to build troll items and still carry through good play. Trolling for the sake of losing is nothing in comparison to Lord Bravery's deeds. Moral of the story: Be mannered to everyone, otherwise the people you see every other game will troll you.
wow.. i think this is the first numbers post that I have seen where it wasn't edited.
That's pretty funny that people think arranged 5s is somehow a free ticket to gold rating, or easier than solo queue. Not only is 1875 top 20, there's the matter of queue times since people don't play arranged 5s. And how exactly is a random team of sub-1800 players supposed to beat either random teams of high-elo players or actual coordinated teams? lol
On August 04 2011 07:34 TieN.nS) wrote: That's pretty funny that people think arranged 5s is somehow a free ticket to gold rating, or easier than solo queue. Not only is 1875 top 20, there's the matter of queue times since people don't play arranged 5s. And how exactly is a random team of sub-1800 players supposed to beat either random teams of high-elo players or actual coordinated teams? lol
yeah pretty much this l0l just tried with a bunch of TLers a bunch of times ~50% winrate, no more coordination than solo queue, generally outmatched yet people still convinced that we could do it easily ~.~
United States47024 Posts
Does anyone remotely close to gold 5s even play 5s anymore?
Even if you're "good enough" to get gold 5s, you'd probably hit a wall around 1750 simply based on the fact that there will be no arranged teams for you to go against. Possibly even lower.
On August 04 2011 07:34 TieN.nS) wrote: That's pretty funny that people think arranged 5s is somehow a free ticket to gold rating, or easier than solo queue. Not only is 1875 top 20, there's the matter of queue times since people don't play arranged 5s. And how exactly is a random team of sub-1800 players supposed to beat either random teams of high-elo players or actual coordinated teams? lol Haha lol I didn't realize only THAT few people play arranged 5s. Chauster @ 1875, the lowest gold elo player there.
Good thing I got my solo Q gold. That's about top 1000, still. On US at least.
useless unrelated rant + Show Spoiler +it's cool to feed instead of to continue to carry your team of idiots while they play horribly/don't speak english really/don't ward, right? because jesus fuck i would rather 4 people lose than get a win they don't deserve
I played Wens morning on US West and was still on a US server was pretty awesome.
On August 04 2011 03:42 Ecael wrote: Those trolls know nothing of Caller's spirit. Caller's goal is to build troll items and still carry by ignoring fights, getting his team killed, then mopping up afterwards with stack items. Trolling for the sake of losing is nothing in comparison to Lord Bravery's deeds. Fixed.
On August 04 2011 07:50 spinesheath wrote:Show nested quote +On August 04 2011 07:34 TieN.nS) wrote: That's pretty funny that people think arranged 5s is somehow a free ticket to gold rating, or easier than solo queue. Not only is 1875 top 20, there's the matter of queue times since people don't play arranged 5s. And how exactly is a random team of sub-1800 players supposed to beat either random teams of high-elo players or actual coordinated teams? lol Haha lol I didn't realize only THAT few people play arranged 5s. Chauster @ 1875, the lowest gold elo player there. Good thing I got my solo Q gold. That's about top 1000, still. On US at least.
Hence my futile efforts, huzzah! http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=1050436
But yeah, at 1750+ Premade 5's essentially becomes tournament level play, unless you play against Deadpres' crew. ... sigh.
Damn, definitely tuning into this over dinner. Sneak peek at what might be new euro meta, even though they're not going to stream scrims/practice matches.
On August 04 2011 08:29 HyperionDreamer wrote:Damn, definitely tuning into this over dinner. Sneak peek at what might be new euro meta, even though they're not going to stream scrims/practice matches.
They often do stream practice games or league games on the SK streams and probably on the fnatic one too.
Ok.. so right now i'm having an argument with a friend over Steam about the viability of Nidalee as a support in bot lane (that's how I usually end up playing her in ranked games).
He's saying that Nidalee's a top pick and should always be played top, because by playing her bot she loses potential. He also said that Nid NEEDS farm (comparable to Orianna, other AP carries, etc).
However I argued that in bottom lane you can gear Nid to be an AP carry lategame (dc/lich bane) but still excellently babysit the carry with heals and traps and burst damage. Also because of the range scaling on her spear and health % damage on q Nidalee doesn't need boatloads of AP to do good damage in teamfights.
Can someone just give me their views on this? I personally don't see why he's so opposed to "support" Nidalee in bot lane..
On August 04 2011 09:04 Jaso wrote: Ok.. so right now i'm having an argument with a friend over Steam about the viability of Nidalee as a support in bot lane (that's how I usually end up playing her in ranked games).
He's saying that Nidalee's a top pick and should always be played top, because by playing her bot she loses potential. He also said that Nid NEEDS farm (comparable to Orianna, other AP carries, etc).
However I argued that in bottom lane you can gear Nid to be an AP carry lategame (dc/lich bane) but still excellently babysit the carry with heals and traps and burst damage. Also because of the range scaling on her spear and health % damage on q Nidalee doesn't need boatloads of AP to do good damage in teamfights.
Can someone just give me their views on this? I personally don't see why he's so opposed to "support" Nidalee in bot lane..
Nidalee needs farm to be good, she has cougar form which is strong for early/mid game. By going bot, you get a later cougar, shorter time you can use cougar before enemy can kill you. Nidalee has no CC in lane also, so to really abuse cougar form, you have to have somebody that has CC to use her burst potential.
Supports have to buy wards, and nidalee isn't that strong with no items and just constant ward buying. It's impossible for a standard support to farm something higher than a deathcap in a game without giving up a lot of ward production, and you're getting no farm unless you steal farm, so this is hard.
The plus side to Nidalee is her traps which give some brush control, and her long range and atk speed to poke. She also has a heal that gives bonus atk speed. Spears aren't going to be strong enough in lane to be a threat, her cougar, iffy. Compared to other supports who have something like CC or stronger scaling, she is iffy.
Nidalee used to be nearly unbeatable top lane. This isn't really the case anymore, and with a ranged DPS bot her heal becomes suddenly regen + steriod all in 1.
But she basically has no ult when played as a support bottom
He's right. Nidalee's a strong early game champion and needs the level advantage from a solo to make her presence felt in a game; additionally, she's one of the strongest solo laners. She's not a good teamfighter in the first place, and the whole point of picking Nidalee is raping your lane and then splitpushing all game. Without farm, how do you think you can possibly contribute to your team late game? 180 heal (when the ability has a 1.25 AP ratio that you're wasting...)? Unlike the typical support picks she just doesn't have the ability to contribute to her team without farm, unless you count killing wards with her traps. Her skills don't really add anything to a duo lane either outside of the heal. There's no CC to peel people off; you're not going to be able to land spears in the middle of a lane; and you most definitely don't do enough damage to deter people from training your carry.
On August 04 2011 09:17 TieN.nS) wrote: He's right. Nidalee's a strong early game champion and needs the level advantage from a solo to make her presence felt in a game; additionally, she's one of the strongest solo laners. She's not a good teamfighter in the first place, and the whole point of picking Nidalee is raping your lane and then splitpushing all game. Without farm, how do you think you can possibly contribute to your team late game? 180 heal (when the ability has a 1.25 AP ratio that you're wasting...)? Unlike the typical support picks she just doesn't have the ability to contribute to her team without farm, unless you count killing wards with her traps. Her skills don't really add anything to a duo lane either outside of the heal. There's no CC to peel people off; you're not going to be able to land spears in the middle of a lane; and you most definitely don't do enough damage to deter people from training your carry.
Traps don't tell ward location anymore.
p.s. 4got thx
United States47024 Posts
On August 04 2011 09:04 Jaso wrote: He's saying that Nidalee's a top pick and should always be played top, because by playing her bot she loses potential. He also said that Nid NEEDS farm (comparable to Orianna, other AP carries, etc). This is true. Half of Nidalee's kit (read, everything in Cougar form) is heavily based around being able to fight champions 1v1. She gains strength midgame if she is outfarming the enemy solos simply based on the fact that she has such a strong splitpush--if she's ahead on farm you can't send 1 person to deal with her, and ganking her is exceedingly difficult because of bushwhack, pounce, and her +ms passive. So yes, you do need farm to take full advantage of her kit. Her map control and splitpushing just aren't as threatening when most of your team is strong enough to 1v1 her.
On August 04 2011 09:04 Jaso wrote: However I argued that in bottom lane you can gear Nid to be an AP carry lategame (dc/lich bane) but still excellently babysit the carry with heals and traps and burst damage. Also because of the range scaling on her spear and health % damage on q Nidalee doesn't need boatloads of AP to do good damage in teamfights. Supports should expect to see something on the order of 3k-4k less gold than a solo laner (based on the per-player gold numbers at Dreamhack) in a game. Add to that the burden of buying Oracles and more wards, and you're looking at being 1-2 big items behind any solo laner in the game. You can't seriously think that you will be an AP carry lategame with any level of effectiveness when you're 2 big items behind everyone else, can you?
Additionally, Nidalee just isn't that good as a babysitter. Cougar is absolutely worthless bottom lane, spears are neither reliable nor mana efficient as far as harass goes, and Nidalee has no CC or other means to divert pressure from herself or her carry if a stronger duo tries to force an engage.
Hm... seems most people agree ._.
Must just be the people I'm playing against; whenever I have to play support I prefer Nidalee over Taric just because she's more fun to play, and have done pretty well.